Chapter 236: Superpower Copy!

Some of them control elemental power, some release spiritual attacks, and some transform into giant beasts and rush towards the alien spacecraft.

Although the attacks of these superpowers could not cause much damage to the spacecraft, they also successfully attracted the attention of the aliens and bought Lin Xiaotian and the others precious time.

At this time, Lin Xiaotian and the others did not directly open the passage and enter the alien spacecraft because they wanted to ensure that they would be killed with one strike. These aliens were all powerful people with powers above tenth level. According to Gu Liu, even without the aliens, The starship and these five people should not be underestimated, so the best way is to go in and kill them in one fell swoop just to be on the safe side.

As for the method of killing them in one fell swoop, they came up with one.

That is, Lin Xinru's ability to materialize continuously creates a large number of nuclear bombs, and then Lin Xiaotian opens a passage under these nuclear bombs directly to the inside of the spacecraft. In an instant, a large number of nuclear bombs are thrown into the interior of the spacecraft and detonated together.

As a result, the terrifying nuclear explosion in the enclosed space of the spacecraft will erupt with far greater power than the outside world.

Currently, there is only one attack on Earth that can unleash the most powerful attack in a short period of time.

In addition, the only way to attack is through beam attacks caused by overdrafting the earth's energy.

Lin Xiaotian originally planned to use his channel ability to direct the beam attack caused by overdrawing the earth's energy by establishing a channel at the light speed port, and instantly penetrate the light speed attack into the interior of the spacecraft.

But Gu Liu stopped his idea.

Because one of the five people on the opposite side has a rebound ability. If he reacts quickly enough and reverses the passage towards Mocheng, he will directly shoot himself in the foot, causing extremely serious consequences.

Let’s not talk about the damage this attack will do to Mocheng, because it is no longer important. Such a terrifying attack speed attack can directly penetrate into the core of the earth and cause great damage to the core of the earth.

The consequences that will arise then will be more serious consequences.

It's different with nuclear bombs.

Unlike energy beams, nuclear bombs are an impossible attack energy. This beam is always moving forward. Wherever the channel is opened, it will continue to move forward and attack wherever it passes through the channel.

After the nuclear bombs pass through the channel, if something goes wrong and the enemy reverses the channel and throws them all back, then Lin Xinru can just dissipate these nuclear bomb creations without any danger.

If the opponent's rebounder doesn't react in time enough, it would be even better to detonate it directly in the spacecraft and accomplish the feat on the spot.

This is obviously much more reliable than directly opening a channel to transmit impossible powerful energy at the speed of light.

Here they are making as many nuclear bombs as possible, but the war there is getting more intense.

For a time, the entire sky above Silent City was filled with fierce battle fluctuations and energy explosions.

The energy of the alien spacecraft and the defense facilities of Silent City were constantly intertwined, and both sides paid a huge price.

The protective cover of the alien spacecraft finally shattered under the constant bombardment, and some of the equipment on the spacecraft also began to lose its function. The buildings and facilities in Mo City were also severely damaged, and some people with supernatural powers even paid the price with their lives. However, in this fierce battle, the people of Mecheng showed their tenacious will and strength of unity. They were not afraid of strong enemies and sacrifices, and used their own flesh and blood to build an indestructible line of defense. Defend as much as possible from alien attacks on the defenses of Silk City.

However, the reason why they are so brave is mainly because of the existence of Liu Qinlan and several other resurrection ability users.

Liu Qinlan's state recall ability can directly reverse the death results of those who died in battle. It can be regarded as a superb method to temporarily reverse life and death on the battlefield!

Soon aliens also noticed this ability.

"Captain, there is a very troublesome power user among the people on earth. He can go back in time in a short time. She has rescued a large number of people with powers that she killed. Moreover, there is a spiritual plant behind her that transmits energy, allowing her to You can activate superpowers at will without worrying about the loss of superpower energy, and you can go back in time and resurrect those superpower users who died in battle."

"Oh? The ability to rewind time, how come you have this ability? Time cannot be turned back. I like this ability, so let me copy it. I just happen to be thinking about whether I can find a mechanical superpower. Well, it would be more convenient to have her."

As he spoke, the alien with a round head like a TV suddenly lit up the antennae on his forehead, and his expression also changed: "It turns out that it is the ability to regress states. Although it is not time retrieval, it has the same purpose."

As the alien captain smiled proudly, the next moment, everyone saw that all the damaged areas of the spacecraft were restored to the original state.

The appearance of this scene instantly extinguished the residents of Mocheng who had just become excited.

Originally, they had finally seen the alien spaceships being damaged continuously, and there was hope of defeating them. They were about to finish off these aliens, but in the blink of an eye, everything just happened became a thing of the past.

"What's going on? How come their spaceship was repaired immediately? Senior Guliu, is this also their technology?" Akafiel looked at the alien spacecraft in disbelief.

As a scientific research boss, he is the best at understanding alien spacecraft technology. This alien spacecraft definitely does not look like it has been repaired with technology, but more like its superpowers have been restored instantly.

"It's not technology, it's a person with superpowers. Among the five people opposite, there is a person with copying superpowers. This person can copy other people's superpowers. I saw casualties just now. Liu Qinlan went to rescue me, but I didn't pay attention to this for a while. What happened is that this alien copied Liu Qinlan’s state retrieval ability and retraced the state of the spacecraft!"

"Isn't Liu Qinlan's ability only able to return to the state he was in a few seconds ago?"

"He is a tenth-level or above superpower, and he can revert to his state for much longer than Liu Qinlan."

"It's over. He actually copied such a perverted ability. Then we have almost nothing to do with them. How are Lin Xiaotian and Lin Xinru's preparations? Now we can only rely on their sneak attacks.

If they could blow up the bodies of these aliens instantly so that they would not have time to regress, then all the trouble would be solved. "

"She is already trying her best to make them. According to your request, it will still take some time for her to make a hundred nuclear bombs."

"There is no other way. Let's just start the channel throwing plan. Our ultimate defense system can't hold it anymore. The energy of the planet is too strong, and all the equipment will be paralyzed soon." Akafiel said helplessly to Guliu Spirit communication channel.

(End of this chapter)

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