Chapter 218 Thunder!

He stood up immediately and looked inside the village. Sure enough, there was an old man sitting in front of a tile-roofed house. At this time, the old man was holding a dry cigarette in his mouth and looking towards them.

He was in this old man's body just now.

He now really wants to know whether the old man is in his body now, whether he is himself just now or the old man himself. Things are getting more and more confusing, but just when he is about to get up and ask.

A familiar voice came to my ears again.

"Sir, we are tourists from out of town. We have no intention of coming here. I wonder if we can go into the village to visit."

He turned and looked.

Then I saw myself and the hungry monkey coming to ask for directions with kind faces.

While asking, he kindly gave each of them cigarettes.


He must find the other person.

This passage is very familiar!

"Let's search again. I always feel that this secret realm is not that simple, but as the saying goes, there must be monsters when things go wrong. If there is nothing weird at all, then we can just stay put and wait for the secret realm to end. "

He lit his cigarette in silence and began to clear his mind while puffing away smoke.

He hurriedly hid on the other side of the wall.

Only then did he remember that if this old man was really himself just now, then he should be still frantically destroying some weird things, such as human flesh in the pot, photos of people's remains, diaries that revealed information, etc.

Then he asked him face to face whether the other person was him or not.

"Brother Miao, your guess may be right. The introduction panel of this secret realm is really misleading us."

He saw that the neighbor's hoe placed in the yard was now full of mud, which meant that he had already started to take action.

Just when he and Hungry Hou walked into the village, he got up and walked down the bridge, ready to go to the old man who was smoking a dry cigarette and ask if the other person was him just now.

at this time.

"This village looks normal, nothing weird at all."

But his first priority is still to try to survive. Although he doesn't know what happened, this secret realm has begun to develop in a direction that he can't understand at all, but trying to survive remains unchanged.

the reason is simple.

Only to find that the old man had disappeared.

He heard a voice not far away. It was the voice of himself and Hungry Hou. The other party was in another alley and was about to come to him.

Hiding behind the wall, Chen Miao's eyes were full of horror at this time. He no longer needed to confirm whether the old man holding the cigarette was him just now. He could already be 100% sure that the old man holding the cigarette was the same person just now. of myself.

It was exactly what he said when he was talking to Hungry Monkey, intact!

But these words exploded in his mind like thunder!

But when he walked to the old man's tile-roofed house.

Chen Miao was completely silent. He didn't know what happened. He had obviously completed the task, so why did he return to this secret realm and change his identity? He just quietly accepted the cigarette.

So far.

There are a total of three selves in this secret realm.

The self then, the self just now, and the self now. In other words, three selves exist in a secret realm at the same time.

And he also suddenly realized something. For him at that time, this was an F-level secret realm, and the mission goal was to survive for 12 hours. But for him just now, this was an E-level secret realm, and the mission goal was to survive for 12 hours. Hour.

All are 12 hours.

Logically speaking, these two tasks are in conflict, but in fact they are not.

If I remember correctly, it took about four or five minutes after I appeared in the secret realm before I showed up at the bridge with Hungry Monkey. In other words, although both of them had a 12-hour mission.

But actually there is a time difference in between.

As long as the self just now dies immediately after the survival time is completed, this will not only allow the self just now to complete the task, but also allow the self at that time to complete the task and clear this secret realm perfectly.

A moment!

He suddenly realized the meaning of this secret realm.

The real mission of this secret realm should be to find a way for the three of them to complete the mission of this secret realm at the same time.

And if his plan just now was really successful, then he would really choose to stand still until the mission failed, and then he would also fail the mission. The price of failure may be that he will always be trapped in this secret realm, and Or it might cause you to not pass this secret realm perfectly at that time, thus affecting the time trajectory of everything that follows.

After thinking about it for a moment, he instantly understood what his mission was.

Very simple -

"Destroy your plan just now, find the time difference, and let all three of you complete the task at the same time."

Seeing that the sound on the other side of the wall was getting closer and closer to him, he didn't hesitate at all. He climbed over the wall and ran to the neighbor's yard. He immediately took out the hoe that he had made old and cleaned it, and then used it as new as before. Place it in place.

Then he immediately ran towards the next house without stopping.

The smell of food is wafting out of this house.

When he ran, the bloody scene had been cleaned up, and the pot was stewed with fragrant pork. He ran to the well in the backyard, leaned down and saw a large number of human organs at the bottom of the well.

This is the scene I just cleaned up.

Move on to the next one.

The originally weird portraits, wax figures, etc. were all destroyed. He wanted to fish them out from the bottom of the well, but it was obvious that this project was not a simple matter, so he estimated the time, and when he was sure that he had left the third house just now, .

Then he hurriedly ran towards the third house where the diary was hidden.

He didn't plan to meet his old self at this time. Many things couldn't be explained, and he didn't need to explain. Although the human flesh and photos were destroyed, the diary should still be easy to repair.

Chen Miao quickly ran to the third house. Sure enough, the diary originally placed in the cupboard had disappeared. If nothing else, it must have been swallowed directly by herself.

After rummaging around in this house for a long time, he quickly found a new diary and pen.


Chen Miao took a deep breath and without any hesitation, he wrote all the information in his mind in this diary. He decided to forge a diary, and in order to avoid making himself suspicious at the time, he found that the handwriting was different from his own. The handwriting is the same.

He deliberately made every word crooked.

It's completely different from my own handwriting.

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to stuff the diary into the cupboard, waiting for him to discover it at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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