Chapter 68 Negotiation

"Manipulate a kind of black energy? What else? Do you know what tracking ability he has?"

"It was too far away at the time, so I only saw these with the sniper scope. However, the defensive power of that ability is very strong and can withstand my attacks. As for the tracking ability, I don't know." Liu Ling said.

"Yuhuo, you go contact the 30 Adventure Group and tell them what happened this time. That guy should come with the Hunters. This time, we will surround them." Scarlet Red quickly made a decision and made a decisive decision.

"Sister Crimson, you are a loner, so what?" The arrogant man in leather clothes frowned and spoke with some disdain.

"Isn't it worth being wary of a lone traveler who can crush Brand? And according to the current situation, that guy might bring Esdeath's group with him. Do you think we can beat him? ?”

Scarlet turned to look at him with a strong tone.

"But, this is the opportunity we got to join the night attack after hard work... Sister Crimson, this will allow those people to share the benefits with us. And that is the main mission..."

A short girl stretched out her hand and tried to be seen by Scarlet Red.

"Living is the most important thing. Put the profits and other things later. Do you understand?" Crimson said to her team members seriously, with a serious expression.

"I understand." Although the group of people were unwilling, they still followed Crimson's order and dispersed.

On the other side, Leonai also reported the information to Najiexitan, and the leader looked serious.

"Abandon the stronghold in the imperial capital, and destroy the secret passage later. Leonai, you have a good rest..."

As the leader, Najiexitan still had her own decision-making power, and quickly made the command. Looking at the night attack group in front of her, she issued the remaining instructions.

"Lubbock is no longer here. Next, everyone should pay attention to the surrounding area and keep the scope of activities as small as possible. I have already asked the new members to set up defenses around the area."


Compared to everyone on the night attack side, Anze seemed much more leisurely. After positioning Leonai's position, Esdeath could do the rest.

The general's ability to lay out plans must be better than Anze's, and Anze is also happy to be free.

This is a camp mission, and there will definitely be contractors on the night attack side. According to the personalities of the contractors, there are probably very few who are in the same camp as me.

Anze analyzed the situation in his mind. Otherwise, if he had met Esdeath as soon as he entered the world, he would have been inclined to join the revolutionary army. After all, that was the camp that ultimately won.

The sniper last time was probably from the Revolutionary Army. I hope Leonai can play a sufficient role.

Thinking about the introduction he left on Leonai, Anze was looking forward to it.

The next day, early in the morning, Esdeath gathered the members of the hunters. Anze compared the combat effectiveness of the two sides and felt that things were not safe.

There are still Chitong, Ma'in, Najexitan, Susano'o and possibly Chelsea left in the night attack, plus an unknown number of contractors...

"General Esdeath, please call the three beast warriors, just to be on the safe side."

Anze looked at the assembled hunter members and spoke despite the dissatisfaction of several people.

"Dark Soul, you?"

"The hunter's intuition, I don't know if General Esdeath is willing to believe it." Anze smiled and didn't explain much.

"Do you have intuition? Okay, come here, send a message to Liwa and the others." Esdeath finally chose to believe Anze.

When the three beast warriors arrived, Anze led a group of people towards the suburbs. Anze's soul fluctuations are not far away, but Leonai has Anze's soul energy in his body. For this part, Anze can sense the direction even from a very far distance. After all, it is a part of Anze himself.

The group of people rode horses and galloped towards the suburbs, following Anze into the dense forest on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

In Anze's perception, Leonai's location is about three or four kilometers away from him, which is also in line with the positioning of the base for the night attack.

Anze didn't think much, and rushed over with a group of people. It would be best to directly seize the camp of Night Raid, so as to avoid too many contractors gathering at Night Raid.

According to Anze's guess, the requirements for contractors in the two main plots of Hunter and Night Raid will definitely be quite high, and Night Raid is bound to not have too many contractors.

More than a dozen contractors are standing tall. With the current fighting power of Anze, plus the inner ghost Leone, it will definitely be enough to wipe out the night attack side.

In the dense forest, a strong woman wearing a tight-fitting uniform was setting a trap. She stretched out her hand and pressed it on the ground. The ground spread with a blue mana sheen, and then the ground sunk, and thorns grew out of the ground.

Soon, the ground surged, and the surface of the soil spurs was covered with a thin layer of soil.

Not far away, a sultry man in a leather jacket was standing guard nearby.

"I really don't know why Sister Crimson wants us to be so vigilant. There are so many of us, are we still afraid of him?" The man in leather clothes complained in a low voice. This is a common problem among early contractors, arrogance and arrogance.

Even Anze, who had just entered the world of ghouls, was not exempt from vulgarity. It was not until he was educated by the violator that Anze restrained himself.

"Okay, Ghostface, don't complain. It's not a bad thing for Sister Crimson to tell us to be more careful, right? For safety's sake, ah... just watch the team channel."

"what happened?"

The two looked at each other. They received news from the perception department in their team that an enemy was attacking. The leader was the gunman they talked about yesterday. There was also Esdeath in the team.

"Sister Scarlet is indeed right, Esdeath is here too..."

"It's okay. Your trap should be able to stop them for a while. I'll ask the guys from the 30 Adventure Group..."

"What can I say? They are coming. They are now near the Imperial Capital. Let us support them for a while longer..."

"I hope those guys will be more sensible. That's Esdeath. If we don't join forces, we will be beaten to pieces."


On the other side, Anze, who was riding a horse galloping in the woods, suddenly reined in his horse, raised his horse's hooves high, and the people behind him stopped immediately.

"Dark Soul, what's wrong?"

"There is movement..." Anze captured the soul fluctuations in the distance, appeared within Anze's perception range and then left quickly, as if he had discovered them.

"We seem to have been discovered?" Anze told Esdeath his guess.

"Have you been discovered? Then kill them, Dark Soul, lead the way!" Esdeath made a prompt decision. The group dismounted instantly and headed deep into the dense forest at high speed under the leadership of Anze.

After walking a certain distance, the soles of Anze's feet suddenly became empty and collapsed. Esdeath grabbed Anze's hand.

"Be careful, trap..."

(End of this chapter)

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