Chapter 293 Chen Miao: 7 points.

There is absolutely no death in this secret realm.

This is rule number one.

But now he even doubts whether this rule is in effect. After all, the scene in front of him is a bit too scary.


A trace of confusion flashed in the black doctor's eyes: "This secret realm only says that there will never be death. This death is not clearly marked. Does it mean that the body will not die, or the brain will not die?"

"Now this guy's symptoms feel to me like his body is recovering from the injury, but his brain is dead."

"in other words."

"After this guy came out of the secret realm, he was in a vegetative state."

The hungry monkey shook his head and clicked his tongue with emotion: "If this is really the case, I wouldn't even be surprised at all. This is normal and completely understandable. After all... wait!"

The Broken Egg Brother finally stopped, lying motionless on the ground with his eyes blank, and his points at the moment were still at 15!

Gradually, there are fewer people in the hall, and many people have gone home to eat and sleep. This secret realm will last for 12 hours. It will be good to come back when the secret realm is almost over. We cannot wait forever.

This is beyond the scope of normal human beings.

Just when Hungry Monkey was about to say something!
The scene in front of them suddenly made everyone in the hall stunned in disbelief!

Not bragging at all!
Even if you give him more money, he can't copy the behavior of the man on the other side.

The broken egg was activated again, and the intense pain struck again, but this time the expression on Brother broken egg's face seemed to be much relieved.

She surpassed the second girl who gave birth to a baby by more than 10 points.

Hungry Monkey looked at this scene with some confusion: "You won't give this child the m tendency, right? There is no harm at all, but he looks like he is dying of pain? The egg crusher is started, but he looks at it again Feeling more relaxed?"

I found that every subsequent score jump value was +900!


Say it in a word
Not only is this broken egg brother not brain-dead, he is even somewhat adapted to this kind of pain. Because the pain value is reduced, the points obtained are also lower.

After everyone waited patiently for a few minutes.

Maybe it was because the lead gap was too big. Broken Egg Brother planned to take a rest and not to fight so hard. But soon, for some unknown reason, Broken Egg Brother lay down for a short time without suffering any damage. Suddenly he roared with pain and ferocity.

"This man's injuries have been recovering with points. If he continues to suffer severe pain and sudden recovery, this man will also be unable to distinguish between reality and hallucinations. The reason why he felt pain just now is because his body subconsciously told him He should have been in severe pain at this moment, but nothing happened."


"I can probably understand." The black doctor looked at the man with a complicated expression and said quietly: "This man has a mental illness. Let me explain it. If you take AI drugs for a long time, you will not be able to distinguish between reality and reality. Hallucination.”

"what's the situation?"

The black doctor was completely convinced this time, and gave a thumbs up with a shocked face: "I have never convinced many people in my life, and this broken egg brother is definitely one of them. From now on, this broken egg brother will be me, except for master and Miao brother." , the man I admire the most!”

And just after the fourth hour passed in the secret realm.


I saw that after the iron ball above Brother Broken Egg was hit again, the score on the panel was not +1000, but changed to +900!

"This strong gap between reality and psychology will make him extremely painful, like the feeling of ants crawling on his body."

"The painful feeling even made him want to die."

"At this moment, he has only two ways to solve this problem. The first is to continue to turn on the egg crusher to let the body feel the severe pain again and return the body to a balanced position."

"The second method is to resist. As long as you resist the feeling of gap and the itching feeling of ants crawling on your body, your body will gradually get used to the current situation and it will slowly recover."

"That's it."

Hungry Monkey nodded thoughtfully: "I seem to understand what you said. In that case, why didn't he choose the second method? Wouldn't it be easier if he chose the second method? Anyway, He’s not in a hurry, his gap has widened so much now, it’s good to rest for a while.”

"No way."

The black doctor shook his head: "If you use the second method, after he has rested, there will be a huge backlash. That kind of backlash comes from both physical and psychological backlash, which will make him never want to break eggs again." .”

“That leaves the gap to be caught up.”

"Human nature is like this. No matter how painful something is, as long as you force yourself to do it, you can persevere. But once you stop halfway, the longer you do it, the greater the backlash you will endure. This This kind of backlash will make you want to not do it at all costs. Your brain thinking at this time is extremely one-sided and out of control."

"The longer you suffer pain and the longer you rest, the greater the backlash is."

