I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 134 "Looks like we should have won?"

Chapter 134 "Looks like we should have won?"

These people actually dare to ask for money?

A group of bedbugs living in the sewers of Fengtian City. If it weren't for Brother Miao, he wouldn't have even looked at these people. Now these people dare to stay and ask him for money?

Zhou Shen looked gloomy and did not speak. He just met everyone's eyes one by one without avoiding them at all.

The meaning revealed is naturally self-evident.


Everyone standing in the subway tunnel looked at each other when they saw this, no one spoke, they just dispersed in silence.

Although Zhou Shen didn't speak, his meaning was clear. He obviously didn't want to give the money.

Since they don't give it, they have nothing to say.

He didn't even dare to speak. Zhou Shen was obviously crazy tonight. Anyone who got into trouble at this time was waiting to die.

"and many more."

At this time-

Hungry Hou, who was standing aside, suddenly called out to everyone, and said calmly: "Introducing myself, "Gravekeeper" Hungry Hou, the second-in-command of the tombkeeper, what he said should be considered to have some weight. "

"I'm troubling everyone tonight."

"Due to some special circumstances, I disturbed many people late at night, accidentally injured some brothers, and caused a lot of confusion to everyone. Everyone involved tonight, please come with me to the Sankui Wasteland."

"Brother Miao will be here soon, please wait patiently for a while."

The words fell.

The first person who couldn't believe it was Yuan Buping. At this time, he was looking at Hungry Hou with a shocked face. He and Hungry Hou had known each other for a long time. In their hearts, Hungry Hou was indeed the second in command.

But Hungry Monkey has never regarded himself as the second-in-command, and has never even mentioned this matter. He only regards himself as Brother Miao's follower.

Normally, he was usually just doing nothing, but now he suddenly became so serious, which made him feel a little bit trance-like, a little unreal.

The people around who were about to disperse looked at each other again after hearing this. After hesitating for a moment, they stopped and prepared to follow Hungry Monkey to have a look. They also really wanted to see how this "gravekeeper" planned to deal with the aftermath.

You know, the number of people affected tonight is no less than tens of thousands.

Hundreds of people were executed alone.

If this is not handled well, not to mention the Fengtian Municipal Government, we will be waiting for a flood of revenge in the future.


Hungry Monkey stood in front of Zhou Shen and looked at the group of people in front of him with a calm expression. His face seemed untroubled. In fact, his calves were already trembling at this time. He had never stood in front of anyone before.

Usually Brother Miao is in front, and he stands behind Brother Miao.

It was his first day standing in the front, and he still regarded himself as the second-in-command. This made him panic in his heart. He really felt a little unsure. With his strength, many people present were better than him.

If what he said had no weight and no one paid attention to him, he wouldn't even know what to do.

Fortunately, everyone hasn't ignored him yet.

He actually didn't want to stand up, but Brother Miao might have reached a critical moment, and he didn't reply to the message. And he didn't really agree with the results of Zhou Shen's handling, so he had no choice but to stand up.

Sankui Wasteland.

Countless people came here in various vehicles one after another at 5:30 in the morning.

In winter, it's still dark.

The entire underground forces in Fengtian City came here to build a team tonight.

This is the first time that the "Gravekeeper" has appeared in the underground forces of Fengtian City, and he has appeared in front of everyone with such a high profile.

And in a corner. After Zhou Shen was silent for a long time with no expression on his face, he still whispered: "Hungry Monkey, do you think the way I handled it was wrong? That's more than 10 million, do you really want to give it to these people?"

"These people are the filthiest maggots in the sewer, and it is useless to please them."

"Spending more than 10 million to make these people think that the "gravekeeper" is trustworthy is a loss-making business. "

"Brother Miao didn't reply. Can you really spend more than 10 million on behalf of Brother Miao?"

"Once you open your mouth, Brother Miao won't be able to regret it even if he comes back."

He has no hostility towards the hungry monkeys, but in his opinion, giving these people more than ten million is not worth it.

"Do not."

Hungry Monkey looked more serious than before and shook his head. He handed Zhou Shen a cigarette. He also lit one and put it in his mouth. After taking a deep breath, he looked into the distance through the light blue smoke. Those who live in the three religions and nine streams are calm.

"I don't have any qualifications to spend more than 10 million on behalf of Brother Miao."

"Similarly, you are not qualified to save more than 10 million on behalf of Brother Miao."

"I didn't make a promise to these people. I just asked them to wait here for Brother Miao to come back. I didn't make a choice for Brother Miao. I just postponed the time of choice a little for Brother Miao. After Brother Miao came out, let Brother Miao Choose yourself.”

"But at least it can shorten the fermentation time. If they were allowed to leave like this just now, the news that the "gravekeeper" refused to honor the reward would surely spread throughout Fengtian City very soon. "

"On the contrary, if we delay for a while, if Brother Miao comes out and chooses to refuse to fulfill his promise, then these people will die here."

“The negative impact will be much smaller.”

"Brother Miao and I haven't been together for long, but I know Brother Miao's character. Brother Miao doesn't like anyone to tell him what to do, and he also doesn't like anyone to make decisions for him. You are a little too crazy tonight. You can't do it for the Gravekeeper." Call the shots. "


Zhou Shen remained expressionless in silence for a long time before sighing softly: "I was the one who was abrupt."

"Tonight is the biggest stud of my life. I'm a little emotional. I hope I can understand."


Hungry Monkey nodded, and then laughed: "It's okay. After this, I guess your status in Brother Miao's heart will be much higher. Congratulations on your success in stud."

"Hahaha, I lend you some good words, and I hope you can say more kind words in front of Brother Miao."

Hearing this, Zhou Shen was also in a good mood and smiled cheerfully.


As the hungry monkey said, he succeeded in stud.

Just because of the crazy things he did tonight, as soon as dawn comes, it will be the day he is shot.

But as long as Brother Miao comes back successfully, the sky will never light up in Fengtian City.

He suddenly thought of the scene when he first met Brother Miao. At that time, he had no idea that this seemingly kind-faced man would reach this point one day, let alone that he would one day be crazy enough to risk the lives of his entire family.

The middle-aged man suddenly felt the passion of young people again.

This kind of gambling where failure means death is really enjoyable to play.

Fortunately we won.

"Looks like we should win?"

In a single-family villa in the center of Fengtian City, a middle-aged man with an elegant face was sitting in the study, casually flipping through the paper books in his hand, taking a sip of coffee, and looking at the clock hanging on the wall in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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