I am a teacher in Panlong

Chapter 89 Di Lin is born in 90

Chapter 89 90. Di Lin is born

When Lin Lei saw the purple long sword that was covered in dust for who knows how long, and the blood on his finger dripped into it, the purple long sword was like a sponge, easily swallowing up this drop of blood. Clean, and then a sound of 'buzz' came into the ears, and the entire sword body began to tremble continuously. The dusty surface also became bright and clean as new with the tremors, and the entire purple sword began to A strange blood color spread out, as if blood was flowing in the sword.

Seeing this scene, Drinkwater couldn't help but exclaimed: "An ownerless thing!"

Compared to Delinkovart's surprise, Linley didn't feel much. After all, Zhao Nan asked him to collect the sword. If it had the owner, Zhao Nan would never let him come.

Although Zhao Nan was not surprised that the long sword was an ownerless thing, he could already tell how extraordinary this purple long sword was in just one scene.

While Lin Lei was still observing the self-performance of the purple sword, Drinkwater hurriedly urged: "Lin Lei, quickly, pull out the sword, let's get out of here quickly."

After listening to Drinkwater's urging, Linley suddenly came to his senses. He hurriedly responded, jumped up, grabbed the hilt of the long purple sword and pulled it out.

Following Lin Lei's movements, a crisp sword sound sounded, as if telling his joy.

When Lin Lei recognized his master with blood, he understood that the long sword was a soft sword. Therefore, after pulling it out, he flicked the sword with fighting spirit and wrapped it around his waist like a belt.

After doing this, Lin Lei shouted to Beibei beside him, fighting energy surged around his body, and he started to transform directly.

Although Linley's realm has reached the ninth level at this time, the total amount of fighting spirit has not broken through. Even after the transformation, he is still a ninth-level warrior and cannot use flying.

Therefore, Linley could only use a series of auxiliary magics such as flying, acceleration, etc. to apply on himself.

At this time, there were no monsters in the Misty Canyon due to Lin Lei's massacre. This also made Lin Lei's departure very simple, and there was no obstruction.

But Linley was fast, and the magic circle on the black round platform in the cave was also activated very quickly.

Just as Linley escaped from the cave, the extremely complex magic patterns on the magic array began to slowly glow. As time went by, the light was like a bright silver water flowing through every pattern on the magic array. Marks, gradually... the entire mysterious magic circle lit up, dazzlingly bright.

As the dazzling light appeared, a low roar began to appear.


The roaring sounds continued to echo in the cave, making the light on the magic array even more dazzling.

The bright light became more dazzling, the roaring sound became more rapid, and then the mysterious magic circle began to vibrate continuously.


The black round platform suddenly cracked with three cracks.

After three cracks appeared on the black round platform, the light on the magic circle changed from dazzling to constant flickering, and the roar changed from low to high.

As there were more and more changes, the sound became more and more urgent.

Finally, after bursts of continuous roaring sounds, with a 'peng' sound, the entire round platform shattered directly.

As the round platform cracked, the magic circle on it was also directly destroyed.

After the magic circle was destroyed, endless power burst out from the magic circle, directly creating space cracks visible to the naked eye in the space inside the cave.

The appearance of the space cracks was not repaired immediately, but instead began to spread.

As the space began to spread, the endless earth began to tremble continuously, which made Linley who had escaped or the monsters outside the misty canyon look up.



The sound of explosions kept coming from the cave, and the cave where Thaddeus once lived was directly shaken to pieces.

The moment the cave exploded.


A low roar came from the ground.

The place where the black round platform once stood was suddenly torn out, leaving a big hole, revealing a gap as high as a person.

Immediately, a handsome and enchanting young man wearing a dark golden robe rushed out of the gap with his waist bent to protect three kittens.

Although the young man looked very embarrassed and his face was stained with blood, his eyes were filled with joy.

The person who rushed out was Di Lin.

Di Lin saw that the gap he had just torn had been repaired, but he shouted with ecstasy: "I, Di Lin, finally escaped."

After Di Lin said this, a vertical scar on the center of his eyebrow suddenly opened, revealing an eye with a golden pupil.

After the eyes appeared, they looked straight at the sky and the earth.

After a while, Di Lin couldn't help laughing and said: "This is actually the Magnolia Continent, it's really great."

But before Di Lin could be happy for long, a kitten in Di Lin's arms said, "Father, I'm hungry!"

As the first kitten spoke, the other two kittens also began to shout that they were hungry.

Di Lin listened to the words of the three kittens, but he didn't take them too seriously. After looking around again with his third eye, he said, "Beyond the canyon is the Warcraft Forest.

Go hunt on your own and have a good meal! "

As soon as Di Lin finished speaking, the three kittens cheered excitedly, and immediately turned into three bolts of lightning and flew out of Di Lin's arms, flying straight out of the canyon.

When these three kittens flew out of Di Lin's arms, they began to grow in size, as if they were swelling in the wind.

Di Lin looked at this scene with a smile and slowly walked in the void.

Because of Lin Lei's killing, there were no monsters in the canyon. They all gathered outside the canyon. Some even stayed away from the misty canyon and became wanderers in the forest of monsters.

But even so, there are still dozens of monsters outside the misty canyon at this time.

Originally, these monsters were still wondering about the deep voice in the canyon, as well as the earthquake and explosion just now.

But soon, three huge monsters suddenly appeared outside the misty canyon.

These three monsters are all floating in the air, with a size of more than thirty meters, huge wings on both sides, and six eyes.

When these three giant beasts saw the monsters gathered outside the canyon, they had no intention of communicating with them. They roared loudly, opened their mouths wide, and then an astonishing suction force suddenly appeared on each monster. .

When the dozens of monsters discovered what was going on, they wanted to run away in horror, but unfortunately, they were too weak and could not resist the terrifying power of swallowing.

