Chapter 262: Mad dog style of play.

And at this time——

In the suburbs outside Beijing-Kowloon City, on a road far away from the "Zhang Family Territory", an ordinary-looking bus slowly stopped, and Chen Miao and his group jumped out of the bus.

He glanced around and saw no one behind him.

He jumped on the Gatling, found the rooftop of a nearby high-rise building, and stood on it overlooking the Zhang family's territory.

In the Zhang family territory in the distance, there are the headquarters, old houses, ancestral temples, etc. of various industries of the Zhang family. It can be said that the roots of the Zhang family are all here. Even the security department of "Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group" and most of the security guards are here. Gather here.

Looking from a distance, you can see that the Zhang family's territory is extremely heavily guarded.

Countless extraordinary beings patrolled in small teams with cold faces, and various high-tech equipment were constantly surrounding them. Countless checkpoints divided the Zhang family's territory into honeycombs.

Such a place.

What can be expected is that if you want to storm in, the price you have to pay is unimaginable, and the most important thing is that even if you overcome all kinds of difficulties and rush in, the layers of obstruction will be enough to waste a lot of your time. By the time you rush in, , important people have already moved their positions.

Gradually, two, four, eight, sixteen.

When tens of thousands of hungry monkeys were fearless at the same time, regardless of any cost, attacking any living target in front of them except their companions with scarlet eyes, this was the first time Chen Miao saw the hungry monkeys with full firepower.

Zhou Shen nodded very firmly: "This Wanlin left a little early. If he had left later, he probably wouldn't have brought all these people back. I'm now curious about how this will be reported in the news tomorrow. matter."

But at this moment, Hungry Monkey doesn’t think much of it
"It seems that Zhang Wanlin really brought back a container of bombs."


the reason is simple.

"It's definitely over."

The massacre in Fengtian City went smoothly at first. Nearly half of the nearly one million people were slaughtered in half an hour. It was very efficient. Perhaps it was because of this ease that everyone relaxed their vigilance.

Even if he never sees such a spectacular scene again in the future.


It's a safe enough place.

In the beginning, there was only one hungry monkey.

Chen Miao stood there leaning on his cane and did not speak. He just looked at the Zhang family's territory with a calm expression. He came here specifically to watch the fireworks. He had a hunch that this scene would be extremely shocking and rare in ten thousand years. See you.

This includes Zhang Wanlin. Zhang Wanlin took a container of people back before the random incident ended, and went back in a hurry.

"The Zhang family should be finished, right?"

The subsequent cleanup of 50 people took nearly 8 hours, and they were barely finished before they arrived.

For the first half hour, these people showed no resistance at all. You could kill them if you dared, without any difficulty. Then, those people behind who looked like hungry monkeys, as if they had been assimilated, roared and began to attack the surrounding soldiers.

Hungry Monkey looked down at the Zhang family's territory with a complex expression: "Does his father know that this unfilial son brought back a truckload of nuclear bombs to his hometown? Tens of thousands of Chen Miao, how big-hearted are they?"

"This incident will definitely shock the entire federation."


to be frank.

A little scary.

With the blessing of the only bloodline, the high strength value, and those originally ordinary skills, all become extremely harmful, and because of the extremely high strength value, the injury-bearing ability also becomes extremely high. When tens of thousands of fighters, who were able to endure fighting and exercise without risking their lives and whose strength was extremely high, were like hungry wolves breaking out of a cage and killing around, it would be like the end of the world.

In almost ten minutes, tens of thousands of casualties were caused.

The so-called unscrupulousness.

It's not just about risking one's life, it's about not being afraid of injuries and pain, and not caring about whether the props on the body are disposable, nor about whether one can withstand the enemy's attacks, nor about the wear and tear of the props on one's body.

Mad dog style of play.

All the props on his body are activated at once.

This is an extremely terrifying attack method. Normal people will definitely not fight like this. That pure fool not only leaves no escape route for himself, but is also easily countered.

But it can’t stand the crowds, tens of thousands of hungry monkeys.
If Chen Miao had not appeared immediately, the casualties would have been even higher. But even if Chen Miao took action, it would have taken several hours to deal with these hungry monkeys. This was not only because these hungry monkeys had greater injury-bearing capacity. powerful.

It's because they also did some experiments.

The experimental results lead to a conclusion——

The assimilated people will not attack anyone before the assimilation is completed, but will only run wildly in the direction of Fengtian City.

After being assimilated, they will attack anyone indiscriminately, except their companions.

The sign that the assimilation is complete is that the props, abilities, talents and other things on the body are completely assimilated.
Yes, the reason why the hungry monkeys started attacking so quickly was simply because there were few items in the hungry monkeys’ backpacks and they were quickly assimilated.

But Chen Miao is different. Not only does he have things in his backpack, but he also has things in his idle space. He has more things in his idle space than a normal person's warehouse. Not only does he store many kinds of things, Props and equipped with a large number of bullets.

It will take a long time to slowly assimilate so many things.

Only a few of them knew this conclusion.

Fengtian City doesn’t know.

But it seems that Fengtian City did not tell Zhang Wanlin about the hungry monkeys starting to attack people, otherwise Zhang Wanlin should not have dragged the people back to his base camp without any precautions.

As for killing people, props will drop.

Also completely false.

Those props are limited time. Six hours after the owner dies, they will turn into powder and disappear in the air. They are not truly permanent. This is the case with the first "Hungry Monkey" he killed. He will drop it. After putting the fist into the backpack, it automatically turned into powder within five or six hours.

This is the end.

The dangers of this random incident have also been completely clarified.

The solution is simple, don't look directly at anyone to avoid being assimilated. Even if you are really assimilated, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't let extraordinary people who are too powerful be used as templates for assimilation.

Even if there are really powerful extraordinary beings who are assimilated as templates.

Don't be too scared either.

As long as you act quickly and clean up as soon as possible, before the assimilation of these people is completed, if they are all cleaned up, nothing will happen.

Just be afraid
Not only are there extraordinary people with super strength who are used as templates.

Moreover, they still hesitate to take action, allowing these people to gradually assimilate, which is almost the same as watching hell descend on the world.

(End of this chapter)

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