My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 308 Playing Ice Fishing

Sakhalin Island used to belong to our country, but due to some historical issues, it now belongs to Mao Xiong, and a visa is required.

Gu Nan did not bother others with the small matter of applying for a visa, but instead spent money to find a company to handle it for her.

Because of the special time of the Chinese New Year, he did not ask the relevant departments at the end of the year how long the holiday would be and when he would start working. He was afraid of delaying his honeymoon, so he spent a little extra money to apply for a ninety-day visa.

Three months is plenty of time, and the visa has been obtained now.

It is inevitable to have children after marriage, and it is impossible for Gu Nan to continue to use the life isolator, so it is not a bad idea to go abroad to take a look while his wife can still run around.

Speaking of which, Gu Nan has never left the country even though he is so old!

After the wedding, there will be banquets everywhere, today at my uncle’s house at noon and at my own house in the evening.

The next day at Ye Jing's house at noon and An Jun's house in the evening.

Then when I brought my wife back home, I had to eat and drink, and she was fed bottle after bottle of urine.

Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao also specially invited him to go out for a meal with some friends, including young models from the club in the evening.

Gu Nan had just gotten married and was too embarrassed to hang out with his two elder brothers, so he had to go home first to be with his wife.

I felt uncomfortable on the road. I have grown so big and made a lot of money, but I still only heard about the young model in the club.

If you are a boss in business, then it is normal for you to be a young model in a club.

When asked by his wife, he could still retort confidently. He was talking about business with customers and he was not letting customers have fun. How could the business be negotiated?
It's a pity that he is a fisherman and runs an aquatic product shop.

Thinking of this, Gu Nan glanced at the driver, and immediately took out the store on his phone to buy clothes.

I only have one wife, but more than one set of clothes!

The Chinese New Year is celebrated with feasts, and the aquatic products shop also makes a lot of money.

In just this week of the Chinese New Year, Gu Nan made millions. Almost all the fish caught in the space were sold, with only about one-tenth left.

On the surface, he made more than 700,000 yuan, but secretly, Gu Nan's own card had more than 3 million yuan.

But that's right, many of the aquatic products in Gu Nan's store weigh several hundred pounds each and are quite big.

There are many people who have made money and come back from other places to celebrate the New Year. They are usually reluctant to part with it. It would not be so distressing to spend a little money to have a good New Year.

Of course, the main reason is that hotels and restaurants are strong and have a large volume of goods.

After the fat year, we have to start visiting relatives again in the first month.

Fortunately, Gu Nan didn't have many relatives, and Yi Chen had even fewer relatives, many of whom didn't need to move around.

Until the sixth day of the lunar month, Gu Nan took two large suitcases and Yi Chen took a small suitcase and flew from Bazhou Airport to Bingcheng.

Looking at the snow and ice sculptures, the most famous one is the Ice City.

It doesn’t take long to fly. We departed around 9am and arrived around 12:30, just over three hours.

When they were in Yangjiang Port, the two of them were dressed normally.

Gu Nan wore a turtleneck sweater and a long coat.

When I arrived in Ice City, my coat turned into a thick long down jacket, and I wore a scarf, a knitted hat and gloves.

By the way, the masks on her faces are all thick, and the little potato Yichen next to her is also dressed in the same style.

Walking out of the airport, except for the roads, everything else was covered in snow.

Gu Nan originally thought it would be very cold, more than 20 degrees below zero. When he was in Yangjiang Port at zero degrees, he occasionally felt chilly despite wearing little clothing.

Unexpectedly, I was surprised when I walked out of the airport: "It's strange, it must be minus 20 degrees? It doesn't feel that cold!"

Yichen looked at the real snowy world with bright eyes, and realized this problem after hearing his man's words.

"They say there are physical attacks in the north. The two of us are tightly packed so that the cold wind can't blow in, so naturally it won't be cold."

But in a city like this that freezes when sprinkled with water, it's unrealistic to say it's not cold at all.

The two of them had just come out of the airport. They were still carrying heat, so naturally they didn't feel cold. They would know if it was cold or not after staying outside for a while.

And the weather is good today, sunny, no wind or snow.

"That's right. Let's go to the hotel first. Have a good rest today and go out to play tomorrow."

"Yeah, everything is fine."

Seeing that Yichen agreed, Gu Nan took out her mobile phone and made a call.

He booked a suite in a five-star hotel, which came with pick-up and drop-off services. He would call the driver to inquire about the parking location.

Two hours later, the two successfully settled into the hotel.

In winter, both North China and South China are actually more comfortable than East China. The climate in South China is not particularly cold.

North China has floor heating, so you don’t have to rely on shivering to fight the cold at home like in East China.

