Ming Dynasty: Every day, Zhu Yuanzhang is in trouble

Chapter 47 All sold out? Not even a dollar left? !

Chapter 47 All sold out? Not a single piece left? !

"What? Then the Mei family bastard didn't sell even a single piece, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was full of joy and gloating.

Under normal circumstances, Zhu Yuanzhang was accustomed to asking about Mei Yin after finishing the government affairs in the evening.

Have some fun with Mei Yin.

But this time is different.

Yesterday I learned that Mei Yin and the others wanted to do business out of the blue.

And the soap made with lard is so expensive.

After not selling a piece all afternoon, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly thought of going to a brothel to sell some money in the evening, and Zhu Yuanzhang became interested.

Can't wait to see the expected results.

This will make your mood even better.

As a result, after asking this question, the person who came to report did not speak immediately.

His expression became a little hesitant.

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang saw this person's reaction, he knew that something unexpected had happened, which was different from what he thought.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you sell it for three or two yuan. Many people who go to brothels are indeed worth a lot of money and are willing to spend money.

It doesn't matter if there are one or two fools who are deceived by this soap.

These people suffered a loss and were deceived once.

I will definitely not buy this soap again. "

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a relaxed voice, still disapproving in his heart.

He believed that the reality was exactly what he thought, and there would never be any more deviations!

After he finished speaking, he found that the man who came to report was still silent and looked even more nervous.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that...they sold a lot of those soaps? ?

There wouldn't be so many fools in this... Yingtianfu City, right? !

"What's going on? Tell me!"

Hearing this, the man trembled and hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, it's... their soap. Yesterday... last night, it was sold out.

And...and later on, there were still many people who had not bought it, and came to inquire about the situation and wanted to buy more..."

After saying this, the person in charge of the report had sweat on his forehead.

He closed his mouth tightly, not daring to say a word.

He didn't even dare to look up and see Zhu Yuanzhang's face.

what? !

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and his head was buzzing.

Everyone was completely confused.

Sold out?

Sold out? !

Not a single piece left? ? !

So many soaps were sold out in one night? !

Not to mention the sale, there are still many people who have not bought it yet come to inquire and want to buy it? !

This...how is this possible!

That soap costs ten dollars a piece! It's still made of lard, so it's not a precious thing.

As a result, it sold for a sky-high price, and so many people bought it.

This...how is this possible!

In the Yingtian Fucheng under his rule, are there so many people who are stupid and rich and take advantage of them?

At this moment, even people like Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang were stunned.

This situation was really beyond his expectation!



There must be a discrepancy between the actual situation and what you think!

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head vigorously.

Immediately, a possibility appeared in his mind.

At that moment, Zhu Yuanzhang quickly asked: "Have they drastically reduced the price of that soap?"

When he asked this question, Zhu Yuanzhang was basically sure that this was the real situation.

If not, it would be absolutely impossible to sell out so many soaps overnight.

If it were sold at a reduced price, he would be able to accept this situation.

"Reply to your Majesty, no... no, it's still ten thousand dollars."

After these words were spoken, the atmosphere in Wuying Palace instantly became stagnant.

And the person who made the report was even more arrogant and did not dare to speak out.

There was sweat running down his chin and dripping on his clothes.

No price reduction, still ten dollars a piece? !

After Zhu Yuanzhang received this answer, he was stunned again.    Moods are as complicated as they are.

It’s as uncomfortable as you want!

How can it be!

how can that be!

Without price reduction, how could so many people buy it?

That soap is just made of lard, so how good is it?

How could so many people buy it?

"Did Li Jinglong expose his identity and use coercion and inducement to those people?"

Unwilling to be reconciled, Zhu Yuanzhang was still looking for reasons here, wanting to prove that Mei Yin's success was dishonorable.

When he asked this question, Zhu Yuanzhang's face flashed with anger.

What he hates most is someone taking advantage of their power to bully men and dominate women.

Although the brothel does not sound very serious, Zhu Yuanzhang did not want to see Li Jinglong using his power to suppress others there.

If this is really the case, then he will never spare them!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is... not.

But they said the soap was very good.

It is comfortable and clean to use, and has certain beauty and beauty effects... Moreover, they also cooperated with the people from Lingxi Pavilion..."

As the man spoke, he informed Zhu Yuanzhang of all the news he had received.

After knowing how Mei Yin and the others operate.

Wuying Palace fell into a long silence.

Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless.

Is that so?

Can business still be done like this?

How did these guys come up with these ideas? !

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was not only surprised, but also a little curious.

"Huh! It's just some tricks. Deceptive things will not last long!

It can only be beautiful for a while! "

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly and said these words.

Zhu Yuanzhang had returned to normal at this time.

Hun waved his hand nonchalantly and let the man go down.

Hearing this, the man felt as if he had been granted amnesty and left the Wuying Hall quickly.

When this person left and Zhu Yuanzhang was the only one left in Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had been unusually calm just now, slapped the table hard.

One hundred bars of soap were sold out in one night?

After excluding the commission and various raw materials, one bar of soap can earn nearly eight thousand dollars!

One hundred yuan is eight hundred strings! !

Mei Yin and Li Jinglong, these two bastards, earned 800 yuan just now? !

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that his head was almost spinning.

At the dawn of the Ming Dynasty, those barbarians from Beiyuan who did not know how to manage brought disaster to the whole world.

To this day, the emerging Ming Dynasty is still in financial difficulties.

Even the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang often worried about money.

As a result, now, the bastard Mei Yin and Li Jinglong made nearly 800 yuan in one night just by messing around like this?

What a concept!

To be honest, even Zhu Yuanzhang was a little jealous.

For an emperor who is tight on money and a bit picky, seeing someone he doesn't like making money like this is even more uncomfortable than losing money!

I thought I would see Mei Yin's jokes this time, but I didn't expect it, but I was hit head-on by the actual situation.

Not to mention how complicated Zhu Yuanzhang's mood was.

Then I remembered the introduction about soap, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Could it be that...the soap made with lard is really that good?

Can women really slow down aging and make men stronger?

If that's the case, should I get a few pieces myself?

Of course, this is just for girls to use.

Zhu Yuanzhang definitely doesn't need it.

Zhu Yuanzhang himself is physically strong and very strong in all aspects. How can he use this soap?

Zhu Yuanzhang became even more disgusted when he thought that he had to pay such a high price and be taken advantage of to buy the things Mei Yin and the others had produced.

Not buying! Definitely not buying it!

That's just a lie!

He, Zhu Yuanzhang, would not be taken advantage of!


That bastard has no way to make money from him! !


"How's it going? Did your grandson lose all his clothes?

Didn't you sell even one piece? "

In the mansion of Duke Cao, Li Zhen, the old Duke of Cao, looked at the servant who had returned and asked...

(End of this chapter)

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