What? Are all the monsters on the westbound journey my disciples?

Chapter 6 The exchange of interests turns a deer into a horse!

Chapter 6 Exchange of interests... Turning a deer into a horse!

"Your Majesty, the Dragon King of Jinghe is guilty and must be executed immediately!"

Muzha walked in the center of the hall, cupped his hands, and said to the top with a dark face... That reluctant movement and angry tone, it seemed that he didn't take the Jade Emperor seriously at all? !

"Presumptuous! Lingxiao Palace, is this a place where you, a little golden immortal, can speak nonsense?"

Li Jing was furious, rushed out of the queue and kicked Mu Zha in the leg, knocking him to his knees on the spot! Then he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy in a frightened manner: "Your Majesty, my son has not been with me for a long time. I have lacked instruction and lost my etiquette. I am guilty!"

"Well, since there is a lack of etiquette, then take it back and discipline it properly. You must not lose the face of Heaven and lose the face of your King Tota Li."

The Jade Emperor replied with a calm tone and an indifferent expression. He didn't seem angry, but at the end of his words, he deliberately emphasized the words "Tota Li Tianwang".

Li Jing was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat on his vest, and he kowtowed repeatedly to thank him... It wasn't until the Jade Emperor impatiently asked him to stand up that he dared to stand up. And he didn't forget to turn around and give his second son a fierce look, and still made him kneel on the ground!

At this time, Mu Zha also realized who the person he had just contradicted was!

That is boy Hongjun, the supreme being of the three realms. If a saint does not come out, he is the invincible Jade Emperor!

Li Jing did not allow Mu Zha to get up, and the Jade Emperor, who had a bad sense of his senses, would not even ask him to get up. He glanced down calmly and asked, "Muzha, what you just accused the Dragon King of Jinghe of being guilty, is there any evidence?"

Mu Zha glanced at King Li in fear, and after seeing that he made no move, he continued to report: "The poor monk has evidence!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a piece of paper with hexagrams written on it appeared in his hand!

"The poor monk was arranged by Guanyin Bodhisattva to go to Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty to save the world... There was a fisherman who was very filial, but due to bad luck and lack of money at home, he was unable to treat his seriously ill mother... In order to save this family, the poor monk turned into a fortune teller. Yuan Shoucheng instructed him to fish in the Jing River to supplement his family's income..."

"It only lasted three days, and the fisherman's family's finances were a little slow. Unexpectedly, the Dragon King of the Jinghe River came to the door and told me to instruct the fishermen to massacre the Jinghe Aquatic Tribe and to expel me from the market..."

"Then he made a bet with me and made a bet... This is the decree issued by His Majesty that I calculated using the divine calculations. In order to win, the Dragon King of Jinghe dared to change the rain points of His Majesty's decree, even in order to win. , revealed his true form, deceived the people of Chang'an, tried to cover up his crimes by narrowing the situation, violated the laws of heaven, and was a heinous crime!"

"Please Your Majesty, please quickly bring him to justice and uphold the majesty of the law of heaven!"

Muzha's head banged heavily on the ground of Lingxiao Hall... The paper with the hexagrams written on it slowly flew to the Jade Emperor's side. What was written on it was "Tomorrow there will be clouds at the hour of the hour, there will be thunder at the hour of Si, and it will rain at the hour of noon. The rain is not yet sufficient, and a total of four feet, eight inches and eighty-eight points of water will be obtained." The words!

Seeing this hexagram, the Jade Emperor still didn't understand. This was to make him think of a deer as a horse, and to change the decree of heaven that he had personally sent out!

"Are you sure this is the hexagram you calculated?"

The Jade Emperor shook the hexagram in his hand expressionlessly, and after all the officials at the scene saw it, he asked Muzha without any fluctuation in his tone.

"Your Majesty, the hexagram was indeed written by a poor monk! I think it must be consistent with His Majesty's decree!"

Mu Zha stiffened his neck and replied, as if he would fight the Jing River Dragon King to the death even if he offended the Jade Emperor!


