Chapter 214 "Is this the hell bus?"

It was for these reasons that he followed after struggling all night. Although he didn't know what he would face in the future, since he had been tied to Brother Miao from the beginning, he had no other choice.

Even if he stays in Fengtian City.

Everyone will still regard him as Brother Miao's person.

Chen Miao didn't say anything more. He just took a group of people on the Hell Bus and prepared to go to the deepest part of the extremely cold land. However, there were too many people, which exceeded the maximum number of people he could carry. He could carry up to 17 people, and it was obviously already Exceeded.

But it’s not a big problem.

Just one more trip back and forth.

Not a big deal.

"Is this a hell bus?"

When the old man guarding the tomb sat close to the bus and looked at the scenery in different spaces on both sides, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. Then he laughed out of nowhere and said in a low voice: "It's interesting."

Now Chen Miao has encountered the first problem of his relocation, and this problem seems to be a bit serious.

And to the naked eye, these clouds seem to be only a few thousand meters above the ground.

The sound was so low that no one in the car heard it.

On normal days, the distance of these few kilometers is not a big problem. It only takes a few cigarettes. But the problem is that in the deepest part of the extremely cold place, the temperature here is almost close to the lowest temperature, and it is extremely difficult to move. Yes, the distance of a few kilometers may not be so easy to reach.

It's that dry and cold kind of thing.

The Hell Bus can stop in any corner of the world, as long as there is a road in that corner, the Hell Bus can arrive at it smoothly, but the problem lies here, no one has set foot in the deepest part of that extremely cold place, where are the roads? .

After the world became supernatural, this place became completely inaccessible.

The first feeling is cold, the temperature is very cold.

They made preparations before getting off the bus.

The Hell Bus successfully stopped on a cul-de-sac in the depths of the extremely cold land, only a few kilometers away from their chosen target location. As long as they could reach it successfully, that would be their new home.

How can there be roads when there are not even human settlements?

It's just that this section of the road is still several kilometers away from their goal.

After rummaging around the Hell Bus route for a long time, he finally found a dead end road. It was just a road built before the world became extraordinary and the deepest part of the extremely cold land was not completely forbidden.

The hungry monkey looked at the scene in front of him with shock in his eyes, and whispered in a daze: "No wonder the extremely cold place is the first of the ten forbidden places. How can normal people survive here?"

"My mother."

The air is extremely dry, and there is no sense of moisture in anyone. The cold air stabs people's faces like a knife, but if that's all it is, this place can't be called a forbidden place.

after an hour.

As soon as they got off the bus, Chen Miao and his party were all so shocked by the scene in front of them that they couldn't help but open their mouths.

What really shocked them was that what they saw was an entire desert, with not a trace of snowflakes on the ground, and dark clouds spreading for countless kilometers in the sky. Those dark clouds seemed to have condensed into substance, floating above their heads.

Not surprisingly, they will live there for a long time.

As extraordinary beings, their physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people. In addition, they have prepared a large number of means to protect themselves from the cold. Everyone has wrapped themselves tightly. Although the weather is cold, there is no fatal risk in a short period of time.

It gives people the feeling that it will fall down at any time.

Perhaps this is the so-called oppressive feeling of dark clouds pressing down on the city.

In addition - the entire wasteland is covered with a large number of secret entrances. Secret entrances are not uncommon. Many secret entrances can be seen in the wasteland of Fengtian City. Secret entrances that have not been perfectly cleared will appear randomly in the wild. somewhere in the corner.

The entrance to the secret realm is a vortex.

Highways in the wild and suburban areas are life-threatening. When you are driving, if a vortex entrance to a high-level secret realm appears in the middle of the road, and you dive in without having time to apply the brakes, you will basically not be able to get out alive. .

of course.

This situation is rare. After all, it is difficult to encounter such a coincidence, but it is not impossible.

And here it is.

Countless secret realm entrances are scattered around, many times more than the secret realm entrances in the wasteland of Fengtian City. One secret realm entrance is next to the other, almost blocking the entire surrounding area.


Can't say enough about it.

It should be said that all the places visible to the naked eye are surrounded by the entrance to the secret realm. Only the road under their feet does not have the entrance to the secret realm.

For them at this moment, there are only two ways to reach the target location.

The first way.

Fly over at low altitude.

The second way.

Find a passage among the many secret entrances.

But soon.

They discovered that the first method could be passed, and the reason was very simple. Hungry Monkey tentatively took out an F-class weapon from his arms and threw it into the air. Then he saw that the weapon reached a certain height. At that moment, it suddenly froze strangely in the air.

There was a pause for less than a moment.

The entire weapon was suddenly covered with frost, and then the weapon was seen falling straight to the ground and broken into more than a dozen pieces.

"Sure enough."

Hungry Monkey said with a complex expression: "From just now until now, when I haven't seen a sparrow in the sky, I had this hunch that the temperature above my head seems to be much lower than the ground."


Yuan Buping was silent and didn't speak. He was thinking about whether he should refute it at this time. It's strange to have sparrows in the air at this temperature, okay?

After Chen Miao raised his head and glanced above his head, he also took out a few sundries from his arms and tried them. Without exception, he was instantly frozen in mid-air, and then fell to the ground and became fragments.

It's a bit like freezing instantly.

The height is about three meters.

Chen Miao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up at the top of his head. At a height of more than three meters, the air will be cold to a certain extent. Under the blessing of natural force or some kind of extraordinary power, when any object exceeds the height of three meters, They will be absolutely frozen in an instant.

This also means that it is an unrealistic idea to cross these densely populated secret realm entrances at low altitude.

The height of most secret realm entrances is between two and seven to three meters. Let alone whether they can fly or whether their flying methods can be controlled so freely. Even if they can really fly, they will not be able to succeed on such a dangerous route. Arrive at destination.

This is almost an impassable route.


Chen Miao glanced around and nodded, smiling with satisfaction: "The place the hungry monkey found is good. It is absolutely hidden. There are so many natural barriers here. If outsiders want to find us, it will take a lot of effort."

(End of this chapter)

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