Chapter 108 The battle ended in three seconds.

"It's something important!"

Zhou Shen said excitedly: "Didn't you hear the voice message I sent you? Fengtian City is going to choose you to be the spokesperson of Fengtian City. This is a status that allows you to enjoy unlimited resources and rights!"

"There should be someone in Fengtian City who is more inclined to you. He knows that you and I are very close, so he specially sent me to convey a message to you, so that you can go to the "virtual arena" in advance to experience the attack methods of other levels of extraordinary people. "

"The city-state competition is also held in the "virtual arena," which is almost the same as the battle evaluation secret realm. It completely replicates all the abilities and props of the extraordinary, but you will not die if you die in battle. "

"It just takes a lot of energy to turn it on once."

"Usually the price of a fight is about 10 credits, and only those with big influence can afford it. Fengtian City said that you can use the "virtual arena" for free within this month, and the government will pay for it. "

Unable to resist Zhou Shen's excitement, Chen Miao and Hungry Hou followed Zhou Shen to the Secret Realm Building and arrived at the 14th floor. The 10th to 15th floors were all "virtual arenas" where there were various famous AI opponents. Used for training and accumulating combat experience.

Under Zhou Shen's guidance, he first watched some battle highlights.


Within a few minutes of watching, Chen Miao's absent-mindedness at the beginning turned into a frown. He had never experienced any serious battles between extraordinary beings so far. They were basically crushed by firepower. .

He originally thought that a high-level transcendent was nothing more than having more props, stronger foundation, and higher weapon damage.

But the battle video he watched almost overturned his understanding.

This is a video of a battle between a level 19 fighter and a level 21 archer.

Level 20 is a watershed, because level 20 can be transformed three times, and all kinds of combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. In theory, this level 21 archer should crush the level 19 fighter, but the result is unexpected. It can be said that this The way the two fought completely subverted his cognition.

He didn't know much about the two professions, fighter and archer. He only basically knew that one was a melee profession and the other was a long-range profession.

When the battle begins——

The fighter immediately started "Leap Slash" and teleported directly to the top of the archer's head, and the glove began to glow with yellow light. This was the activation of the F-level skill "Silent Blow". As long as this punch hit, The archer had to be silenced on the spot. He could not use any skills or props and became a living target.

The key frames in the battle screen will be slowed down, and detailed panels of the props and skills used by both sides will appear in the void, allowing viewers to better understand the battle process.

The archer reacted quickly, and his body instantly glowed with white light.


The archer's basic skill can make his body glow with white light for lighting, but almost at the same moment, the fighter's punch did not hit, but his body suddenly retreated ten meters away.

"Far Escape".

A fighter's second-level basic skill can forcibly stop his own momentum and force his body to retreat ten meters away.

When he saw this, Chen Miao was still a little confused. He didn't understand why the fighter retreated. If the punch hit him, wouldn't the archer have to call him dad on the spot? The skill "Illuminate" is useless. Why is it funny to have a white light on your body?

But then, the fighter who retreated ten meters away activated the prop in an instant.

"Cooling Lantern" can instantly reset the built-in cooldown of all F-level skills on the body, continue to jump and slash, and continue to include a silent blow, and the archer's body is once again filled with white light, but this time the fighter does not hold back, directly Smashed it down.


The fighter who was hit by the punch froze on the spot. The archer quickly pulled away, and arrows shot into the fighter's mouth like a violent storm.

"Control the rebound."

The archer's three-turn basic skill. When this skill is activated, all control effects can be reflected in the next three seconds.

Only then did Chen Miao truly understand the first wave of confrontation.

The two skills "Controlled Rebound" and "Illumination" have exactly the same special effects at the beginning. They both glow with white light. The archer was betting that the fighters would not be able to stud in the first wave, so he used the useless skill of "Illumination". After deceiving a wave of key skills from the fighter.

When the fighter's skills were reset and he rushed forward again, he activated "Control Rebound" again.

The fighter knew that this time the control might be rebounded, but he still smashed it out, because at least the key skill of the archer must be used, otherwise he will always be afraid of fighting.

This skill of the archer has a long cooldown and can basically only be used once per battle.

As the battle progresses to this point, the archers can be said to have a great advantage, relying on their long hands to keep pulling the fighters.

"Explosive Arrow"!

An arrow with flames pierced the space and shot straight towards the fighter. After finding that he could not avoid it, the fighter closed his protective clothing and activated the defensive skill "Mountain-like" to resist the blow.

In the subsequent battles, the fighters kept turning on and off the protective clothing. They would only turn on the protective clothing when facing ordinary arrows, and use defensive skills to block damaging skills.