"This man knows very well that as long as he rests at this moment, the backlash will be difficult for him to fight with willpower, and he needs this 1000 million very much, so in order to ensure his victory, he has only one way, That’s non-stop.”

"Until the end of the secret realm." "Never stop." The hungry monkey shuddered involuntarily, and whispered subconsciously: "Black doctor, you are a doctor, tell us, if you really turn that thing around for a moment, Keep opening it until the end, what will happen to this man when the secret realm ends?"


After the black doctor was silent for a moment, he said softly: "If the secret realm does not define brain death as death, then this man will almost 100% be brain dead and become a deep vegetative state with dull eyes and drooling. He is completely useless. .”

"If the secret realm defines brain death as death, and the secret realm can protect this man from brain death, then this man will become a mentally ill, severely mentally ill patient. He will have basic auditory and visual hallucinations in the future, and will even have trouble with his own memories. Distortion, etc., will lead to disastrous consequences later.”

"It can be seen that this man really needs this money and he works hard."

"But if nothing else, this man should not be able to see how the money was spent. No matter which end he has, this man is extremely miserable and is almost certain to die. Even if he is alive, it is worse than death. "

"What a pity." Hungry Hou shook his head with some regret: "Brother Miao killed Zhang Wanlin too simply. Otherwise, Zhang Wanlin would be stuffed in this secret realm and have his balls broken 88,000 times. I believe him. He should change his mind and start a new life."


Eleven hours and 11 minutes have passed in this secret realm, and there are only 57 minutes left before the end of the secret realm. At this time, countless people gathered in the hall, looking at the live TV in front of them, looking forward to the next scene.

First, the third should be stable.

Brother Miao.

This is one of the few times that Chen Miao is not number one. It must be said that it is a novel experience.

Chen Miao: 7w points.

Very high score.

The black doctor nodded sincerely and praised: "In the past, the highest recorded score in this secret realm was only 1.4 points. Brother Miao has already set a new record, and exceeded the record by many points."

The second place is the sister who gave birth to a baby.

Score: 8w points.

It seems that it is only 10,000 points higher than Brother Miao, but that's it. In fact, it is because the sister who gave birth to a baby gave up halfway, otherwise her score would be at least three times higher than Brother Miao. The reason why the sister who gave birth to a baby chose to give up halfway is, Of course it wasn't that Brother Miao was chasing too closely.

That Broken Egg Brother doesn’t leave any hope of transcendence!
at this time!

The countdown to the secret realm came to the last moment. On the secret realm settlement panel on the big screen, everyone paused and looked at the line of golden fonts on the screen!

"First on the list, Wang Mang, 66 points!"

“That’s awesome”

The black doctor had completely stayed on the spot and murmured with a shocked expression: "I never thought that a person with a score of 66w could emerge from this secret realm. Is this guy really so short of 1000w?"

"Is it just for 1000 million?"

He was already certain that this man must be brain-dead. After all, when this man scored 30 points, he would definitely be in first place. Even the sister who gave birth to a baby had given up. Brother Miao was too far behind and he would definitely not be able to catch up.

However, this man didn't stop, as if he was half brain dead, lying there quietly with dull eyes, suffering from pain.

In this case, it is basically certain that the person is brain dead.


The black doctor looked at the secret realm settlement panel on the screen with some regret: "It's a pity that such a strong man is a tough guy."

The man's first guess was that it was the same as the ending he guessed, but the ending must be one of his two guesses, either a severe mental illness or brain death.

"That... black doctor."

At this moment, Hungry Monkey looked at a translucent panel in front of him with a complex expression: "I think there may be another guess besides your two guesses."

"What guess?"

"I also heard it from other people. How about you take a look at the past rankings of this secret realm? Wang Mang's name is at the top of the list."

"what happened?"

The black doctor looked at the past historical rankings of this secret realm with some doubts. It must be very easy to get the first place with a score of 66. There is nothing surprising about this, but the next second, his face was expressionless. shocked.

"Player Name": Wang Mang.

"Occupation": Dervish (limited hidden rare occupation) (obtained 1/10).

"ps": Hidden career acquisition conditions - in the D-level secret realm 'Game of the Brave', obtain a score of more than 66 or equal to 66.

And at this time——

As the vortex reappeared in the middle of the hall, a middle-aged man slowly stepped out of the vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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