Chapter 118 Real-time monitoring of liquid medicine! (-in-)

You Xia was quite shocked when she saw that the simulated doll turned into Keeves' appearance and could make the same voice as Keeves when Chen Mo spoke. It even matched the shape of its mouth.

However, she still said: "Kevis usually speaks Bird Mandarin in the base, and he also has a strong local accent. How are you going to imitate it?"

Chen Mo has a perfect replica of the SSS-level passive. This is all child's play. He can easily imitate it as long as he hears Keeves' accent.

As for Niao Mandarin, he was originally a top student at Shanghai University, and his own Niao Mandarin is not bad at all. After understanding Kevis's voice and learning his daily speaking habits, he can use it even more freely.

He casually showed Youxia a section of the bionic Kivis speaking in Bird Mandarin.

After listening to what Bionic Kivis said, Youxia finally had nothing to say.

She had to admit that Chen Mo's imitation was extremely perfect, and there were basically no flaws.

"Well, you can indeed replace Kivis almost perfectly. Kivis is in charge of this base. I am assisting him in management and maintaining contact with the headquarters. The headquarters will not contact him directly, so As long as we jointly order Kevis to take the people I brought out today to a certain place for secret research, and then hand over the rights here to me, then basically there will be no exposure.

From now on, it will only be necessary for Kevis to show up once or twice a month. "You Xia glanced at Chen Mo with admiration and said.

"That's great. This can save a lot of things. Then you can find a way to arrange it. Call the main personnel to come over and I will cooperate with you to announce the relevant matters."

"Okay, I'll call someone over right now."

After You Xia finished speaking, Chen Mo entered the invisible state again.

Soon, Youxia called in the other three main personnel.

"Kevis, Yuxia said you have something urgent to announce. What is it?" The three of them were still busy studying at this time and asked anxiously.

"I recently discovered a relatively good medicinal field and am going to take a group of people there to establish an additional temporary research site for research. The location there is a bit sensitive and it is difficult to turn on the communication equipment. During this period, we will be suspended. contact for a period of time.

All affairs within the institute will be fully handed over to You Xia. The three of you remember to assist her and don't cause any trouble when I leave.

If there is anything that requires my intervention, Youxia will notify me. "

"I understand, don't worry, can you still worry about us doing things? Even if you and Miss Youxia are not here, we can still handle the affairs of the institute."

The three of them didn't even notice that there was anything unusual about the android doll that was looking at them calmly and talking, and they all confirmed it.

"Very well, you can go back to work."

After the three people left, Chen Mo put the puppet away and said with a smile: "Then, I'll thank you, Miss Youxia, for helping me with my lies."

"You want to leave?" You Xia was stunned for a moment and said.

"As you said, your liaison officer doesn't know when he will contact you. It's not easy for you to take the initiative to contact you. It can easily arouse suspicion. Although Miss Youxia is very pretty, it doesn't hurt to stay with you for a while. , but I can’t really stay with Miss You Xia all the time." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"I don't believe that Mr. Chen trusted me and left me here alone just because of my few words." You Xia looked like he had seen through it all.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "That's right. Since Miss You Xia is left alone here, I naturally have to leave something with Miss You Xia so that I can feel at ease."

"What do you want to leave behind?" You Xia looked at Chen Mo calmly, "I am not the kind of person who will obey you if you make me your woman. You should also know that you can What’s left of me?”

Chen Mo said with a smile: "You don't need to know what it is specifically, Miss You Xia. In short, it's just something that can make me feel at ease."

"Then how can Mr. Chen stay?"

You Xia looked at Chen Mo curiously.

Chen Mo had many tricks, and the more she looked at him, the more she felt that this person was unfathomable.

From the beginning of her journey to the factory, she had seen various unusual behaviors of Chen Mo.

Now she even wanted to see more about how many abilities Chen Mo had that exceeded her expectations.

The eavesdropping tattoo is only effective for one day. Chen Mo can't afford to put one on You Xia every day.

Although he has basically confirmed that You Xia has no intention of leaning towards the organization, and is even willing to stand on his side because he has carefully considered the pros and cons, but after all, he must be on guard against others, and Chen Mo still wants to plant the seeds of the ability to monitor in her. Something of her daily actions.

Chen Mo immediately looked up relevant things from the system.

