Chapter 115 The medicine has arrived! (triple)

After sorting out today's earnings, Chen Mo took a bath, put in a bathtub of warm water, and was about to take a comfortable soak when he suddenly heard a key piece of information.

"What, has the medicine arrived? Okay, okay, where is it? I'll come right away!"

The source of this voice was naturally Zhao Ran, who had been given an eavesdropping tattoo by Chen Mo.

Kivis and others had previously told Zhao Ran that the medicine would arrive tonight at the earliest and three days at the latest. The speed of the secret channel was acceptable, and it would arrive tonight.

Naturally, they informed Zhao Ran directly.

After receiving this news, Chen Mo was no longer in the mood to take a bath. He put on his combat uniform and used Shadow Step to make himself invisible. He immediately used regional teleportation to teleport directly to Zhao Ran based on the teleportation mark left on him. around.

At this time, Zhao Ran had just hung up the phone and was about to walk out of the house.

You can see that he is quite excited now, with a look of excitement on his face, which shows that he has been waiting impatiently for this moment.

Seeing that he was going out so late at night, Zheng Chunmei asked curiously: "Xiao Ran, where are you going this late at night?"

"I have something important to do and I have to go out. You are just sick, so you should rest early and don't worry about me." After Zhao Ran finished speaking, he went out happily.

Chen Mo followed him secretly all the way to his car.

When Zhao Ran drove and got into the cab, Chen Mo opened the passenger door and sat in the passenger seat.

However, this time the matter was particularly important, so in order not to arouse any vigilance from Zhao Ran, Chen Mo directly activated the rarely used SSS-level superpower, Time and Space Confinement.

Now that Chen Mo is a second-level superpower, his ability to suspend time and space around him has improved a lot.

It is not as energy-intensive as suspending time and space like at the beginning.

At level 10, he can only suspend time and space within a ten-meter radius for seconds, and there must be no living creatures within this range. Otherwise, the amount of supernatural energy consumed will increase and the duration of confinement will be further reduced.

For example, there is Zhao Ran nearby. If the zero-level Chen Mo uses SSS-level time and space confinement, it will not be enough to stop his supernatural energy for up to 3 seconds.

But now after entering the second-level realm and having a higher degree of control over superpowers, not only the superpower energy consumption is reduced when activating the time-pause superpower, but the thickness of the superpower itself is not comparable to that of the previous zero-level.

After all, Chen Moyi's current energy is comparable to the fourth level.

Take the second-level power control speed and add the total amount of fourth-level power.

If you want to pause the surrounding space within ten meters, and there is only one Zhao Ran, you can stop him for 100 seconds without any problem.

However, the longer the time and space is suspended, the extra energy loss will increase. Therefore, the most ideal use of time and space confinement is to temporarily pause during combat.

Facing an attack, pause, dodge instantly, take action and pause yourself, control the opponent's evasive behavior, and correct the attack.

This temporary pause not only saves supernatural energy, but also has a very strong actual combat effect.

Since Chen Mo paused time and space to open the door and get in the car, Zhao Ran naturally didn't notice anything.

He was in a good mood at this time and just wanted to get the medicine injection as soon as possible. He didn't have time to worry about the situation around him.

Even if Chen Mo didn't pause the time and space around him just now, and the passenger door opened and closed inexplicably, he wouldn't have paid much attention.

After all, he didn't have the heart to care about anything else at the moment.

As Zhao Ran happily hummed a little tune and played DJ songs, he quickly arrived at an abandoned factory.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it's dark and windy this month, and it's the middle of the night.

Chen Mo couldn't help but admire that Zhao Ran was really not afraid of death.

In such an environment, it is possible to trick people into killing them.

At this time, Chen Mo also became curious. Are these people really planning to fulfill their promise, or are they just planning to trick Zhao Ran into killing him.

As Zhao Ran stopped and got off the car, Chen Mo immediately paused the surrounding time and space, but this time his pause was very short.

In order to ensure that no abnormality would be detected by the surrounding surveillance cameras, he expanded the range of suspended time and space to a thousand meters around. There were too many living creatures within this range, and the original confinement range was large.

Even if it is the supernatural energy of a fourth-level superpower, if so many people are imprisoned in such a large area at the same time, the loss of supernatural energy will be extremely fast.

But with the supernatural energy of a fourth-level superpower, even in such a large area, it is still no problem to stop for 5 seconds.

