Conferred God: Got cramped at the beginning

Chapter 699: Taoist Mingfeng's Response

Chapter 699: Taoist Mingfeng's Response

During the two days, Yueshan Water God was still searching for the whereabouts of the dragon corpse, trying to prove that the matter had nothing to do with him. At the same time, more and more dragon gods from the Four Rivers Dragon Court had gathered in the Qimen waters.

When the dragon gods gathered, even though no one had stirred up wind and rain, the vast amount of water vapor had already gathered in the Qimen waters with the breathing of those dragons. Under the anger that those dragon gods could hardly suppress, it turned into wind and rain and spread in all directions.

Especially in the country of Xiao Cai, which is located near two bodies of water, the dragon gods gathered here for two days and two nights, and heavy rain also lasted for two days and two nights in the country of Xiao Cai.

On the second day, the people of Xiao Cai's country were praying all the time, praying that the heavy rain would stop as soon as possible.

In the past, the immortals and gods who roamed on both sides of the Huai River to sort out the water vapor were now pretending to be dead. They did not go to the country of Xiao Cai at all to sort out the heavy rains there and prevent them from causing floods.

In the waters of Yueshan, the water god of Yueshan, Zhangming Jun, was so anxious that his flawless body at the level of Taiyi was sweating.

After gaining two days, the first thing he did was to summon all the immortals, gods, messengers, and aquatic creatures in the waters to confirm their movements and check how many immortals had been traveling in the Yueshan waters during this period of time.

Then, he found General Xunbo who was "ordered" to go to the capital of Xiao Cai and take away the dragon skeleton.

"Take away the dragon's remains and put them into the water palace to increase the water quality of the water area. This is an order from the Lord God himself."

"Why, now that the dragon clan has come to attack you, the Lord God actually wants to use me to take the blame?" The Xunbo general stared at the Yueshan Water God with a cold expression.

Although he is only a Xuanxian, his aura is no less than that of Zhangming Jun - the structure of Huaimeng is different from that of Longting.

According to Yuanshi Tianzun's perfect classification of the Five Immortals, the dragon gods in the Dragon Court can be said to be among the gods, and power is the most important.

Therefore, even though the dragon gods appear to be graceful and exquisite to the outside world, they are extremely majestic in the water palace.

However, the Huai League, as a huge immortal alliance formed by the convergence of many sects, their existence is mainly based on celestial immortals.

As for the water gods in various places, although they also have Taiyi's power, the significance of their existence is more to protect the sect's mountain gate, to "serve" the sect, and to revolve around the sect rather than the sect revolving around them.

At the same time, in every stretch of water, in addition to the water god's own karma position, there are also other large and small karma positions - various sects often send some outstanding disciples to take charge of these karma positions in order to increase their cultivation.

Therefore, strictly speaking, those "subordinate gods" under the rule of the water gods in various places in the Huai League are not real "subordinate gods". Their backers are not the water gods in various places, but the "sects" behind the water gods.

Although the water gods all have Taiyi gong bodies, they play an important role in their respective sects and have considerable say in the Huai League, but this does not mean that the "subordinate gods" under their command from the Huai League will be convinced of them.

After all, the existence of some of the gods in that water area is more like a kind of "hostage". They are the "proof" of the trust and cooperation between water gods and sects everywhere.

Coincidentally, the patrol general Shi Longhua, who took away the dragon skeleton and spoke at this time, was just such a person.

He was born in the Shilong Dao Sect.

However, the origin of Zhangming Jun is Longshi Dao Sect.

The Stone Dragon Taoist Sect seeks to take the nature of stone dragons and turn stones into dragons. What they seek is the dragon nature in the stone, or the spirituality and Taoist nature.

But Longshi Dao Zong is just the opposite.

They were dragons turned into stones. What they sought was not the spirit in the stone, but the dragon stone made from the spirit. The founders of the two sects were actually very good friends.

One day, they saw a dragon-shaped stone by the Huai River. The Taoist master of the Stone Dragon Sect saw a dragon in the stone, but the Taoist ancestor of the Dragon Stone Sect regarded it as just an ordinary stone, no different from any other rocks and earth between heaven and earth.

They could not agree on an agreement among themselves, so they each set up their own sect.

However, they did not expect that after the sect's inheritance, conflicts arose due to the opposite philosophies and they became strangers. After the deaths of the two Taoist ancestors, they became enemies.

