Chapter 24 Duke

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it’s the next day.

In the early morning, Leian had breakfast and prepared to go to the palace for an appointment. When he walked out of the gate, he realized that the royal family had arranged a luxuriously decorated carriage waiting for him.

Although it was just a simple move, it really made Leian feel full of sincerity.

The carriage moved forward and soon arrived at the palace gate. Leian originally thought he would need to get off the car and walk. Unexpectedly, the carriage went directly through the door and did not stop until a courtyard.

"Master Leian, please get out of the car!"

Outside the carriage, the waiter's voice came at the right time.

Leian got off the carriage as he was told, and then led by the waiter, walked towards the depths of the palace.

The palace city occupies a very large area, and the guards become more and more strict as you go in. There are almost one sentry every five steps and one post every ten steps. As Leian walked along, he saw that the guarding knights were all sixth-level warriors at the lowest, and there were even many powerful people hidden in the dark. By.

However, Leian did not pay too much attention to these guarding knights. He spent most of his time admiring the palace buildings. Soon, the two stopped in front of a simple and elegant study.

"Your Majesty, Lord Leian is here."

The waiter did not ask Leian to wait outside, but directly reported it loudly.

"Oh? Quick, let Mr. Leian come in."

In the study, the emperor's delighted voice immediately came over.

Leian smiled slightly and walked forward calmly. After passing through the gate, a burly and impressive middle-aged man immediately came into view.

This person is the current emperor!

"I have met His Majesty!"

Leian bowed slightly. He didn't know much about the emperor. He only heard that his name was "Joyce", that he had inherited the throne for more than a hundred years, and that he was also an eighth-level warrior.

"Mr. Lei An, there is no need to be polite. I have heard of your reputation a long time ago. When we meet today, sir, you are younger than I thought."

Joyce did not act like an emperor, but always had a smile on his face. When he said this, he asked curiously:

"I would like to ask, I heard that Mr. Lei An reached the level of a ninth-level warrior when he was thirty years old. I wonder if you, sir, have any experience in teaching me."

Although the training of the warriors is almost the same, everyone has a little secret of their own. Originally, this kind of direct inquiry was very rude, but as the emperor of a country, Joyce also showed a posture of asking for advice, which was not the case. It's quite abrupt.

In fact, coupled with the strength of his eighth-level warrior, it is easy to give people a positive image of being an emperor and not forgetting to practice hard.

For true ascetics, this image is very easy to gain favor.

Obviously, Emperor Joyce had already fully investigated Leian's experience, and even analyzed part of Leian's character based on this.

However, Leian didn't think that much. In his opinion, since the Byron royal family has a holy ancestor, there should be no secrets in the training of warriors. Joyce asked this mostly to compliment himself and gain a good impression.

Thinking of this, Leian replied cooperatively:

"Your Majesty, you are welcome. Your Majesty should know my origin. I am afraid that many things are far less comprehensive than your Majesty's understanding.

"However, since Your Majesty is interested, Lei An is also willing to talk about it. I hope it will be of some use to Your Majesty's cultivation."

After speaking, Leian organized the language in his mind, and then talked about the three realms of warrior cultivation.

Of course, Leian also knew that the knowledge of the three realms was probably not a secret among families with the inheritance of the Holy Domain.

Therefore, during this process, Lei An also appropriately talked about some of his own cultivation methods, such as the cross-use of light and heavy swords, and the progressive understanding of the realm of "shi", etc.

Originally, Joyce just pretended to listen with interest. However, when these useful information came out, his whole body was involuntarily shocked, and then his eyes lit up.

When Leian finished speaking, Joyce grabbed his arm and praised him sincerely:

"Mr. Lei An is truly worthy of his reputation as a genius. I have benefited a lot from your words today!"

Leian smiled and accepted Joyce's compliment with peace of mind.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the back of the study, behind a gorgeous screen.

"According to Mr. Leian, you have already understood the realm of 'potential'?"

As the words fell, a middle-aged man in warrior attire walked out from behind the screen. Behind this man, there was an old man with gray hair in silver robes.

Just by looking at their attire, one can tell that the former is a warrior and the latter is a magician.

