My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 324 A group of small sharks came to intercept

In fact, the feel of this fish is a bit like the sonar that Gu Nan had caught before. It mainly feels sinking and then a little bit moving.

However, compared with the sonar, this time there was a little more struggling movement, which allowed him to conclude that he was fishing for a living creature.

"What did you catch? It looks very heavy. Did you encounter a grouper?" Wang Junhe next to him noticed the situation on his side at the first time, glanced at the movement of the fishing rod and fishing line, and then said.

This also attracted the attention of An Jun and others, but they were no longer surprised.

It was mainly a habit. Every time he went out fishing, Gu Nan always caught fish very quickly, which resulted in him being the first one to catch a fish almost every time.

In other words, the subsequent fishing situations will gradually become similar to everyone else's. At most, you will be luckier and more likely to catch good fish, so no one thinks there is anything strange.

Gu Nan shook his head: "I don't know what it is, but it's not hitting the stakes, it's just swimming slowly."

"It swims slowly and makes noises. Could it be that it has caught a moonfish?" Wang Junhe said with an idea in his mind.

An Jun laughed when he heard this: "Maybe it's a sunfish?"

"Bah, what a crow's mouth!" Gu Nan retorted unhappily, then slowly pulled back and forth, waiting for the fish to run out of energy.

The boat was stopped at this time and the captain had nothing to do, so he came out to fish.

After a round of inspection, he found that the loudest movement was coming from Gu Nan's side, so he came over curiously.

He had an impression of Gu Nan, mainly because the only big bluefin fin on the boat was caught by the young man in front of him.

"Wow, you're awesome, brother. You caught a lot of big fish this time. This fish doesn't look small. I guess it weighs about 200 kilograms, right?"

"It may be more than that, but I'm not sure whether it's worth the money."

Gu Nan answered, noticing that the fish's strength was weakening, and began to slowly reel in the line.

Time passed slowly, and Gu Nan had recovered a lot of the fishing line, leaving only the last sixty or seventy meters.

Just now, when he was fishing, he spent dozens of minutes letting out the line about a hundred meters, and now it takes about the same amount of time to reel it in.

Another ten minutes passed, and under the light of the boat, the outline of the fish slowly emerged.

"Fuck, Jun, you are such a bad mouth, are you really a sunfish?"

Gu Nan immediately complained that one can basically determine the species of fish just by looking at the outline.

In fact, he had no hope for the moonfish, mainly because moonfish rarely weigh more than 200 kilograms, let alone 300 kilograms.

As the fish gradually approached, a large, oval, flat fish appeared in front of everyone.

It is grayish white all over, has no tail, and has two particularly long fins above and below that cannot move. It only has a pair of short and weak pectoral fins that are constantly flapping.

That’s right, it is indeed a sunfish.

It turns out that this is what fishing for sunfish feels like, and it is probably one of a kind.

Gu Nan has fished for moonfish before, and there is indeed a certain difference in the pulling force and static movement.

The sunfish looks to be about one and a half meters long, and even though it is so short, it weighs about three hundred kilograms. It is worthy of being called a sunfish.

Sunfish does not have much economic value, and fishermen sell the ones they catch to processing plants to be made into fish meal for use as feed.

The meat is edible, but there are a lot of parasites on the skin, and the meat doesn’t taste fresh.

There are too many delicious fish in the ocean, so it is not popular in China.

The unlucky name is also an important reason. If the car overturns, the name is unlucky.

There are fewer resources on the peninsula, so they eat everything, even the sunfish.

"Do you want this fish?" Wang Junhe asked.

If you want it, ask the boatman to bring it up; if you don’t want it, just cut the fishing line.

"No, although I don't believe in metaphysics and have no taboos about overturning, this fish is of no value and it will only take up space if I bring it up."

Gu Nan shook his head and took out a pair of scissors from the tool kit and cut the fishing line.

He could choose any of the precious seafood in the world, but he really had no interest in sunfish, not even the desire to explore it.

Secondly, this one is not big enough. If it were an extra-large one, he would be interested in taking it up and taking a photo.

After repairing the sub-line and the fish hook, Gu Nan put another sardine on it and continued.

The target is the coral fish and grouper here. Currently, a small number of anglers have caught grouper, and even Ye Jing caught a ten-pound bluefin mullet.

The hook and bait sank to the bottom of the water. One minute, two minutes, and three minutes later, the fishing rod bent down and a fish was caught.

Gu Nan immediately raised the fishing rod to stab the fish, but another huge force hit him, making his face fall.

What's going on? He just wanted to catch small fish tonight, so why are these big fish picking on him?
However, the struggle was intense and the fishing line was pulled out quickly, so it couldn't be a sunfish.

Although the sunfish is stupid, it will not bite the hook twice in such a short time.

