My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 316: A Fun Competition for Five People

"Haha, maybe it's a leaky fish!" Seeing his boastful look, Gu Nan decided to cool him down and pour cold water on him.

"Bah, do you know how to speak?" Wang Junhe was immediately annoyed. If he was really a leaky fish, then he would rather not have this good start!

Gu Nan chuckled, and noticing the movement on his fishing rod, he pressed the button and waited for the fish to bite.

"I got hit here too. It made quite a commotion. Let's see who gets the better reward."

Wang Junhe glanced at him and said, "Look at the fishing line, it's an oil-leaking fish!"

"Well, do you want to make a bet to see whose fish is more valuable? The loser gets a pound of oil-leaking fish, how about that?" Gu Nan felt relieved when he saw the movement of his fishing rod, so he said with a sly smile.

He must have caught an eel that likes to dig holes, and judging from the pulling force, the eel must be quite large.

The price of a top-quality large eel is not low. Considering the posture of the fishing rod, this eel is likely to be bigger than the fish Wang Junhe caught. Even if he really caught a grouper, he still has a 70% chance of winning.

Gu Nan's confidence made Wang Junhe hesitate: "How can we bet when there are no fish?"

"It's okay. I didn't catch any this time, but it's not like I won't catch them in the future. These things are relatively easy to catch. If you really can't catch them, I'll buy one. Do you accept this bet?"

"And it's not like you haven't eaten it before, Brother Wang. Didn't you eat a lot before going out to surf with Brother Guo?"

Speaking of the bet, it was something Gu Nan suddenly thought of.

As for fishing, it is a bit boring with its dull life. It is nice to do something interesting to amuse yourself.

Wang Junhe thought about it and felt that it made sense. Eating oily fish was no big deal. At most he would have to wear diapers, so he agreed immediately.

"Okay, let's make the bet. Jun, Jing, do you want to join in? And Lao Guo, come and fish over there, don't keep silent!"

An Jun and Ye Jing shook their heads again and again: "If you guys play, we won't join in."

They don't want an oil leak. They have never experienced one and are quite resistant to it.

On the contrary, Guo Xiao agreed generously: "Okay, add me in. But the one you caught now doesn't count. You all started betting after seeing the movement of the fishing rod. It's not fair."

Wang Junhe: "Then tell me, how do we compare?"

Guo Xiao: "Later, the three of us will cast the rods together, and then we can start the competition."

Hearing this, Wang Junhe was delighted. He was not sure he could win this game, so it would be perfect if he could start over.

If Gu Nan is really so lucky and gets a big prize the second time, he will accept the loss.

"Anan, what do you think?"

Gu Nan nodded: "I'm fine with both. This is fairer."

Then he turned to An Jun and Ye Jing beside him and said, "Why don't you join us? Among the five of us, the winner won't be punished, and the other four losers will eat oily fish according to their scores."

"The second place eats half a catty, the third place eats one catty, the fourth place eats one and a half catties, and the fifth place eats two catties."

"Also, the count starts after you cast the rod. Any fish that get off the hook will also be counted and ranked last. The total value will be ranked after you catch the fish."

After hearing what he said, An Jun and Ye Jing did not refuse anymore and nodded in agreement.

If I really lose and have to wear diapers, my butt will just look bigger, which is not a big problem.

After the five people agreed to this little game, after a while, Wang Jun finally caught the fish.

I didn’t expect it to be a grouper, and it was the more valuable seven-band grouper.

I weighed it and it was 11.3 jin, worth about 2,500 yuan.

"Oh, if I had known earlier, I would have agreed to this. This is a sure win!" Wang Junhe regretted it so much!
Two thousand five hundred fish, he didn't believe that Gu Nan's fish could be worth more than that. There were so many people fishing near the oil well every day, and there were very few top-quality fish.

"Don't wait until Anan's fish comes up before you start to feel lucky." Guo Xiao couldn't help but retort upon seeing this.

"I don't believe that Anan's fish is more valuable than mine." After saying this, Wang Junhe moved closer to Gu Nan. Seeing that the number on the electric winch screen was only about twenty meters, he simply took out the scoop net to catch the fish, saving the boatman from having to do it himself.

After a while, the fish on Gu Nan's side came up.

A giant moray eel that looked like a python appeared, causing everyone nearby to gasp.

Moray eels are very ferocious. When they see people popping out from the side of a boat, they think they are in danger and actually raise their heads and open their huge mouths like snakes to bite people. They are very ferocious.

Wang Junhe really handed the scoop net to the boatman: "You come, I can't handle this one."

The boatman was at a loss whether to laugh or cry and had to go on board himself.

Gu Nan had suspected before that what he caught might be a moray eel or conger eel, but he didn't expect it to be so huge.

This moray eel is estimated to be almost four meters long, and its body is almost as thick as An Jun's neck.