In the process, Chen Miao silently learned another trick.

There is no need to keep the protective clothing on to block all attacks. This will only quickly deplete the energy of the protective clothing. When facing high-damage skills, you can temporarily turn off the protective clothing and use defensive skills to block it. The main function of the protective clothing is It is used as a means of defense to resist some ordinary attacks, rather than to open it directly until it shatters.

The battle space was a huge arena without any scenes. The disadvantage of being the first mover meant that the fighters were kited from beginning to end, with no chance of touching the archers.

"Arrow of Binding"!

The exclusive effect of "Polar Arrow", which hides the third-level professional archer, can cause every arrow he shoots to have a deceleration effect. Under this effect, it is impossible for a fighter to touch the archer.

Seeing that the fighter was covered with wounds and was about to die.

The archer skillfully executes a set of small combos to kill smoothly.

"Explosive Arrow", "Kick" and "Flying Feather"

In the picture, the light effect of wings appears behind the archer. The whole person teleports in front of the fighter with a gleaming light at his feet. The bowstring quickly sweeps across the fighter's neck. This is the archer's classic way of killing Xiaolian. This move has the effect of killing a severely injured enemy with one hit.      is almost a sure kill.


Perhaps the too easy battle made the archer forget that the fighter still had a key skill "Ground Binding" that he had not yet handed over.

The fighter, who had been holding back for four or five minutes, saw a burst of golden light glowing on his body, and then he saw the archer's figure teleporting quickly in front of the fighter, unable to move in place.


Then he saw the fighter grinning ferociously, hugging the archer with both hands and leaping into the air: "I'll die!"

"Hell Hug" and "Skull Splitting".

After a set of standard small combos, the fighter jumped into the air with the archer and slammed it to the ground. Before the dizzy archer got up from the ground, he saw the fighter riding on the archer raising his hand high. fist.

"Deliberate punching."

A fighter's second-level basic skill.

It can store all the damage suffered within ten minutes, and add a fixed damage of 10 times its own strength, blasting a fist with considerable damage, with an attack range of three meters.

The enemy in the center of the fist wind will receive triple damage.

This punch hit the archer directly in the head.

Hiccups on the spot.

Killed with one punch.

The battle ends and the fighter wins.


After watching the entire battle, Chen Miao remained expressionless and silent. He had never found the battle to be so troublesome. Looking at it this way, there were too many things to learn. First, he needed to know all the key skills of other professions. .

Also remember the special effects of other profession key skills.

Also be familiar with the combos of other professions.

You also need quick eyesight and quick hands. If the fighter had been a step slower just now, he would not have hugged the archer and fought back, but would have been killed directly.

It is also necessary to constantly open and close the protective clothing when facing injury to maximize the protective effect of the protective clothing.

Wait for a series of tedious things.

He suddenly understood why there was a university specifically for extraordinary people. There was indeed a lot to be taught here. He also understood the value of the "unique" level, which meant that as long as your battle clips were not leaked, everything could be taught. When people face you, you are an unknown existence.

"What a hearty battle."

Zhou Shen, who was standing aside and watched the whole battle scene, said with emotion and admiration: "This is the strength of a top fighter. The details are very well done. This fighter is Liu Yiquan from the next door Lambei City. Now he is It’s level 29, and it’s probably stronger than before.”

"There is an AI opponent based on him in Fengtian City. What about Brother Miao, do you want to try and challenge him?"

"Ai is level 19."

"Of course the attack method will definitely be different from the battle scene. The AI ​​will adjust itself and have different attack methods when facing different professions."

"it is good."

Chen Miao paused for a while and then agreed. He also wanted to try how he would face this experienced fighter if he were in the scene.

The battle scene appeared in front of Zhou Shen and Hungry Hou again.

But this time it’s not a video, but a live broadcast.

"Level 19 fighter ai Liu Yiquan" vs "level 14 gunner Chen Miao".

The battle soon begins.

At the beginning of the battle, the fighter repeated his old trick of jumping and slashing. This is a starting move that almost all fighters will use. It is very useful whether it is testing or attacking.

But Chen Miao didn't have any means to control the rebound.

But he was more crisp and clear-cut.

I saw thousands of bullets surrounding Chen Miao like a metal storm, spinning rapidly. Countless bullets shot straight into the body of the fighter who jumped above his head, and bounced directly to the ground not far away. superior.

Then he didn't wait for the fighter to get up.

Chen Miao picked up the Thomson submachine gun in his hand, pulled the trigger, and shot it down on the spot. This time the fighter did not use any deliberate punches, but his whole body was turned into minced meat on the spot.

Direct death.

The battle ended in three seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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