Chapter 226 Four talents! (Three thousand words)
As a result, the Survivor Alliance's numerical advantage will become less and less.

They still have a sense of crisis.

However, there are also many people with super powers in their Survivor League. If you sum them up, they can still cause a lot of trouble.

At this time they were making some small moves.

Among them is a person with a superpower similar to an out-of-body experience. As an investigator, this person can invade the Silent City without anyone noticing and gain insight into the information in the Silent City.

He was not of a high level before, so no one noticed him, but recently, Zhong Yi and the others had to think of more ways to deal with matters in Mocheng, so they began to look for talents.

So he found this capable person.

Although his level is not high and he has little fighting power, his advantage lies in his special abilities.

Using his ability to act, it is extremely hidden, and it is basically impossible to detect his existence without using similar means.

He has the ability to become an excellent spy.

Knowing that there were talents of this level within himself, Zhong Yi was ready to make good use of his abilities to explore the inside of Mo City.

And this person's ability alone may not be able to do more.

But together with other superpowers, it is possible to produce other special effects.

Zhong Yi found a total of four superpowers to complete his plan to steal the mecha warriors.

The first superpower is the out-of-body superpower mentioned above.

With his out-of-body ability, he can sneak into the Silent City.

The second person with the ability is a person with the ability to share perceptions. They can share their perceptions with others, and can also learn the information perceived by others and share this information.

The third superpower is that as long as he can see a place, he can bring up to one person to move there instantly.

The fourth superpower is a superpower with the ability to store objects. He can load objects directly into his own storage space. At his current level, he can load objects into up to one building.

But the more things are contained in the body, the more supernatural energy is consumed to maintain the state of the incoming object.

If something is too big, he can only temporarily put it in his body, and then he must take it out as soon as possible.

Although these four superpowers are not strong and have poor combat effectiveness, when combined with each other, they can form a perfect theft gang.

First, the person with the shared perception ability establishes a perceptual connection with the person with the out-of-body ability, and then the person with the out-of-body ability leaves the body and enters the Mingyuan community in Mocheng, finds the house where the mecha warrior is stored, and reaches the mecha warrior.

The person with the ability to share perceptions will then share this perception picture with the person with the ability to teleport.

Because those with teleportation abilities have synchronized the perception images of those with shared perception abilities, they can teleport directly to the area seen by those with out-of-body abilities.

At this time, he only needs to bring the superpower with the storage ability over, let the superpower with the storage ability put the mecha warrior into the storage space, and then use the sensory synchronization of the sensory sharing superpower again, with the help of the sensory sharing ability The player's vision information is transmitted back to the Survivor Alliance base again.

In this way, a perfect silent theft plan can be formed.

In order to find these four people, Zhong Yi collected a large number of superpowers in the past few days, studied their abilities, and selected possible combinations, and finally came up with such a set of operations.

However, the idea is just an idea, and whether it is actually feasible will only be known after testing.

At this time, Zhong Yi called four people and asked them to conduct a theft test.

The abilities of these four people are not very helpful in fighting, and their application in daily life is not very high. Therefore, they have always felt that they can only live at the bottom of society. They never expected to be favored by the senior leaders of the Survivor Alliance and He was selected to perform a secret mission that could change the survival of the Survivor Alliance.

After all, it’s really not possible to pick out these four people alone.

A teleporter can only teleport to an area within sight. If the area you see is not clear enough, if you teleport there casually, you are likely to encounter unknown dangers. However, some places that can be seen relatively clearly are very likely to be encountered. , and there is no great need for teleportation, just to allow him to walk less distance.

He usually uses himself as a taxi or courier or delivery boy.

Teleport forward along the way.

A person with out-of-body abilities is even more useless. Usually, the only use of his powers is to peek at beautiful girls taking a shower, or to spy on the nightlife of other couples.

But in his soul form, he couldn't use it as a side dish to reward himself while watching.

You have to memorize the scene first, and after the soul returns to the body, you can use the peep memory just now to increase your interest. How can reliable memories be compared to live broadcasts, so every time he feels lack of interest.