After the Huai League, in order to reconcile the conflict between the two sects, the outstanding descendants of the two sects were released into each other's waters, in order to understand the mystery of each other's ideas and seek complementarity - but in reality, after they arrived at each other's waters, all they saw were the other's shortcomings.

Moreover, because of the old grudge, no matter what they did, they would often be cautious and guess what the other person was thinking.

As an outstanding disciple of Shilong Dao Zong, Shi Longhua naturally had a certain understanding of the situation. He also knew the terrible consequences that would be caused if the real dragon was killed and the tacit understanding between Huai Jun and Huai Zhu was broken. Therefore, no matter what, he would not watch Zhang Ming Jun put the blame on him, or even on Shilong Dao Zong behind him.

Therefore, under the watchful eyes of the public, he completely disregarded the so-called "majesty of the water god" of Zhangming Jun.

"The order of this god?" When Lord Zhangming heard this, he was so angry that he laughed instead of getting angry.

Just as Shi Longhua thought - Zhang Mingjun's first reaction at this time was that he was also a member of the Shilong Dao Sect, so he did such a thing, wanting to frame him, and frame the Longshi Dao Sect behind him, in order to invade the Yueshan waters and destroy the Longshi Dao Sect.

After all, he was very sure that he had never issued the order to retrieve the dragon's remains - he didn't even know that Du Heng died in the country of Xiao Cai, so how could he have timed Du Heng's death and ordered people to take away his remains.

"You are really coming for me!" Zhang Mingjun's gaze fell on Shi Longhua.

In any case, when Shi Longhua admitted that he was the one who took the dragon skeleton away in time, Du Heng's death was already inseparable from him and the Yueshan waters.

Especially... just a moment ago, he had already sensed his own water palace.

Just as Shi Longhua said, the dragon skeleton was sent into his water palace, because he sensed the aura of the dragon skeleton outside the water palace - but the water palace was empty.

The dragon skeleton entered the water palace and disappeared without a trace!

It was at this time that another Taiyi who came from the Huai League waved his sleeves without hesitation and crushed Shi Longhua in front of him to death.

"Two days ago, Daoist Zhangming was still having a feast with me. How could he have the time to pass on a message to you?"

"How dare you speak nonsense in this situation!"

It is absolutely impossible to admit that the dragon skeleton was brought into the waters of Yueshan, and to admit that the dragon skeleton was brought into the Huai League - even if it is said that the dragon skeleton was secretly intercepted by the King of Xiao Cai to fill the meridians of the Human King, it is impossible to admit that the dragon skeleton was brought into the waters of Yueshan, and to admit that Du Heng's death was related to the Huai League.

Seeing the action of Taiyi coming to help, Zhang Mingjun also followed his words and looked extremely angry.

"You thief, you dared to lie about the whereabouts of the dragon skeleton for your own selfish reasons, intending to plunge the entire Yueshan waters into turmoil."

"Do you really think I'm a person without temper?" As he spoke, he drew the water vapor from the Yueshan waters to wash away all traces left by the dragon's skeleton.

Then, Zhang Mingjun's gaze fell on the many aquatic creatures that had been gathered in front of him.

Killing only Shi Longhua is far from enough - the words Shi Longhua just said were heard clearly by the aquatic creatures gathered here.

Of course, it was precisely because all the aquatic creatures were here that Shi Longhua dared to confront Zhang Mingjun directly without worrying about being "silenced". However, he never expected that although Zhang Mingjun had some concerns, Taiyi, who came from the Huai League, did not care about the matter at all and directly killed him.

Not only him, but also the people from the Stone Dragon Sect who came with him, as well as the immortal gods who came into contact with the dragon skeleton, all disappeared without a trace as Zhang Mingjun blended the water vapor.

After leaving all these immortals, gods, and water creatures here and "waiting" for the dragon gods from the Dragon Court to arrive, Lord Zhangming returned to Yueshan Water Palace with Taiyi from the Huai League.

The dragon gods of Longting gathered in the Qimen waters, and the Taiyi of Huaimeng would naturally not sit idly by - the nearby Taiyi and water gods also came here one after another, and their numbers were as large and powerful as those of the dragon gods of the dragon clan.

"Everyone, I swear by my Dao Seed and by Lord Yilong that the affairs of Du Heng have absolutely nothing to do with me!" After entering the Water Palace, Lord Zhangming first swore by pointing to the sky to make the Taiyi who came to help assure themselves that they had nothing to do with the affairs of Du Heng. Only then did the Taiyi who came to help take their seats and discuss the affairs of Du Heng in detail.

