Chapter 223: Killing as a deterrent! (-in-)

"Xiao Yue, did you succeed?" At the entrance of the training base, Du Renyuan looked up at the mecha warrior who walked out of the door in a much more natural state than last night and shouted.

"I have become completely proficient in controlling this mecha warrior, and I can go to the demonstration today." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

Akafiel nodded in approval and said: "Very good. You were able to perfectly control this mecha warrior for the first time. It seems that you are still a genius in this area."

"Mr. Akafiel is overly praised. This mecha warrior is actually not difficult to operate. After putting on the driving suit in the cockpit, it is just like playing a holographic online game, with simple controls."

"The next thing we have to do is make good use of these resources to improve our strength to protect Mo City, and start mass-producing mecha warriors." Du Renyuan said with a smile.

"Well, but if you want to do this, you must buy time first. If you don't deter those people, it will be difficult to buy time."

"Then it depends on Xiaoyue's performance today."

Mocheng is already prepared, and so is the Survivor Alliance.

I just wait for Zhao Yue to come over today and test her depth.

In Mocheng, after Zhao Yue's mecha warrior was evacuated and teleported, she drove the mecha warrior out alone.

Du Renyuan and Akafiel can see the perspective of the mecha warrior through the shared screen here.

At this time, in the Survivor Alliance, the only people who knew that Zhao Yue had come in to demonstrate were Zhong Yi and Meng Yu.

They didn't tell anyone else.

Zhong Yi wanted to see how powerful Zhao Yue was in driving the mecha warrior.

The most important thing is that this mecha warrior should be a steel or item type, and a ninth-level strongman with the ability to control objects or control iron. I don't know if it can be affected.

The Survivor Alliance had nothing to do all night. When everyone got up early in the morning, there was nothing important. They just practiced hard and tried to find an opportunity to break through to the ninth level as soon as possible.

Just when everyone was drinking tea leisurely, practicing hard, or reading books as usual, they suddenly felt the ground shaking.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

Many people ran out of the house and looked around curiously.

"Looks like it's already here."

Zhong Yi felt the vibration and immediately flew into the air. Sure enough, he saw the mecha warrior driven by Zhao Yue appearing several thousand meters away from the Survivor Alliance survival area from all the way.

The reason for the sudden shock was that Zhao Yue turned on the flight function of the Mecha Warrior, landed directly from the air, and smashed it out.

Zhao Yue hadn't discovered it before, but he didn't expect that a mecha warrior falling directly from the sky would have a very strong combat ability.

Just like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, just imagine that a big mountain suddenly fell from the sky. The shock caused by this is still very huge.

"Leader, is it an earthquake?"

Looking at Zhong Yi flying in the air, someone immediately looked up and asked.

Zhong Yi shook his head and smiled: "No, it's just like an earthquake. A very destructive monster came."

"Monster? Could it be a powerful ninth-level beast?"

Someone said immediately.

"Impossible. All the alien beasts that have reached the ninth level are very intelligent. They know how to seek good luck and avoid disaster. There are so many ninth-level strong men in our safe area, and they are afraid of them even though they are far away from each other. You can smell it, how could you dare to come over?"

"If it's not a ninth-level alien beast, why would Alliance Leader Zhong say it's an extremely destructive monster?"

Just as everyone was talking, they heard a burst of extremely huge footsteps approaching.

Every step seemed to be caused by a huge meteor hitting the ground.

Soon there was no need for Zhong Yi to explain, because anyone standing at a high point had already seen a huge mecha warrior running towards their Survivor Alliance survival area.

"What is that? It looks like a Gundam."

"This is Gundam."

"What the hell, where on earth did Gundam come from?"

"Now that such technology exists on the earth, who else but Mocheng can exist? This thing is probably a newly developed war machine by Mocheng."

"I'll go, then how are we going to fight them? If this thing's Star Destroyer Cannon fires, we'll be done with it."

