My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 331: Earn free money by scratching off lottery tickets?

"Why don't you just hang the boat at the shipyard or online? Why do you come to ask me?"

"I'm in a hurry, so my friend asked me to ask around. I think you might be interested. I'm a little anxious, so don't mind!"

"That won't happen."

Gu Nan shook his head. It was understandable that he was in a hurry to use the money.

But considering that a 58-meter fishing boat is not cheap, it would be difficult for him to come up with the money all at once!
But the money problem is not a big deal. If he wants to borrow, he can easily get several million.

This fishing boat, is it worth buying?

It is actually quite profitable to let Ye Jing come to be the captain, arrange a deputy, and find some sailors to take people out to sea.

The main reason is that they have many fishing spots, so they don't have to worry about the anglers on the boat having no fish to catch.

Most of the fish caught by fishermen will choose to sell to captains. Captains all have sales channels and basically cooperate with some seafood vendors.

The shipment volume was quite large at one time, and their fishing company could just handle it.

They buy these fish at a very low price, usually half to two-thirds of the market price, so the profit is huge.

Secondly, we can also make a small profit from the berth fees, but are there so many customers in Yangjiang Port?
He just didn’t know what the boat was like, and if it was particularly old and poorly maintained, he wouldn’t bother to buy it.

The three fishing boats he bought so far are second-hand, but the hulls and engines are quite new and there are almost no problems with their use.

If it is an old, broken ship, it will probably encounter various problems every time it goes out to sea, and there will definitely be a lot of defects.

"Is your friend's boat new? Why don't you make an appointment so I can go take a look with my friend?"

Gu Nan planned to continue to register the boat under the fishing company, so he needed to call An Jun and Ye Jing to come and take a look at the matter.

If they want to buy it, they both have to pay for it. There is not much money in the newly established company, so if they really can't afford it, they can take out a loan in the name of the company.

If Gu Nan buys it himself, the worst that can happen is that he can borrow some money to make ends meet. If the company buys it, it is easier and less troublesome to take out a loan.

"Don't worry, the boat was bought less than two years ago. My friend usually takes good care of his boat as if it were his life, so it will definitely be fine. Something happened in his family and he needs money urgently, otherwise he wouldn't sell it." After hearing what Gu Nan said, Xu Chengcheng took a 36D and guaranteed it.

She also wanted to give it a try, so she passed by here to ask, but she didn't know that Gu Nan actually wanted to buy it.

"I'll go back and ask him about the time and place, and contact you then."


Gu Nan nodded and agreed.

After discussing the matter, Xu Chengcheng felt it was not appropriate to joke about other people's wives, so he simply said goodbye and left the seafood store.

"Anan, is the fishing boat also useful to you?" Yi Chen asked after the man left.

She didn't feel jealous for no reason just because the beautiful woman came to see her. From the moment Xu Chengcheng came over and joked and looked embarrassed when she saw her, she knew there was nothing wrong between them.

She is not very old, but she is not naive.

Gu Nan smiled and explained: "If the fishing boat is well managed, it can be very profitable. It depends on how many customers there are. For a three-day and four-night trip, one person can earn around 8,000 yuan in boat fare."

"Secondly, you can earn some money from fishing bait, fishing tackle, renting small tugboats, etc. A boat can carry hundreds of people, and it will add up to a lot over a few days."

"The point is that many anglers will choose to sell the fish directly to the captain to get their money back. We can probably make a fifth or even a quarter of the profit just from the price difference after deducting various costs and taxes."

"So if you run a fishing boat well, you will definitely make more money than other fishing boats, unless other fishing boats are lucky and get rich in one net, such as catching several thousand kilograms of yellow croaker."

After listening to this, Yi Chen nodded in understanding: "It seems that the key point is still the source of customers. Then can we make the price lower so that more customers will come?"

Gu Nan immediately shook his head: "Ship fees and so on still have to follow the market. We can't disrupt the market and cause others to lower their prices to compete."

"But at the beginning, we can organize some activities, such as discounts on boat fares, free rental of fishing gear, etc."

If there is no problem with Xu Chengcheng's friend's boat, it can be put into use soon after purchase, and activities can be held before the fishing ban period to promote its reputation.

Afterwards, Gu Nan thought about the financial problems of the fishery company. Currently, accountants and cashiers have been recruited, but he is responsible for the finances part-time.

He looked at his wife and asked, "Chenchen, why don't you go to work in the company as a financial officer?"

"We are not confident in giving this position to outsiders, so we have to have one of our own. It's okay for me to work part-time for a while, but it will affect my other work if I keep doing it."

"Besides, you're pregnant now. There's less work over there, so I can help out when it gets busy. It's just the right time to take care of the baby."

"Then what about here?" Yi Chen didn't care where she went to work, since she would be working for her family anyway. But if she went there, the seafood store might not be able to take care of it.

