I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 207 "I will report this request to my emperor as soon as I know it!"

Chapter 207 "I will report this request to my emperor as soon as I know it!"

Since their planet has begun to become extraordinary, it is because of the charity of high-dimensional civilization.

Then a high-dimensional civilization must arrange a monitor to observe the progress of this civilization, right?

You can't just let it go, right?

So he started looking for monitors of high-dimensional civilization a long time ago.

But he didn't expect to find that he was actually a monitor from a high-dimensional civilization.

It's just that when he was thrown to Blue Star, all his memories were blocked, and he didn't even know that he was a monitor.

When Chen Miao entered the hell bus, he suddenly found a clue. Just when he was about to dig deeper, he was forced to die. Yes, forced to commit suicide.

"Very annoying."

The mayor looked helplessly at the screen on the wall. What died on Blue Star was just a body, not his real body. His real body had been in the nutrition bin over the years. He was just the projection of his consciousness on that body. , so he can be forced to die.

These bodies are in the hands of the organization.

Only then did he realize that there were many monitors on Blue Star. The monitoring method of these people was their own eyes. The pictures on the wall screen were all pictures transmitted from these people's eyes, and the monitors themselves did not know that they were It's the monitor.

He could see Chen Miao and others on the screen.

This means that one of the people around Chen Miao is a monitor, and he is also looking at Chen Miao and others.

With the recovery of his memory, he also understood the significance of the monitor's existence. He did not need to know too much confidential information about the planet, at least he only needed to know how the planet was evolving from a macro perspective.

It was exactly as he guessed.

Countless high-dimensional civilizations are preparing to escape from the prison of the universe. As long as their speed exceeds the expansion rate of the universe, they can theoretically leave the universe. For high-dimensional civilizations, this expanding universe is a prison for them.

It just lacks strength.

Therefore, these high-dimensional civilizations continue to force all civilizations in the universe to evolve, thereby selecting the civilizations that have successfully evolved and become stronger to join them and become one of them.

It's that simple.

These are top secrets.

The mayor couldn't help but put his chin on one hand and smacked his tongue: "Without any memory or any valid information, I can guess exactly the same. Am I a genius?"

at this time--

All the screens on the walls went out, and the entire room began to flash red lights, and a piercing alarm sounded at the same time.

"OK OK."

"I knew I was fired and I just left."

The mayor shrugged helplessly, walked to the corner of the room, and slowly opened the door. A bustling street came into view. Countless flying cars were operating in an orderly manner in the sky. It was night, and the city's neon lights looked incomparable. Fallen.

Many pedestrians on the road were wearing single-lens glasses, and they could vaguely see countless streams of data flashing past the lenses.

This is a civilization with highly prosperous technology, and it is also his civilization.

And over the city.

There is also a level ranking list, but the level of the first city is only level 21, which is not even as high as Fengtian City.

Transcendence is also present in his civilization.


In the eyes of high-dimensional civilization, planets like Blue Star not only represent new blood, but also represent mice. This extraordinary power is something that their high-dimensional civilization discovered when they tried to break out of the edge of the universe.

Presumably, this force is the real force outside the universe and the real world.

When they discovered this power, high-dimensional civilizations put this thing into some small civilizations. In order to ensure that as high-dimensional civilizations, they could take every step extremely correctly. They walked very slowly and only when those small civilizations After civilization tested the waters, they found an optimal solution among the answers of countless civilizations.

This can ensure that high-dimensional civilization will not be destroyed by this power and can find the most correct optimal solution.

It's a very safe method.

The highest player level in the Blue Star Federation is already over 70, while the highest player level in his civilization is only 40.


He took a deep breath, looked at the strange yet familiar world in front of him, and murmured in a slow voice: "I hope there will be a chance to meet again in the future."

At this moment, he seemed to be half asleep.

I can't tell the difference between illusion and illusion.

"Where is this place?"

Master Miao looked out the window of the Hell Bus with some doubts. The bus drove along the road, passed through the fields, and came straight to a city. The tallest building was only three stories tall, and the architectural style of the city looked quite retro.

The bus stopped quickly.

She saw two groups of soldiers wearing armor and holding sharp weapons standing at the door of the car. Although they were just cold weapons, she could feel some extremely dangerous smells from these weapons.

Just when she was a little overwhelmed.