"What are you thinking about? Although Mocheng has leading technology, it is not that powerful. And even if it does, would they dare to use it? If the earth is gone, they can't survive. What are you thinking about? I think this robot is The kind of regional combat robots in Pacific Rim are not that perverted."

"He dared to come here alone. It's hard for me to believe that he's not a pervert, unless someone rebelled from Mo City and drove away one of their robots."

While everyone was talking, Zhao Yue had already arrived a hundred meters in front of the safety zone.

At this time, the five alliance leaders, including Zhong Yi, and more than twenty ninth-level experts had all left the safe zone and were looking at her from a distance.

There are four safe zones in the Survivor League in the world. Originally there were three. Because a large number of masters came out of Mo City, another headquarters was established. Not all the ninth-level masters are here in the headquarters. Basically, they came from Mo City. The masters were evenly distributed to each safe zone.

This was done intentionally by Zhong Yi, just to gain power.

Only by taking the absolute force of each safe zone into one's own hands can one ensure that all safe zones are under the control of the Mocheng Faction.

As for the original survivor faction, they are now dead and surrendered. Some of them have been expelled to the Survivor Alliance and live alone outside.

In order to survive, many original members of the Survivor Faction also joined the Mocheng Faction.

Nowadays, the Survivor Alliance is already dominated by the Mocheng faction.

"This friend, you are from Mecheng."

Seeing Zhao Yue arrive a hundred meters away, a man from the crowd stood up and said.

This person is good at sound wave manipulation, so it is most convenient for him to speak.

"I heard that you guys are planning to attack our silent city recently? In that case, there is no need to bother you all to go out. I will take the initiative to help you dispel this idea and save you from running away in vain."

Zhao Yue's voice was amplified by the Mecha Warrior and spread throughout the Survivor Alliance's survival area.

After hearing her words, everyone in the Survivor Alliance immediately turned ugly.

"Sure enough, there are traitors among the three deputy city leaders among us." As he spoke, two alliance leaders looked directly at Zhong Yi.

Because this guy's attitude towards the Lord of Me City is very thought-provoking.

Yesterday, I even killed someone because they said something wrong. Many people don't even know which side this guy belongs to.

But because he has always had a good mind, after he was promoted step by step, he proposed some policies to keep the Survivors Alliance in order, so everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

But now it is discovered that someone else is leaking secrets, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"You don't have to look around. We are facing a powerful enemy. Let's first think about how to deal with this powerful enemy." Zhong Yi said disdainfully when he saw their eyes falling on him.

"Humph, the enemy is here? Where is it? Don't think that driving a piece of junk can bring about any huge changes. How can she defeat us by herself? I am more worried about whether there is any ambush nearby." One of them The leader said.

"Don't worry, I have already sensed it. She is the only one within a thousand meters radius."

"She's the only one? Then why does she dare to come here?"

"Listening to the voice, this person seems to be Deputy City Master Zhao Yue. Her power is mental control. She can forcibly control other ninth-level experts and make them people under her control. With this power, she dares It’s not surprising to come here alone.”

After saying this, everyone also reacted. Just now, they felt that the voice coming from the mecha warrior was a bit familiar. It turned out to be Deputy City Lord Zhao.

This guy's superpower is really troublesome.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a headache after hearing this. After all, no one wanted to be the one being precisely controlled.

Once it is precisely controlled, it is very likely to die at the front.

It's not that they are afraid of being killed by Zhao Yue, they are afraid that they will attack their own people after being finely controlled, and they will be killed by their own people in displeasure.

For a moment, everyone looked unhappy.

"So what? She doesn't really think that she can fight one against a hundred, does she? Besides, we still have treatment staff. If she is under precise control, can't she just forcefully treat her to release the control?

There should be a restraining relationship between the healing power and this abnormal power. "

Suddenly someone thought of a way to stand up and say.

"This is a way. If it relies on healing powers, it might actually work. Not before, some people were attacked by mentally powerful beasts, fell into an illusion, attacked randomly, and were cured directly.

