My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 306 The aquatic product store adds new varieties

Gu Nan was silent and his face turned green!

These "wooden sticks" are not real wooden sticks, they are clearly crocodiles.

Although it doesn't look too big and shouldn't be able to rush up to his dilapidated boat, it is very exciting to look at.

Even though Gu Nan knew that it would be okay if he died in the sea map, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

This map of the sea is simply sick. Wild crocodiles are special and cannot be sold. Why bring him here?

However, the next moment, there was suddenly more information in my mind.

Gu Nan suddenly realized that these were not wild crocodiles, but farmed crocodiles.

The game will provide an aquatic wildlife business license, and will also help with video circulation licenses, sales contracts, legal qualifications of the other party, etc.

The procedures were complete and the certificate appeared directly in his backpack. He could take out the certificate at any time when he wanted to sell the crocodile.

Gu Nan didn't know much about crocodiles, but he still knew the approximate price.

Because not far from his new store, there is a store that sells crocodiles, and they also sell farmed crocodiles. The average small crocodile weighs about 20 to 30 pounds, and the unit price is 100.

However, usually this kind of market does not come here specifically to sell items individually in the store. They are all reserved by customers.

There are two hotels in Bazhou City that make this crocodile feast. They use small crocodiles between ten and thirty pounds, not particularly big.

Those big crocodiles are just like pigs. They will be slaughtered and broken down and sold individually. Very few customers will order the whole crocodile. The main person will definitely not be able to finish it if he misses one meal.

Gu Nan looked around at the crocodiles floating on the water and found that most of them were small. At least for the time being, he didn't see any particularly large ones.

One hundred and one kilogram, the price was not low. The originally ferocious-looking crocodiles suddenly turned into red old men in his eyes.

Afterwards, Gu Nan quickly checked the tools on the boat.

A bundle of rope about the thickness of No. 30 PE wire, with a large hook tied to it.

There is a bucket next to it with chicken pieces inside, which can be used unlimitedly.

This thing is very similar to a row of hooks. It is obviously lowered one by one and then picked up again, all with a float.

Next to it were a sharp harpoon, tape to bind the crocodile's mouth, and a wrist-thick wooden stick, which was about half a meter long.

It makes sense when you think about it, it's not that thick, how can you knock out the crocodile?

Finally, there is a very crucial weapon, the crossbow.

This is a small crossbow. If you encounter a large crocodile that cannot be subdued, you can directly use the crossbow to deal with it.

After all, the crocodile's skull is hard, and no matter how sharp the harpoon is, it may not be able to pierce it, but it will easily arouse the opponent's viciousness.

This crossbow is not big, but it has enough penetrating power at close range.

Gu Nan picked it up and looked at it. There were ten crossbow arrows in total. When the crossbow arrows are used up, you can refill them yourself.

When he picked up the crossbow, the item information and usage had already entered his mind.

Although it was Gu Nan's first time encountering this thing, it was similar to a speargun in use.

After all, the spear gun can hit wherever it points. When fishing for crocodiles at close range, he must be accurate.

Based on these equipment, Gu Nan understood how to deal with the crocodile.

Obviously the big ones are too dangerous and must be killed, while the small ones can be captured alive.

Gu Nan looked at the small crocodiles around him and prepared to try them first.

He opened the bundle of ropes and took out one of the ropes.

Estimating the length to be about twenty meters, he took out a palm-sized piece of chicken and hung it on the hook, then threw it towards a nearby small crocodile.

"Dong~", water splashed everywhere.

The little crocodile was startled by the sudden movement and immediately raised its head and opened its mouth in protest.

The few small crocodiles further away seemed to be less courageous. They were frightened by the movement and immediately turned around and ran away.

After a short while, it seemed that there was no danger. The little crocodile opened its mouth to demonstrate and calmed down.

But when its nose first entered the water, a particularly tempting smell penetrated its nose. It was the smell of food.

How could you not eat the food delivered to your door?

The little crocodile immediately took action, looking for food that fell into the water based on the smell.

In fact, there were two small crocodiles nearby that smelled the food, but they were farther away.

Not only did they not have time to catch up, but they were frightened by the sudden splash of water again and immediately turned around.

This was the little crocodile that Gu Nan was targeting. He pulled on the rope and found that the pulling force was not very strong.

But when he pulled the rope, the force suddenly increased many times!
During the struggle between the two sides, even the boat under Gu Nan was pulled, which surprised him. What he caught was just a small crocodile that was just over one meter long. He didn't expect it to be so powerful.

