Chapter 98 New World: Yanxin Island

A long sword slashed towards Anze. Anze was silent for a while and cursed in his heart.

Damn, both of them are bitches...

The situation in front of him was obvious. The summoner deliberately gave wrong information to mislead Anze. Anze originally thought that guy would be a bit...

However, he still overestimates others...

The abyss barrier was cut open by the sharp sword energy. This was what Anze had expected. In order to drag this guy over, he weakened the barrier.

The chain of the power of the abyss pulled down, the momentum of the sword paused, and Anze picked up the black sickle in his hand.

The black sickle and the long sword collided together. From the crisp collision sound, Anze analyzed that the guy in front of him was holding a purple weapon, otherwise he would be cut by the black sickle in Anze's hand.

Anze's sickle blade hooked, and the swordsman opposite him slid forward. Anze's sickle blade moved towards him. Anze took a step back, stopped the momentum, and made a backhand move.

The opponent kicked Anze directly in the lower abdomen. Anze's lower abdomen tightened and he took this forcefully. His feet were firmly planted on the ground, preventing him from retreating and exposing any flaws.

This guy's direct kick is not at the same level as Su Xiao's later kick. Anze can still resist. Because of this direct kick, Anze caught the flaw he exposed.

Swinging the sickle, black light flashed across, and a blood mark was drawn on the chest of the sword man opposite, and the dark green mark began to spread instantly.

Transparent threads flew out of Anze's hand. Anze was not particular about his moves. He was not from the technique system, so how could he truly engage in close combat with the person in front of him?

The silk thread pierced the opponent's body. Anze stretched out his hand and pulled it. The hand of the person waving the sword paused, and then his hand dropped weakly. He was now fighting against Anze.

Anze put the sickle on his neck easily.

[You have defeated your opponent and your current ranking is: 1]

[Accumulated rewards begin to be settled]

[You get the highest potential basic passive treasure chest*1, temporary title: King of Competition (First Level)]

[King of Competition (First Level)]

Equipment requirements: No. 1 in the First-Level Paradise Arena

Equipment effect: physical strength +2, charm +2

This title was expected by Anze, but as for the other reward, Anze was a little...

Anze was silent for a while, not knowing what to say. This treasure chest is very good and he thinks it is very valuable. The problem is, he can't afford it now.

Su Xiao has the highest potential passive ability in the original work. To upgrade from the first level, it requires more than ten soul coins. For Anze, it is simply a sky-high price.

A soul coin is generally worth hundreds of thousands of paradise coins and upwards.

Anze can only say that he cannot afford to be promoted, not at all.

Looking at the treasure box in his hand, Anze sighed, and then walked back to the exclusive room. Ronin Anze had already bought the equipment, which was a purple spear that cost seven w to replace the blue weapon in his hand.

As for the Marksmanship: Trembling effect, Ronin Anze is also in sync with Anze. That thing is said to be a skill, but in fact it is more like a skill. The effect of using the skill scroll is to understand the Trembling Strength.

Marksmanship: Trembling (passive) lvMAX: The marksmanship you use comes with a trembling attack with extra damage * 0.1.

Anze knew that the usage of this shaking force must be more than that, but he just saw how the Ronin Anze developed it in front of him.

In the final analysis, this ability is still a skill, just like the technical ability Su Xiao learned. The effect of the skill is one thing, but how to use it is another.

Afterwards, Ronin Anze gave Anze another look at the properties of the spear.

【Legacy of Blood】

Quality: purple

Type: Weapon/Lance

Equipment requirements: Stamina 24, Strength: 20

Attack power: 21~46

Durability: 40/40

Equipment effect 1: Blood and Bone Poison: The Bloody Legacy's gun is equipped with blood poison. When attacking, it will cause a fixed blood poison damage of (user's strength * 2.5) to the enemy, and cause 10~30 blood points per second to the user itself. Poison damage, blood poison disappears after the user removes the bloody legacy.

