Chapter 194 A considerate system!
It is said that mechas are a man's romance, but Chen Mo is quite interested in this thing.

But after looking at the reward prompts, I found that this mecha is not a special reward. Obviously, there is a chance to get this kind of thing through the super SSS level gift pack. If you use the super SSS level main line mission spree to open it, it will be a bit of a loss.

Although Chen Mo liked this reward very much, he still reluctantly replaced it.

[System prompt: The modification is completed and you have obtained a new reward! 】

[System prompt: The gift package has been opened successfully. Congratulations on getting a super SSS-level item - "Super Power Boosting Fluid"! 】

[Super Power Enhancement Liquid]: After taking it, you can increase the level of your own super powers. Each drop taken will increase the level by one level, up to the super SSS level. There are currently 10 drops left.

"10 drops. If you start to upgrade from S level, it will take a total of three upgrades from S level to super SSS level. That is, 3 drops are enough. One bottle of power enhancement liquid is equivalent to improving three S level powers to It's super SSS level, and there's even an extra drop that can be used for SSS level abilities.

When you calculate the value of this thing, it seems to be quite good.

Even if it is an A-level or B-level ability, a bottle of ability enhancement liquid can upgrade two A-level or B-level abilities to super SSS level. One super SSS level reward is worth two. "

Looking at this reward, Chen Mo became even more confused.

This is a reward that can definitely be locked, because it won’t be a loss no matter how you calculate it.

If you don’t need it yourself, you can give it to your relatives and friends.

And there is only one last chance to re-randomize.

But Chen Mo still wanted to maximize the value of the super SSS-level main quest gift package.

If you exchange this for something you can get from a super SSS-level gift pack, you're still losing money after all.

After much hesitation, Chen Mo took advantage of his last chance to make changes.

After all, according to the probability, the probability of not being able to get the exclusive reward of the super SSS-level main line mission spree four times in a row is very low.

If you really can't open it four times in a row, you can only accept your fate.

[System prompt: The modification is completed and you have obtained a new reward! 】

[System prompt: The gift package has been opened successfully. Congratulations to you for obtaining a super SSS-level special item - "Distortion Fruit"! 】

"It's okay. Although it's a deformed divine fruit, at least it's considered a special item, so it's not a loss."

Even so, the probability of opening the Abnormal Fruit is still a bit unexpectedly high. Chen Mo asked curiously: "System, what is the probability of opening the Abnormal Fruit?"

[System prompt: The distortion divine fruit is issued with a high probability based on the number of source cores you have. You have three source cores, so you have three high-probability chances of getting the distortion divine fruit. You can get it from the super special gift package. The chance of aberration fruit is constant at 30%. After opening three distortion divine fruits, unless you obtain a new source core, the probability of obtaining the distortion divine fruit will return to the same probability as the ordinary super-SSS level special reward. 】

"So that's it. If you said that, I would understand. No wonder, I just said that the probability of getting this aberration fruit is too high.

Now I have fully opened three abnormal fruits, which means that the probability of me opening the abnormal fruits in the future has returned to the normal probability. "

Although the system is set up like this, the system is considerate enough and also gives high-probability quotas based on the number of source cores. Chen Mo is now more and more satisfied with this system, which he thought was very silly at first.

After giving out the rewards, Chen Mo sorted out today's earnings.

With the one-click builder, he can now build all buildings with one click.

He immediately looked through all the architectural drawings he currently owned.

The first one is the "Super Particle Fountain". This building is built in the living area and can continuously produce and emit super particles. Although the improvement efficiency is not high, as long as you live in it for a long enough time, you can still continue to improve your life in it. The strength of all superpowers.

Clearly has very good architectural value.

Now that it can be built with one click, Chen Mo directly launched the one-click builder.

The moment he activated the one-click builder, an earth appeared in front of him. He could choose to zoom out or zoom in. If he zoomed out, he could display the entire solar system in front of him. Currently, the entire solar system is within the scope where he can build buildings with one click. .

After Chen Mo zoomed in to Mingyuan Community, he built the "Super Particle Fountain" inside it.

As he made his choice, his perception ability immediately sensed that a fountain building suddenly appeared in the community, and super particles began to erupt in the entire community, constantly nourishing everyone in the community.

As the fountain took effect, not only Chen Mo, but also other people who had awakened their superpowers, also discovered that something was not right about the community environment. They always felt that the air was more pleasant to absorb than before.

This is the cellular pleasure brought about by super particles entering the body.

After completing the construction of the "Super Particle Fountain" with one click, Chen Mo immediately looked at the next construction drawing.

The next architectural drawing is the "Interstellar Portal Network Center". According to this architectural drawing, Chen Mo can build a huge interstellar portal network center. By continuously laying interstellar portals to the outside world, the host planet can be connected to various places in the universe. Corner, through this center, humans can easily carry out interstellar trade, cultural exchanges, resource extraction, and exploration activities.

Although it will be very convenient after it is built, laying the interstellar portal to the outside world is obviously a troublesome and risky task. Chen Mo plans to build an interstellar portal network center on the earth first. As for whether to roll out the interstellar portal to the outside world, Then make a decision later slowly.

After he built the Interstellar Portal Network Center in a hidden location in the North Pole, he ignored it and continued to look at the next building drawing.

The next architectural drawing is the "Cosmic Energy Research Center". This is a building specially used to study cosmic energy. It is equipped with the most advanced experimental equipment and observation instruments. Here, scientists can delve into the nature of cosmic energy and develop more revolutionary technological products.

This is a very important building that needs to be built as soon as possible to help improve the development level of earth civilization.

However, the construction location is more important, so Chen Mo decided to build this building in Mingyuan Community.

He must be under absolute supervision and control over these key studies.

After completing the construction of the Cosmic Energy Research Center with one click, Chen Mo looked at the next building drawing.

The next architectural drawing is the "Starry Sky Observation Tower". This building is a key building that Chen Mo needs to complete the main task eight, because this is an observation tower that can observe the starry sky and capture cosmic signals. It has advanced astronomical instruments and data processing systems. , can help mankind discover new galaxies and civilizations, and it is the most suitable help for Chen Mo's mission.

(End of this chapter)

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