Chapter 151 Trouble? benefit?

"I would rather not find any solid information. If it is really solid, it will be really troublesome!"

Akafiel was thinking silently in his heart. This sudden appearance of a Chinese man, with his mysterious strength, medicine that could cure all diseases, and possible superpowers, made people have to re-examine the structure of the entire world.

He made a quick decision: "I will ask GPP to speed up the cooperation process and strive to get in touch with him as soon as possible and find out his details."

McLaren nodded slightly after hearing this, "It seems that things have indeed become complicated this time, but it is also more interesting.

If, as you said, the organization behind this Chinese company also conducts similar drug research, then they must have their own R&D system and resources.

If we had a way to steal this research data, wouldn't it be of great help to us? I think they are definitely only half-assed now. If they find it earlier, the trouble will be less and the benefit to us will be greater. "

"I understand, McLaren." Akafiel responded, "I will send someone to investigate the background information of the Chinese, as well as the circumstances of all the meteorites that have fallen in China in the past few decades. Who has been exposed to these meteorites? Maybe we can find some clues from it.”

After the call between the two ended, Akafiel immediately began to assign tasks.

Akafel immediately summoned his right-hand assistants, Sasha, an expert in intelligence analysis, and Ryan, an extremely capable investigator.

In a closed conference room, he was communicating remotely with two people, concisely explaining the current situation and mission objectives.

"Sasha, I need you to mobilize all resources to investigate the identity and background of this Chinese man, especially the scientific research experience and social network of the people around him, and find any clues that may be related to the development of mysterious drugs." Akafiel said seriously say.

"Understood, boss." Sasha's eyes were firm, "I will sort out his network as soon as possible and pay close attention to his dynamics."

"Ryan, your task is more difficult." Akafiel turned to another investigator, "I want you to go to China in person and secretly investigate the relevant information of all meteorite crashes in the past decades or even hundreds of years, especially It involves people who have been exposed to meteorites.

If you need any assistance during the investigation, you can directly contact the research institute in China. "

Ryan nodded expressionlessly: "Don't worry, Mr. Akafiel, I will complete this task quietly."

Although Kevis had sent information about Chen Mo before, Akafiel didn't really care because it didn't involve super powers, only healing abilities.

But it's different now. This time it involves the issue of super powers.

He knew exactly what the security level of the Bird Fed Bank's underground vault was.

McLaren knew better. He was able to characterize the matter at a glance as something that only superpowers could handle and even called Akafel. Naturally, Akafel was convinced that there could be no other solution to the matter except superpowers. The possibility of arriving.

But now, a person with superpowers that he doesn't know about in the world appears, so the only possibility is this mysterious Chinese man.

So this time he directly sent his right-hand man to take action.

I have to say that these people move very quickly.

Soon a group of people from Watt Company entered China from different routes, preparing to conduct further investigations into the meteorite incident and Chen Mo.

These people quickly dispersed across China, preparing to investigate the meteorite and Chen Mo's incident.

Since Chen Mo committed a major case yesterday, Akafiel knew about it and sent someone over today.

Not long after Chen Mo finished giving out the rewards, You Xia received a call from Ruian.

"Miss Youxia, I heard that your development in China is going well. Do you have any people who can lend me some help?"

"you are?"

"I'm Ryan, from Walter Company, Walter Company has no secrets."

"Hello Mr. Ruian, what do you need my people to do for you?" After hearing the other party say the secret code, Youxia didn't doubt anything anymore.

While You Xia was still talking, she suddenly felt a breath around her. Apparently Chen Mo showed up on time.

You Xia glanced at Chen Mo, ignored him and continued to talk normally.

"I need you to lend me three people. It's useless to have too many. Three people who can run errands and have some brains."

"We are studying temporary A drugs here. As long as they take temporary A drugs, anyone can run errands." You Xia said.

"Then just pick three people with better brains. I'll be useful." Ruian said with a smile, "By the way, don't look for people from China. We need to investigate this matter secretly."

"Secret investigation? Is there any mission from the headquarters?" Youxia asked curiously.

"Miss Youxia doesn't need to know about this. Anyway, you just need to send someone to help me. If you have any questions, you can contact the superior to ask."

"Okay, wherever you are, I will select someone to go there immediately."

"I am now east of the Passenger Transport Center in Sioux City."


The two people were still talking here, and You Xia saw that Chen Mo beside him had disappeared at some point.

At this time, to the east of the Su City Passenger Transport Center, Chen Mo, who was invisible, had appeared here.

Based on the voice he just heard from Youxia's phone, he immediately locked onto Ryan who was speaking.

"By the way, what's going on with Kevis? Why can't I get through on the phone?" Ryan asked seemingly unintentionally.

"It seems that he has some new research recently. He took a team of people to a unique drug-producing place in China. His new research requires fresh drugs there for research. Because of the closed-door research, he does not want to expose anything through communication. , so he canceled all regular contact methods.

As for where he went, he didn't even tell me, but gave me an emergency contact method. "You Xia said.

"Really? I originally wanted to meet him, but in this case, forget it."

Upon seeing Ruian, Chen Mo immediately activated his mind-reading skills and began to read his thoughts.

"This guy is really sharp!"

Unexpectedly, in just a few words, this guy would have a lot of doubts about the Chinese research institute.

Although he didn't say it, he was still a little suspicious about Kevis disappearing from the research institute and Yuxia having full control over it.

Before he called Yousha, he actually called Keeves first, but Keeves' phone number was temporarily unreachable.

And Ryan was one of the few people who knew Keeves well as a person.

After all, such a top investigator has to travel to various countries to perform important tasks and needs the assistance of many local people. Naturally, he knows the backbone of the branch quite well.

He knew that Kevis was a very cautious person. Even if he trusted Youxia and left her a special contact information, he should not leave only such a contact person.

After all, Kevis will definitely create three people who can contact him in case something goes wrong.

But after he called Kevis, the message he received was the same as what Youxia said now, but the last message was that if you have anything to do, just contact Youxia, which made him immediately suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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