"I have also seen Du Heng's head - although the sword energy has dissipated, the sharpness is still there, which is not something that an ordinary person can produce."

"And now, Taoist Zhangming said that Du Heng's death had nothing to do with the waters of Yueshan Mountain."

"Then this matter must have been planned by someone in the dark, trying to provoke a war between our Huai League and Long Ting."

"We must make this matter clear to the Dragon God of the Dragon Court, so that no one can take advantage of us."

"I'm just afraid that Long Ting won't listen to our explanation." Zhang Mingjun had a sad face.

If Du Heng's corpse could be found, they would still have room for maneuver - but now, Du Heng's dragon skeleton is missing, and it disappeared after entering his water palace.

Under such circumstances, how could the Dragon Clan possibly believe that he had nothing to do with the matter and that someone was secretly instigating it?

"Come to think of it, I don't understand either." All the Taiyis frowned, and the Taoist who had previously killed Shi Longhua spoke again.

"Fellow Daoist Zhangming, this has nothing to do with Du Heng. Whether it's where Du Heng died or where his body disappeared, it's a place of humanity, a princely city, not the waters of Yue Mountain."

"Why should they, the Four Dragon Courts, blame our Huai League for this matter?"

"The one we in the Huai League respect is the Lord of Huai, not the Lord of Huai in Longting."

"So, why should we give them this explanation?"

As soon as these words were spoken, all the Taiyis were suddenly enlightened.


What does Du Heng’s death have to do with them?
Even if Longting testified that they were the ones who murdered Du Heng, it should be Longting's Dragon God who should produce evidence to prove it, instead of them, the Huaimeng, which had nothing to do with the matter, looking for evidence to prove that they had nothing to do with it.

"Brother Mingfeng is right." All the Taiyis nodded.

Amid the Taiyi's echoes, Taoist Mingfeng spoke again.

"Besides, fellow Taoists, don't you find it strange?"

"According to the Dragon Clan, someone attacked and killed Du Heng and took his corpse. But a dragon girl who hadn't even achieved immortality was able to return safely to the Huaishui Dragon Court with the most important head among the corpse."

"Why should she?"

"What does Brother Mingfeng mean?" Zhang Mingjun's heart moved slightly, and he asked tentatively.

"Is it possible that Long Ting planned this himself?" Taoist Mingfeng said coldly.

"Over the years, Longting has been fighting with our Huai League, and has been at a disadvantage time and time again. Under such circumstances, if they deliberately kill the real dragon to slander our Huai League and seize the power of the Huai River..."

"Hey, the dragon race has many descendants. If I can seize the Taiyi Domain with just one descendant... I would also like to do such a deal!"

"Although it's just speculation, we must be on guard against this matter."

"Especially Fellow Daoist Zhangming, you must not give in on this matter."

"Otherwise, even if someone is secretly instigating this time, it's hard to say what will happen next time." Taoist Mingfeng said firmly.

Although he was not the founder of the Huai League, but joined the Huai League later, because he came alone and had no sect ties behind him, his position in the Huai League was more "fair".

In addition, he is extremely powerful and dares to make decisions, so he also has considerable prestige in the Huai League.

While he was analyzing the situation, the other Taiyi Taoists had also been led by him in their thinking. Their respective positions, mentalities, and even the purpose of rushing to the Yueshan waters had all changed.

Even if Taiyi had some other ideas and considerations in his mind, it would not be a good idea to bring them up at this time, lest people lose morale and become unable to resist the attack of the dragon clan. In the end, the dragon clan would take advantage of the opportunity to seize the Yueshan waters and replicate the situation here in other waters.

"Since we are united and the two-day deadline is approaching, how about inviting Duyun Dragon God into the waters of Yueshan, confronting him, and letting him investigate on his own?" Zhang Mingjun looked at the Taiyi and made a decision.

"Fellow Daoist Zhangming, please make your own decision." The other Taiyis all nodded.

After all, this is the Yueshan waters, and Zhang Mingjun is the master of the Yueshan waters - if they make decisions for Zhang Mingjun, that would be overstepping one's authority, which would be bad. Moreover, if there is any problem with their decision, Zhang Mingjun would probably resent them in return.

All I can say is that, although we are all from the same Huai League, it is not so easy for us to help each other.

Fortunately, there is a Taoist priest named Mingfeng who is decisive and able to keep the situation under control.

Therefore, Zhang Mingjun immediately sent a letter to the Duyun Dragon God in the Qimen waters.

(End of this chapter)

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