My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 320 An Nan, are you interested in changing your career?

You can't always bring a doctor with you when you go out to sea, but this time there really was a doctor.

Although he is an internal medicine doctor, he is much more professional than ordinary people in dealing with this kind of injury.

Seeing that nothing serious happened, Gu Nan went back to continue fishing.

As for why a busy doctor has time to go fishing, it has nothing to do with him.

However, after a short while, Wang Junhe came over to stop him.

"Anan, stop fishing. This fish is still too dangerous. If another one jumps out, you may not be as lucky as the angler just now."

After hearing this, Gu Nan thought about it and put away the fishing hook.

Anyway, swordfish is not valuable, and its weight is even worse. I won’t fish for it, and I won’t feel bad about it.

The other anglers went back to the restaurant one by one to prepare their meal and wait for the swordfish to leave.

The underwater resources are good, so you can fish later.

After a while, as the deck became empty again, some boatmen came out carrying pumps and diesel.

After they moved the things out, they moved them onto small trolling boats, with two people sitting in each boat. Then, with the help of other boatmen, they used a crane to lift them up and lowered them to the sea.

At this time, even if the swordfish are still there, they are basically hunting at the bottom of the water. Under normal circumstances, they will not attack small boats, so you can sail safely on the sea.

Gu Nan knew what they were going to do at a glance. He had nothing to do anyway, so he simply said hello to the boatman and prepared to go to the island to take a look ahead.

Seeing this, An Jun and Ye Jing, who had already had breakfast, also asked to be taken there first.

The boatman has no objection, because after the water in the puddle is pumped out, he will have to take the people on the boat over.

Moreover, they knew what they were going to do and considerately brought them tools and buckets for catching seafood.

So when Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao came out of the cabin and found that Gu Nan and others were not there, they were immediately confused?
"Where are they?"

"They went to the island." A boatman replied.

Most of the boatmen on the ship knew that the two big bosses were close to Gu Nan, so they knew who they were talking about.

"You're going to the island so early?" Wang Junhe muttered, then turned around and asked, "Do you want to go with us? Anan should be going to the beach."

Guo Xiao nodded and said, "That's fine. Not many people go to this island usually, so the resources should be quite abundant. We can go and see if we can get something fresh."

"Okay, let's go!" Wang Junhe then got on a small boat with Guo Xiao and arrived at the island under the arrangement of the boatman.

At this time, Gu Nan, An Jun and others were searching on the reef.

It was quite a coincidence that the tide was receding at that time, and it had receded by more than half.

Although the waves are very big, you still have to be careful not to get too close to the water's edge to avoid being accidentally swept away by the waves.

But in just a small exposed reef area, there are already many good things that don’t have time to escape back into the sea.

Look, he saw at a glance a particularly large sea cucumber crawling on a moist reef.

It was an edible sea cucumber. He picked it up and shook it, estimating that it weighed more than a pound.

This weight is considered large for a live sea cucumber, but it is because it has not vomited out the contents of its body.

Look, after Gu Nan caught it, it immediately started to vomit its internal organs, and some white stuff flowed out of its mouth.

Collect it first and throw it into the bucket.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Nan would not order sea cucumbers, mainly because it would not taste good without a skilled chef.

Now that there are chefs on board, this thing can be given to the chef to make sashimi. Paired with the prepared dipping sauce, it not only tastes fresh but also crispy.

That’s right, fresh sea cucumber sashimi does taste like this. Although it looks thin, it is actually both tough and crispy, and the taste is completely different from that of dried and soaked ones.

In addition to the sea cucumber, Gu Nan also found a small piece of abalone, which is a kind of sea snail that likes to attach itself to the rocks and tastes quite fresh.

After he went out to sea, he basically carried the meteorite dagger with him, which could be used to pry it open now.

The reason for getting these small abalones is mainly because there are no edible crabs in this season. Secondly, the tide has not completely receded, so there is no trace of fish or lobsters for the time being.

Not far away, a group of boatmen were also busy.

They moved the pump to a position above the puddle and did some preparatory work, and when it was ready they could start pumping water.

In fact, Gu Nan didn’t know that the fishing boat had just arrived here last night and had already made a nest in the puddle.

If they don't make a nest, how can they catch so many things? Most of the videos of pumping water holes on the Internet are fake, and the remaining small part is real, and they will also make a nest in advance.

