I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 283 Schrödinger’s abdominal cavity.

Chapter 283 Schrödinger’s abdominal cavity.

People also fainted.


The hungry monkey who was about to take care of the black doctor was a little stupid when he saw this scene. He subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at his fists. When did he become so strong? He didn't even use much force.

I thought it was just a few pimples, but why did the black doctor make the entire chest cavity dent?

Can this... still survive?

"He's not a fucking supernatural being, he's a living profession!"

When Dr. Gou on the side saw this scene, his eyes almost jumped out of his sockets, and his voice couldn't help but rise up: "His strength is not even one-fifth of yours. You didn't hit him directly with this punch." If you smash him to death, this kid is already lucky."

"What the hell are you looking at?!!!"


"And sometimes patients are obviously destined to die, but they somehow survive."

Thirteen minutes later.

How could an ordinary person do something like this?
The saying that doctors don't heal themselves is no joke.

"Please carry me to the operating room."

Broken bones are a trivial matter, but having broken bones stuck in the stomach is a big problem.

And the injuries on his body were roughly recovered. His life was temporarily saved, but if no one took care of him, he would still die in a few hours.

The black doctor usually uses gauze to clean up part of the blood, while using tweezers to carefully remove some broken bone spurs from the chest cavity, and lay all the internal organs on top of the original results. Although his face is a little pale due to the blood loss, his complexion looks quite... He explained calmly.

It was bloody red and looked extremely disgusting.

For a time, several types of healing props were thrown at the black doctor, but they were all low-level medical props. The effect was not very good and could not completely cure the injury. It could only wake up the black doctor who was already in a coma. .

"There is a nice name in medicine called Schrödinger's abdominal cavity. Do you know what it means? It roughly means that no matter how badly injured you are in the chest, even if half of your lungs are lost."

"Fifty percent chance of death."

"There is actually a very interesting argument in medicine, which is that medicine is actually just an accessory to theology."

The hungry monkey looked at the black doctor who was lying on the operating bed with a complex expression, his face was pale but he was calmly cleaning his abdominal cavity in front of the mirror. His eyelids were trembling slightly. Isn't this person afraid of pain?

"The reason for this statement is very simple. It is mainly because many doctors find that they are completely unable to control the death of their patients. Patients will die inexplicably without any reason. In short, all the body functions will return to zero, and then they will die. died."

The broken bone was just a few millimeters short of being inserted into the heart.

"But if you just want to make dumplings, take out the bone spurs, stuff all the intestines, lungs, kidneys, etc. back into the abdomen, and then sew them up, there will be a 50% chance that they will return to their places automatically and heal."


The black doctor lying on the operating bed, wearing medical gloves, looked at a mirror less than ten centimeters above his head. The mirror was full of images of his stomach. The black doctor was lying on his back and using a scalpel to open his stomach. cavity.

And this man not only opened a cavity in his abdomen, but he didn't even use anesthesia or local anesthesia. He was just separated alive. When the black doctor was cleaning the abdominal cavity, he was shocked to see that there was also one on one of the black doctor's ribs. Small tattoos.

He knew that this person really meant no offense to Brother Miao.

It's just that I'm a pervert. Not like a normal person.

It's like if a person stabs people with a knife, he must be a criminal, but if he not only stabs others with a knife, but also stabs himself with a knife, then this person is like a complete psychopath.

The difference is that when he kills you, it's not because he's hostile to you, but because he simply wants to kill someone, whether it's someone else or himself.

"None of that matters."

Doctor Hei, who was lying on the operating bed, had finished the cleaning work and began to support and repair his broken bones. He continued to speak softly: "Continuing to talk about what I just said, when I found that the tattoo on Brother Miao's ribs disappeared quickly. After that, I tentatively got another tattoo on Brother Miao’s other rib.”


"This time I looked carefully with a microscope. I wanted to see how the tattoo disappeared. It was a very sophisticated microscope that Dr. Gou and I robbed when we robbed a hospital in Poguan City Hospital. ."


The hungry monkey looked at Dr. Gou strangely. Unexpectedly, Dr. Gou felt as if he had completely let go after going to the Broken Jar Market.


Doctor Gou clenched his fists with an embarrassed expression and coughed lightly: "The clinic lacks some professional equipment. We don't have much money to purchase, so we have to make this decision. The primitive accumulation of capital is always a bit bloody, which is understandable."

The black doctor continued, minding his own business.

"Through the microscope, do you know what I saw?"

"That was definitely a shocking scene!"

"I saw hundreds of thousands of little people, extremely small people, holding various tools to repair the tattoo. Some were holding fire extinguishers to cool down the area just burned by the laser, and some were holding a fire extinguisher to cool down the area just burned by the laser. Bags of white ash were poured into the burn holes."

"Those people work together in a division of labor, and everyone's job responsibilities are extremely clear."

"They are quickly repairing Brother Miao's injuries."

"Actually, from the beginning, I noticed that Brother Miao's injuries were healing quickly, but I thought it was due to some of Brother Miao's passive skills or good physical fitness. Only then did I realize that there were countless villains who were frantically repairing Brother Miao. Injuries on the body.”

"Originally I didn't want to come out."

"Because I thought this might be Brother Miao's trump card. Since you guys don't know, it means Brother Miao thinks it's not necessary to tell you for the time being. Telling you rashly is suspected of revealing Brother Miao's trump card."

"And the reason why I spoke out today is because something unexpected happened."

"What accident?"

The black doctor shook his head and pointed at Chen Miao, who was lying unconscious on another operating bed: "First make an incision on Brother Miao's arm, and then observe it with a microscope."


Hungry Monkey and the others looked at each other and saw the absurdity and shock in each other's eyes. It felt like they were listening to their parents telling them about One Thousand and One Nights to put them to sleep when they were young.

Too outrageous.

They would rather believe that there really is a Buddha in this world than believe that there are so many villains living in Brother Miao's body. This kind of thing is a bit unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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