Chapter 247 Millions of Star Coins

It's just a pity that it's so hard to achieve a top-notch effect.

After swiping several times in a row, but still not getting the effect he wanted, Chen Miao was a little disappointed for a moment. After hesitating for a while, he looked at the "unlimited effect refresh coupon" worth one million star coins in his hand.

He was thinking about trying this.

Millions of Star Coins

To be honest, the price did scare him a bit. Although he has gained a lot of fame in the Federation because of his last salvation, one million star coins is still a big number for him. Although salvation sounds very high, sharp.

But it didn't give him any actual benefits.

Especially the federal government.

At that time, he attached great importance to that action, but later on, he was not given any reward at all, and he didn't even see any news of commendation from the federal government, although he didn't care about these false reputations.

But whether he wants it or not is his business, and whether he gives it or not is your business.

The only mayor of Fengtian City who made a promise to him committed suicide mysteriously.

Refreshing one million star coins once was indeed a bit of a luxury. It made Chen Miao hesitate a little longer than before, but it was only for a moment. No matter how expensive a prop is, as long as it is a prop, it is for use, not for viewing. .

The federation has even legalized pornography, but still vigorously prohibits gambling.


What does an E-level item mean? It means a pure newcomer weapon. He has never seen a newcomer transcendent who can fly with a sword?

Chen Miao suddenly felt a heart-wrenching pain in his heart. To be honest, he felt that even if he fell out of love, he would not be in such pain. In that moment, he finally understood why gambling should be strictly prohibited in both his previous life and this world. .

Just because something is expensive doesn’t mean you won’t use it.

Seeing the effect in front of him, Chen Miao was a little confused. To be honest, the effect was not bad.

Can this effect be an E-level effect?

It’s really because gambling is so harmful.

He lit a cigarette and put it to his mouth. After taking a deep breath, he didn't even bother to look at the panel. He was about to finish the bowl of noodles in front of him seriously. But the moment he closed the panel, he saw a few words. , making him stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously reopened the panel.

But he still felt bad.

This is equivalent to, no matter how much the bride price is for marrying your wife, even if it is 3 billion, it must be paid instead of being kept at home.

This time, colorful lights flashed. After the panel began to change, Chen Miao took a deep breath and slowly covered the fifth effect of the virtual panel in front of her with her hand, and slowly released it little by little.

5. "E-level effect": Flying with a sword, you can control this weapon at will, the maximum control distance does not exceed one thousand meters, and you can stand on this weapon and fly freely among mountains and rivers.

He now fully understood the dangers of gambling. He wanted to cry. The moment he saw this E-level effect, he understood one thing. His millions of star coins were wasted. Although this prop was Wang Hai's It was given to him without spending a penny.

5. "E-level effect":

"It's over."

When he saw the first few words, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.


After some searching on the Internet, he quickly found the source of the prop.

E-level item "Peachwood Sword".

It can only be used by the rare hidden profession "Sword Immortal". The profession "Sword Immortal" is very rare and only a few people have this profession. This E-level item "Peach Wood Sword" is the professional weapon for beginners in this profession. Equivalent to Thomson.

Although flying with a sword sounds very powerful, for "Sword Immortal", all attack methods are basically based on flying with a sword, so flying with a sword must be mastered in the novice stage.

Just like the gunner's professional weapon, shooting bullets is very buggy compared to other professions. When most novice extraordinarys have no long-range attack methods, the gunner starts with long-range attacks.

But there is no way, the professional setting is like this. If the gunman doesn't fire bullets, what will happen next.


This E-level effect, which only a very few people possess, came to his Gatling in an incredible way.


For a moment, Chen Miao completely lost the desire to eat, and he no longer even cared about the other diners around him. He immediately took the Hell Gatling out of his backpack and experimentally controlled the Gatling with his mind.

The next second—

This Gatling exploded with a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye. It ran rampant in the store for a long time, smashing all the ceilings and light bulbs in the house, and then broke through the glass door unscrupulously and rushed out to the street.

The first time he operated it, he was a little unskilled, and he was still a bit unsure about controlling Gatling with his thoughts.

But at least it shows that this effect can indeed be used on Gatling.

Excitement flashed on Chen Miao's face as she strode out of the store and looked at Gatlin, who was running around in mid-air on the street outside. He was admiring his masterpiece as if he was playing with a drone for the first time. It startled many pedestrians on the road.

But perhaps because the world has become extraordinary, everyone has a big heart and doesn’t react much to this.

The office worker who was talking on the phone on the road just raised his head and glanced at Gatlin above his head, and then continued to walk forward while talking on the phone. He seemed so calm that he didn't even want to take a second look.

Even if this is a Gatling flying in the air.

"Don't worry."

Hungry Hou stopped the boss who was about to rush out, and said seriously: "Isn't it just that the store was smashed? It's okay. Pay compensation. You name it. I can handle this kind of thing. There is no need to go to my boss."


After thinking for a moment, the boss seriously gave a number.

"Is it reasonable?"

Hungry Monkey tilted his head and glanced at Zhou Shen. He didn't know much about this. Before meeting Brother Miao, his view of the world's consumption did not have such a big number. After meeting Brother Miao, his view of the world's consumption did not have such a small number. number.

His current view of world consumption is seriously flawed, and he has no own standards for judging things at mid-range prices.

"more or less."

Zhou Shen nodded. In fact, the price is a bit expensive, but it can be seen that Brother Miao is in a good mood now. He doesn't want to bother Brother Miao anymore because of such trivial matters: "I'll pay it."


Chen Miao looked at Hungry Monkey and the others who came out of the store, and said with a smile on his face: "Let's get in the car and take you to have fun."

During this time, he has learned how to control his Hell Gatling with his mind. To be honest, the speed is faster than he imagined. Without people, the speed can reach

(End of this chapter)

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