Equipment effect 2: Legacy of Blood: After absorbing blood, Legacy of Blood will gain a blood-stained effect, which will increase the gun's toughness and sharpness according to the user's lost blood volume, up to 50%.

Equipment introduction: The deadly gun left on the battlefield, fight or die.

Rating: 132

Price: 34600 Paradise Coins     The effect of this gun can only be said to be very suitable for the war maniac in front of him.

Anze silently took out the treasure box he had just obtained. Looking at this thing, both of them were silent.

Looking at the treasure chest in my hand, it doesn't matter whether I open it or not.

Both of them are quite numb now, and it would be a waste to give them something that is destined to be effective only at the eighth or ninth level.

Unfortunately, the two of them couldn't get rid of this thing.

"Otherwise, let's open it..." Ronin Anze's voice was a little helpless.

After a moment of silence, Anze opened the treasure box in front of him.

[You opened the basic passive treasure chest with the highest potential, and you obtained the following items]

[Basic Passive: Soul Source]

Type: Basic·Passive Scroll

Prerequisite: Soul strength reaches 5 points

Prerequisite 2: Soul strength reaches 200 points or soul strength reaches 50 points and masters soul energy

Skill effect 1: Soul potential level +1

Skill effect 2: Soul potential level +1, soul ability level +1, soul energy level +1

[It has been detected that the hunter has special abilities and is being determined]

Prerequisite 40: The soul strength reaches points and masters the source of soul energy.

Anze's mood was up and down like a roller coaster. Initially, his heart was already half cold, but then he felt suddenly lifted up again.

Anze and Ronin Anze looked at each other and fell silent. The first level fully activated the basic passive. This...

But without thinking so much, Anze silently used the scroll, and then slapped the Ronin Anze on the side.

He didn't plan to see if he could improve this ability. After all, the money to upgrade this ability by one level was almost enough to arm Anze to the teeth.

Anze was thinking about what he should improve next, but found that besides strengthening the equipment, there was no other place to spend money.

Thinking of his five-game losing streak last time, Anze didn't want to strengthen his weapons for a short time, so he went out and bought some supplies.

After staying in the training ground for a few days, Ronin Anze was developing trembling strength, and Anze was honing the power of the abyss. On the way, Anze fed Yuan Yu some power of the abyss, which caused some special changes in this little guy.

Because of devouring the power of the abyss, this little guy entered a period of rapid growth, but he wrapped himself in a cocoon, and Anze could sense the increasingly powerful soul breath inside.

Time passed quickly, and soon, the two of them were sent back to the present world.

"Original body, remember to make up for it!" Ronin Anze said to Anze through gritted teeth before being teleported away.

Anze nodded, and then the next few days of his journey to this world became a time for various supplementary episodes.

When they returned to the paradise, when Anze and Ronin Anze synchronized their memories, Ronin Anze showed a happy expression, and he was particularly in need of a beating, so Anze couldn't help but give him a few hits.

[Hunter level: Lv.10. You can receive a notification fifty minutes before entering the derived world. The hunter will enter the derived world in one hour. Please wait patiently. 】

[Hunter Servant is currently in a special state, yes/no to bring it in]

After taking a look at Yuan Yu, who had turned into a cocoon after swallowing the power of the abyss fed by An Ze, Yuan Yu still hadn't hatched after so long.

So Anze chose not to take him in, but left enough food for Yuan Yu in the exclusive room.

[The hunter detected will undergo a first-level promotion assessment this time. Due to the special nature of the hunter, the promotion assessment will be skipped and the transmission location will be changed]

[Hunters and their affiliated entities will go to the void - Yanling Star: Yanxin Island for first-level promotion]

[The hunter’s soul strength has reached the standard, please redeem the peer certification authority as soon as possible]

Hearing Le Yuan's words, Anze's head was buzzing, and then he went to redeem the peer certification authority.

(End of this chapter)

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