As Chen Mo got out of the car quietly and closed the door, he followed Zhao Ran into the abandoned factory.

At this time, a van was already parked inside the factory.

You can see that there are already several men in black standing near the van.

"Mr. Zhao Ran, you came really fast."

Seeing Zhao Ran arriving, a blond beauty smiled and said.

"Such a good thing has been delivered. Why don't I come quickly?" Zhao Ran said with a smile, without any fear of danger.

"This drug requires professional equipment and our professional team will inject it for you. Please get in the car."

After the blonde beauty finished speaking, she made way for a seat in front of the car door.

Zhao Ran walked directly to the car door without paying attention.

At this time, Chen Mo had already entered the car one step ahead of him, and saw three people already waiting in the car.

Chen Mo immediately activated the secret of mind reading on everyone around him. Since there were more people reading at once, the mental loss began to accelerate. Fortunately, he also had the super-speed recovery skill. As long as he stayed where he was, he could speed up his mental energy. recover.

It can barely reduce the state of rapid mental loss.

What Chen Mo wanted to know at this time was the injection method of this mysterious drug.

He was not prepared to let Zhao Ran accept this medicine. He came here prepared to grab the medicine.

But simply snatching the medicine back is obviously of no use.

You must first figure out how to use this medicine and whether there will be any abnormalities after using it.

Through the effect of the mind-reading secret technique, Chen Mo quickly learned the general information about this permanent A medicine.

The permanent A medicine currently being injected into Zhao Ran still has the possibility of causing side effects for unknown reasons.

Once side effects occur, the person injected with permanent drug A will fall into a state similar to turning into a zombie.

From what I have read only from these people, I have not yet found out what will happen to these people if they are allowed to live.

This information is relatively confidential.

At present, they only know that the drug has a chance of causing side effects, and once side effects occur, the target will be killed or captured.

The reason why this drug needs to be injected by professionals is because the injection of this drug is a little different from the meridian injection of other drugs.

It was actually injected directly into the heart.

After research, it was found that after injection, the injected heart will directly mutate, which will subsequently cause blood mutations. The strengthened blood will flow through the body through blood vessels, causing the injected target's whole body to mutate and strengthen.

This is why permanent A medicine can be effective permanently.

Because after the injection of the drug, your heart has completely mutated, and your body will mutate further and become stronger.

The enhanced effect of temporary A medicine simulates the effect of permanent A medicine after it takes effect.

Without a heart that can continuously produce and deliver mutated blood to the entire body, the special blood supplemented from outside can only temporarily strengthen the body. Once the effect wears off, the body's condition will immediately return to its original state.

It may even happen that the body's functions are overdrawn due to the effects of previous drugs. Without the effects of drugs, the whole person will appear even more weak and sluggish.

This is why Zhao Ran is so crazy about the permanent version of this drug.

He was convinced that he couldn't live without this drug.

After getting all the information that he probably needed to know, Chen Mo no longer hid. He first took out the super signal jammer to prevent any surveillance equipment that he didn't know about from filming around him.

Then he knocked Zhao Ran unconscious with a strike of his hand knife. The next moment, he used his magical power to control the vibranium flying knife to quickly chop off the heads of the people around him.

Hearing a whistling sound, the blonde beauty felt a flash of light, and everyone around her had their heads separated.

The appearance of this strange scene really made her feel extremely surprised and frightened.

She didn't even understand what was going on.

If they were discovered by Chinese officials, then these people should have been shot to death or stunned with tranquilizer guns.

There is no way it would be like this, where all the heads fell off at the same time.

When such a strange scene appeared, the woman could only think of one possibility.


While she was marveling in her heart, a young voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Hey, it's interesting, you actually know about superpowers."

Chen Mo originally discovered that this woman seemed to be the highest-ranking person here, so he planned to keep her to find out information about this mysterious biotechnology company.

Unexpectedly, just after she had taken care of the people around her, the word "superpower" appeared in this woman's mind.

Normal people would not think of going here.

This immediately aroused Chen Mo's interest.

Hearing the sound coming from the car behind her, the woman turned around blankly as if she had seen a ghost.

I saw a young Chinese man walking slowly out of the car at this time.

"Hello, Miss Youxia."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Why do you know my name?" Youxia said in a daze.