Although air conditioning is available in East China, it is too dry and not as comfortable as floor heating.

After the two checked into the hotel, they took off their coats and hats in a hurry.

Gu Nan lay down on the sofa and stretched out comfortably.

Yichen curiously inspected the house he had ordered. Especially when she looked at the pictures of the room, there was something that made her most satisfied.

She walked towards the bathroom and opened the door. The next moment, a bathhouse with a bathtub appeared in her eyes.

This room is about thirty square meters, with a bathhouse on the outside, a toilet next door, and a flushing area inside.

The two of them booked this room specifically for the bathhouse.

There was already hot water in the bathtub, and it was smoking.

Yi Chen immediately walked out, leaned down on Gu Nan with her soft body, put her small hands on her clothes and caressed his pectoralis major muscles and said coquettishly: "Man, would you like to take a bath together?"

Hearing this, Gu Nan smiled mischievously and said, "Don't you want to go out to eat tonight?"

Yichen exhaled like a blue breath: "Please be gentle~"

"Okay, I'll be gentle in this water fight!"

In the next few days, the two of them had a great time eating, drinking and having fun in the Ice City. Even if the temperature was more than ten or twenty degrees below zero, they could not resist their enthusiasm.

It was a particularly good time to have a snow addiction.

I have tried various activities such as skiing and watching ice sculptures.

Eat a big meal of meat and drink a lot of wine. The seafood in Yangjiang Port is good, but the beef and mutton here are obviously better than that over there.

Secondly, the rice here is delicious and the millet is also particularly mellow.

Gu Nan specially bought a lot and sent it back through logistics. He will buy the rice he eats from here in the future.

Fortunately, shopping in modern society is convenient. Before that, he really couldn't eat Northeastern rice.

The fun is almost over, in two days they will take a cruise ship to Sakhalin Island.

Yichen was tired from playing during the day and even more tired at night. She was suddenly very happy that she was married to a fisherman.

If she was the kind of person who was at home every day, how could her small body be able to bear it?

In the last two days, Yichen just wanted to rest in the hotel and regain her energy before going to Sakhalin Island.

Seeing that she had lost her passion for playing, Gu Nan simply took her to stay at a hotel near Bingjiang River. He could just go to Xingkai Lake to go ice fishing.

In the past few days, he had seen many people ice fishing on the river, and to be honest, he was quite interested.

If he hadn't been with his wife, he would have tried it long ago. They say that carp in the north has no fishy smell and is delicious. Gu Nan has not ordered this dish for meals in the past few days, mainly because he wants to catch the ingredients himself.

The suite he lives in has a kitchen, so he can cook by himself or take ingredients to restaurants for processing.

Of course, there is no need to process small fish.

In addition, there are ten famous fish here.

The first one is the famous salmon, fall salmon, etc., and the second one is the carp that Gu Nan is thinking about.

The ones here are called Wudalianchi carp, Founder silver crucian carp, etc.

In the same family and genus, cold water fish does taste better than tropical fish. At least cold water fish have less fishy smell and the meat is tender.

Sakhalin is actually a good place for fishing, but they all go there. The last thing Gu Nan wanted to do was sea fishing, so he just tried it here.

Small tents for ice fishing and other tools are sold at nearby outdoor fishing equipment stores.

If you unexpectedly meet an enthusiastic old man, you can use a tool to dig an ice hole.

He will leave the day after tomorrow, so it would be a waste to buy things like a tent.

So he only bought fishing lines, hooks, bait and nest materials, and then strolled towards the fishing spot.

Arriving at the lake, Gu Nan took a quick look and spotted scattered tents on the ice of the lake.

He even saw someone fishing with a fishing net further away, which made him curious.

Not in a hurry to fish, he walked all the way to the fishing place. How could he fish when the ice was so thick?

He was very curious about this!

The ice is very thick, so you don’t have to worry about falling when walking on the lake.

Let alone walking, it would be difficult to break through the ice with a pickaxe.

The person holding the net in the distance put the net down at this time, picked up the tool and started to smash the ice.

When Gu Nan came near him, she happened to see him tying the rope from the net to a wooden pole that was at least three meters long.

The person holding the wooden pole was an uncle who looked to be in his forties or fifties. He looked at him, ignored him, and started working on his own.

Gu Nan stood aside and said nothing, watching with interest.

Then, he watched as the uncle poked and poked the fishing net down.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Uncle, if you poke like this, won't you mess up the net? Can this fishing net be scattered?"

"There are stones tied to the bottom of the net. The fishing net will spread out by itself after being pushed into the water. It will not stick to the net, so you don't have to worry about the fishing net getting entangled on its own."

"I see!"

Gu Nan understood why the other party tied the two ends of the rope above the fishing net to the wooden pole.

