Chapter 1 Leian

Qingshi Town is a medium-sized town in the Byron Empire in the southwest of Youquan Continent in the Magnolia Plane.

The setting sun was sinking, and the orange-red afterglow enveloped the entire land like a veil. Outside the town, a stream several meters wide meandered away. Under the afterglow, the stream glowed with golden scales.

The stream is called Qingshi River, and it goes up along the river bank to the mountain behind the town. The water rushed down from the mountainside, creating a deep pool several meters in diameter at the foot of the mountain.

At the moment, there seemed to be some kind of monster hiding at the bottom of the pool. Sometimes the green water boiled and rolled, and sometimes it turned like a whirlpool. Seeing more and more movement, suddenly——


There was a loud roar, and a figure emerged from the water, jumped in mid-air, and landed firmly on the flat ground on the left side of the pool.

This man is 1.8 meters tall and has a very young appearance. His handsome and chiseled face always carries a distinct sense of perseverance.

He only had a pair of tight-fitting shorts all over his body, and his exposed body had clear lines. It could be seen from the strong and well-proportioned muscles that there must be terrifying power hidden inside.

After landing, the young man did not stop, but danced the long sword in his hand.

It was an intimidatingly large black giant sword, about one and a half meters long, with a blade as wide as two palms and about one finger thick. Judging from the material, it should be made entirely of fine iron, and it definitely weighed more than a hundred kilograms.

However, such a huge heavy sword turned like flying in the hands of the young man, chopped and stabbed like flowing clouds, and was as light as a wooden weapon.

After a moment, the young man suddenly threw the heavy sword with one hand, then turned around and picked up a long black sword stuck outside the field, and started dancing again.

Compared with the giant sword just now, this black long sword looks much "slender". Although the length is similar, the width is only three fingers. Looking at the size, the weight should be less than one-tenth of the giant sword.

However, what is incredible is that this much lighter sword seems to be heavier than the giant sword in the young man's hands.

Just looking at the movements, it seems that the young man is holding not a sword but a mountain in his hand, and every move is as slow as a grinding mill.

At the end, the young man suddenly stood up, and the long sword in his hand slowly came down, hitting a huge boulder half a man's height in front of him.

The speed of this sword was extremely slow, so slow that it seemed as if the sword blade was gently placed on a boulder.

However, the moment the sword blade touched the boulder, the boulder the size of a millstone suddenly shook, and with the sound of tearing, spiderweb-like cracks instantly covered the entire stone.

Immediately afterwards——


The entire boulder instantly shattered into dozens of stones of different sizes, scattered all over the ground.


The young man took a long breath and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I have been practicing swordsmanship in the pond for the past few years. At least my efforts have not been in vain. I have finally mastered the so-called 'lifting a heavy weight with ease'!"

While thinking about it, the young man skillfully erased the traces of sword practice, then put on his clothes, carried two long swords, one large and one small, and walked towards the town with a smile on his face.

The young man's name is Leian, and he is a member of the time-traveling army. After being reborn in the second-power world, he didn't fully regain his memory until he was six years old.

When Leian heard terms like "warrior", "magician", "sanctuary", "warcraft", "seven laws and four rules" one after another from the people around him, he guessed that he was very Maybe he has come to the world of "Coiling Dragon".

The fact was exactly what he thought. After making special inquiries, he learned from Warren, the fifth-level soldier of the town guard captain, that the continent under his feet was called "Youquan", and beyond this, there were four other areas. mainland.

They are Elf Continent, Red Rock Continent, Nansen Continent, and Magnolia Continent!


When he heard these two words, Lei An didn't know that he was reborn in the Magnolia plane in the world of Panlong.

After that, combined with the memories in his mind, he quickly realized that he should be in the era before the "War of Destruction Ten Thousand Years Ago" triggered by Beirut.

But he had no idea when exactly it was and how long it would be before the so-called "world-destroying war."

Because of this, from then on, Leian felt as if there was a sword of Damocles hanging above his head, and his heart was always pressed by a strong sense of urgency.

You know, this world-destroying war sunk all the other four continents except the Magnolia Continent!

For the sake of his own life, from the day he came into contact with warrior training, he never wasted a single moment of time.

