I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 220 There are always more solutions than difficulties.

Chapter 220 There are always more solutions than difficulties.

This feeling was very strange. The whole world was black and white. He even felt that he had traveled through a black and white TV and could not feel the air flowing.


The air stopped flowing.


Chen Miao, who suddenly felt a little hypoxic and suffocating, took a step back subconsciously. A large amount of oxygen poured into his lungs again. The air was not circulating. The position where he was standing just now had already exhausted all the oxygen facing his mouth. If you want to breathe again, you can only breathe oxygen from other places.

This setting is quite tricky.

The whole world seemed to be completely suspended.


During the time pause, attacks against other players seemed to be harmless. After a slight hesitation, he stuffed the Thompson submachine gun back, then rolled up his sleeves, swung the Thompson submachine gun and started firing at the tomb guard in front of him. The members slapped and swung them away.

His hidden profession does not allow him to attack with his bare hands.

But now it seems that the extra hour can only be used for observation at best. Other than that, it doesn't seem to have much effect, and this skill is completely passive.

"Like this."

It cannot be opened or closed automatically.

It’s not that I think I’m noble, I think I’m much nobler than ordinary people.

He didn't do anything extraordinary. If an ordinary person had obtained this ability, he might have done many extraordinary things, such as taking off his pants and stuffing his brother into other people's mouths.

Just don't treat him like a human being.

For example, if he wants to end the time-standstill state in advance now, he cannot do it. He can only wait until the end of this hour and it will end automatically.

From now on, when it's almost midnight, you must not go to a confined space that you cannot leave, otherwise you will be trapped there for an hour, running out of oxygen, and waiting to die in vain.

It turns on automatically when the time is up and turns off automatically after one hour.

As long as a person is in a time-static space where he will never be discovered by others.

The strength value given to him by the dark coffin has been fully filled up. In addition, the strength potion he took and the upgrade also added a lot of attribute points to his strength. At this moment, he held down the gun with all his strength. It is no exaggeration to say that, It's so simple for an ordinary person to have his head whipped around his neck.

Chen Miao gradually stopped what he was doing, and looked thoughtfully at the unharmed member of the Tomb Keeper in front of him. In this way, this passivity has lost its greatest effect.

But these things are completely indifferent to him.

It can be viewed simply as a complex of countless desires coming and going.

But as the saying goes, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Just use the butt of a gun to swing it, and it will be more enjoyable.


Several attacks with all his strength did not cause any damage to the tomb guard member in front of him.

Morality, law, and human society, these three things are the three mountains that suppress human nature. When these three things disappear, it will really become a devil in the world, and hell will be empty.

He originally thought that during the one hour pause in time, he could carry out an assassination that would be absolutely undetected.

in the coming time.

One thing is worth noting.

But when he was in the dream state for fifty years, all his actions were driven by his subconscious mind. All the crazy things he had never done in his life were all done in the dream state. It was called living together, and it was regarded as the memory of the dream state. When the memory slowly merged with reality, he didn't expect that he could play so well in his dream.

Already tired of it.

An hour passed slowly. When the black and white countdown in mid-air reached zero, the entire black and white world shattered instantly like a mirror. Then the entire world began to return to color visible to the naked eye, and then everything came alive again. That's all this skill does.

An E-level skill.

But it is far more than E-level skills. It must be at least B-level to be worthy of the concept of time pause.

Perhaps because the nodes used are uncontrollable, this skill is only E-level.

Then Chen Miao immediately looked at the man who had just been hit in the face with the butt of his gun. Sure enough, there was no injury at all on the man's face, so he was clean.

"Brother Miao."

at this time--

Not far away, Zhou Shen strode over with a serious look on his face. He stood in front of Chen Miao and said solemnly: "Brother Miao, you told me yesterday that this world is a bit dangerous. Now there are many people who are ready to attack us. Although I don’t know who the enemies are.”

"But we might be able to take some precautions."

"I thought of a plan."

"For example, we can find a wife for Brother Miao."

"Go and pick a beautiful woman from outside and bring her back to be Brother Miao's wife. If someone wants to deal with Brother Miao in the future, they might kidnap Brother Miao's wife."

"That's exactly the trap we fell into."

"We can fill this woman's belly with high-intensity bombs that can be exploded remotely at any time."

"And this news can be hidden from the members of the Tomb Keeper force. If there is a traitor among these people, they can be found out immediately. But I only scratched the surface. I always feel that there is something in this plan that I didn't expect. There are loopholes, but I can’t figure it out.”

"I just wanted to come and ask Brother Miao for advice."


Chen Miao smiled and patted Zhou Shen on the shoulder. After a long pause, he said softly: "No, it doesn't have to be so complicated. The world is very complicated, but in fact it is also very simple. We only find it complicated because we are too weak. "

"As long as you are strong enough, everything is simple."

"Focus on improving your strength first."


Zhou Shen nodded heavily: "My horizons are a bit shallow, and I'm not as far ahead as Brother Miao thinks, so I'll go down and get busy first."

"Well, let's go."

After Zhou Shen left.

Chen Miao just looked around. At this time, the members of the tomb keeper, under the leadership of Yuan Buping, assembled all the large tools transported by the Hell Bus one by one on the spot. They all gathered on the highway and dug out not far from the highway. A pit several meters deep.

There were originally several F-level secret realm entrances above this pit, but they have all been cleared.

What they have to do at this time is to dig the pit deeper, and then start to expand horizontally deep underground to build a dungeon of their own. This is not a simple project, but with the blessing of various extraordinary props, and Considering the cost, this project is not that difficult.

The weather is cold.

This is already the deepest part of the extremely cold place. If you pour cold water on a person and then throw him on the open ground, within three seconds, with just a light punch, the person will turn into ice slag and shatter into pieces. Split the ground.

Next to the pit, there are several sunflowers.

(End of this chapter)

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