An Jun: Hmm? Are you polite?
The weight of the moray eel must be more than 50 kilograms, so the price is naturally higher than that of the 11-kilogram seven-band grouper.

Gu Nan had some guesses in his mind as to what kind of moray eel this was, but he still asked for an identification.

After seeing the name, he showed an expression of "as expected". It was indeed the long-tailed curved-tooth moray eel as he had guessed.

Among the conger eels that Gu Nan knows so far, this species is the largest.

Some conger eels and white eels can also grow very large, but they are only over two meters at most, not even three meters, let alone nearly four meters.

Guo Xiao, who was standing beside him, patted Wang Junhe on the shoulder and said jokingly, "Are you feeling lucky again now?"

Wang Junhe looked embarrassed, but he still said stubbornly: "It's just oily fish, it's not like I haven't eaten it before. I just happen to be a little constipated recently, and I can't wait to relieve it."

"Why don't you just admit defeat later?"

"Bah, now that I'm participating in the game, I have to play first, regardless of whether I eat or not!"

With the help of two boatmen, the moray eel was quickly brought onto the boat, which also alarmed a large number of fishermen on the boat.

Everyone came over to watch the fun. Some who didn't know the situation even asked who caught it and wanted to buy it to show off.

But when he heard that it was Gu Nan who caught the fish, he suddenly realized what was happening and no longer mentioned buying the fish.

All the members in the club know Gu Nan. They all understand that the top-quality fish he catches cannot be circulated at all and will be directly reserved by the big guys as soon as they are caught.

Wang Jun and Guo Xiao are both here, so it’s not their turn to buy even if they want to.

Sure enough, the wealthy Old Wang directly offered a price of 10,000 yuan to buy the conger eel at a high price.

Although the conger eel is not small, it is already a premium if it can be sold for ten thousand.

I just weighed it, and it's only 67 kilograms. The normal market price is around 81 kilograms.

Of course, such large items are usually collected by hotels, and the price will be slightly higher.

But Gu Nan didn't need the ten thousand. "Brother Wang, keep the fish in the live fish tank first. When I get back, let me put it in the store for two days and then send it to you."

If you don’t put such a big conger eel out to dry in the sun for two days, wouldn’t you be missing out?

You can’t let others show off, you have to do it yourself.

"Well, okay, send it over when the time comes, and try not to kill it." Wang Junhe was speechless. He also wanted to take it out to scare the servants, but it seemed like he had no chance.

The boatman brought a hollow plastic basket, put the conger eel in it alone, and covered it with the lid so there would be no fear that it would run out and harm the fish in the live fish hold.

The time of sailing is uncertain, but it will be at least a week.

Its mouth cannot be tied, so it has to be fed fish every day to keep it alive.

The fish can survive without feeding, as these moray eels are still very resilient, but it will consume the fish's fat and make it thinner. Secondly, if they don't eat, the moray eels will become weak and more susceptible to cold.

The crowd dispersed, Gu Nan took down his fishing rod and replaced it with a manual fishing reel.

The line set was also changed, using steel wire sub-line. Obviously, he intended to use his strength to directly catch large goods.

The taste of oily fish is actually quite good, but he doesn't want to go fishing in diapers.

wrong! ! !

Gu Nan suddenly remembered, is there this thing on the ship?
Who would bring this thing when fishing? There are no female anglers on the boat, and now there is not even a night-use model for ladies.

Thinking of this, Gu Nan decisively changed to a bigger fish hook, obviously not giving up until he caught a big fish.

We have just made some rules, but I didn’t say how long it takes to catch the fish!

However, the sound of him changing the fish hook obviously could not be hidden from the people nearby. Seeing his operation, Wang Junhe and others also decisively changed to bigger fish hooks.

Seeing this, Gu Nan immediately said, "Let's make a new rule. If no fish is caught within half an hour, then you will automatically give up and be the last one."

"Uh" Wang Junhe and others looked at each other.

Guo Xiao thought about it and was the first to agree with this plan: "Annan, this rule is fine. Otherwise, if we catch fish but don't catch any, how can we determine the winner?"

Seeing him say that, Wang Junhe gritted his teeth and agreed immediately: "I don't believe it. You have already caught such a big moray eel. You can still catch a big fish."

After saying that, he replaced the big fish hook he had just tied with a smaller one.

Guo Xiao did not change. He was ready to give it a try, and if he failed, he would die.

An Jun gritted his teeth and chose to do the same as him. Only Ye Jing was more conservative and also changed to a smaller size.

As the boatman said start, the five prepared people cast their rods at the same time and threw the hooks and baits into the water.

The fishing spot found by the captain was pretty good. A few minutes after Ye Jing and Wang Junhe put their hooks and bait in, they each caught a fish.

