Chapter 162 Cooperation, request!

Since he has not yet figured out the locations of several other research institutes, Chen Mo is not in a hurry to take action in this underground research institute for the time being.

He planned to interrogate Akafir after he finished his work.

He stayed in the underground research institute for a while.

During this period, he suddenly received a call from Ford.

Originally, this underground research institute was equipped with a super powerful information jammer. Generally speaking, it was difficult to communicate with the outside world casually. Only the equipment of some special people had the function of communication.

Take Akafir for example. The reason why he was able to receive a call from Ryan from China in this underground research institute was because the equipment he carried was exempt from shielding.

But what Chen Mo holds is an ultra-high-tech global barrier-free communication walkie-talkie produced by the system, which is naturally unrestricted.

Seeing the intercom ringing, Chen Mo immediately found a deserted place and picked up the intercom.

"Hey, sir, we can't do this business with you. Not long after I started investigating, I've already received death threats, and the other party is also investigating your information.

However, we have rules in our industry. Don’t worry, I will not disclose any of your information after receiving your gold nugget. I am replying to you this letter mainly to inform you that you must be careful when walking here in the future, especially if you don’t Appearing near my detective agency, I have been completely targeted by people. I won't say more, that's all..."

After Ford finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Chen Mo had teleported and appeared in Ford's Eagle Eye Detective Agency.

Through mind reading, he heard that Ford was worried about this matter at this time.

It can be seen that he did not lie.

Seeing this, Chen Mo ignored him for the time being.

Otherwise, if he takes the opportunity to make up an excuse to defraud gold nuggets, then he is looking for death.

Being able to risk his life by calling his employer to tip him off despite being under huge threats shows that his professional ethics are adequate.

That's why Chen Mo had no intention of taking back the gold nugget.

For the time being, he had captured Akafiel, and he didn't care what information Ford could investigate.

He returned directly to Akafir and waited until his work was finished.

After finishing work in Akafell and returning to his residence, Chen Mocai finally appeared next to him.

Akafiel's residence is in a very crudely furnished room in the underground research institute.

It's really hard to tell that this is a place where top power officials live.

Not long after Akafiel entered the room, Chen Mo immediately began to investigate whether there was any surveillance equipment in the entire room.

After all, once he turns on the super signal jammer, it may cause problems with monitoring equipment elsewhere in the institute and attract unnecessary attention.

After checking that there was nothing in the way, Chen Mo finally appeared in front of Akafiel.

"Hello, Mr. Akafir."

Akafir had just made a pot of coffee, poured himself a cup and was about to drink it, when he was startled by a voice behind him. He turned his head and looked at the man behind him with a look of horror and disbelief.

With just one glance, he called out the name of this familiar Asian man: "Chen Mo!?"

"Yes, it's me."

Chen Mo said as he sat on the sofa next to him with a familiar look.

" did you get in?" Akafiel said in disbelief.

"Since your research institute is conducting research on superpowers, is it any surprise to you how I came in?" Chen Mo replied with a slight smile.

Hearing what he said, Akafiel suddenly calmed down and looked at Chen Modao with great interest.

"It's incredible. According to the reports I received about you before, your physical fitness is definitely super-enhanced after being drugged. At the same time, you also have this elusive superpower to move around the world. It seems that your institute's research The progress has far exceeded ours.”

"Mr. Akafiel is worthy of being a senior executive of Walter Company. I invaded this position, and he is still able to remain calm in the face of danger. I admire him." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"You also said that you have already invaded to this point, so now my life has long been in your hands. The result will be the same whether I mess up or not. My life only depends on your thoughts. between.

Keep calm, I can still chat with you a few more words, but if you panic and scream, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to chat.

You are a perfect experimental subject that I have never seen before, and I am still very interested in you. "Akafiel looked at Chen Mo with excitement as if he had seen something he loved.

This was the first time that Chen Mo was stared at by a man like this, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

He smiled silently and said: "Mr. Akafir, when I come here this time, I have no intention of dealing with you. I just want to get some of your company's research results and the location of the Class B and Class C drug research institutes." .

If you can give me all the relevant information, then everyone can still live in peace with each other. You do your research and I do mine. "

After all, the emergence of the apocalypse was mainly caused by the arrival of the Demon Star, so Chen Mo had no objection to Walter Company's research on their own land.

But if Watt Company extends its hand to China, it will be cut off.

As Chen Mo spoke, Akafiel did not think about the location of the two research institutes.

"Mr. Chen Mo, with your current physical fitness and ability, your research should have surpassed ours by a lot. What is the use of our semi-finished research data?" Akafiel asked doubtfully.

"I have my reasons for wanting these information. You don't have to worry about it. In short, you should sort out all the research information as soon as possible. I will come to pick it up tomorrow. Otherwise, I will directly expose all your research projects to the whole world. You also know that with my ability, you can't stop me." Chen Mo looked at Akafiel with a relaxed expression.

"Okay, since you said that, I have nothing to say. I will prepare relevant data before tomorrow, but can I make a request?" Akafiel said.

"Please tell me." Chen Mo said nonchalantly.

"Judging from the research data you still need from us, your potion should be close to perfection, but it is still not particularly perfect. A large amount of data is still needed to check for omissions and fill in the gaps. All the research data from us may be useful to you. It's all useless.

But there may be some things that you just missed in your research. I am willing to share this information, but if a perfect potion is born, please give me a chance to use it. "

(End of this chapter)

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