Chapter 280 "Do you understand?"

Chen Miao continued to explain slowly: "Due to some special circumstances, that person came to this world using the body of your experimental subject as a carrier, and because of this, you have the aura or mark of other worlds on your body."

"That's why you were able to board this hell bus in a conscious state."

"do you understand?"

"Congratulations. There is a high probability that you will not really die. You will go to a new world and start your new life. But maybe you will not be a rich second generation in that world. The only regret is."

"Your life is now in my hands."

"The decision whether you can go to a new world and start a new life is in my hands."


This time Zhang Wanlin understood. After a long silence, he whispered: "I understand, please tell me your conditions, but I don't know what else you need from me now."

Now he is, to put it mildly, an undead spirit.

"Then since you're not sure about anything, why did you choose me? You just killed my whole family, wouldn't you choose someone better than me?"

"To be precise, you killed your whole family and it had nothing to do with me."

"Then are you sure that the world I go to is the same world as Master Meow?"

"Secondly, the reason why I choose you is because you are the chosen one. There is an aura from another world behind you. The world you will most likely go to will also be this world. And you just told me about it in the warehouse The story in that person’s memory is very familiar to me.”

"The elixir of life, the people of Qin, the First Emperor, the Great Wall, etc."

"I am very familiar with this world, and in the story in the memory of the person just now, there is a sentence about the female fortune teller recently appointed by the First Emperor himself. I have a hunch that this female fortune teller is Miao Ye."

"I only have enmity with you, not with your Zhang family. Your Zhang family is a disaster."


"Not sure?"

He doesn't even know what use he is.

My old background, family and wealth are all gone.

"Are you sure that Master Meow has gone to another world?"

Chen Miao opened the window, flicked the cigarette butt out, and said softly: "If you really go to a new world and survive normally, I hope you will try your best to find someone."

"That person's name is Meow."

"To tell you something, I miss her very much and will come to see her right away. Please don't worry."

Chen Miao shook his head and raised his fingers: "First of all, I didn't kill your whole family. The ones on your family's territory are just my clones. I didn't stuff those clones into your Zhang family's territory."


"You brought it back."

Zhang Wanlin looked at Chen Miao with a strange expression. He naturally knew about Master Miao. His death some time ago was extremely sensational. He just didn't expect that Master Miao would get together with Chen Miao.

".Meow Master."

"Although it's not certain, there is a high probability that you will go to the same world as Master Meow."

"I need you to send her a message."


After saying that, Chen Miao stopped talking. It is true that Zhang Wanlin was definitely not the best choice. After all, there was a feud between him and Zhang Wanlin, but Zhang Wanlin became his only choice. He saw Zhang Wanlin stepping onto the hell bus with clear consciousness. back.

He had a hunch that Zhang Wanlin would go to the world where Qin Shihuang existed, and Miao Ye might also be in that world. It's really magical.
Qin Shihuang, a long-lost name. No one has mentioned this name for a long time. I didn’t expect that the name of Qin Shihuang in the history of the earth would one day be heard again. I don’t know if this Qin Shihuang is the Qin Shihuang on the earth.

The feeling it gave him was magical.

ten minutes later.

Chen Miao returned to the hell bus of Hungry Monkey.

"Brother Miao."

Hungry Monkey, who was chatting with Yuan Buping, saw Chen Miao getting into the car and immediately approached him and asked curiously: "Brother Miao, what were you doing just now?"


Chen Miao shook his head. He and Zhang Wanlin had already made a deal. Zhang Wanlin agreed to do his best to find Master Miao and send a message, but he would not kill the Zhang family for the time being. When he left Blue Star in the future, he would let the Zhang family go. family.


Some direct descendants of the Zhang family are not dead yet, they are all on the hell bus at this time.

It's just that before arriving at the terminal, he will always force these people off, and then sit at the initial stop of another hell bus. He has high rights on the hell bus in Blue Star, although he cannot control hell. The bus stops or changes its original route.

But there is still no problem with taking someone out of the car and into the car.

The only troublesome thing is that it requires manual operation.

It requires manual operation every 12 hours, which is extremely troublesome and needs to be done twice a day, but there is no other way. As long as Zhang Wanlin can really help him find Master Meow and send a message, he doesn't mind letting go of the Zhang family.

After all, when he has the strength to leave Blue Star in the future, his strength will be many times stronger than it is now, and he will not be afraid of what little tricks these people will do behind him.


As the Hell Bus slowly stopped on the road deep in the extremely cold land, they finally returned home.

I have to say that with the Hell Bus, their entry and exit is really much easier than before. I don’t know how many steps.

After getting off the car.

Chen Miao did not stay outside for a long time, but immediately returned to his underground house. He had some things to sort out, including the anonymous black cards.


Before Zhang Wanlin left, he told him the locations of all the anonymous black cards, but Zhang Wanlin's original subordinates had already taken the first step to get them.

Of course, it's definitely not as fast as him.

After all, he has a hell bus. Although it does not arrive instantly, it is certainly faster than those people. He needs to prepare some things now, and then go to pick up those anonymous black cards. These wealth can give him a big guarantee.

When talking about these wealth, Zhang Wanlin was also extremely emotional.

He said that he was worried about people dying without spending all their money, so he was already spending money crazily when he was alive. He didn't buy the right things, only expensive ones, but even so, the money was not spent before he died.

I don’t know if he died too early.

Still too much money.

Why can't he spend it all even if he lives and breathes it? He has obviously spent all his energy, so why does his account balance increase more and more as he spends it?

In response to this, Chen Miao didn't know what to say except to remain silent. He had lived in two lifetimes and had extremely rich social experience, but he was extremely lacking in this aspect. He had never fought such a rich battle.

After hastily tidying up, Chen Miao took a deep breath, walked out of the underground palace again, and stopped at the side of the highway.

(End of this chapter)

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