Because of the size of the fishhook, the fish caught this time is not particularly small, and it seems to have sufficient pulling force.

As for the three people who made big bets, their fishing rods did not move for the time being.

It was only a few minutes, and the three of them were able to wait patiently.

As for Gu Nan, he was also a little nervous at this moment. He looked at the legendary card in the game backpack, thought about it and decided to close it.

He wouldn't cheat for a small game.

It's just an oil leak. He will admit defeat even if he really loses.

"Hey hey hey, there's movement over here!" Another ten minutes passed, and Guo Xiao found that his fishing rod began to shake, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The next moment, his fishing rod bent down, and he quickly raised the rod to stab the fish.

"Fuck, this is such a strong pull! Haha, I'm definitely going to win this time!"

"Be careful, it's an oily fish. No matter how big it is, it's worthless."

Wang Junhe was originally quite happy, because he analyzed from the force that the fish he caught this time was much stronger than the previous grouper.

As long as the fish is not cheap, even if we can’t get first place this time, we should still be ranked high.

As a result, his best friend caught a big fish in the blink of an eye, which made him very unhappy.

"Pah, what a crow's mouth. This fish is definitely not an oil fish. Judging from its momentum, it is either tuna or a similar fish."

Guo Xiao is quite confident in his experience. As an experienced fisherman, he can basically identify some approximate information by feeling.

"Hey, I won too." Wang Junhe wanted to say something sarcastic, but was interrupted by Ye Jing's voice.

Seeing the extent to which the fishing rod was bent, he suddenly felt bored and simply shut his mouth.

"Anan, it won't be you who will be at the bottom this time, will it? If that's the case, you'll have something to talk about when you go back." An Jun felt a little gloating when he saw that Gu Nan hadn't made any move.

He knew the fish itself, and judging by the reaction of the fishing rod, it should be a grouper.

Although they make less noise, deep-sea groupers are generally more valuable. If he can't be first, he can be in the top three, and at least he can eat less.

It won’t be particularly painful if you eat less, just bear with it and it will pass.

"Don't worry, there are still seven minutes. No one will know until the end." Gu Nan remained calm.

As time slowly passed, several people who caught fish began to pay attention to the time.

Gu Nan himself was not so calm anymore. He wouldn't lose without even catching a fish, right? That would be like shooting himself in the foot. After all, he was the one who set the rules.

At this moment, the fishing rod in front of Gu Nan suddenly moved slightly and bent slightly.

"Hey, the fishing rod seems to move!" The boatman next to him had been staring at the fishing rod. He noticed it as soon as the fishing rod moved and subconsciously spoke up to remind him.

"Shit, there's only one and a half minutes left. Can this fish be caught a little later?" An Jun was incredulous. He had been staring at the timer.

As for his fish, he had already caught it, a not-very-valuable blue spot.

When the fish came up, his face turned black. There were so many groupers, how come he only caught the cheapest one?

Sixteen pounds and five ounces, that’s one thousand three hundred and twenty yuan.

Wang Junhe’s fish is still caught, so the result is not known yet.

"Don't worry, what if the fish get off the hook and escape? You still have a chance!" Seeing that the movement of the fishing rod was getting louder and louder, Gu Nan reached out and gently grabbed the rod.

The next moment, the fishing rod suddenly sank and the fishing line ran out with a hissing sound. He immediately raised the rod and stabbed the fish.

Finally he caught a fish, and it was a big one, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

It doesn’t matter whether he eats the leaky fish or not, but he doesn’t want to lose.

This damn desire to win made them fish the fish in their hands carefully and cautiously.

An Jun's face looked even uglier now. With such a big commotion coming from Gu Nan's side, the fish must be big.

Unless he catches something worthless or it gets off the hook, there’s no telling how he lost.

After a while, Wang Jun and the fish here were also pulled to the surface.

The moment he saw the fish, he immediately laughed happily: "Haha, Honggan, the current market price is 61 kilograms, and this one looks like it weighs at least 30 kilograms, not bad!"

The boatman pulled the fish up with a hook and weighed it. It was really 33.6 pounds, which was just over 2,000 yuan. An Jun looked even gloomier. He might be the last one.

The remaining three were all big fish and were not caught so quickly.

An Jun's eyes rolled and an idea came to his mind. He pretended to be nonchalant and walked towards Ye Jing, and suddenly reached out to tickle him.

"Hahaha what the hell, An Jun, what the hell are you doing?" Ye Jing was ticklish, and his defense was immediately broken.

"Hehe, the competition doesn't say that you can't interfere with other people's fishing!" An Jun smiled and continued to interfere.

Wang Junhe, who was standing next to him, brightened his eyes, and seeing that Guo Xiaoyu was about to come over, he hurried over.

Guo Xiao was horrified: "Don't come over here!" (End of this chapter)

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