"System, is there anything that can monitor the other party's audio and video in real time from a long distance?"

[System prompt: The host can redeem "Eavesdropping Tattoo" and "Surveillance Tattoo". Each requires only 1000 survival points. After attaching the relevant tattoo to the target, affixing the receiving tattoo on yourself can ensure that it will be effective for 24 hours. Monitor and monitor.

Both of these tattoos are invisible tattoos and cannot be washed away before the time limit expires. This portable monitoring and surveillance method is relatively covert.

The host can also redeem the "Real-time Monitoring Liquid" and spend 5000 survival points. You only need to apply the liquid on 99% of the opponent's body, and then apply a little receiving liquid on your eyebrows, and it will last for 30 days. Monitor each other in real time and from a very long distance.

The liquid is colorless and odorless, and cannot be washed away before the time limit expires. This portable monitoring method requires the liquid to be applied all over the opponent's body, so it basically requires some effort to effectively apply it to the opponent. It is not as good as Tattooing is easy.

Or the host can obtain the "Omniscient Vision" skill. This skill allows the host to have a vision comparable to that of God, and can explore the music and video in any area of ​​the universe at will. However, this skill can only be obtained from the main mission SSS level or above gift pack, and cannot be used. Exchange directly. 】

"The omniscient vision is comparable to God's perspective. There is also this perverted thing in the system. If I can use this skill, I won't need so much trouble. I can find out this mysterious thing by frantically exploring every inch of the world. Watt Company."

Omniscient vision is definitely the best choice, but unfortunately, if you can't change it, you can only choose the remaining two methods.

Tattoos are too expensive. To get both picture and sound, you need to use both surveillance and eavesdropping tattoos at once, which consumes 2000 survival points a day.

60000 points a month is too expensive.

In this case, the only option is to choose the cheapest portable monitoring solution.

5000 survival points can be used for a full 30 days, which is cheap and long-lasting.

It's just that it's a bit troublesome to apply the liquid all over Youxia's body, and it's definitely not suitable here.

He immediately said: "Where is Miss Youxia's residence? The matters here have been dealt with. Let's go back to your residence to discuss the remaining matters."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, You Xia became a little curious. She could tell that Chen Mo had no interest in her, but why did he want to go to her residence with her?

Are you planning to install surveillance cameras in your dormitory? Restrict yourself to the dormitory and not go out randomly?

Thinking of this, she said: "Mr. Chen, although the research institute here seems to have no research results, it is quite busy every day. Basically, at least one of Kevis and I must come here frequently to inspect every day. , if both of them suddenly stopped their usual actions, it would probably be very suspicious."

Chen Mo naturally read the thoughts in You Xia's mind. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, I just asked Miss You Xia to go back to her residence to do something. After completing this matter, I will not restrict Miss You Xia's personal freedom."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, You Xia became curious.

Not knowing what Chen Mo wanted to do, she became curious, nodded and said, "Let's go then." You Xia's residence was inside the research institute.

There is the highest level of security around the institute, so naturally it is safest to live inside the institute.

Soon, Chen Mo followed You Xia into her exclusive high-level cadre residence. Although You Xia lived alone, it was still a quite large suite.

However, although the room is large, the layout of the residence is extremely simple.

As You Xia turned on the gentle white light that was enough to light up every corner of the room, she closed the door and said to Chen Mo who was nowhere near her: "What would you like to drink, Mr. Chen?"

At this time, Chen Mo appeared and said with a smile: "Miss Youxia is actually willing to buy me a drink. I'm flattered. Just boiled water."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, You Xia said calmly: "Please sit in the living room."

After saying that, she went to pour water.

Entering the spacious and bright living room, you can see several simple sketches hanging on the walls of the living room. These sketches were all drawn by Youxia himself. The style of painting is similar to that of himself, extremely simple and plain.

I don't know if it's because of the owner's personality. The furniture in the room is also very simple, without too many decorations. However, Chen Mo feels that the more it is like this, the more neat and elegant it looks.

Chen Mo sat on the sofa and looked at the soft off-white sofa, paired with the surrounding light wood coffee table and TV cabinet. He felt that this combination was quite warm and natural.

To one side of the living room is the open kitchen and dining area.