But whether he pulled the crocodile back or the boat slowly approached, the rope was gradually tightened.

After a while, the figure of the little crocodile appeared in front of him.

Gu Nan controlled the rope with one hand and grabbed the thick stick with the other hand to prepare.

Naturally, the little crocodile also discovered his figure and looked like he was attacking.

Then, as soon as its head was exposed, a move came down from the sky. A stick dropped from the sky and hit it on the forehead with a bang, causing its head to buzz.

If Gu Nan hadn't still been holding on to the rope, the little crocodile would have dared to turn its belly to show him on the spot.

However, it's not over yet.

Bang bang bang, three consecutive blows, all fatal. The little crocodile was stunned and knocked unconscious without moving.

"Uh, beat it to death?" Gu Nan mentioned the little crocodile with a look of shock. Could it be that he was too harsh?
Forget it, let’s get it done first.

He lifted the crocodile with one hand and pressed a stick against its mouth to keep it closed.

The crocodile's bite is powerful, but the force of its opening is basically unknown to most people.

The only thing that is dangerous about it is its mouth. Without its mouth, it is useless than a tiger without claws.

At least a tiger is powerful and has no claws or teeth, but it can still inflict internal injuries or even kill a person with one slap.

After the little crocodile was lifted up and slid up, there was still not much movement. Gu Nan stepped on its mouth with his foot, then used tape to wrap its mouth directly, and then tried to put it into the aquarium.

With a "whoosh~", the little crocodile disappeared immediately and then appeared in the aquarium.

Gu Nan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had really knocked him out, not to death.

After successfully catching a small crocodile, he became more courageous and learned that catching crocodiles is actually not that difficult.

Although there was a lot of movement just now, there were actually only some small crocodiles nearby. There were no big ones near him. There should be many hiding in the water plants nearby, and some further away.

So based on the method he just used, he quickly caught all the seven small crocodiles nearby.

These small crocodiles weigh only twenty or thirty kilograms, which is not too big.

But the eight pieces in total should weigh two hundred kilograms and be worth twenty thousand yuan, which is quite a lot.

On today's map, the stay time depends on Gu Nan's mental power. He can stay until his mental power is exhausted, so the time to catch the sea is much longer than before. This is not the first time this has happened. If you encounter a situation where the resources are good and there is not much danger, there will be a time limit, which is basically one hour.

If he encounters something as dangerous and difficult as today, it depends on his own mental consumption.

But judging from the previous situations, Gu Nan could stay for half a day if he didn't move.

If you know how to catch crocodiles now, you should be able to last about three hours.

It only took half an hour to catch the small crocodile, which was enough time, so he planned to lower all the hooks first like fishing boats release hooks, and then collect them one by one to speed up the fishing for crocodiles.

As for whether there will be crocodile fishing maps in the future, Gu Nan is not worried. Basically, new maps will appear in the future.

Moreover, the chance of encountering someone in the newly opened map is actually higher. After three times, the chance of encountering someone will be the same as other maps.

So from now on, his store will have more fixed aquatic products.

Gu Nan hung the chicken pieces on the fishhook one by one, fifty pieces in total, and there were fifty ropes in total.

After they were full, he started the propeller and threw the chicken hooks into the water plants one by one.

Some crocodiles did not hide, so he threw them directly to the crocodile's mouth.

Along the way, he didn't find any particularly large crocodiles.

After all, Crocodile crocodile is one of the largest crocodiles in the world. It is very common to be more than four meters tall, and there are also many more than five meters tall.

He really wouldn't dare to mess with these large crocodiles without a crossbow.

After all the hooks and baits were thrown down, Gu Nan drove the boat back to the starting position, looking for the first rope to be thrown down.

Soon, he found a float near a water plant.

The position of the float has obviously changed from the beginning. There is a high probability that a crocodile has taken the bait.

Gu Nan picked up the harpoon and reached out to get the float first.

As for sailing the boat directly to grab the rope, he is not a bounty hunter who specializes in catching crocodiles. Even if he knows that he will be injured and die on the game map, he is still very confident.

After getting the small ball-shaped float up, Gu Nan grabbed the rope and began to slowly retrieve it. Soon, the originally soft rope suddenly stopped, and then a huge force hit, much more powerful than the small crocodile he had just caught.

The water and grass were turbulent, and the commotion was very loud.

