Chapter 176 Spiritual collision!

Mu Zifan was quite satisfied with his awakened powers, and suddenly started to move faster in the room.

Normally, most people cannot adapt to sudden acceleration, but Mu Zifan's acceleration is not simply accelerating his body, but also accelerating his sensory information feedback and reaction ability. Therefore, when he accelerates, he only needs to accelerate himself simultaneously. All attributes, there will be no confusion.

But if he deliberately deceives others, he can only accelerate their movement speed without accelerating their reaction speed. If ordinary people are suddenly accelerated, they may be unable to adapt and suffer heavy impact injuries.

Seeing Mu Zifan running back and forth in the room, Chen Mo smiled and ignored him, but continued to look at Mu Xiyue's awakening.

[Name]: Mu Xiyue

[Race]: Human

[Level]: First level

【ancestry】: human

[Ability]: Mental collision (you can freely control your own thoughts to communicate with other creatures, and you can also launch mental attacks on others, causing damage to others' minds, causing the target to suffer mental trauma and temporarily lose the ability to move, or directly kill them) other side.)


[Special energy]: 200 points

"Xiaoyue's powers are somewhat similar to Sister Yue's. They are attacks on the mental level. However, Sister Yue's is to temporarily control the mind. It will not have any impact on the opponent's spirit. Generally speaking, it means controlling the opponent's body.

But Xiaoyue's attack and damage is purely on the spiritual level, and the practicality is somewhat different. "

Chen Mo immediately made an evaluation after seeing Mu Xiyue's abilities.

Mu Xiyue's abilities do look similar to Zhao Yue's.

But the reality is very different.

What the two have in common is that the ability to affect the target does not only rely on supernatural energy, but is also affected by the gap in mental power between the two parties.

But Zhao Yue uses mental control to forcibly control the target. This is a continuous mental attack, so in theory, the energy loss when Zhao Yue uses his superpower is relatively continuous and large.

But Mu Xiyue is different. She only needs to carry out a powerful mental impact at once to knock the opponent into a coma and lose his fighting ability, or directly destroy the opponent's spirit and kill without a trace.

In terms of lethality, Mu Xiyue's supernatural powers are even higher than Zhao Yue's.

If two people face each other, it can only be said that whoever strikes first will win.

In addition to attacking, Mu Xiyue's superpower can also communicate with her thoughts, which can be regarded as a quite practical ability.

With this ability, you can communicate directly with any living thing, and you can also communicate silently across the air. It has good application value in both strategic and daily life.

Not long after Mu Xiyue gained this ability, Mu Xiyue's voice sounded in Chen Mo's mind.

"Chen Mo, can you hear my voice?"

Chen Mo immediately looked at her with a smile and responded with a thought in his mind.

Although Chen Mo did not have the ability to actively communicate with Mu Xiyue, he could continue to communicate with Mu Xiyue because Mu Xiyue had established a communication channel.

"I heard, your powers are quite interesting." Feeling Chen Mo's silent reply to her, Mu Xiyue also showed a different kind of joy on her face. She never thought that one day, she would be able to awaken her powers and become a superpower. .

This is really something I have never dreamed of.

"How's it going? It feels good to awaken the superpower, right?" Chen Mo said as he looked at the three of them with a smile.

"More than good, Brother Mo, this is so cool. We are now superpowers. Can we become superheroes in the future, punishing evil and promoting good?" Mu Zifan said excitedly, having a superhero dream.

"Xiao Fan, it's better not to reveal your super powers in front of others for the time being. I will tell you when to use your super powers." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, I will listen to Brother Mo." Mu Zifan was obedient to Chen Mo at this time and was very obedient.

After all, his superpowers are thanks to the medicine given by the other party, and Mu Zifan is still a very grateful person.

"You have now awakened your superpowers and become superpowers. I just want to try out the effect of my powers on superpowers. You can feel it. If you feel that you are being controlled, you can resist." Zhao Yue looked at the three of them. humane.

At this time, Mu Xiyue and the others were also very interested, and they all smiled and nodded. Even at Qiu Xiulan's age, she was quite surprised and excited about being able to awaken her superpower.

Not to mention that men are at least teenagers, and so are women.

Women also have their own fantasies, but no matter whether they are men or women, with the establishment of families and the pressure of life, the edges and corners of everyone are gradually smoothed.

All the unrealistic fantasies in my heart were buried deep in my heart.

If there is really a chance to awaken superpowers, let alone Qiu Xiulan's age, even grandfathers and grandmothers who are decades older will excitedly imagine the scene of surprising everyone with their superpowers.

As Zhao Yue began to use his super powers on Mu Zifan, Mu Zifan, who had been completely unable to detect Zhao Yue's mental control before, finally became aware of it this time.

Zhao Yue could clearly feel that Mu Zifan was resisting.

But the resistance at the same level was not enough to withstand Zhao Yue's mental control.

Zhao Yue finally succeeded in controlling Mu Zifan, and even allowed Mu Zifan to use his own super powers while controlling Mu Zifan, or use his super powers to bless himself as the controller.

Zhao Yue also experienced the acceleration of all senses and the feeling of being able to process various information and actions quickly.

However, this time her control over Mu Zifan was obviously not as simple as controlling three ordinary people just now. She only controlled Mu Zifan for less than 10 seconds before using all her strength to release the control.

I saw Zhao Yue breathing deeply and saying: "No, the control ability of the same level is very leisurely. When Xiaofan resists stubbornly, I can basically only control him for about 10 seconds. This is just controlling him alone. If Control multiple ones at the same time, I'm afraid the time will be shorter.

My superpower doesn't seem to be very effective against people with powers of the same level. "

"Sister Yue, you have successfully controlled me for ten seconds. This is not very good. If you are hostile to me, these ten seconds are enough for you to kill me ten times." Mu Zifan couldn't help but complain. .

After hearing this, Chen Mo also smiled and said: "What Xiaofan said makes sense. Sister Yue, your superpower is too abnormal. Controlling it for ten seconds is already very good. If you can control others at the same level at will, then your single-target combat power is simply incredible. ”

(End of this chapter)

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