The kitchen has all the facilities. Although it is not big, it is well laid out and very convenient to use.

The table and chairs in the dining room are also in light wood tones, matching the style of the furniture in the living room.

A pot of green plants is placed on the dining table, bringing a touch of life to the room.

You Xia poured two glasses of water over, took a sip of both glasses of water in front of Chen Mo, and then handed one of the glasses of water to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Miss Youxia doesn't need to be like this. I have the ability to read minds, so I know exactly whether you have drugged you or not."

You Xia smiled and didn't say much. He just sat down naturally and said, "The room has been returned. I wonder what Mr. Chen plans to do to me?"

"Miss Youxia seems to be really looking forward to knowing what I might do." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen has so many means, and You Xia also wants to see more, and naturally looks forward to it. After all, there is nothing in this world that interests me more than these transcendent and normal things."

Youxia said without hiding his fanatical interest in this aspect.

Otherwise, she would not have joined this organization, or would have been poached into this organization.

To be able to enter this organization, enter the research institute, and be in a high-level position, in addition to having the ability, naturally they also need to have some special characteristics.

Youxia's unusual interest in transcendental things is one of her characteristics.

Seeing that You Xia really wanted to know, Chen Mo said with a smile: "Then as Miss You Xia wishes, let's go to the bathroom."

"Go to the bathroom?"

You Xia glanced at Chen Mo doubtfully, but without thinking much, she led Chen Mo towards the bathroom next to her bedroom.

Through the living room is a medium-sized bedroom.

The bedroom layout is equally simple and comfortable.

The bed sheets and pillows are in an elegant blue color, which matches the white walls and curtains, making it look particularly fresh.

A simple table lamp is placed on the bedside table, adding a touch of warm light and shadow to the bedroom.

After passing through the medium-sized bedroom, there is the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, the bathroom in Youxia's room was quite large, the size of a bedroom in an ordinary person's home. In the middle of the bathroom was a round bathtub the size of a large bed.

"Miss Youxia's bathroom is quite unique." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Bathing is one of the few moments when I feel relaxed, so I naturally have higher requirements for the bathroom layout." You Xia said nonchalantly, "Why did Mr. Chen ask me to take you into the bathroom?"

"Miss Youxia, please take off all your clothes. If 99% of your skin is covered, I'm afraid you'll have to remove your underwear as well." Chen Mo said calmly.

"99% skin coverage?" After hearing what Chen Mo said, You Xia became even more curious about what Chen Mo was going to do.

It has been confirmed that Chen Mo needs to live well by himself, and You Xia is not afraid that Chen Mo will hurt herself. In addition, she was born with no reaction in this regard, and she has no regard for human bodies as a result of her upbringing, so whether it is other people's bodies or She actually doesn't care if her body is exposed in front of others.

After hearing Chen Mo's request, she didn't have any other thoughts in her mind. She just followed Chen Mo's request and removed all obstacles. As the giant thing escaped from the restraints, it jumped out. After getting a full view, it was even better than expected. It's amazing, it's hard to imagine that a person with excellent body proportions would have such a figure.

This person is simply the best of all the people Chen Mo has ever seen.

After doing all this, You Xia didn't blush or breathed. She looked at Chen Mo calmly and said, "What next?"

Until this moment, Chen Mo finally discovered that something was wrong with You Xia.

No matter what, if a girl is asked like this by a man she doesn't know, or has just met, and was even hostile before, she won't have any mood swings.

Chen Mo immediately put his hand gently on You Xia's shoulder and checked the treatment consumption in the system.

Sure enough, You Xia was born with a certain sensory defect, and the repair of this defect required spending up to 500 energy points.

It can be considered a serious disease.

After learning that the other party was sick, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to cure her. After all, her current state made it easier for her to fulfill his request.

After Chen Mo spent 5000 survival points, he purchased a bottle of "Real-time Monitoring Liquid" from the system mall.

"Miss Youxia, please apply this bottle of liquid all over your body. Of course, if your back area is difficult to apply, I can help."

"You want to apply this stuff all over your body?" Seeing Chen Mo take out a bottle of dark medicinal solution, You Xia said unexpectedly, "Are you sure?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Don't worry, don't look at it as black. This thing is completely harmless. As long as it is applied to people, it will become transparent soon."

(End of this chapter)

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