Gu Nan had no choice but to let out the line and fish as before.

The beast was quite strong, but judging from the noise it made, he guessed it weighed only about 100 pounds.

Tuna usually don't come to this kind of coral reef, which made him curious. What kind of coral fish is so big?

Because he was afraid to use brute force, it took Gu Nan more than 40 minutes to finally successfully pull the fish over until it was exhausted.

With its huge head and thick mouth, you can tell it is a grouper without even looking at it.

"Wow, not bad, I caught a little pig!" Wang Junhe said with a smile after seeing the fish.

"What a pity, it's a blue spot!" Gu Nan shook his head, not very satisfied.

There aren’t many groupers weighing a hundred kilograms, but unfortunately blue grouper is one of the cheapest.

However, this is not the spotted grouper, but the oblique-banded grouper, which is extremely rare in domestic waters.

Both types of grouper are called blue spots in Yangjiang Port, and even some of their nicknames are the same, such as red-spotted grouper, red spot, etc.

But there are still obvious differences in appearance. The maximum length of the spotted grouper is 1.2 meters. Even if there are some that exceed the standard, they will not exceed by much. It is difficult to reach 100 kilograms. It is already amazing to see one that weighs 50 or 60 kilograms.

The cog-banded grouper can grow up to two meters in length, and its maximum weight is estimated to be over 300 kilograms, or even heavier. A 100-kilogram grouper is only about 1.34 meters long.

Although the varieties are different, the market prices are not much different.

The bigger the grouper gets, the tougher the meat becomes. It requires better skills to cook it deliciously, such as stewing it, coating it with flour, frying it, or stir-frying it. Steaming it is not suitable.

In the evening, Wang Junhe had just collected a batch of fish from Gu Nan for everyone to eat, so the little pig had no intention of buying any. The fish were brought up by the boatman, bled, and sent to the cold storage compartment.

Although the fishing boat is over 50 meters long, the live fish hold is not that big. There is no way to keep this 100-pound grouper alive, so it has to be frozen at low temperature.

After freezing, the price becomes cheaper. In the market, a pound costs only about forty or fifty yuan, and a fish costs only about four or five thousand yuan.

After Gu Nan put up the bait for the third time, he didn't believe that he could catch a big one the third time.

If he comes again, he promises to replace it with a thicker line and a bigger fish hook.

Perhaps all the big fish at the bottom of the water have been caught, and the small fish have gathered again.

This time, the fish was caught in just ten seconds after the hook and bait were put in place, and there was not much noise. Gu Nan nodded in satisfaction. That's right!

The fish is small, but if you catch something valuable, you can definitely get more than five thousand worth of it in forty minutes.

Especially the first cast, which wasted so much of his time.

Gu Nan quickly reeled in the line, and in less than two minutes the fish appeared on the surface of the sea. He was lucky, it was a hawksbill grouper, weighing about three pounds.

The boatman next to him had just extended the scoop net down when there was a splash in the water. A small shark suddenly appeared and bit the hawksbill grouper in one bite.

Even though it is a small shark, its teeth are still very sharp. It can bite the grouper to pieces with one bite, and the hind half of the hawksbill grouper is directly lost.

"Damn!" Gu Nan was so angry that he pulled the fish up directly.

Looking at the half-finished fish, he suspected that he should rest early tonight as the feng shui and timing were not right.

"Ah..." The people around were stunned, not knowing whether Gu Nan was lucky or unlucky!

However, the next moment, a fellow angler not far away also shouted and also caught half a fish.

"Fuck you, you dare to intercept my fish?"

So, the angler immediately took off half of the fish, hooked the fishhook on the fish's back and threw it into the water. It was obvious that he changed his mind and wanted to catch a shark.

Seeing this, Gu Nan untied the fish and then went to get a new fishing rod. This fishing rod had a larger line group and could catch bigger fish.

Judging from the size of the shark we just intercepted, although it is not big, it must be more than 50 kilograms. It is too troublesome to fish with a small line. Sharks have sharp teeth and the line is easy to break.

"A group of sharks are coming. It seems we have to deal with them first." Wang Junhe saw that some anglers were intercepted by sharks from time to time. He shook his head, changed the line set, and started fishing for sharks.

You can't expect to have a good fishing tonight until you get rid of the shark.

There is another way, which is to feed the sharks, and they will leave naturally. But it is better to catch them directly instead of doing that.

The smell of blood is more likely to attract the attention of sharks. As soon as Gu Nan threw half of the fish down, it immediately attracted the attention of several small sharks.

Sharks don't usually move in groups, but food can bring them together.

This group of small sharks are all tiger sharks, living in this coral reef where there is plenty of food.

At night, the fishing boats put out a lot of bait, which naturally attracted them to gather here.

