Chapter 290 Ticket with 1000 million credits!

Tickets with 1000 million credits!

Regardless of whether the player loses or wins in the end, this news will definitely make the headlines in the Broken Can City news tomorrow. Suddenly, this secret realm that has been ignored for several weeks was suddenly brought up again, and countless people moved toward the secret realm building with excitement. Run away!

These people are here to watch the fun!

In other words, the vast majority of people watch the fun!

The remaining small part is for this ticket bonus. 1000 million credits can greatly improve their lives and even change their lives and even the next generation.

For someone of Zhang Wanlin's level, 1000 million credit points can't even buy a better car, but for ordinary people, 1000 million is indeed an amount they can never earn in their lifetime.

D-level secret realm "Game of the Brave".

No props or skills can be used.

Everyone is on the same starting line, and there is only one thing to compete with, and that is who is more ruthless to themselves. No matter what level of master the player is, it has no meaning. This is the only way for many low-level extraordinary people to kill gods. .

"4: Players can choose to admit defeat. When four players all admit defeat, the remaining player will automatically become the winner. At this time, the player can choose to leave the secret realm immediately, or stay until the time ends and leave automatically."

This white space is divided into five plates, with transparent membranes between the plates that players cannot pass through.

"1: The player can customize the degree of injury. For example, the player can enter 'the egg is broken' in the editor in front of him, and the egg will be broken without having to do it himself. The editor can be used to complete some difficult injury actions. , and circumvent the body's self-protection mechanism, thereby preventing the failure of the body's self-protection mechanism during repeated active self-injury."


The first group of people who arrived had already arrived at the scene out of breath. The three people at the front glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the screen was still full of snowflakes. Apparently they were still in time and were not late. The secret realm hasn’t started yet.

After Chen Miao glanced at it, he looked at the other four extraordinary people who entered this secret realm with him, two young men, a middle-aged man, and a middle-aged woman.

As the prompt sounded, the vortex at the entrance to the secret realm slowly glowed and began to rotate.

Accompanied by a flash of white light.

The only pity is that ordinary people cannot enter this secret realm.

"5: 'Heartache' does not count as 'pain'."
The rules panel is simple and clear.

He had reappeared in a vast white space.

This is a D-level secret realm. The minimum entry threshold for this secret realm is higher than or equal to level 15. There is no way to enter this secret realm if it is below level 15. Otherwise, those who risk their lives for a few taels of silver may have to pay for these 1000 Wan can unleash unimaginable potential.

There is only one secret realm on this level, and there is no other secret realm except this secret realm. As more and more people came, the remaining four people quickly gathered.

Chen Miao was the first to calmly walk into the whirlpool in front of him with a cane.

The rules panel suddenly popped up.

"5: Players can restore their bodies to their original state. Each time they recover, 100 points will be deducted."

"3: After 12 hours, the player with the highest score will become the final winner and take away all players' tickets."

"Ding, the following are the specific rules of the D-level secret realm 'Game of the Brave'. All players please read it carefully."

"2: Every time the player is injured, a score based on the player's pain perception will pop up on the white panel in front of him."

Chen Miao looked down and saw that the boots he had customized had disappeared at some point. His feet were bare, his clothes had been replaced with ordinary cloth clothes, and the injuries on his feet were also clear.

Then he looked at Hungry Monkey Chen Miao and the others, and nodded thoughtfully. The person who took out 1000 million credits as a ticket should be one of these people, but I don't know which one.

It is worth mentioning that.

The tickets for these four people are all 1 credit point.

I can tell.

These four people are obviously here to get rich. As long as they persist, they can get 1000 million credit points.


Chen Miao took a deep breath and did not observe these people too much. Instead, he entered "I need a long knife" into the editor. Soon a long knife appeared out of thin air. He gritted his teeth and chopped at his leg with all his strength. past!
Soon, an extremely terrifying wound appeared on his thigh, and blood was flowing!

At the same time, a number also popped up on the translucent holographic panel in front of him that everyone could see.

"+15 points"!
"Active trauma, score bonus +50%!"

In the secret realm rankings, he temporarily topped the list!
At this time, there were already many people watching the live broadcast on the floor of the Secret Building. After seeing this scene, people all gasped, and many people whispered to each other.

"Where did this guy come from? He's very cruel to me. There's no mercy on this one!"

