I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 222 The name of the secret realm: A filial son from a poor family!

Chapter 222 The name of the secret realm: "A filial son from a poor family"!

"This matter has nothing to do with us, let the federation handle it."

"Let's all get busy."

Chen Miao shook his head and did not think about this matter again. At this moment, he just felt that it was not worth it for Master Miao. Since this group of people was basically 100% certain to die, and their ending was doomed from the beginning, then Master Miao's sacrifice was completely There is no meaning anymore.

But in fact, he knew it in his heart.

If there were no Master Miao, and the people in Zhenba City would all die in the misery of the world, instead of dying slowly as they do now, then the door to hell and the world would be opened, and it is hard to say what would happen by then.

What's more, if it weren't for Master Miao's sacrifice, it would be difficult for him to have anything to do with Master Miao.

It can only be said that everything is fate.

Just when he thought this matter had nothing to do with him, a panel suddenly popped up in front of him.

"Ding, the precondition has been triggered and the curse has taken effect."

"You stopped a demon's ritual, and the demon cursed you in anger."

"Curse effect: You will be forced to teleport into a secret realm that is two levels higher than the highest clearance level. You cannot have a prop in your backpack and enter empty-handed."

"The secret realm is now selected."

"If you manage to emerge from this secret realm alive, you will gain the highest respect and admiration from this demon."

But he was a little frightened by the difficulty of this C-level secret realm.

"Name of the secret realm: A filial son from a poor family."

Without any experience, entering a C-level secret realm rashly is basically the same as waiting for death.

Sorry little meow.

It’s not like you’re going in empty-handed.

"Choose success."

He quickly apologized quietly in his heart.

I didn't expect that the aftermath of this matter is not over yet. How many things has he done? How much can he stop? Why don't you go to Master Meow? She is the culprit, okay?

When this panel popped up in front of him, Chen Miao's face instantly darkened. Damn it, he had stopped a certain demon's ritual. He had done nothing recently. At most, he had prevented the fall of Zhenba City, okay?

C-level secret realm, damn it, is this something he, a level 15 transcendent, can enter?

As for the backpack that couldn't contain any props, he wasn't too worried. There was a free space, and he didn't really like putting things in the backpack. The free space had more space.

"The player will be forcibly teleported to this secret realm after 3 minutes."

Very complicated.

But soon, Chen Miao reacted.

"The secret realm of the 7-person team."

The highest level of the secret realm he has passed is E level, and the curse effect is two levels higher, which is C level.


The secret realms above D level are basically large-scale plot-type secret realms, which not only test the player's power, but also test each other's cooperation ability, insight, logic, character, etc.

A long, long time ago, Dr. Gou gave him a popular science. He basically had to kill all the way to the D-level secret realms below. In fact, except for the E-level secret realm he just entered, which is a time loop type, the secret realms he had cleared before were indeed all the way to kill. Enough.

There were only 3 minutes left before he was forced to enter the secret realm. Time was running out. He quickly upgraded the idle space in his mind, ran in the direction of the old gravekeeper, and started searching for experience on the Internet.

Three things in one mind.

That's called busyness.

At this moment, he really wants to pause time for an hour. Damn it, if only he could be given time to pause at this time. He wouldn't have to be so anxious. No wonder it's just an E-level skill that can only pause time at fixed events. Damn it. What a waste.

He, who rarely used swear words, couldn't help but cursed in his heart.


He found a perfectly matching question online, on a Q&A platform.

"What do I need to prepare for entering a C-level secret realm for the first time?"

The upvoted answers below are also very brief.

"Waiting to die."


Chen Miao's face suddenly darkened again. He actually wasted this precious time on this kind of rubbish question and answer platform. He felt that his brain must be short-circuited. He actually expected to find something useful on this kind of entertainment platform. information.

Go to hell and die!

He has successfully cleared two E-level secret realms, and the Space of Nothing is ready to be upgraded again.


A panel pops up in front of you again.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully upgrading the Nothing Space to Level 4."

"The current non-occurring space is level 4, and the size of the space is 20 meters in length, width and height."

"And you will get an exclusive skin for firearms, '猰貐', and a production line of ammunition of one caliber, as well as 'Mirror Flowers, Water Moon'*1."

The free space upgrade was successful! The conditions for upgrading to level 4 are to consume 10 star coins, perfectly clear two E-level secret realms, and successfully survive a major incident. After successfully clearing an E-level secret realm just now, all the conditions are met.

At this time, he didn't have time to see what the conditions were for the Wutian Space to reach level 5.