Gu Nan pulled the rope back hard, trying to pull the crocodile out.

The crocodile was in pain and resisted for several minutes. Finally, it couldn't bear the pain in its mouth and slowly emerged from the water plants.

A crocodile estimated to be two meters long, with its open mouth obviously more intimidating than a small crocodile.

Gu Nan now understood the usefulness of the harpoon. If he was not sure about dealing with a crocodile of this size, it would be safer to use a harpoon than a wooden stick.

But he finally picked up the crossbow. He had no chance of catching the two-meter crocodile alive.

If he was accidentally injured, his crocodile fishing trip would have to end.

The crocodile was rolling five or six meters away from him. Gu Nan raised his crossbow and took aim, waiting for the moment when he calmed down.

The crocodile struggled for several minutes before it calmed down. Because he was holding on to the rope, the crocodile couldn't dive into the water.

When the crocodile calmed down, the next moment, with a "swish~", a short but sharp crossbow arrow penetrated the crocodile's head in the blink of an eye.

This fatal injury immediately caused it to rise to the sky on the spot. It writhed at least twice before losing movement.

Gu Nan pulled the dead crocodile back and lifted it hard. Good guy, it's definitely worth a hundred pounds, or even a hundred, twenty or thirty pounds.

Crocodiles are fatter and heavier than other crocodiles of the same length.

Of course, it also has something to do with fatness and thinness.

Some crocodiles who cannot grab food are naturally thinner.

The weight of a crocodile of about one meter is average, only about ten kilograms, but after 1.5 meters, the weight of the crocodile will soar rapidly.

Therefore, an adult crocodile of four to five meters can grow to more than a thousand kilograms, and the largest crocodile can grow to almost seven meters and weigh one ton.

After taking care of this crocodile, Gu Nan stored it in the ice cream shop before moving on to the next one.

However, not all hooks can hit crocodiles. Even if the crocodiles here are defined as farmed by the game, he has never seen such a wild breeding base.

But this has nothing to do with him, as long as he can make money legally.

After collecting two empty hooks, the fourth one finally hit again.

The force this time was about the same as last time, so after Gu Nan pulled the crocodile out a little, he picked up the crossbow early and prepared.

Crocodiles are easily aroused and will sometimes swim over to attack his boat. If he is not prepared, he will easily overturn.

With a crossbow, Gu Nan's crocodile fishing went smoothly this time without any accidents.

Until the seventeenth hook, he picked up the rope and pulled it, but it didn't move.

Then the next moment, an unprecedented force suddenly burst out from the other end of the rope, almost dragging him into the water.

Fortunately, he squatted quickly, lowered his center of gravity and finally fell into the boat.

Because he was still holding on to the rope, the boat was pulled quickly closer to the crocodile.

Gu Nan quickly picked up the crossbow and prepared it, looking extremely nervous.

I originally thought that there were all small crocodiles here, but unexpectedly, a big one suddenly appeared.

Anyway, there was no way he could match the force, which was much bigger than the legendary blue fins he caught during the day.

Gu Nan's vigilance was right. Sure enough, the next moment, a bloody mouth that could swallow him up suddenly burst out of the water and bit the boat.

The boat was rocking violently and was about to capsize.

Fortunately, Gu Nan was sitting. If he was squatting, he would definitely be unstable and would have no time to hunt crocodiles.

But even though he was shaken badly at this time, he pressed the trigger in time and accurately hit the giant crocodile.

The arrow pierced directly through the crocodile's open upper jaw, penetrating its upper mouth bone, revealing a sharp but slightly deformed arrow.

Before the giant crocodile could make a fuss over the pain, the next moment "swish, swish, swish", and several arrows were shot out in succession.

Although the accuracy was a bit off, the numbers won. Just two arrows penetrated the crocodile's head, killing him instantly.

But the vitality of such a huge crocodile is really not guaranteed. In the end, it bites off a board on the side of the boat, and then returns to the west.

When the crocodile stopped moving, Gu Nan lowered the hand holding the crossbow while breathing heavily.

This is so much more exciting than watching a horror movie. You know you're fine, but you're still nervous and scared.

This dead crocodile seemed to be over six meters long based on visual inspection alone, which was longer than his boat anyway.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, the boat would have capsized in less than half a minute.

The crocodile couldn't be retrieved. Gu Nan tried to touch it with his hands, and the next moment the crocodile disappeared.

Fortunately, it can be stored in the chilled restaurant. (End of chapter)

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