"Yeah, obviously in the editor you can directly enter a huge wound on your leg, but you have to use the editor to get a knife to cut it yourself. It seems that this guy knows that the wound he actively caused is worse than the editor Wounds caused directly can get higher scores, but wounds caused by oneself will be more scary. This is human nature and it is difficult to change."

"But why do I always feel that this guy looks familiar? Damn, isn't this Chen Miao? The last zombie siege in Broken Jar City was caused by this guy coming over to help us. It was all on our news headlines the next day. Yes!" "Hey, it's true!"


Chen Miao slowly took a breath of cold air and felt the pain coming from his legs. He shook his head with a bitter look on his face. To be honest, he had never thought that there was such a stupid secret realm in the world. What was even more stupid was that, He even took the initiative to run into this secret realm.

It hurts.

Although he didn't bring a microscope, the "human colonizer" in his body must have started working hard at this moment.

Try Harder.

In order to allow myself to live longer, this small injury is nothing.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a painful female roar coming from the right side.

Subconsciously he turned his head and looked.

I saw that the woman whose belly was still flat just now suddenly bulged out without knowing it. Her legs were spread apart, apparently in a posture of giving birth. Along with a painful roar, the woman's body tensed up.

Then a ball of meat was born like this!
A row of numbers also appeared on the panel in front of the woman.

"+280 points!"

It was many times higher than his 15 points. This woman actually thought of using the editor to make herself suffer the pain of giving birth in order to obtain an extremely high score!

However, this was not what shocked him the most. What shocked him the most was that the woman entered an unknown line of words on the editing board with her body weak and her face pale. Soon, the flesh on the woman's body began to fall off piece by piece.

In the woman's pain, the woman is left with only a skeleton.

And the score also rose to "510"!

Chen Miao remained expressionless and silent. The woman directly used Childbirth + Ling Chi to bring her starting score to 510 points. His 15 points seemed so insignificant.

Yes, this secret realm will not die.

Even if you are just a skeleton, you will not die.

But you won’t faint in this secret realm either. Isn’t it just 10 million credits? Is this just desperate?

Before he could react, the woman's score instantly became "410". After deducting another 100 points, the woman's body recovered perfectly. Then, before his eyes, the woman's belly grew rapidly. Get up, obviously ready to have a baby again!

"Unique skill."

Chen Miao watched all this silently. He didn't know how to rate it. He wanted to say that victory was in vain. Their men couldn't have children at all. How the hell could this compare? He felt that his 1000 million credit points might be enough. It’s useless and will be wasted!
But at this moment!
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

A loud roar sounded again to his left, and he saw the only middle-aged man with a beard on his face, who looked extremely ferocious and covered in tendons. At some point, he took off his shirt, roared to cheer himself up, and raised his right paw Put it on your crotch.

"No way"

Chen Miao looked in disbelief and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. He had rarely felt fear in his life, only this time he was afraid.

The next second——!
The man finally cheered himself up while roaring, and squeezed his right paw fiercely. Chen Miao, who was several meters away, seemed to hear the sound of the egg breaking and the action of exploding.

The man's body almost froze on the spot, and then he uncontrollably leaned back and fell to the ground. His whole body was extremely tight and half-curled on the ground and trembling violently.

Even though he was several meters away, he could see the man's face turning pale in an instant.

And that extremely shocking score.

"+1500 points"!
"Active trauma, score bonus +50%!"


After Chen Miao was expressionless and silent for a long time, he looked at the middle-aged woman on his right who had recovered and gave birth to a child again, and then looked at the middle-aged man on his left who was convulsing after pinching his balls. After countless thoughts drifted through his heart, Suddenly some laughed.

He didn't know what he was laughing at.

He just felt a little desperate inside.

He had never felt that he had lost in his life, but this time, he felt that he had lost. If he had just given birth to a child and he could have used the fact that he did not have this function to cover up and defend, then this middle-aged man would have been completely destroyed. Removed all his escape routes and waved away all his excuses.

He has everything middle-aged men have.

But he is not as ruthless as a middle-aged man.

In fact, there are not many people who explode their eggs every year in the Federation, but there are still some, but you need to know one thing, those people fainted after their eggs exploded, and they fainted before the pain fully came over. But here, there is nothing Protection mechanism, making it even less likely to faint.

Hehe, just enjoy it, the protection mechanism is on vacation today.

(End of this chapter)

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