I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 224: The 7-player group version does not mean that 7 people must complete the level.

Chapter 224: The seven-person group version does not mean that seven people must complete the level.

The red-haired woman carrying the leather whip quickly set her sights on Chen Miao. After looking up and down, she narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Little handsome boy, from the first moment I saw you, I felt that you were very special." so disgusting."

"This feeling of disgust comes from the bottom of my heart for no reason."

"So... there should be something about you that makes women hate you?"


Chen Miao raised his eyebrows slightly. Apparently he did not expect that this taboo object could be guessed so easily. Although it would not affect anything if it was guessed, it also shows that these high-level transcendent beings are much better than ordinary transcendent beings. , the control over oneself is obviously higher.

You can even notice sudden changes in your own mood immediately.

This is not an easy job.

People are emotional animals, and they hardly notice sudden changes in their emotions. When a person has such keen control over his own emotions, it means that this person has greater control over his body, which also shows that this A woman should be an expert in close combat.

He didn't deny it, he just nodded calmly and said softly: "Well, there is such a taboo. Let me introduce myself, Gunner, level 37."

At that time, he was asked how he woke up from the fourth-level dream. He didn't like the attitude, so he casually said a way. It seemed that the other party had tried it and had a grudge against him.

"Right? Chen Miao."

"I've been looking for you all over the world, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

"The countdown is almost over. I don't have experience in C-level secret realms. If you have experience, you can tell me what to do."

"He told me that everything you told him was wrong, and it cost him a lot."

"You are a famous person, I know you."

He originally thought that players couldn't see each other's levels anyway, so he would just choose a level that was neither too high nor too low, so that he could blend in with the group of people, not look too conspicuous, and make it easier to move around.

Chen Miao, who did not expect that he would be recognized, remained silent and did not speak immediately. He did not expect that he would be recognized, let alone meet an acquaintance here.

The man in the tuxedo holding a red wine glass looked at Chen Miao with a smile on his face: "My family has told me a lot about you recently, and there is someone who cares about you very much. That person is my brother, and his name is Zhang Wanlin."

"It's just that I'm curious about one thing. Why can you, a transcendent of more than ten levels, enter this C-level secret realm? There is a level threshold for C-level secret realms. The minimum level must be 35. How did you get in? Woolen cloth?"


He has an impression of Zhang Wanlin.

"Level 48? I remember you haven't reached level 20 yet? You haven't reached level three yet."

But now it seems that there are some flaws in the plan.

However, before he finished speaking, someone interrupted him.

After being silent for a long time, he looked up at the countdown on the roof and said softly: "I didn't want to come in either. I came in because of some unexpected circumstances. This is a secret realm for the team and requires everyone to work together. Don't think about what's going on outside at this time. It’s over, let’s work together to clear the border.”

He could guess the purpose of this countdown. It was a brief countdown of ten minutes, which should give them time to communicate and introduce themselves. After the countdown ended, the secret realm was officially opened.

And at this moment——

"Tu tu tu tu!!!" The man carrying the rocket launcher suddenly took out a Hell Gatling with purple light from his arms without any warning, and aimed at the pitiful-looking man in the corner who was crying softly. The female college student did not hesitate at all before pulling the trigger and shooting.

Countless bullets cut through the dust in the air, leaving behind several tail flames.

The bullet penetrated the body of the female college student and was shot on the wooden house, but strangely it did not cause any damage to the wooden house. The moment the bullet hit the wall of the wooden house, it seemed to have lost power and fell to the ground.

And the woman who had been crying softly from the beginning was now lying in a pool of blood with bullet holes all over her body.

It was as if she could see the surprise in Chen Miao's eyes.

The young man carrying the rocket launcher looked at Chen Miao with a kind smile, and then took the lead in pushing away the wooden house and walking outside. At the same time, he explained: "D-level and above secret realms are basically plot-type. Secret realms. The scope will also be greater.”

"And the place where we land is usually a safe house."

"Before the secret realm begins, a certain amount of time will be left for players to introduce each other. When encountering a crisis in the secret realm, you can also hide in the safe house to avoid harm. It is basically safe here."


The young man paused for a moment: "Obviously the safe house can only prevent harm outside the house, but has little effect on harm inside the house."

"This woman is too weird. It's better to deal with it in advance."

"In a C-level secret realm, a teammate who doesn't know the situation and may fall ill at any time is far more terrifying than the boss."

This last sentence is specially explained for Chen Miao.

Because only Chen Miao's brows were furrowed, and everyone else's faces looked as if they should take it for granted. Obviously, if this young man hadn't done it, they would have done it, and no one would let someone like him look weird and refuse to communicate. people become their teammates.

Just like what was said at the beginning.

A seven-person group version does not mean that seven people must complete the level.

Six people would be fine, or less.


The man in the tuxedo drank all the red wine in his mouth, then walked out of the house with a smile. When he passed by Chen Miao, he saw that Chen Miao was still frowning at the body of the female college student, and couldn't help but laugh.

"He is indeed a hero who has saved countless lives. He is so kind-hearted."

"Tsk, some people really look like dogs."

Standing on the spot, Chen Miao ignored the provocative taunts of the clown beside him. Instead, he frowned and looked at the female college student who was lying in a pool of blood and seemed to be motionless. He always felt that these people seemed to have overlooked something.

C-level secret realm!

Even if this female college student is like him and came in under a demon's curse, she is also someone who has cleared the E-level secret realm. Her mental quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people. How could she have been hiding in the corner crying and refusing to talk to him after entering the secret realm? People communicate?

This is obviously extremely abnormal.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a very strong urge to refill his gun. He always felt that this woman was not dead. If he didn't step forward to refill his gun at this time, maybe this woman would appear again later and bring them trouble. Be in big trouble.


He turned around and glanced at the back of the young man carrying the rocket launcher. He had already left, without any urge to reload.

(End of this chapter)

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