Chen Mo smiled lightly and stretched out his finger, pointing at the left-center area of ​​You Xia's pair of giant things that were so plump that they were about to squeeze through the white shirt on her body, and said, "Because I can read minds." "Then who controlled it just now? Flying knife?" You Xia didn't notice Chen Mo's fingers falling on his chest, he just looked at Chen Mo with his big beautiful eyes and asked.

"It's me too, why don't you have someone with double powers over there?" Chen Mo retracted his finger, smiled lightly, and controlled the flying knife to spin in circles in front of You Xia.

"I don't even know what you're talking about about my superpower!" You Xia said harshly.

Chen Mo sneered and stretched out his left hand to pick her chin. He pressed his right hand on the left side of You Xia's heart and said, "I told you that I can read minds, Miss You Xia. Do you think you need to lie to me?"

Seeing this, Youxia was speechless.

"Miss Youxia seems to have the same status as Kevis in China, and she is also the person responsible for contacting the headquarters. Tell me, how do you contact the headquarters."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, You Xia couldn't lie about her inner secrets even though she didn't want Chen Mo to know.

"There are actually so many secret codes, and there are also transfer personnel. You must be careful enough."

As Chen Mo said these words, You Xia also became anxious. This guy has the ability to read minds and he can't hide any secrets from him.

She immediately reached into her skirt and prepared to take out the pistol hidden in her inner thigh. However, before she could draw the gun, Chen Mo was already one step ahead of her and reached out to take out the pistol she had hidden.

Miss Youxia, I forgot to tell you, I still have clairvoyance ability.

As he spoke, Chen Mo's right hand began to fumble around You Xia's body, and soon he took out a sharp scalpel, a syringe containing an unknown medicine, and another gun.

At the same time, he grabbed Youxia's soft little hand and took off the ring with the anesthetic needle hidden in her hand.

"Miss Youxia, your equipment is surprisingly rich."

After throwing everything on the ground, Chen Mo smiled.

Seeing that everyone had seen through all his trump cards, Youxia gave up completely.

"Can you give me a quickie?"

You Xia is not a fool. Chen Mo can reveal all kinds of abilities to her, so there is absolutely no chance of leaving her alive.

From the look on Chen Mo's face when he first looked at her, she could tell that this person was not something that could be easily swayed by beauty, so she didn't bother to compromise herself in the interim.

Whenever a man is moved by her charm, no matter how well-hidden his expression is when he first sees her, the male impulse deep in his eyebrows cannot be hidden.

But this person didn't.

I don't know if it's because he's not a womanizer or because he's seen someone better than him.

Anyway, this person is impossible for You Xia to deal with.

"Of course. After all, if a beauty like Miss Youxia dies in an ugly or miserable death, it would be a bit unbearable. But before you die, please reveal all the secrets you know to me. It also saves me a little bit of inducement to find out, doesn’t it?”

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Yes, but after I finish telling the story, please allow me to transfer all my savings to the Angel Orphanage."

Hearing what You Xia said, Chen Mo smiled and said, "Miss You Xia, have you forgotten that I can read minds?"

This Angel's Orphanage is the reason why Youxia has been working hard for the organization. Basically all the money she earns will be remitted to the Angel's Orphanage.

She died thinking that this orphanage was real.

But for the safety of the organization, she also made an agreement with the organization and the director of the orphanage. If the amount of remittance is the same as the agreed number, the director of the orphanage will report the matter to You. Xia left the phone number.

That person will know what it means.

That's why Chen Mo said this.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, You Xia immediately said: "Just because I know you can read minds, it is impossible for me to remit that number. You can watch from the side."

"I can allow you to remit money, but you are not allowed to transfer the entire balance out, nor are you allowed to transfer the number you agreed on. The number you transferred last month was pretty good. This month you will transfer the number you transferred last month. Income of similar numbers.”

Chen Mo is not unkind.

Hearing what he said, Youxia had no objection.

After the agreement was made, You Xia told Chen Mo everything he knew from beginning to end.

From You Xia's mouth, Chen Mo learned that this mysterious company called Walter was conducting research on two drugs, one was drug A and the other was drug B.

And there are additional variants of both drugs.

There are many variations of drug A.

There is a temporary A drug that temporarily increases physical strength.

There are permanent A medicines that permanently increase body strength, but have certain side effects.

There are various castrated versions of A-drugs that can only cure diseases and prolong life. The side effects have not been found to be as terrible as permanent A-drugs.

