Chapter 95 Buying a Gun

"Let's do it like this, two pieces, 16k in a pack, I'll take them away. After all, this is just purple equipment..."

"17." Anze looked at the person in front of him calmly.

"The maximum attack power of the pumpkin turret is higher than most dark purple weapons, at least 17w."

"Okay, then 17." The elegant man opposite gritted his teeth and agreed to Anze's offer.

Here, Su Xiao didn't help Anze raise the price, because he really couldn't afford the things here. Anze's progress surprised him.

Anze bundled the two items, packaged them into 17 paradise coins and sold them to him.

Anze glanced around at the other people, and there were still some people who hadn't left. They were interested in Anze's two skill scrolls, but the prices of the two items were quite high, and they couldn't afford the price.

"Brother, can the price of vampire magic be lower... 20 is too expensive..."

"Dark purple skills cost 200,000 yuan? Brother, really, you don't need to bargain like this." Anze smiled helplessly. His tone did not contain ridicule, but calmly stated a fact.

The contractor also retreated silently without saying any more words.

After a long silence, a man stepped forward and slapped away the blood ghost technique that Anze had placed on the stall, leaving only the Breath of the Moon.

Anze sighed and accepted this situation easily. The ability of Moon Breathing was really difficult to sell. The demand for this thing was too high and it was really difficult to sell it. Anze didn't say much and was ready to accept it. Pick up your stuff and leave.

"Wait a minute, brother, don't leave in a hurry. Someone in our group needs the Breath of the Moon, but we can't afford so many Paradise coins for the time being. Can we barter?"

"Okay, what do you plan to take?" Anze raised his eyes and glanced at the man who stopped him. He was a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard and a sense of vicissitudes of life.

"Here, take a look..." The man in front of him showed the properties of a scroll to Anze.

[Gun Skill: Trembling]

Quality: purple

Type: Technical ability scroll

Requirements for use: Spearmanship Specialization Level 1 or above

Effect of the prop: After use, you will learn the passive skill: Spear Skill: Trembling, and the Spear Skill attack will have additional effects.

Rating: 148

After a moment of silence, Anze felt that this thing was huge and suitable for Ronin Anze, but he couldn't show it on the surface.

"The stuff is very good, but I don't need it. Let's add 2..." Anze made a confused expression for a while.

The middle-aged man opposite frowned and was a little dissatisfied: "Brother, you are not a newbie anymore. I can see that this thing is more precious than yours, right?"

"But it's of no use to me. I can't exchange it for something that doesn't improve me. Ten thousand paradise coins can't be lower."

"Okay..." The middle-aged man opposite gritted his teeth and agreed to Anze's request. This was the price of exposing his true identity in advance.

Anze nodded and accepted what was handed over to him, adjusted the price, and after the man opposite bought it, he turned and left. All that was left on the stall was a pile of junk driven by Ronin Anzai.

Anze had no intention of selling these things and left with them.

Su Xiao left early. He couldn't handle what Anze was selling now. Helping Anze raise the price could easily expose the secret.

Now Anze's deposit has reached an astonishing 53 multi-paradise coins, which is enough for Anze to seriously improve his strength. Now Anze mainly needs to make up for the shortcomings in the equipment of himself and Ronin Anze. It is too difficult to suit the skills of the two of them. found it.

Then Anze looked aimlessly at the market, which mostly contained blue and green props. It wasn't that Anze had a high vision, but that only purple equipment could significantly improve the abilities of the two of them.

Because An Ze had a rough idea of ​​what he needed, so after looking around the market, he didn't stay any longer and walked towards a street in the paradise - Mechanical Street.

Most of the people living here are workers and some contractors who are keen on machinery. Equipment on the technological side comes here.

Then, Anze walked to the employee's shop. The sniper cannon that Anze wanted could be found here. This was Anze's discovery while wandering in the paradise. Many ability systems have streets formed around them. Anze pushed the door open and walked into a shop called Heavy Artillery. The owner was a tall lady with a charming expression in the morning, but Anze knew that 80% of this guy's organs had been modified.

When you touch this guy, you don't even have body temperature anymore.

"Welcome, what do you need?" came a charming voice. The boss had not modified his vocal cords because it was not very friendly to guests.

"Purple or dark purple large-caliber sniper rifle, rated above 140..."

"Specific caliber requirements?"

"More than 16mm."

“There may be high attribute requirements.”

"It doesn't matter."

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment." After saying this, the owner of the store in front of him walked into the store.

After a while, she walked out carrying three huge metal boxes. The three boxes fell on the table, and the metal table made a dull sound.

The boss lined up the three boxes and opened them one by one, revealing three sniper rifles of different styles.

This gun has a somewhat primitive feel, which should not be called a sense of decay. The texture of this gun looks like rotten wood, with a ghost-like head carved on the gun body.

The gun was full of metal, with faint electromagnetic fluctuations coming from it, and a blue luster flowed on the silver-white gun body.

The one that Anze felt was like a large fire stick. It was completely black. Anze reached out and touched it. The gun body had a frosted feel, as if there were a lot of ashes attached to it.

The lady boss handed the item information to Anze and gave it to Anze to choose.

【Decadent Evil Ghost】

Quality: dark purple

Type: Heavy sniper rifle

Number of bullets: 7 (17.74mm caliber)

Durability: 30/30

Attack power: 54-84

Equipment requirements: Stamina 28, Strength 31


Equipment Effect 2: Evil Ghost Resurrection: Consumes 150 mana points to awaken the ancient evil ghost hidden in the gun body and attach it to the bullet. The bullet will cause an additional 100% damage. After use, the user will be backlashed by the evil ghost. , the physical attributes are randomly reduced by one point.

Equipment introduction: The resurrected evil ghost devours the enemy. The next target is you!

Rating: 206

Price: 76000 paradise coins

[gtop01 electromagnetic sniper rifle]

Quality: purple

Type: Heavy electromagnetic firearm

Number of bullets: 5 (16.8mm special electromagnetic bullet)

Attack power: 44-72

Durability: 30/30

Equipment requirements: Stamina 24, Strength 28

Equipment effect: Electromagnetic locking: This weapon is equipped with an 8-16x electromagnetic sight, which can perform electromagnetic locking, allowing the bullet to track the target and hit the target 30%. This ability requires % of the firearm's charge value.

This weapon consumes 5% of the charge value to fire.

Introduction: This is a masterpiece designed by a master...

Rating: 143

Price: 34600

(End of this chapter)

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