At this time, the number has exceeded twenty or so, which has thrown the originally gathered school of fish into chaos.

Of course, it wasn't just tiger sharks that came over. There were also many other kinds of sharks, but not as many as the tiger sharks.

They are all sharks, so everything is fine for now. But once a shark that takes the bait appears, no one knows if anything will happen.

The anglers who were not intercepted could not catch any fish at this time, so they had to join everyone in getting rid of the shark first.

The fishing rod on Gu Nan's side soon moved. The pulling force was so strong that the fishing rod made a creaking sound.

Obviously, the fish that was caught was bigger than the shark Gu Nan had seen before, but he didn't know if it was a shark.

However, when Gu Nan was about to let out the line to reel in the fish, the fishing rod suddenly shook, and after a while there was no movement.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation, but he had some guesses in his mind.

Sure enough, he pulled the fishing line in and soon caught a shark about one and a half meters long.

However, all that was left of the shark was its head and body, with its spine barely still attached.

As Gu Nan exerted force to lift the fish, the shark's spine seemed unable to withstand the force and broke directly in the middle.

Sharks are made of cartilage, so it is normal for them to break.

In the end, Gu Nan only retrieved a ferocious shark head, which appeared to be a sharp-nosed mako shark.

He wasn't too surprised that the shark he caught was shared and eaten.

Sharks are ferocious. Not only different species of sharks, but even sharks of the same species may kill each other. This is normal.

Although it was just a fish head, Gu Nan still used a hook remover to remove the hook. He didn't want to touch the shark's sharp teeth.

It's not just him. Many anglers have been bitten by sharks, but what they caught in the end was just a shark head.

For now, not many people care about shark fins, mainly because shark fins are difficult to make and secondly, they take a long time.

Gu Nan had made a fish fin before because the shark was big enough and he didn’t know much about it at that time.

Later, when I looked for information and started to make it myself, I realized how complicated it was.

When he encountered sharks later, he lost interest in the fins.

Unless it is a giant shark over four meters long, the fins are big enough and you can spend some time to deal with it.

As long as the shark fin is well cooked, the price is still very reasonable.

More than 20 people are fishing for sharks, and even if there are many sharks at night, they cannot withstand the fishing.

The sharks ate each other, reducing their number to one-third, and most of the remaining ones were caught by everyone.

Most of them are tiger sharks, which are not protected and are simply killed and put in the warehouse.

Hit the protected one a few times and throw it back.

Those who returned to the water basically fled without looking back.

Fish's IQ is not high, but they are not stupid enough to stay even when their lives are in danger.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if they are killed. There is no such thing as protection on the high seas. It is up to the individual whether to comply with it or not.

That is to say, there were many people on the boat, so everyone was more restrained.

As the shark tossed around, the time slowly came to twelve o'clock in the night.

The school of fish had already dispersed, and if you want to gather them together you have to make a new nest.

Gu Nan felt that he had bad luck tonight, so he simply put away his fishing rod and went back to take a shower and go to bed.

An Jun and his friends didn't wake up until the afternoon. They were not sleepy, so they stayed on the deck. It looked like they would fish until two or three in the morning if not all night.

After returning to the room, taking a shower and lying on the bed, Gu Nan didn't feel sleepy at all. Staying up late had become his habit.

He mainly plays games for a while, and then takes a nap to restore his body's functions to their peak. This makes him unscrupulous about staying up late, and he is not afraid that his aging body will have various problems due to staying up late for a long time.

He came back with only one purpose, which was to enter the sea-hunting map of Sakhalin Island, work for a few hours and then have a comfortable sleep.

Soon, Gu Nan appeared again in the sea-hunting map opened in Sakhalin Island. This was his second time coming in.

The man appeared at the place where he left last time, and the surroundings were still the same, with herrings gathered everywhere.

However, we have bought a lot of herrings before and there are still a lot of them in the warehouse of the new store, and there are also a lot of them in the frozen food hall, so we will not buy herrings today.

He also let go of the scallops and king crabs at the bottom of the water. Today he was going to take a look at the freshwater lakes and streams in the mountains.

There are brown bears on the mountain, but Gu Nan estimates that they will not appear in the game map, so it should be safe.

Even if it really happens, there is no need to be afraid. He will not die and can leave immediately.

This kind of sea-hunting map does not rely on the number of times you play, but on the ratio of resources. You can enter and exit at any time.

There is just one negative comment, he couldn't instantly appear next to the lake in the mountains and forests, he could only walk there slowly by himself.

So Gu Nan didn't plan to go directly to the familiar lake, but to find the nearest large stream first.

The aquatic products in the streams are the same as those in the lakes, mainly producing local freshwater silver fish and salmon. (End of this chapter)

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