Chapter 239 Baptism of fire!

"The natives of this planet have quite a lot of supernatural abilities, many more than those of the Demon Clan. No wonder the Celestial Demon Clan are the potential stimulators of other life forms."

The alien captain, who was looking back at the spacecraft and all his subordinates, commented calmly on the performance of the earthlings.

From the series of operations performed by the people on Earth just now, he did not feel a sense of crisis. Instead, he felt the openness of life on this planet.

When they first attacked the Demon Star, the types of supernatural powers they encountered from the Demon Clan were extremely limited.

It's not as rich as what we see today, and there are all kinds of abilities.

"We can capture more juvenile bodies that have not yet developed cognition and bring them back for training and experiments. As for the adult bodies, let's baptize them with gunfire first. Then we will see if there are any more obedient ones that we can consider taking back."

"Well, let's do what you said. Check the location of the young humans on this planet to prevent them from being killed by shelling."

As he spoke, Mocheng's defensive offensive, which had been so powerful just now and was vaguely on the same level as their spaceship's gunfire power, suddenly stopped.

"Hmph, I told you that their sudden burst of powerful defensive capabilities would not last long, and it turned out so quickly. Now it's our turn to perform."

The rebounding alien who had disembarked from the spaceship before operated the spacecraft's gunfire and directed the gunfire directly at the area where the crowd of superpowers was the densest.

"Senior Gu Liu, what should we do! We have no other means of defense." Everyone watched the alien spacecraft turn its gun muzzle towards them, and for a moment they felt helpless and desperate.

Although the secret gold of Yue Yuqing's transformation has good toughness and hardness, it cannot protect too many people, nor can it withstand the long-term bombardment of the high-tech artillery fire of this alien spacecraft.

"There's no other way, just hold it as much as you can. Yue Yuqing has transformed into secret gold. I can provide you with energy to maintain the highest defense state. Lin Xiaotian will use channels as much as possible to deflect the opponent's attacks.

Lin Xinru should make as many secret gold protective shields as possible, as many as she can protect. "

After Gu Liu's instructions, everyone immediately nodded in agreement.

Because Akafiel is immortal, he does not need to occupy the defensive power, but among the other remaining people, they can protect as much as they can.

Even Zhong Yi was not confident that he could withstand the damage from the alien spacecraft when faced with the firepower of an alien spacecraft that could rival the defenses launched by borrowing the power of the entire planet.

At present, the earth has no other way to resist the attack of this alien spacecraft except for transfer and hard resistance.

But Lin Xiaotian's channel ability failed at this moment.

"What's going on? My powers can't be used anymore." Lin Xiaotian said in disbelief.

"It's the person with the rebound ability who is interfering with you. I didn't expect that his rebound ability can be used as a neutralization ability. He is now turning on the rebound ability indiscriminately in this area. All of you who are not higher than him, use it. Any superpower energy will be returned to one's own body, and if the supernormal energy cannot be used, it will naturally not be able to form effective superpowers."

Gu Liu checked it and said helplessly.

"There is still such a usage, then we can't even do the final protection and transfer?" "Fortunately, his superpowers are only aimed at superpowers. Our spiritual plants and strange beasts are not affected. Xiao Huang is now It is already a ninth-level beast king. Its flash ability can flash away with many people, so it can save a few people.

As far as I'm concerned, if you resist with all your strength, you should be able to barely hold on for a while, but it won't hold up too much. It just gives Xiao Huang a little more time to transfer people. "

When Gu Liu was communicating with them, Xiao Huang, who had now grown into a huge dog king, appeared in front of everyone. At this time, Ye Tong was still sitting on his back, and Chen Mo's parents and others were beside him. Man, it was obviously Gu Liu who informed it to come over.

"Senior Gu Liu has already told me that we don't have time to talk anymore. Hurry up and hide if you can. If you really can't hide, we'll talk about it later. Mo City can be lost, but nothing happens to you. Otherwise, the master will scold you when he comes back. It's me." After Xiao Huang finished speaking, he didn't allow Zhao Yue and Lin Xinru to say anything more, and he took them all out of Mocheng with a flash of light.

Since Xiao Huang left with Chen Mo's familiar and close people, Zhong Yi and others were left behind with confused expressions on their faces.

But even though Xiao Huang had tried his best to take them away, there were still many people familiar to Chen Mo who had not had time to take them away.

Along with the sound of mechanical operation inside the spacecraft, a dazzling light immediately began to gather at the muzzle, which was energy compressed to the extreme!
Just hearing the buzz of the spaceship in the air, suddenly, laser cannons shot out from the muzzle, like blazing beams of light, instantly penetrating down from the sky.

The light was so intense that it seemed as if the air was on fire, and the entire sky was illuminated brightly.

The moment the laser cannon hit, everything in the target area was melted by the terrifying high temperature in an instant. Whether it was a solid building or an almighty robot on the street that could resist the attack of a ninth-level powerhouse, they were all melted in this blazing light. For the wisps of smoke.

With the continuous bombardment of laser cannons, the entire Silent City seemed to have been peeled off layer after layer of skin, exposing the flesh and blood inside.

Pedestrians on the street were instantly vaporized by the high temperature, and disappeared into the air before they even had time to scream.

Those who managed to escape were also blown away by the subsequent shock wave and fell heavily to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The entire city was trembling under the fierce artillery fire, as if it would collapse at any time.

The air was filled with the smell of burning and thick smoke. Under the light of the fire, everything looked so weird and terrifying.

The streets and buildings that were once familiar have now become unrecognizable, leaving only pieces of ruins and wreckage.

The alien attack was so sudden and violent that many of the weaker residents of Silent City had no time to adapt.

They screamed in terror, and after discovering that the house had been penetrated, they went out and ran away, but their escape seemed so insignificant in the face of the fierce gunfire.

The laser cannons bombarded them indiscriminately, but they deliberately avoided some areas where there were children. This was because they planned to grab some experimental materials and go back.

Countless people either evaporated directly, or had half of their bodies destroyed directly, while the remaining half of their bodies burned in the sea of ​​fire. Those desperate eyes and painful cries intertwined to form a tragic scene.

For a moment, the entire city seemed to be swallowed up by the impact of the sun. Under the pale light, everything seemed so helpless and desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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