Leian was not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of the two people. With his use of the power of heaven and earth, he sensed the two people hiding behind the screen as soon as he stepped into the study, but he never revealed them.

However, Joyce was a little worried about Leian's misunderstanding and took the initiative to explain: "These two are the emperor's personal guards, the ninth-level warrior Mr. Tai Lun, and the great mage Mr. Vincent."

Hearing this, Lei An nodded to the two of them as a greeting, and then smiled lightly and said with a nonchalant look:

"After several years of hard training, I have indeed fully understood the power of heaven and earth not long ago."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man Tai Lun raised his thick eyebrows, as if he didn't believe it. As his eyes glanced at Leian, he laughed and said:

"Hearing Mr. Leian say this, Tai Lun's hands are really itchy. I wonder if Mr. Leian dares to compete with me!"

Dare you?

Leian shook his head secretly and laughed. He thought it was just an ordinary meeting, but unexpectedly there were always people rushing to be his stepping stone.

In this case, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Thinking of this, he moved his right hand, and the black long sword he usually used appeared in his hand instantly.

Considering that he was coming to the palace, he did not carry the sword on his back, but just in case, he did not leave it at home, but put it in the space ring.

With his current status and strength, he doesn't have to worry about others coveting him.

"bring it on!"

At this moment, Lei An pointed his sword at an angle and his tone was extremely calm.

"it's here?"

Tai Lun looked stunned. Although the study was not small, it was absolutely impossible to accommodate the battle between two ninth-level warriors.

Leian's tone was still so calm, "It's enough here, don't worry, there won't be much movement."


Tai Lun's eyes widened. At this moment, he couldn't tell that Leian didn't pay attention to him at all.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about damaging Emperor Joyce's study. Without saying a word, he pulled out the long knife from his back and struck Leian with one blow.


The long sword's light surged, and it cut through the air with boundless power. Amidst a burst of harsh whistling, it slashed directly towards Leian.

As soon as Tai Lun took action, Leian saw through his realm, but he just initially understood the secret of lifting a weight with ease.

To defeat this kind of person, one move is enough!

When his thoughts changed, he stabbed out a sword.

However, such a simple sword completely occupied Tai Lun's field of vision. At this moment, Tai Lun felt that the surrounding space was completely locked.


Before Tai Lun could react, the dark sword tip had already pierced through his aura and pierced the blade.

At that moment, Tai Lun felt a huge force pouring into his chest unstoppably, like a river pouring out. Then, his whole body flew out involuntarily.


With a loud bang, the wall behind the study was directly hit by Tai Lun's body, with four or five huge cracks.

"Cough cough..."

In the flying dust, Tai Lun slowly climbed up with a long knife in hand. At this moment, the look in his eyes when he looked at Leian showed no trace of pride.


Leian didn't stay in the palace for long. After defeating Tai Lun with one sword, he said goodbye and left the palace.

Afterwards, as soon as he stepped into his own courtyard, Joyce's reward arrived with his hind legs.

When Joyce learned from Tai Lun that Leian only needed to accumulate enough fighting spirit to enter the sanctuary, he did not hesitate to give the highest level of blessing:

Make Leian the Duke of the Empire!

At the same time, there is also a duke's mansion located in the eastern district of the imperial capital, a manor located in the eastern suburbs of the imperial capital, and corresponding maids and guards.

Originally, because of the addition of a younger brother and sister, Leian planned to buy a big house, but now he no longer needs it.

Leian did not refuse Joyce's gift, he fully accepted it, and moved into the manor in the eastern suburbs that afternoon.

It was a large manor covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. In addition to enough rooms, there was also a corresponding training ground, which fully met Leian's psychological expectations.

On the other side, Leian's personal information also spread throughout the empire in the shortest possible time along with the empire's newspaper, and even gradually spread to the entire Youquan Continent as time went by.

[Born as a commoner, he cultivated to the ninth level at the age of thirty. What an inspiring story! 】

Everyone who knows Leian admires him and takes him as an example and goal.

For a time, Leian's name was at the forefront of the entire Youquan Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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