Although he was born into a commoner's family, the lord of Bluestone Town, Baron Laman, was an imperial nobleman with a warrior heritage.

Baron Laman has seven towns under his command. In order to manage the towns well, the baron teaches his soldiers how to practice every year, and then selects those with high qualifications as the guards of the towns.

Although Leian does not have the powerful "Dragon Blood Warrior" bloodline like Lin Lei, because his mature soul has self-control that children do not have, he has always been ahead of his peers around him in warrior training.

When he was 12 years old, Leian was recruited by Baron Laman in advance with the advanced level of a third-level physical warrior, and thus obtained the precious fighting spirit training method - the Black Stone Combat Technique.

Although it is not a high-level secret code, it is better than nothing.

At the same time, Leian also learned about his attribute affinity - the rule of destruction.

Regarding that talent test, it was quite a twists and turns, so much so that Leian still remembers it clearly.

As a noble with a small background, the Raman family has a crystal ball in their family collection to test attribute affinity.

Leian clearly remembered that at that time, he put his palm on the crystal ball for a long time, but the entire ball never responded.

To be honest, at that moment, Lei An was extremely panicked. Although he knew before the test that he was unlikely to have the four attributes of earth, wind, water, and fire, he didn't even have the talent for cultivation, right?

Fortunately, Baron Raman reacted quickly and guessed that Leian might have rules talent.

However, the four rules cannot be tested with a crystal ball like the seven rules. To avoid missing out on Leian, a "quasi-genius", Baron Laman plans to arrange for Leian to test the fighting qi skills of the four rules one by one.

This move made Leian have to appreciate the heritage of the Laman family, which actually possesses all eleven series of fighting qi skills.

Of course, these exercises provided for the guards to practice are the most common and popular, and they are the same as those provided by the imperial military to soldiers.

Leian had also considered joining the army before, but after comparing the two, he finally chose to become a guard of the Raman family.

Although the Laman family imposes heavy taxes on the territory and is very arrogant towards civilians, at least in terms of life safety, it is much better than the army.

Therefore, after making this decision, Leian appropriately revealed his "talent".

Speaking of which, just after Baron Laman gave the first combat qi-destroying technique "Black Stone Combat Technique", Leian actually practiced combat qi in one go, which made both of them very happy.

However, after this success, Baron Laman did not arrange for Leian to continue trying, which made Leian couldn't help but think:

Maybe I still have talent in the other three rules!

Of course, this is just a fantasy. Leian is very clear in his mind that his first goal is to become a saint. Only by becoming the top level on the continent can he and his family escape the disaster of the "World Destruction War". Because of this goal, Leian has not dared to relax for a moment in these years. After obtaining the fighting spirit technique, he practiced hard and finally reached the threshold of a seventh-level warrior not long ago.

At the same time, because he was familiar with Lin Lei's cultivation path, he also carried out targeted training, such as underwater sword practice. This allowed Lei An to successfully reach the first two of the three realms before the Holy Realm:

Perfect control of strength and fighting spirit, as well as lifting weights with ease.

Only the last "power of heaven and earth" has not yet been introduced.

This year, Leian was just 25 years old.

However, as the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will blow them away! In order to develop in a low-key manner, the strength he showed to the outside world was that of a first-time sixth-level warrior.

In the territory of the Laman family, this level is almost the same as that of the group of "geniuses" with the best qualifications who came out of the territory in the past, such as the current guard commander-seventh-level warrior Carl Albert.

Commander Karl became a sixth-level warrior at the age of 25.

Because Leian can perfectly control his fighting spirit, he has been hiding it very well. Even Baron Laman, a veteran seventh-level fighter, has not discovered his true strength.


On the way back to the town, Leian's last rays of sunset quietly dissipated. As soon as he stepped into the town, Leian was greeted with various greetings in person and compliments behind his back.

"Hello, Master Leian!"

"Master Leian is back!"


"Captain Lei An is still working so hard. I have never seen him take three consecutive days off except for tasks in these years."


With Leian's keen hearing, he heard these words of praise word for word. Although he knew that most of them were flattery, he couldn't help feeling secretly happy.

Not long after walking forward, he turned into an alley, and not long after, he stopped in front of a small courtyard.