A person with the ability to share perceptions is even less useful. If he shares his perceptions with others, others will know it. He cannot secretly steal other people's sensory information to pry into other people's privacy, so he almost doesn't have it in daily life. How did you use this ability?

Basically this ability is of no use to him.

However, he did foresee a better use, that is, after finding a girlfriend, he could share his body sensation with his girlfriend, and then both of them would get double the pleasure.

Just thinking about it made him feel very excited.

The last person with storage ability only does things like moving, or does some petty theft.

When he was suddenly recruited by the senior leaders of the Survivor League, he was shocked and thought that his petty theft had been discovered.

As a result, they didn't expect that the superiors would entrust them with such an important task, which made them feel quite excited.

The sense of trust, responsibility, mission and honor that was suddenly given to them suddenly made the four of them extremely energetic.

They all expressed that they would work together to complete this task perfectly.

In a secret laboratory at the Survivor Alliance base, Zhong Yi gathered in front of these four talents with different abilities.

Their experimental task was to steal an object that simulated the size of a mecha warrior in the Mocheng Mingyuan Community.

Zhong Yi stood in front of the laboratory console and glanced at the four people standing upright in front of him. In order for the four people to go all out and invest ten thousand points of faith to complete this matter, he started his PUA.

Zhong Yi took a deep breath, and his voice revealed unprecedented seriousness and passion: "Four of you, today, we are standing here not only to complete an experiment, but also to prove our own value!"

The world once said 'no' to us and ignored our abilities. But today, we must use actions to tell the world that even seemingly ordinary abilities can create extraordinary miracles! "

His voice echoed in the laboratory, and every word was like a heavy hammer hitting the four hearts.

Zhong Yi is very good at inciting people's emotions. As expected, with his opening remarks, the light in the eyes of the four people gradually became hotter with Zhong Yi's words.

"Each of you has a unique ability. Perhaps in the past, you have felt confused, confused, unwilling, angry, dissatisfied, or even rejected, ignored, and looked down upon by society because of these abilities.

But today, I want to tell you that these abilities are not burdens and garbage, but gifts from God to you! They make you unique and give you opportunities that others cannot get to change the world! "

Zhong Yi paused for a moment and glanced at the faces of the four people one by one: "Those who have escaped from the body, you will use your ability to penetrate the most stringent defense line and reach the enemy's lair; those who share your senses, you will use your Perception connects each of us and becomes the strongest transmitter of intelligence capabilities; as a teleporter, you will use your speed to surpass all obstacles; as a storage person, you will use your space to accommodate our hope for survival. You all All abilities are indispensable and irreplaceable, you are the future of our Survivor League!"

Under Zhong Yi's sonorous and powerful words, a fire seemed to be burning in the chests of the four people.

They never thought that their abilities would be valued so much and that they would be closely linked to the future of the Survivor League.

This sense of trust and mission makes them feel more excited and excited than ever before.

"Are you ready?" Zhong Yi asked in an excited tone.

"Ready!" The four people answered almost at the same time, their voices full of determination and confidence.

Their faces were filled with brilliance that they had never seen before, as if they had seen the moment when they created a miracle.

Zhong Yi nodded with satisfaction, his eyes flashing with expectations for the future: "Then, let's get started! Let the world witness our power!"

Every sentence he spoke was about us, not you. This is a very clever language technique.

He easily brought the four of them closer to him.

Following Zhong Yi's order, the four people immediately started to take action.

Everyone's face was filled with burning eyes of extreme excitement, as if all the unwillingness and humiliation in the past were being released in this moment of experiment.

They know that this is not just an experiment, but also an important moment for them to prove themselves to the Survivor League family, and they must complete the task perfectly!

The first one to act was the person with the ability to share perceptions. After he first established the sharing of senses with the person with the ability to escape from the body, the person with the ability to have the ability to escape from the body also immediately started his action. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then his body shook slightly, and his soul left his body and floated in the air.

This is a wonderful feeling, as if you have become a gust of wind and can travel freely through any space.

His soul passed through the wall of the laboratory, drifted away without any hindrance, and finally came to the scene of the heavily guarded simulated Mingyuan Community.

(End of this chapter)

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