Chapter 155 Happy Feelings

"The whole process goes smoothly. This is the highest form of mechanical prosthetics. It all relies on AI. Even if there is no pain perception, it will be based on a 360-degree scan of the whole body to judge the combat situation and the status of the body's injuries at any time."

"Of course, the cost of this set is astronomical, it even looks like Superman and Batman."

"Ordinary people don't have to think about it. It's impossible to do it. There are people in Jingjiu City who do it, but it seems that only people in Jingjiu City can afford it."


Hungry Monkey suddenly said thoughtfully: "I have a question. If the pain perception of a certain mechanical prosthetic body is 10 times that of a normal person, will the other feelings of this prosthetic body be increased?"

"For example?"

Zhou Shen looked at Hungry Monkey in confusion, not understanding what Hungry Monkey meant by other feelings.

"It's just a feeling of happiness, like a mechanical Gouba."


After Zhou Shen was expressionless and silent for a long time, he said faintly: "Yes, just as you thought, the degree of pain and happiness are directly proportional. If you experience 10 times the pain, you will be 10 times happy."


The hungry monkey couldn't help but open his mouth, and said with a faint longing: "Wouldn't that be so exciting? Couldn't anyone give themselves a mechanical gouda so that they can feel 10 times happier?"

"I can't even imagine how happy that would be."

"You can imagine it, let me give you a rough description."

Zhou Shen said quietly: "First of all, before installing the mechanical prosthetic body, you need to remove the front body, and before installing the mechanical prosthetic body, you need to inject a medicine. This medicine can ensure that the machine and the body do not repel each other. This effect is irreversible. Yes, this means that as long as you are equipped with a mechanical prosthesis, even if you preserve your original body organs well, it will be impossible to restore them."

"Generally speaking, few people have the courage to cut off their own gouba."

"But do you think so?"

"It's true. Not long ago, there was an extraordinary person in Fengtian City who did this. He replaced Gouba with a prosthetic body. He looked so arrogant when he went to the club to show off. The prosthetic body has many functions. Not only can he make himself His prosthetic body vibrates violently, and he can even make his prosthetic body play music, sparkle, and many other functions.”

“It was really fun for a long time in the beginning.”

"Until one day the egg of his mechanical prosthesis broke."

"Do you know the pain index for a normal man when his egg is broken? Let's put it this way, the pain of a woman during childbirth is almost the most painful thing in the world, and when a man's egg is broken, the pain level is more than three times more. It was an unbearable pain.”

"This man chose 10 times happiness and 10 times pain at that time."

"When the doctor arrived at the scene, all the veins on the man's body were bulging out, and he was bleeding to death. During the autopsy, it was found that all the pain-sensing nerves in this man's body had been severed in sections."

"I can't imagine how much pain this man went through before he died, but I believe that if he had a choice, he would definitely not be pretending to have this prosthetic body."


The hungry monkey didn't speak, but shrank slightly and looked into the distance with a calm expression as if he hadn't heard anything.


Not long after he left, Zhou Shen sent him a message, saying that Fengtian City had designated him as the representative of Fengtian City. This matter had been decided after he competed with Sangbiao.

After the report is submitted tomorrow, this matter will be truly finalized.

Perhaps the print media left such a deep impression on the federation. Even though few people now get news from the print media, the federation still regards the publication of news in print media as the primary criterion for the landing of news.

Chen Miao glanced at Zhou Shen's news, chuckled and said nothing.

There is no suspense in this competition. In fact, whenever the two of them are a little anxious, those who support Sangbiao will find ways to negotiate a relationship and let Sangbiao come to power. After all, their interests are tied to Sangbiao, but the gap is really too big.

There is no way or temper.

Sang Biao even grabbed a weaker boss first, but the opponent was instantly killed with one shot. Even the people who supported Sang Biao the most were speechless at this time.

Can't say.

The truth is too hard.

"Then it's time to prepare for the city-state competition."

Chen Miao sat in front of a tombstone in the cemetery, leaned against the tombstone and murmured in a low voice: "Look for some videos of previous city-state competitions."

He wanted to see the strength of the people participating in the city-state competition and what the rules of the competition were.

In his heart, his expectation for himself is to be in the top 50. As long as he is in the top 50, it is not necessary to go higher. He will be 50 this year, 40 next year, and 30 the year after that. At least it is rising every year. This is Fengtian. The salary in the city will also increase year by year.

But if you are first this year, you will be second next year, and you will be third the year after that.

Although the results are almost top-notch, they are declining year by year and the senses are different.

What's more, with Fengtian City's background, even if he wins first place, the reward that can be given to him is probably about the same as the reward for winning fifty or sixty. After all, the city is like this. No matter how generous it is, there will be nothing to give. You can't give him anything. Give him the position of mayor of Fengtian City.

It is not impossible.

When night falls, everything becomes silent.

Zhou Shen had personally driven a heavy-duty truck to deliver Medusa. The body, which was seven meters high, was tied to the back of the truck with chains. It looked like a truckload of steel bars.


Zhou Shen jumped out of the driver's seat and wiped the sweat from his forehead and gasped: "This thing can't be transported during the day, it can only be transported at night."

"Are you afraid of scaring people?"

"That's not true. I'm afraid that if the car overturns, it will be robbed by a citizen in the suburbs of Fengtian City. In the eyes of many people, as long as the car overturns, the things in the car will be theirs."

"Hungry Monkey, I've delivered the things. I'll pick them up tomorrow night. Don't dare to mess around."

"rest assured."

After Zhou Shen left, Hungry Monkey excitedly directed Yuan Bu and others to carry the Medusa boss into the cemetery. The security guard sitting at the entrance of the cemetery raised his head and glanced up, then lowered his head again without any reaction.

After all, they are the older generation and they are well-informed.

Chen Miao sighed inwardly that he had no interest in this. After waving his hand, he walked to the tomb to wash up and got into the coffin.

Hungry Monkey is very thoughtful.

Afraid that he would be bored, a tablet was specially built for him on the top of the coffin so that he could watch some videos to pass the time before going to bed. With their current conditions, it was easy to buy a tablet.

He also thoughtfully selected a movie for him.

All he has to do is confirm play.

Nothing else needs to be done.

(End of this chapter)

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