The courtyard is not large, but the houses are exquisite, showing the wealth of the owner.

At this moment, the courtyard door was open, and a teenage blond girl was standing at the door, looking like she had been waiting for a long time.

"Master Leian, you are finally back. Master and Mrs. Barry are waiting for you to have dinner!"

The girl pouted, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

Her name is Ellie, and she was hired by Leian to take care of her parents. As the guard captain of the Laman family, Leian has a monthly salary of 60 gold coins, which is more than enough to hire a few servants.

Hearing Ellie's words, Leian frowned and said:

"Didn't I tell them not to wait for me..."

Having said this, he suddenly slapped his forehead, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's my fault!"

Although he has tried his best to ensure that he can return home on time every time he goes out to practice, sometimes he is in good condition and will inevitably miss the time. Parents wait for their children to eat together because of family affection. What's more, in the eyes of the Barrys, the current situation is good. Life comes from Leian, the eldest son.

After entering the small courtyard, Leian went back to his bedroom first, and as soon as he unhooked the two weapons, he strode to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, his father Barry had already sat down, and his mother Anne was serving food with an older maid. When Leian arrived, the various dishes had just been placed. He said hello and started enjoying them with his parents.

Barry took a few bites, and his movements gradually slowed down. After squinting his eyebrows and looking at Leian for a few times, Barry finally couldn't help but said:

"Lei An, although cultivation is important, marriage is not a trivial matter. You are already twenty-five years old. I am as old as you and you can already walk. Shouldn't you..."

This is not the first time that Barry has said this. Leian has become accustomed to it from his initial impatience. Before the other party could finish speaking, he interrupted:

"Father, I am confident that I can become a seventh-level warrior, or even higher. Once I break through, I will have at least two to three hundred years of life. There is really no need to worry about getting married."

"Having said that, there is no contradiction between cultivation and marriage..."

Barry didn't seem to give up, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted again by Ryan.

"I know, I will pay attention, but you two-"

As he spoke, Leian looked up at his parents.

"I don't have to work now. I can exercise more. Every time I get stronger, I will live longer. It's not impossible to give me a younger brother and sister when the time comes!"

Hearing their son say so bluntly that he wanted younger siblings, Barry and Annie suddenly blushed. After they looked at each other, they finally stopped talking.

In fact, under the supervision of their son, the couple did pick up the warrior training in the past in recent years. Now, Barry is a third-level warrior and Annie is a first-level warrior.

After the two persisted in exercising, they obviously felt much stronger. Recently, they had indeed planned to have another child, but they had never told Leian about it. Now that Leian suddenly mentioned it, it was inevitable that they would be a little embarrassed.

Leian didn't care. After dinner, he returned to his bedroom and started his usual meditation practice.

He was very familiar with the Panlong Universe and knew the importance of spiritual power. After obtaining the meditation practice method, he almost never interrupted this practice.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, the sky was completely dark. Under the night, Qingshi Town gradually fell silent.

At this moment, Leian opened his eyes suddenly. After a few breaths of silence, he suddenly got up, put on a pair of night clothes, slipped out of the house, and quietly sneaked towards the center of the town, the Laman Family Manor, through the night.

The reason for this starts with Leian's night patrol a few days ago.

That night, when Leian was on patrol, he accidentally saw the guard commander Karl staying in Baron Laman's study so late, and when he left, he had a solemn look on his face. This made Leian feel a little curious and suspicious, thinking about this man. Does Mr. Baron have any plans?

After that, the more Leian thought about it, the more uneasy he became. You must know that he was very satisfied with his current life. If it was broken, it would be difficult to find a safe place to develop in such a low-key manner.

After much thought, he began to investigate secretly and secretly. Tonight was his third night visit to Laman Manor.

As the guard captain, Leian is very clear about the habits of patrolling soldiers. It is easy to avoid them. Coupled with the strength of seventh-level warriors and the perfect control of fighting spirit, he wants to detect between the same level. It is almost impossible to hide yourself in the dark.

In the entire Laman Manor, the most powerful Baron Laman is only a seventh-level warrior. In addition, there are only the butler Ryan, a sixth-level warrior, and Laman's son Benson.

(End of this chapter)

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