Chapter 204 Contract with the ninth-level ancient tree!

Although this ancient tree has awakened its spiritual wisdom, it has no intention of harming anyone.

When Chen Mo landed near it, it showed no hostility.

"Hello, Senior Shu. I don't know how to call you, so I'll call you this." After all, this tree ring is older than Chen Mo by who knows how many generations. Chen Mo looked at it and said with a smile.

"You are a student at Magic City University. I remember seeing you." The soul of the ninth-level ancient tree communicated.

"Oh? After you awaken, you can still retain the memory of what you saw before awakening?" Chen Mo was quite surprised.

After all, in his opinion, plants should not have any memory or cognition of the outside world. Plus, plants have no eyes, so how could they have seen themselves?

"Maybe it's because I'm special." Gu Shu replied.

Hearing what it said, Chen Mo curiously explored its properties.

【Name】: Gu Liu
[Race]: Spirit Plant
[Level]: Level 9
[Origin]: Linglong Tree (100 points of supernatural energy)

[Ability]: Nine Apertures Exquisite Heart (possessing the super wisdom of ancient times and the present, possessing super comprehension ability to comprehend the great ways of heaven and earth, and can obtain more abilities through continuous comprehension)

[Special energy]: 5550 points (half step tenth level)
"Good guy, this ancient tree is so powerful!"

It's a pity that Gu Liu's ability is not a superpower in the conventional sense, otherwise Chen Mo would want to copy it.

This is the special ability of spiritual plants.

According to the system introduction, if Gu Liu has this ability, he will be able to continuously improve his strength and acquire new abilities in the future. This guy is definitely a being with great potential.

If only there was a way to conquer it.

Chen Mo couldn't help but think of the contract talisman.

Although Guliu is relatively kind, it is not good if it is too kind. If it is indifferent to the world, it will be difficult to cultivate it as an important combat force.

Chen Mo thought about contracting it, so that at least he could control its enthusiasm.

Now that Chen Mo has 115 points of mental power, there is no problem if he wants to contract with Gu Liu.

Thinking of this, he immediately exchanged a contract talisman from the system and started using it on Gu Liu.

In an instant, Gu Liu felt that Chen Mo's consciousness was entangled in his own.

However, Guliu did not resist. It was as calm and indifferent as an old man who had seen through the vicissitudes of the world.

As Chen Mo completed the contract, Gu Liucai communicated consciously: "I don't like fighting. Even if you make a contract with me, I won't help you fight."

Hearing what it said, Chen Mo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I contracted you not just for fighting. You have the ability of Nine Apertures Exquisite Heart, and you can learn any ability you want. I want to transplant you to the safe zone I established. Please protect the people in the survival area when necessary."

"If that's the case, it's no problem." Gu Liu agreed without thinking.

"Of course I actually have another purpose." Chen Mo continued.


"I just want you to be able to continuously comprehend more abilities. I wonder if you can comprehend some abilities that can produce fruits with special effects. With the fruits you produce, you can help everyone improve their strength." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"It's not a big problem, but I need a certain amount of time to realize it before I can do it. Do you have any direction you want? If you compare fruits with a single effect, I think it won't take me long to understand the ability to bear specific fruits. Time. Later, I will slowly realize that it can bear fruits with various effects." Gu Liutong said.

"Senior has thought clearly. At this stage, the physical body is not strong enough to protect people's lives. If possible, it is better to first study and understand the fruits that can enhance the realm of superpowers.

In this way, everyone's initial combat power can be better improved. "

Chen Mo thought about it and said.

"Okay, I will start to comprehend this ability now. However, I have almost absorbed the nutrition of this area and the energy between heaven and earth. I am afraid that it will be a bit slow to comprehend based on the energy of this area."

Gu Liuchuan said.

"Isn't enlightenment dependent on understanding? Why do you need the energy supply from the surroundings?"

"Silly boy, think about it, does the human brain need an energy supply to operate? The energy consumption of mental work is no less than that of physical work. If you want to gain enlightenment quickly, isn't it equivalent to performing crazy mental work?" Gu Liu conveyed the consciousness with a smile.

"Senior is right." Chen Mo smiled and said, "Please let me transplant you back to our safe zone. I have built a "Spiritual Plant Cultivation Room" here. You can get good things there. Energy supply.”

The moment Chen Mo finished speaking, the ground around him shook, as if Gu Liu was about to get up.

"Senior, you don't need to get up, I can take you directly to teleport there."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he immediately moved the ancient willow directly to the spiritual plant cultivation room.

This was the first time that Chen Mo used teleportation to transport a real ninth-level unit. The energy consumption of the teleportation just now was many times greater than the energy consumption of Chen Mo bringing a large number of people back to Mingyuan Community at once.

It can be seen that there is no limit to teleporting people.

The moment Gu Liu was teleported to the spiritual plant cultivation room by Chen Mo, the abundant energy around him made him feel comfortable.

The indoor environment is completely different from the energy-poor area it was in before. The air is filled with pure and rich life.

As soon as I entered, the huge crown of the ancient willow began to sway gently. Feeling this new environment, every leaf greedily absorbed the surrounding energy. The lines on the trunk seemed to become more vivid at this moment. .

"It's really nice here." Gu Liu's consciousness echoed gently in the space, with a bit of satisfaction.

Chen Mo looked at Gu Liu and said with a smile: "Senior, as long as you are satisfied. The energy here should be enough for your enlightenment. I won't disturb senior. You can practice here with peace of mind. If you need any help, please contact me at any time.

After all, we have a soul contract. No matter how far away, you can transfer your consciousness to me. "

Guliu shook its branches slightly, as if nodding.

Then, it fell into deep contemplation and began to understand the ability to bear fruits that enhance the realm of superpowers.

Inside the spiritual plant cultivation room, everything was quiet.

Only the light that flickers on Guliu's body from time to time shows that it is constantly absorbing energy and comprehending new abilities.

Seeing this, Chen Mo left here with peace of mind.

With the addition of Gu Liu, the security strength of the safe zone established by Chen Mo has also been greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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