Generally, waiting a day would produce the best results, but they don't have that much time to waste on this.

"Anan, come here quickly, look what I found." Gu Nan was happily prying the small abalone when An Jun not far away suddenly shouted, asking him to come over.

"What good stuff?" Hearing this, he quickly got up and went over.

When he got closer, he saw a creature that surprised him: a sea turtle as big as a millstone lying in a small puddle inside the reef.

The puddle was very shallow, with the turtle's entire shell exposed and barely covering the turtle's abdomen.

The turtle lay there quietly, its head not shrunken, obviously not afraid of them.

Perhaps it is a turtle with experience that knows that humans will not harm it.

"Wow, there are so many barnacles. I had a taste of them last time and I wasn't full. I didn't expect that sea turtles would come to my door today." Ye Jing also came over when he heard the noise.

But his focus was somewhat different. He was staring at the huge barnacles that almost covered the turtle's back.

Each of these barnacles looked only slightly smaller than the ones An Jun bought last time, and had obviously been growing on the turtle's back for a very long time.

This turtle has not starved to death yet, it is quite tenacious.

"You guys continue to go fishing and get more food so that you can have a snack when you get back. I just happened to bring a meteorite dagger with me, so I'll get these barnacles off first."

Gu Nan gave an order, then squatted down and started prying the barnacles.

Seeing this, An Jun and Ye Jing left here and continued to go fishing.

They didn't have a knife, so they couldn't help.

The back of the sea turtle is not only covered with barnacles, but also with a lot of seaweed, seaweed and mud, which is very heavy.

Fortunately, this was not the first time Gu Nan had done this job, so practice makes perfect.

The knife gently scraped the bottom of the barnacle without using much force.

Although the turtle shell is very hard, it is easy to hurt the turtle if you force it. You may also scratch off the surface layer of the shell while prying off the barnacles.

As long as you find the gap at the bottom of the barnacle, it is easy to remove it.

Gu Nan quickly caught a large barnacle, picked it up and put it in the puddle to wash it back and forth for a few times, removed the mud and sand on the barnacle, and then threw it into the bucket.

After just a short while, Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao came running over. "An Nan, what good stuff did you find?"

"Oh my god, what a big turtle!"

"Look, these barnacles are great. Take them down and give them to the chef so he can see what to do with them." Gu Nan was not surprised to see them. He pointed at the barnacles on the turtle's back and said with a smile.

"Wow, this turtle looks very meaty. I've tasted turtles before!" Wang Junhe supported his hands on his knees and continued to look at the turtle. There seemed to be some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

This made Gu Nan raise his head in surprise and look at him in doubt.

Guo Xiao slapped Lao Wang on the back and said unhappily, "Stop it. Do you think you can eat this?"

“Hehe, just saying, it’s a pity that it’s not the 1970s or 1980s, otherwise many things in the ocean would be edible.” Wang Junhe shook his head and laughed.

He was just joking. There were so many people on the boat, how could he eat this in front of them all?

If you really want to eat something special, just go abroad.

As for game, just because you can’t eat it in China doesn’t mean you can’t eat it abroad.

After chatting for a while, they ran to catch seafood with great interest.

This kind of activity is even rarer for them than fishing. They can only go to the sea a few times a year, but it is still fun to play it occasionally.

After about half an hour, the pumps beside the puddle started to start up and pump out the seawater in the puddle.

The tide is still receding and it will probably be calm in about an hour.

The barnacles on Gu Nan's side were finally pried off, and the sea turtle also got rid of the heavy shackles. It swung its limbs and seemed to be eager to return to the sea.

The turtle, as big as a millstone, must have weighed at least 70 or 80 kilograms, but it was nothing to Gu Nan. He easily lifted the turtle with both hands and walked towards the water.

Taking advantage of the rising sea water, he quickly put the turtle into the water.

Although it is so heavy, it becomes very light in the water.

The turtle retreated with the sea water almost instantly and moved away from the coast.

This was not the first sea turtle he had rescued. After seeing it successfully leave, Gu Nan turned around and went back to look for delicious seafood.

After an hour or so, everyone who came to the beach had a good catch.

But basically they were all things with shells. An Jun was lucky enough to catch a 70-80-gram dense-haired lobster.

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, the group asked the boatman to take them back and have a lunch.

As for the puddle, it was too large and even with a large number of pumps, it would take until two or three in the afternoon to drain all the water.