At the same time, the strange thing about the terrifying swallowing power is that it only acts on those monsters and does not cause any damage to the ground or the surrounding trees.

As the power of swallowing increased, dozens of monsters couldn't help roaring, but in the face of that terrifying power, they could only watch as they were sucked into the mouths of the three monsters. But just when all the monsters were despairing, an inexplicable and fiery force suddenly appeared in front of the swallowing power of the three monsters, directly interrupting their power.


A roar came from the mouths of the three monsters, and then the first monster to speak shouted angrily: "Who dares to stop our brothers from eating?"

As the first monster spoke, the other two monsters also roared.

“Beasts are just beasts, and they don’t understand the superiority or inferiority of others at all.

Today, Japanese God will teach you what the rules are on behalf of your fathers. "

Just after the three monsters roared angrily, a plain but infinitely domineering word came into the ears of the three monsters.

But such simple words made the air quiet for a while.

The monsters that had just been rescued and the three swallowed monsters all stopped what they were doing and looked up at the place where the sound came from.

At the same time, I was thinking about the word 'my god'.

The word god cannot be used casually in Yulan Continent because it represents a high status.

In the hearts of countless creatures in the Magnolia Continent, the only ones who can be called gods are the Martial God O'Brien and the high priest of the Magnolia Empire.

So who is coming?

The three monsters that had just escaped from trouble may not know it, but these monsters living in the monster forest all have guesses in their hearts.

Not to mention Linley and Beibei, who had already fled far away.

"Grandpa Delin, you don't think it's really the one from the O'Brien Empire who's here, right?"

Linley lay down in the grass, tried his best to lower his voice, and asked Drinkwater.

After listening to Lin Lei's words, Delincovoter did not show his body, but said to Lin Lei in the dragon ring: "I think so, except for that person, I can't think of anyone else who can be so strong and domineering. ”

As soon as these words came out, Delinkovat continued: "Okay Lin Lei, just stay safe and hide, it is not easy to see the chance of a god-level powerhouse taking action.

But you must also protect yourself. No one knows how destructive a god-level attack will be. "

Linley nodded after listening to Drinkwater's words, adding another layer of defense to himself.

Outside the misty canyon, although the three monsters had frightened expressions on their faces, they had no intention of giving in. They were still looking straight at the man with flaming red hair who had just revealed his body.

"Who is your Excellency?"

During a period of silence, a voice came to everyone's ears, but it was Di Lin who came out of the canyon.

Although Di Lin didn't seem to be walking fast, his speed was very fast, but he was already in front of the three monsters in the blink of an eye.

When the three monsters saw Di Lin's appearance, they all called their father and felt relieved at the same time.

Although the visitor is a god-level powerhouse, their father is not bad either!

What's more, their father protected them and survived in that hell.

O'Brien looked at the strange young man in front of him and introduced him: "O'Brien!

What is your name? "

Di Lin heard O'Brien's name, narrowed his eyes, and introduced himself.

"Di Lin!"

"Where did you come from?

What are you going to do in my Magnolia Continent? "O'Brien felt Di Lin's aura and looked at Di Lin solemnly and asked.

After listening to O'Brien's question, Di Lin was silent for a moment, as if he was recalling something. After a while, he finally said: "I, Di Lin, don't want to do anything. I just want to live in the Magnolia Continent for the sake of my children." Fight for an opportunity.

As for where I came from, I can only say that I was once from the Magnolia Continent, and the rest is not suitable to tell you. "

After Di Lin said these words, his aura suddenly dropped, and he pressed directly towards O'Brien.

O'Brien felt the aura around Di Lin and couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

To be honest, he really didn't want to pay attention to what Di Lin did.

As the only god-level powerhouse on the mainland, he didn't even care about his own O'Brien Empire. As long as it was an immortal country, he never interfered. How could he care about dozens of monsters being devoured by them.

But the moment Di Lin came out, a voice came into his ears, asking him to test the person who had just come out.

If it had been anyone else, O'Brien wouldn't have cared at all, but the person speaking was Zhao Nan!

With no other choice, O'Brien could only stop the three monsters from devouring them, and at the same time, he took the initiative to expose himself to attract Di Lin's attention.

However, he didn't take Di Lin too seriously. He didn't believe that Di Lin could be a god-level powerhouse.

But obviously, the goal was achieved, but he did not expect that Di Lin would be a god-level powerhouse.

For a moment, O'Brien was a little confused.

O'Brien still knows himself very well.

As someone who had refined his godhead and became a god, he had practiced latent cultivation for so many years and had faith in the O'Brien Empire, but his strength had not increased much.

If he could still be evenly matched with High Priest Catherine before, after so many years, O'Brien knew very well that he might no longer be Catherine's opponent.

And this is why he agreed immediately after Zhao Nan said that he would help him obtain the middle godhead and that he needed to surrender.

Feeling Di Lin's momentum, O'Brien was wondering if he had been cowardly for once, when Zhao Nan's voice came into his ears again.

"Go and test Di Lin's strength."

After O'Brien listened to Zhao Nan's instructions, he couldn't express the pain in his heart. He could only use the momentum around him to surge up, canceling out the momentum exerted on him by Di Lin, and said, "I don't know if what you said is true." Yes, but since you are also a god-level powerhouse, let me test your quality, and at the same time, I also want to tell you that Magnolia Continent is not a place for you to act recklessly."

As soon as O'Brien finished speaking, a ball of flame appeared in his hand, and he was about to fight Di Lin.

But at this moment, a sound that broke through the air came into everyone's ears.

It also made O'Brien, who was about to take action, turn his attention to the sky on the left.

After seeing the person clearly, O'Brien couldn't help but said: "Catherine?"

(End of this chapter)

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