The top is fixed, and there is weight below to open the fishing net, so it will naturally not get tangled.

After lowering a net, the man piled ice blocks next to where the net was lowered to mark it, and then continued to pick up tools and smash a hole into it.

Seeing this, Gu Nan quickly said: "Uncle, can you let me try? I'm from the south. I want to go ice fishing today, but I haven't hit a hole yet!"

"I'm from the south! My accent is a little wrong, it sounds like it's from the south." The middle-aged man looked as if he was stunned.

I don't know if it was because he heard that he was from the south, but he was obviously more enthusiastic than before.

Hearing that Gu Nan wanted to smash the hole, he immediately gave him the tools, asked him if he knew how to ice fish, and kindly told him what he needed to prepare for ice fishing.

Gu Nan was very strong, and in a short time he smashed out an ice pit that could be used to lower the net. Then he smiled and said: "I will only fish for a short time. If there are any, just one or two will be fine. If not, I will go back, so I didn't think about it." I’m going to buy a tent heater or something like that.”

The middle-aged man nodded in understanding. It was just for fun and he didn't live here. There was really no need to buy so many things.

"Young man, just fish here! If you don't catch a fish, I will set up the net and give you one later."

"Thanks in advance!"

After Gu Nan thanked him, he picked up the tool and smashed it again, making a hole. He then borrowed the other party's shovel to shovel the ice up, and then made a nest.

There are also skills in finding fish on the ice. In the position he hit, there were many bubbles on the surface of the ice. The middle-aged man told him that the more bubbles there were, the more fish there were underneath.

Therefore, the location he found should not be bad. He would build a nest to gather the fish, and there was a high probability that he would not be able to fly.

After making a nest, I took out the fishing lines and hooks I just bought and started tying the hooks to prepare for fishing.

There is also a small lead pendant hung above the hook, otherwise the hooked bait will not sink later.

After tying the hook and hanging the bait, Gu Nan started fishing without even waiting for the nest to be made.

At this time of the first month, the ice on the surface of Xingkai Lake is unknown for how long it has been there, and the fish in the lake are either lacking oxygen or hungry.

As long as you find a school of fish, the chance of getting hooked is still very high.

Sure enough, less than two minutes after the fishhook was lowered, a pulling force was transmitted from the fishing line to his hand.

But it's not very powerful, it's a small fish.

Gu Nan reacted quickly, immediately lifted the fishing line, and then pulled it up bit by bit.

To be honest, fishing without a tent is really cold.

I was fine moving just now, but now I feel a little stiff after just standing for two minutes.

He didn't even feel cold, but he felt that the fingers inside the gloves were not as flexible as before and were a little stiff.

Soon, a silver-white crucian carp was pulled out of the ice pit by him.

The middle-aged man watching him fishing from the side turned his head when he heard the sound of water. When he saw the fish he was holding, he was surprised and said: "You are very lucky. You caught the fish as soon as you hooked it."

Gu Nan laughed: "Maybe it's my first time ice fishing, so there are novice benefits."

"That's right!" The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, and then continued to work on his own affairs.

He brought ten nets here, and he would be busy for most of the day.

Gu Nan successfully harvested a crucian carp. Since there was nothing to put the fish in, he simply took out a new fishing line and passed it through the gills before putting the fish aside.

The temperature here is too low, and the fish is already a little stiff at this time, and it will definitely move hard later. Thread the fishing line in advance so that the fish's gill cover will not be able to open later.

This way you can have a good experience, and you can just pick up the fish and leave later, so that you don't have to carry the fish back in a mess.

Gu Nan re-baited the hook and continued fishing.

There shouldn't be many salmon here. There is a high probability that they are crucian carp and a small probability of carp.

Gu Nan's goal was a carp of at least two kilograms, but it seemed that he was a little unlucky.

The next five or six fish in a row were all crucian carps, and the small ones were only two or three liang, so Gu Nan put them back directly.

Therefore, his current harvest is only three crucian carp that are larger than a palm. It is enough for him to eat at night. He can make crucian carp soup or beer crucian carp. It depends on which kind his wife wants to eat.

More than half an hour had passed, and even Gu Nan felt a little cold.

The cold wind on the lake was fierce, and he would have to leave after fishing for half an hour at most. He didn't want to catch a fish during his honeymoon and catch a fever and catch a cold. Although he probably wouldn't catch a cold due to his physical condition, it was just in case.

Fortunately, the fish nest seems to have played its role, and many nearby baits have begun to gather here.

The next moment, a strong force suddenly came from the fishing line in Gu Nan's hand. This force was comparable to a five or six kilogram fish in the sea, and his eyes lit up.

Such a big one shouldn’t be a crucian carp, right? (End of chapter)

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