Back on the boat, the five of them handed the things to the kitchen and then went to the living room to rest.

"Oh, this life is so great. All I have to do is concentrate on fishing and eating, and I don't have to worry about anything else. I even want to hire a few boatmen and find a famous chef to go out to sea with me." Gu Nan sighed while lying on the sofa.

"This is a good idea. Then we can enjoy it too." An Jun raised his hands and feet in agreement.

People are lazy, and hard work is basically triggered by special factors.

Who wants to be a hard-working little bee when they can just eat and wait for death?
Guo Xiao thought it was a good idea and said, "It's okay, actually. This way you can relax a lot. The salary of a boatman is not high. For a long time, one person can make only 5,000 or 6,000 yuan. After all, you don't go out to sea for a long time, and you have at least ten days off every month."

"Your boat is not big, so hiring two is more than enough. You can even hire someone who specializes in fishing for you, give him a salary plus commission, and he can do all the other odd jobs for you."

"It's easy to find a chef if you don't have too high requirements. But for a chef like the one I hired, it's a bit difficult unless you pay a lot."

Gu Nan had no idea that Guo Xiao would give him so many suggestions. He smiled bitterly and said, "That's all I'm saying. Although I can afford the salary, my ship doesn't have a staff dormitory. It's not convenient."

Wang Junhe slapped him on the shoulder and said, "You're so stupid. Why don't you just buy a second-hand ship?"

"After all, the Nanchen is a luxury fishing boat, mainly for leisure and entertainment. Who would be like you? I think it's a waste of resources to have such a boat for professional fishing."

Ye Jing nodded and said, "I think it's not bad. Anan, you have many places to fish now, and you can get a lot of rewards wherever you go. If you find a few people, you can earn more every time you come back."

If only one person said this, Gu Nan might not care, but when several people said this, he began to take the matter seriously.

With more people, he gained a lot, which actually helped him to open a shop and become a big seafood trader.

Simply relying on imports is too narrow a path, and a combination of multiple aspects is the right way.

As for the development of game maps and fishing, there are no major problems.

I can go out to sea alone occasionally, and if I don’t have enough time, I can ask Ye Jing to lead people out to sea.

Otherwise, the money will just sit there and he won’t be able to make other investments.

At this time, Wang Junhe brought up a topic that had nothing to do with seafood.

"Anan, have you ever thought about changing your career?"

"You can make a little money in the seafood business, but it's hard to make a lot of money, and even harder to make a dollar."

"Actually, I have an idea here. Do you want to hear it?"

"What idea?" Gu Nan asked curiously, and Ye Jing and An Jun also focused their attention.

Wang Junhe took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said, "You should all know that in today's society, no matter what you do, there is a huge difference between having traffic and not having traffic."

“Although the short video industry has been around for almost ten years, there are still many hot projects.”

"For example, there are more and more short web dramas adapted from novels online. All you need to do is find some good-looking internet celebrities to make them."

"I asked my secretary to check it a few days ago and found that the platform that does well has very good returns. It is a good project to make money."

Gu Nan's eyes widened immediately. "Those skits that are free and very exciting, but immediately become lame when you charge for them?"

Everyone: "."

Wang Junhe laughed dryly and said, "Your description hits the nail on the head. But no matter if it's not good enough after charging, making money is a fact."

"I'm planning to set up a small company to specialize in this. I'll make some money now while there are fewer restrictions. Who knows if there will be restrictions in the future and it won't be broadcast."

"Are you going to buy some novel copyrights?" An Jun asked.

Wang Junhe nodded: "Don't worry, it's not expensive. Now many novels are sold in bulk."

"If you are interested, you can invest in this project with me."

"Invest, you have to invest. Money will depreciate if you keep it in the bank anyway, so you might as well use it to do something else. It's okay to change careers, but you can't give up your old one." Gu Nan agreed decisively.

Considering Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao's wealth and knowledge, they will not let go of the opportunity without reason since they have spoken up.

Not only did Gu Nan invest in this short sentence, he also planned to go back and discuss with his wife about buying a second-hand ship and hiring some people.

It is true that you can only make small money if you work on your own, but you can make big money by becoming a boss and letting others work for you.

It's been almost a year since I joined the game, but I only have a few million in cash. I'm worth tens of millions. Gu Nan is ashamed of himself! (End of this chapter)

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