As for drug B, You Xia knows very little about it at this level.

All I know is that Drug B is a drug that can create people with superpowers.

But actually very few people in the organization know about this.

In the Chinese branch, only she, Kevis and two other slightly key figures knew about it.

No one knows about the others.

And they actually don’t know much.

For example, this time Keeves asked to send someone with the ability to read minds, but there was no such person with such abilities within the organization.

Kivis and others simply knew that Drug B could create superpowers, but they had no idea how many superpowers had been successfully created within the organization and what powers these superpowers had.

As for other details, Youxia didn't know very well.

The research they are doing in China is just further research on temporary drug A and castrated version of drug A.

Mainly because the various drugs produced in different parts of the world are different. The time when the drug was unearthed, the environment in which the drug was grown, etc., all have great considerations.

So some research can only be done locally.

In addition to China, they have also established some secret research institutes in other countries.

We just want to combine the characteristics of the environment of various countries in the world to develop the best and most ideal drugs.

After learning about the research direction of the secret research institute established by Kevis and the others in China, Chen Mo had no intention of getting rid of them directly.

After all, their main research direction is quite different from the research that GPP, a subsidiary of the same company, wants to do.

After probably learning some of the superficial plans of Walter Company, You Xia had no more information to disclose to Chen Mo.

The only further valuable information that Chen Mo could get from her was that she was the main person in charge of liaison between China and the Watt Company headquarters.

She controls the codes and corresponding liaisons.

"I've finished talking. I can transfer the money."

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

After You Xia pressed the remittance value, he asked Chen Mo, "Is this remittance amount okay?"

Chen Mo took the phone with a smile, modified it casually, and then sent it.

"You can kill me now." After seeing the message that the remittance was successful, Youxia closed her eyes and said after finishing everything.

It's not that she's not afraid of death, it's that she doesn't bother to struggle in vain, which makes her look too ugly.

Seeing her body trembling slightly, obviously still scared of death, but closing her eyes to die, Chen Mo smiled and said: "Miss You Xia, you are indeed right, now that I have told you With my ability, I never thought of letting you go, but I didn’t say that I would kill you immediately after asking questions.”

When Chen Mo said these words, You Xia couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Do you think I'm stupid? I finally got a channel to contact your headquarters from you. The password you have and the people who are connected to you. Once I find out that something happened to you, then the password you have and the people who are connected to you." All the people connected to you will disappear with your death, so I asked so many questions, not just asking about loneliness."

"Then what do you want to think?" Seeing that what Chen Mo said made sense, You Xia blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "Even if you take me as a hostage, the result will be the same. Once I disappear, they will still immediately If you know, you can change the contact code and contact person."

"I see."

Chen Mo naturally knew what You Xia said.

"Then what do you want to do to me? Do you have the superpower of hypnosis or mind control?"

"You can say that, aren't you very concerned about the Angel Orphanage? If you don't obey my arrangements, then I will completely destroy everything you care about." Chen Mo said with a cold face.

Hearing these words sounded to You Xia's ears like a warning from an evil spirit crawling out of the Nine Nether Purgatory, which was horrifying.

"You beast, those are innocent children!" You Xia, who had always been emotionally stable even in the face of death, looked at Chen Mo with red eyes and cursed.

"Very good, I like your reaction, Miss You Xia. I don't want to be the beast that Miss You Xia calls me, so I hope Miss You Xia can help both of us." Chen Mo said calmly, not at all angry at being insulted.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, You Xia said feebly: "What do you want?"

"It's very simple. I just want to know the current location of your transit liaison officer. Once I know this, that's it."

"None of his people are in China. If you know this, what can you do?" You Xia sighed.

"I don't need to worry about this, Miss Youxia. As long as Miss Youxia does as I say, I can get his position."

"I also want to help you, but I'm sorry, I only have contact information and a contact code. I have no idea where the other person is. You have no idea how cautious Walter Company's behavior is.

If you want to contact the headquarters from the outside, it can't be completed in just a few steps.

There are layers of transfers in between. If there is a problem at any step, the headquarters will not be contacted. "You Xia said with a headache.

"Of course, I believe in your company's concealment capabilities. Otherwise, it would not have been able to produce such a powerful drug without being discovered by the top management of Bird Country, or even by any country in the world."

"Then how can I help you get the other party's position?" Youxia said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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