Panlong's rules are transcendent

Chapter 14 It’s still early

Chapter 14 It’s still early

"Why, you don't believe it?"

Seeing the confusion in the old man's eyes, Lei An couldn't help but ask a question.

When the old man heard this, he immediately calmed down his emotions and replied apologetically: "Sorry, I'm not strong enough to recognize your strength. I guess you don't mind testing it?"

As he spoke, he took out a fist-sized crystal ball from under the table and placed it in front of Leian.

Leian recognized the origin of the crystal ball on the table at a glance. It was an alchemical artifact used to detect the level of fighting spirit. You only need to input fighting spirit. It is very common.

At that moment, without saying a word, he placed his hands directly on the surface of the sphere, and a purple-black fighting spirit was poured into the sphere.

Soon, a purple-black circle condensed on the surface of the crystal ball. Then, the circle began to spread outward like ripples, and did not stop until nine circles were formed.

The nine circles represent level nine!

The old man could see it clearly, and he couldn't help but get excited again. He looked at Leian carefully and carefully, hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked:

"May I ask your name, sir? How old are you this year?"

From "guest" to "sir" and then to "sir", the old man's posture became lower and lower.

Leian also knew what the other party was thinking, but if he answered all questions, wouldn't it look like he was easy to handle. Thinking of this, he deliberately turned cold and hummed:

"Why, there is a rule that you must provide your name and age when doing business at Youquan Trading Company?"

"Sorry, I made a mistake!"

The old man knew that his question was presumptuous. Seeing Lei An's dissatisfied look, the old man immediately apologized and did not dare to mention the matter again. Instead, he said:

"Normally, when a ninth-level warrior buys a god-level powerhouse, the minimum price is one million gold coins. As for the god-level powerhouse's time to become a god, this is the most basic information, so I'll accept one million gold coins. I don’t know which god-level expert you are asking about?”

Leian didn't know whether Beirut had become a god now, or even been born. To avoid causing unnecessary trouble, he deliberately said:

"I don't know the name of this god-level powerhouse. I just heard others say that he comes from the 'Dark Forest' of the Magnolia Continent."

"Dark Forest?"

The old man raised his brows and replied with certainty: "If it is determined that it comes from the Forest of Darkness, then it is only that one!"

After hearing this, Leian finally couldn't help but get excited. Although neither party explicitly mentioned the name "Beirut", Leian was 90% sure that they were talking about the same person.

No, it's the same mouse!

However, before Leian could speak to confirm, the old man suddenly frowned and said with some embarrassment:

"The origin of this god-level powerhouse is quite ancient. Regarding the time when he became a god, we only have a rough record here. Sir, are you sure you want to continue the transaction?"

Hearing the word "Jiuyuan", Leian's heart suddenly skipped a beat. In his memory, Beirut said that he had lived in the Magnolia plane for millions of years. The "Jiuyuan" in the old man's mouth could not happen to be this time, right?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the "War of Destruction" is not far away?

Thinking of this, Leian did not hesitate and nodded firmly to confirm the transaction.

As an insider of Youquan Trading Company, the old man has been in contact with a lot. The information of these god-level powerhouses has been memorized by heart, and he immediately said:

"According to the records of our trading company, this god-level expert achieved god-level status approximately 700,000 years ago."

"Seven hundred thousand years?"

Leian looked stunned and couldn't believe it. It was only 700,000 years ago. Doesn't that mean there are still at least a million years before the death of the four gods of beasts? Thinking of the long distance, Leian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head finally disappeared, and he felt extremely relaxed.

On the other side, the old man also vaguely saw the change in Leian's mood. Although he felt strange, he refrained from asking any more questions. He just looked directly at Leian and signaled that it was time to pay.


Half an hour later, Lei An strode out of Youquan Trading Company with a few things in his arms.

Leian didn't have millions of gold coins, so he finally paid for the news by selling top-level fighting qi skills.

At the same time, he spent more than 100,000 gold coins to purchase a purification scroll made by an eighth-level light magician, an eighth-level light magic healing scroll, and three master-servant contract scrolls of contracted monsters.

The master-servant contract scroll was prepared for conquering the monsters in the future. He planned to use the purification scroll when he returned to the hotel, mainly to remove the "heart-eroding potion" that may be present in the body. The last healing scroll was naturally used as a life-saving trump card. .

However, Lei An didn't know that the moment he walked out of Youquan Trading Company, the old man reported his strength to the bank's steward, and soon, a file about him was established.

After Leian returned to the hotel, he picked up his parents and Ellie without delay, and went straight to the small courtyard he rented before.

This is a two-story building made of bluestone. It is not large in area, but it has five rooms, which is enough for Leian's family to live in.

After completely settling down, Barry and Annie finally felt relieved. They usually either wandered around the imperial capital or practiced at home, and their lives were relaxed and fulfilling.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed. In the early morning of this morning, Lei An left the imperial capital Maple Leaf City alone, carrying two newly made long swords on his back.

His goal is very clear, which is the Youquan Mountains located east of Maple Leaf City.

There are only two mountain ranges in the entire Youquan Continent, one large and one small. The Youquan Mountain Range is named after "Youquan" and is naturally the larger one. You can also see the vastness of this mountain range from here.

The main vein of the entire mountain range spans the entire continent from the southwest to the northeast. It is shaped like a spindle, wide in the middle and pointed at both ends.

On this main line, there are many branches extending outwards, reaching directly into the hinterland of the three empires, such as the branch in Hashan County, which is one of them.

Because the Youquan Mountain Range occupies a vast area and has lush forests, there are a large number of magical beasts living in it.

Because of this, a large number of powerful people on the mainland rush to the Youquan Mountains from various directions almost every day.

They either do it to gain experience and enhance their strength; or they do it to hunt monsters and earn gold coins. Almost every day, monsters are poached by strong humans to have their magic crystal cores removed.

Of course, there are also strong human beings who have been killed by monsters.

But generally speaking, as long as you don't go deep into the mountains, the danger is not that great.

Now, Leian's goal is the main line of Youquan Mountains, and since he is starting from the imperial capital, he needs to cross half of the Byron Empire.

However, this road to Youquan Mountains is a fixed road. Along the way, Leian met many practitioners who also rushed to Youquan Mountains. From their mouths, Leian learned many experiences that were difficult to notice at ordinary times. detail.

(End of this chapter)

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