The space was suddenly broken. A middle-aged man wearing armor walked out of the crack in space with a sharp blade in his hand. He looked at Master Miao with a respectful look and said in a hoarse voice: "This is the fifth-level civilization "Da Qin". I received news that the young master was 67 when he was alive. A super extraordinary person, I have been specially ordered by my emperor to wait for the young master here. I hope that the young master can stay in "Great Qin" in the future and assist my emperor in making "Great Qin" more prosperous. "

"To this end, we can meet any conditions of the young lady."


A glimmer of light flashed in Master Miao's eyes: "Can you let me go home? I want to go back to Blue Star."


A trace of embarrassment flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and his head lowered slightly: "This... can't be done. We can only stop the hell bus, but that's it. We can't send the young master home."

"Is it someone who has something to remember at home?"


"Although we cannot send the young master back, we can guarantee that one day, when "Da Qin" is strong enough, the young master will be reunited with his family. "

The middle-aged general said pleadingly.

This price is not small.

But in exchange for a level 67 transcendent, it would be a bloody gain. For a level 67 transcendent, he could not even imagine how many detours this kind of existence would save Da Qin from. The reason why a young general like him came to welcome him was It's not because His Majesty doesn't pay attention to it.

But His Majesty is too busy to get away.

A level 67 transcendent is on this hell bus. This news has been known to many civilizations.

Who doesn't want that?

Everyone wants it.

You must know that the highest level of extraordinary beings in "Great Qin" is only level 42. A level 67 extraordinary person can not only tell them a lot of secrets of high-level extraordinary abilities, but also experience a large number of events, etc. The value of this experience is Unforgettable.

His Majesty is leading the army to confront seven civilized armies at the same time. His attitude is extremely strong. This person must be from their "Great Qin". All the people who can stand up to the stage have been sent out, and finally he is allowed to come here, a little guy with no name. greeted.

"oh oh."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Master Miao's eyes, but soon she suddenly thought of something again. Excitement flickered in her eyes. She looked outside at the seemingly desolate ancient city. This is what Brother Miao told her. After death, there are Is it possible to travel to other worlds?

It really is so.

Brother Miao didn't lie to him.

Fortunately, her memory has not been erased, which means that she will have the opportunity to see Brother Miao again in the future. She still looks at the road where she came from with some difficulty. She obviously feels that the journey is so short, is it really impossible to go back?

"By the way, do you know about Earth?"

Master Miao looked at the middle-aged general.

Brother Miao once told her that Brother Miao's home planet is a place called Earth, not Blue Star.


The middle-aged general frowned and thought for a moment before shaking his head and saying, "I don't know, it must be an inconspicuous civilization. Did the young lady agree to stay?"


Mr. Meow nodded heavily and got off the bus: "You can satisfy my request just now. I hope you can find a planet called Earth, okay?"

"no problem!"

The middle-aged general responded with a serious face: "I will report this request to my emperor immediately!"

Then he took out his watch from his pocket, found a friend named "Prime Minister Zuo Li Si" in his friend list, and immediately sent a message.

"Report to Prime Minister Li, the mission has been successfully completed, and the young master is willing to stay in Daqin to assist my emperor!"


Master Miao looked at the watch on the wrist of the middle-aged general and was a little lost: "Isn't your "Da Qin" an ancient style? Why do you still have a watch? Isn’t this something unique to technological civilization? "

"Oh, this, please report back to the young lady, we stole this from other civilizations."

The middle-aged general raised his wrist with some pride: "This thing is very convenient for communication. It is much faster than the burning wolf smoke we used to send messages."

Master Miao nodded, and then looked at the way he came from again: "How old are you today? Don't always call me young master. Call me by my name. My name is Master Miao."

"Yes, I am 2173 years old this year. More than 2000 years ago, His Majesty found the elixir of life and the immortal method. He asked everyone in the country to take the elixir and practice the immortal method. Since then, the whole country has ascended and everyone is like a dragon. After so many years of hard work, in One hundred and thirty-seven years ago, we successfully reached level 5 civilization."


Master Miao stuck out his tongue and said nothing. He is 2173 years old. This is too long to live. So are all people in this country immortal? Isn't this too perverted? !

In fact, she wanted to say that a small boss has been around for more than 2000 years, and you can't do it either.

But she would only say these words in her heart and never say them out loud. After all, saying them would be too offending.

I don’t know when I will see Brother Miao again.

"Brother Miao? Brother Miao?"

The hungry monkey standing next to the barbecue stall looked at Chen Miao who was in a trance, and tentatively waved his hands in front of him: "Brother Miao? This is reality, not a dream. Brother Miao, are you a little confused? Already?"

(End of this chapter)

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