The Jade Emperor's eyes suddenly turned cold. You, a little golden immortal, but a disciple of Guanshiyin, dare to tamper with my decree?

Just as he was about to scold him, a voice suddenly came from outside the hall, accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps!

"Your Majesty, I would like to see the Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

The Jade Emperor's mouth moved slightly, and he suppressed the words of reprimand for the time being, and looked at the door of the palace: "Xuan!"

After a while, Guanshiyin entered the hall holding a jade purification vase and bowed respectfully.

"The poor monk pays homage to the Great Heavenly Lord." "The Bodhisattva is not worshiping the Buddha in the South China Sea, so why did he come to my Lingxiao Palace?"

The Jade Emperor asked in a calm tone... There was no fluctuation in his expression or eyes, as if he didn't care at all whether she was coming.

"Great Heavenly Lord, today I am here for the evildoers."

Guanyin bowed respectfully, not daring to offend in the slightest: "Although I have selfish motives in this matter, I would never dare to lie. The Dragon King of Jinghe ignored the decree of heaven, violated the laws of heaven, and did things to coerce ordinary people. He shall be punished with capital punishment."

The Jade Emperor did not answer, but waited quietly for her to continue speaking... If it was just a few words, it would not be worth his slap in the face.

"Of course, my disciple is also at fault." Guanyin sighed inwardly, knowing that this blood must be drawn!

There is no other way. If you want to maximize the benefits of the great prosperity of Buddhism, you must involve the King of Human Beings. And if you want to intimidate the Human King, from all dimensions, only the Dragon King of Jinghe is the most suitable candidate!

"Buddhism is willing to pay a small amount of merit as compensation for my disciple's mistakes."

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor's pupils expanded slightly... He never expected that in order to let the Dragon King of Jinghe enter the game, Buddhism would actually be willing to pay a fortune? !

It's not that he doesn't know the importance of designing the King of People, but this is a very difficult merit! You know, if it is to simply rush into the human palace, not only the Jinghe Dragon King in the Tang Dynasty can do it! Is it worth paying for the merit?

However, the Jade Emperor is still the Jade Emperor after all, but after thinking about it for a moment, he figured out the key! This Buddhist sword is pointing at the Jinghe River, with the intention of targeting the West Sea!

"My dear friends, do you think the charges against Mu Zha are justified?"

The gods in the temple looked at each other, and in the end they lowered their heads, looked at their noses, and looked at their hearts. No one had any intention of coming out to reply.

They are all immortals who have been cultivating for at least a thousand years. Who can't understand the Buddhist plan? Even if the Dragon Clan declines, it is still one of the three major clans in ancient times... If you blatantly help Buddhism design the Dragon Clan, do you really think that there are no adults in the Dragon Clan's family?

Didn't you see that even Li Jing, the bastard of Buddhism in heaven, bowed his head and walked aside, with no intention of echoing his second son's words?

When the Jade Emperor saw this situation, he knew what these guys were planning, but he was unwilling to give up the good deeds, so he winked aside.

Taibai Jinxing sighed inwardly, and reluctantly came out and said: "Your Majesty, the charges Muzha said are all true. The Dragon King of Jinghe shall be executed by heaven!"

"But the people of Chang'an..."

The Jade Emperor showed doubts and raised the final problem.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. He, the Dragon King of Jinghe, can build up his power openly and openly. Naturally, I, the Heavenly Court, can do the same."

Taibai Jinxing is worthy of being the Jade Emperor's think tank. After thinking for a moment, he came up with a solution: "We can send a large army to Jinghe River to capture the criminals in an open and honest manner and read out the charges... In this way, not only will the reputation of the Heavenly Court not be affected, but it will even I can show off to His Majesty!"

Jin Xing's final strategy completely dispelled all the Jade Emperor's concerns.

"Li Jing, I order you to lead 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, as well as the generals guarding Nantianmen, to go to Chang'an on earth and arrest the guilty Long Jinghe!"

 Naodongjun’s new book is released, please support me from all readers! New book released, everyone must read it! ~



(End of this chapter)

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