Instead, he immediately looked at the panel of the "猰貐" firearm skin, wanting to see if the skin attribute panel was suitable for Gatlin. His Gatling had already been built and placed in the idle space.

It’s just that I haven’t waited for a suitable gun skin.

For him, if there is no gun skin, a single Gatling will hardly enhance his strength. The ten shots of an ordinary Gatling are not as good as one shot of his Thompson submachine gun.

Not on the same level at all.


When he saw the gun skin panel of this "猰貐", a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, it was perfect for Gatling.

"Item name": 猰貐·gun skin.

"Item Level": No level (unique).

"Prop Effect": You can designate any firearm and activate the prop. The prop will turn into a skin to accompany the firearm permanently, and will increase the range, ammunition capacity, damage, rate of fire, etc. of the firearm from multiple dimensions, and will Randomly adds an exclusive effect.

"Prop Restrictions": It can only be used on firearms and cannot be removed after use.

"Prop description": "Born with nine tails, four ears, quick movements, and no fear."

not bad.

Multi-dimensional enhancement is quite suitable for Gatling. Whether it is a perfect fit depends on the subsequent exclusive effect.

Gatling's damage is much higher than Thomson's.

So far, he has three main weapons: Thomson, Gatling, and sniper rifles.

The sniper rifle is mainly used to deal with bosses, the Thomson is used to deal with group mobs, and the Gatling is used to deal with mobs that Thomson cannot break through, as well as the finishing work on the boss after the sniper rifle enters the cooldown.

While Chen Miao quickly completed these tasks with his mind, he found the old man who was the tombkeeper when there were still two minutes left. He looked at the smile on his face and took a deep breath before saying in a deep voice with a hint of respect. .

"Old man, do you know something?"

"I'm about to enter a C-level secret realm. The name of the secret realm is "The Dutiful Son from a Poor Family." "

"I don't feel confident."

"There is a high probability that I will not come back alive. If the old man knows anything, please tell me. As long as I can come back alive, I will be guaranteed. I, Chen Miao, have never broken trust with others in my life."


The old man forced a smile on his wrinkled cheeks, took out a curved cigarette from his arms, straightened it with two fingers, and then said in a hoarse voice slowly: "Little brother, you don't have to You are too respectful to me, I am just an old man who makes a living with you."

"After all, you are still my boss."

"I'm not an expert, and I don't know much. The reason why I know you want to enter this secret realm is because there is a curse on you. I saw it, but I can't tell you directly."

"Otherwise, the curse will also affect me."

"I know that demon. He once cursed me. I also went to this secret realm. As long as it is a C-level secret realm, I will definitely go to this secret realm, because the curse effect of this demon can only teleport people to places he has passed. Secret realm.”

"Among the C-level secret realms, that demon has only cleared this secret realm, so I know you will enter this secret realm."

"I know you don't have much time, and I don't know much about this secret realm. The three people I mentioned last time, you will meet after entering this secret realm. I thought about it for a long time, and I think these three people should all They are not good people and should all be killed.”

"I have been thinking about the correct way to pass the level for a long time, and the only way I finally thought of is that since the demon can pass the level, I can assume the role of the devil myself and become a devil myself. Maybe I can pass the level smoothly."


Chen Miao frowned slightly and was silent for a while, then said in a low voice: "The price of not being able to clear this secret realm is death. Since the old gentleman came out alive, why don't you tell me more information?"

"Come out alive?"

The old man who was the tombkeeper suddenly grinned: "Who told you that I came out alive? I died not long after I entered, okay? I was only level 17 at the time, and I was thrown into a C-level secret realm. How could I possibly Come out alive.”

"That's why I kept following the other bosses cautiously, and that's why I survived for so long, otherwise I would have died earlier."

"That's all I know."

"I really don't know about the rest, but I believe in you. I think your kid is lucky and won't fall here so easily."


This time, Chen Miao was completely stunned and looked blankly at the old gravekeeper who was standing in front of him.


The old man waved his hand nonchalantly: "After death, there are still many ways to continue to live. The profession of tombkeeper saved me. I not only guard other people's tombs, but also guard my own."

"Although he is still alive, he is just eking out an ignoble existence, barely able to stay in this world."

"No secret realm is absolutely certain to die. As long as you work hard, you will definitely find a way to pass it."

"It's okay even if you fail."

"I guarantee you will survive."

The old man looked up at Chen Miao and grinned: "I can also guard your tomb. It won't be a problem to guard one more tomb."

(End of this chapter)

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