The effect of Zhao Yue's precise control and that of the mentally powerful alien beast should be somewhat different. "

"Okay, then this time, please spend more energy on those who have healing powers.

Once you find that someone is being controlled, try to release the control as soon as possible. "

"No problem." The three high-level experts with healing abilities nodded immediately.

"By the way, Miss Yun Pheasant, your resurrection ability is very important. You should stay behind and don't come forward to avoid trouble. Once someone is killed, send them to Miss Yun Pheasant immediately."

Zhong Yi quietly watched the group of people discussing, but did not interrupt.

He came here today to see how well Zhao Yue could cooperate with the mecha warriors, and he wasn't going to do it himself.

As everyone agreed, it was clear that someone was ready to take action against Zhao Yue.

Now that Zhao Yue is driving a mecha warrior over, the first thing everyone thinks of is naturally like Zhong Yi, using the ability to control objects or metals to control Zhao Yue's mecha warrior so that she can give her a mecha for free. First.

However, as they stepped forward to take action, they were unable to shake the mecha warriors at all.

This is mainly because the mecha warriors use anti-energy materials, and all special energy is directly ineffective when it touches the mecha warriors.

Whether it is the ability to control objects or the ability to control metals, they are essentially controlling targets with supernatural energy.

But the mecha warriors don't accept this at all.

You can just use supernatural energy to turn it into high temperature to attack it. If you want to control it directly with supernatural energy, it is simply impossible.

Seeing the two people standing in front of the formation twisting their hands towards him, Zhao Yue knew what they wanted to do.

All the ninth-level powerhouses who came out of Mo City had relevant information in the mind of her, the deputy city lord of Mo City.

Zhao Yue knew exactly what abilities these two people had.

Seeing the two people stretching out their hands to control herself, Zhao Yue directly extended her palms towards them.

But her hand is bigger than those two people.

The moment Zhao Yue controlled the mecha warrior's palm and pointed it forward, everyone immediately saw that energy seemed to be gathering rapidly in the palm of the mecha warrior controlled by Zhao Yue. In less than a second, the energy had been gathered. .

With the sound of electric light, a hot laser cannon burst out from the palm of the mecha warrior controlled by Zhao Yue, and hit the two superpowers who were still casting spells.

The speed of light is simply impossible to escape. The moment you see the light, you have no chance to escape.

The same goes for these two people. They were struck by the laser in an instant. In an instant, the two living people had turned into two mutilated corpses with only the edges intact.

Zhao Yue knew that they had people with resurrection ability, so she didn't hold anything back. She was here to intimidate, so naturally she wanted to maximize the deterrent effect, and the intensity of killing as a deterrent was definitely the highest.

"This laser is so fast and its attack power is so strong. Can a ninth-level master be wiped out in just one encounter?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Yun Zhi looked at the two mutilated corpses and did not move for a while.

She has the ability to resurrect, but the more complete the dead body is, the better her wear and tear will be. If such extremely mutilated body parts are brought back to her to resurrect, she will not be able to resurrect two in a day.

It was still a war, so she couldn't just waste all her precious energy.

Her energy is equivalent to several human lives.

"It seems that the control of objects and metal can't deal with her, so we can only fight hard. Ah Luo, your time pause is very important. Like the laser just now, if you don't pause time, not many of us can escape."

"Understood, I will be watching at all times. Once I find that she is using the laser, I will turn it on and off."

"Okay, I'll leave the defense to you guys. Slowing down, stopping time, and energy absorption abilities are all important life-saving abilities. Your task is a little heavier. For other strong attack characters, let's take action together to deal with her."

As one of the alliance leaders finished issuing the order, a burst of colorful light waves immediately bombarded Zhao Yue's mecha warriors.

There are electric lights, laser lights, fire pillars, wind blades, ice picks...

At this time, a large number of vines spread out on the ground and directly entangled the Mecha Warrior's feet. This was not intended to give Zhao Yue a chance to dodge.

Facing this scene, Zhao Yue immediately smiled nonchalantly, and the next moment her super power was activated.

(End of this chapter)

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