I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 231 12345, chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Chapter 231 One, two, three, four, five, chicken stewed with mushrooms.

"Why don't we think about it carefully and see if there are any other ways?"

The strong man spoke cautiously. It wasn't that he was timid, but he didn't know whether the "there would be a crisis at night" that the villager said was a secret crisis or a plot kill. If it was a secret crisis, it would be much simpler. Kill with strength. Just go out.

Even if the strength is not enough, it should be no problem to retreat back into the house.

But if it's a plot killing, then it's really like peeing in front of Laojun and seeking death.

The so-called plot killing means that once certain special conditions are triggered, death is almost certain, and it has nothing to do with the person's strength. For example, the young man carrying the rocket barrel was stabbed to death by three spears without even using his full strength.


Chen Miao frowned slightly, looked at the man in front of him who was the size of four or five hungry monkeys and said solemnly: "This secret realm has been perfectly cleared. Before you entered the secret realm, you didn't search for relevant strategies on the Internet. ?"

He searched the Internet before entering the secret realm and found nothing. But that was because his time was too short. If he was given enough time, generally speaking, for any secret realm that was perfectly cleared, someone on the Internet would definitely share some information about it. .


"Rather, there is only one bare entrance to the secret realm. After entering this entrance, secret realms will be randomly assigned."

"Generally, there's only one situation where that happens."

Then he looked out the window at the man in a tuxedo who was still talking and laughing with the village chief. After a long pause, he continued: "Let's wait until it gets dark and see what happens. If I want to go out, I will Go and knock on the door of your house.”

Chen Miao nodded and said nothing more.


"At that time, the watch was no longer usable, and searching was impossible."

The strong man shook his head: "At least I have never seen it before, and the C-level secret realm is different from the E-level secret realm. There is no room for choice. The entrance to the C-level secret realm is also in the secret realm building, but unlike the E-level secret realm, you can Choose which secret realm you want to go to.”

The strong man nodded, and said with some lingering fear: "What I hate most is this kind of weird secret realm. I have experienced it many times. Several times, the ghosts will even turn into players to lure us to do some fatal things." His behavior almost caused me to fall victim to him many times.”


The strong man paused and then hesitated and said: "It is precisely because of the characteristics of C-level secret realms that we usually read a lot of strategies for C-level secret realms. In this way, even if we randomly arrive at a completely unfamiliar secret realm, we can still make reasonable decisions based on the strategies in our memory. Prescribe the right medicine, but among the large number of C-level secret realm guides, I have never seen anyone mention this secret realm once."

"Before you step into the entrance of the secret realm, you have no idea what the name of the secret realm you are entering is."

"The longest time, I waited in a white room for three hours before I was matched with someone."

"Many C-level secret realms are multi-person secret realms. Sometimes if no one is matched, they will wait in a white room. The secret realm will not officially start until enough people randomly come to this secret realm."

"Okay, but let's set a secret code, one that only the two of us know."

"That's because there are very few people who have cleared this secret realm perfectly, and those who have cleared it are silent and unwilling to mention it more. Except for those who have cleared it, everyone else has died in the secret realm."

"Well, let's make the code one, two, three, four, five, chicken stewed with mushrooms."

"to make."

Soon, Chen Miao and the strong man returned to their houses respectively. The strong man's private house was next to his house. This was also a helpless move for the strong man. In this kind of secret realm of the group, everyone often needs to cooperate. The strength of one person is of no avail. but.

For a strong man, there is no one left to cooperate with.

The two sisters looked at each other wrongly now, and they felt like they would start having sex at any time. If you cooperate with these two sisters, if they start having sex, it will not only affect you, but you will also have to start a fight.

That tuxedo man looked at him as if he were a pervert. After thinking about it, Chen Miao was the only one.


The strong man stood in the house uneasily, inspecting the furnishings of various items in the house. Although Chen Miao was at a lower level, he had a good reputation after all. People who are strong these days may not necessarily have a reputation, but people with a reputation are no matter how weak they are. It won't be any weaker.

Of course, except for the entertainment industry.

In addition, Chen Miao was very calm from beginning to end, which also gave him a lot of confidence.

Based on his many experiences in strange secret realms, although the room looks ordinary, there are still strange places, such as the mirror hanging on the wall.

An ordinary mirror hangs unexpectedly on the wall.

This is not a very strange thing in rural areas, but generally speaking, there should be a basin holder and an iron basin under the mirror to facilitate people to adjust their makeup after washing. However, there is nothing under this mirror, and there is nothing around it. Wardrobe or something.

Plus the bed facing the mirror.

This is obviously unreasonable.

The strong man slowly took out the boxing gloves from his arms and put them on his hands. He walked slowly to the mirror and looked at the picture in the mirror. It was a normal picture. There were no unnecessary movements in the mirror, and there were no opposite movements to his. No one suddenly appeared behind him.

It looks like everything is fine.

But...it's hard to say after dark.

He subconsciously wanted to punch the mirror, but after a slight hesitation, he took it off, wrapped it in a sheet, and carefully placed it on the bedside table.

His experience told him to try not to destroy too many things in the secret realm.

The thing that cannot be saved is a necessary mission item for the subsequent mission. If it is destroyed in advance, it is really a GG.

It got dark soon.

As the sun sets, the villagers return to their houses, close the doors, light candles, put them in white lanterns, and hang them in front of their homes.

At the door of their houses, white lanterns lit by villagers also hung.

The whole village suddenly became extremely quiet. No one could be seen. Only the white lanterns of every household were fluttering in the night wind. They looked like will-o'-the-wisps in the tomb, which was extremely strange.

The originally peaceful village suddenly turned into a giant cemetery after dark.

The man in the tuxedo had already left the village chief's house and returned to his own house. The sisters did not have sex in the end and lived in separate houses. It was obvious that the two women were in a complicated emotional situation now. This time These two people in the secret realm probably can't help much, it would be a disservice if they didn't.

(End of this chapter)

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