"Let Dad come over and recruit some employees. The old store will also have to hire another employee." Since they were planning to let Yi Chen go to the company, the affairs of the seafood store would naturally be handed over to his parents.

These two stores are the starting point of his business and the main channel for the fishery company to ship goods. He is not at ease handing them over to others.

"Okay, then you talk to my parents." Yi Chen naturally had no objection when he heard this.

"Then let's go to my parents' house for dinner tonight. I'll go buy some food first."

Every time Gu Nan came back from going out to sea, he would find time to take his wife to have dinner with his parents and spend time with them.

I had been planning to go there the day after tomorrow, but now I have something to discuss, so I decided to go there in the evening.

It was past three in the afternoon and not yet the rush hour for getting off work. Gu Nan had a smooth journey and arrived at the largest vegetable market in Yangjiang Port.

There are also some fresh food supermarkets in Yangjiang Port, but they are average in scale. He still prefers to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables because there are many varieties and basically you can buy whatever you want.

There were fewer things in the afternoon, but it was still no problem to buy some pork and vegetables.

Find a good stall and the pork in the afternoon will not be bad.

Besides, four people can't eat much.

Gu Nan bought some pork ribs, two vegetables, and some fruits.

You don’t need to buy seafood at all, just take whatever you want in the store.

As a farmer, no matter what he raises, his family will get tired of eating it. It’s similar when he opens a shop.

Generally, seafood stores cannot sell dead fish. In addition, because the fish have been frozen for a long time, people don’t want to throw them away, so they eat them themselves.

The seafood produced in Gu Nan's game is full of vitality and very few are dead, but those that are purchased normally or caught by himself, if they cannot be sold, are usually divided up or taken home for personal consumption.

His mother is okay, she likes to eat it, but his father likes to eat meat, especially pig's trotters, so he complains a lot.

I lost several pounds by eating fish and crabs.

So after Gu Nan left the vegetable market, he went to an old-fashioned restaurant that sold pork trotters with rice and bought two large trotters, weighing more than six pounds in total.

Even without the bones, there is about five pounds of meat.

Gu Nan’s father likes to eat it very much, so of course, he likes it too.

On the way back, he had only driven halfway when Xu Chengcheng sent him several messages.

It has been agreed that we will go to see the boat tomorrow afternoon, and have dinner in the evening to discuss the boat. After Gu Nan replied, he called An Jun and Ye Jing, briefly explained the matter, and agreed to meet at his store tomorrow.

I guess after Yi Chen goes to the company, their future gathering place will be changed to the company's.

In the evening, after dinner, the family sat in the living room to digest the food.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking about children, and both of them were knitting sweaters.

The due date is in winter, which is just right for the baby to wear thick clothes after birth.

Gu Nan was talking to his father about the two seafood stores, and Gu Dacheng didn't have any objections after listening.

He has been to the new store many times and is familiar with the surrounding environment and the business. He just needs to hire someone to share some of the work.

The old store also needs a man to do the moving and transportation work.

Gu Nan was previously concerned about the employee issue in the new store because Yi Chen was young and could not easily manage his employees. This would not be a problem for Gu Dacheng.

After staying with their parents until nine o'clock, they got up and went back.

Halfway through the journey, Gu Nan saw a convenience store on the side of the road, so he stopped the car and said to Yi Chen, "I'm going to buy some canned drinks."

Yi Chen nodded and continued to lean back in his chair playing games on his phone.

Gu Nan got out of the car and just arrived at the store door, he saw a familiar figure.

When I got closer, I saw that the guy was playing scratch cards. He was so engrossed in the game that I didn't even notice someone approaching him.

Gu Nan slapped him hard on the back: "What are you doing?"

Li Shuai was so scared that he jumped up: "Fuck, who is Wang Xiannan, why are you here?"

"I'm here to buy some drinks. What's going on with you? Are you planning to make a comeback by winning scratch tickets?" Gu Nan asked, pursing his lips.

"How can I make a comeback from scratch tickets? Look, I'm making videos to earn some pocket money." Li Shuai said, pointing to the camera on his forehead.

"Wow, people are watching scratch-off lottery videos?" Gu Nan was surprised.

"It's okay. It's no problem to make a little money. After deducting the costs, I can still make five or six thousand yuan a month. Occasionally, I can make a small fortune from scratch cards." Li Shuai chuckled.

His family environment is okay, but he still has more than two months until graduation, and he can't make much money from an internship, so he started a side job.

Otherwise, how can you date with that little living expenses?
Zhao Jiajia is not looking for a rich man, but she has a brother who dotes on her and gives her a lot of pocket money every month, so her spending habits have naturally improved. Therefore, although she doesn't spend a lot of money when dating someone, she can still make a lot of small changes.

"Wow, that's not bad!" Gu Nan was a little surprised, "How much do you shave each time?"

"I'm more controlled. If I lose, I basically keep it within 300 yuan. If I win, I just scratch and leave. Mainly, if I scratch less, no one will see it, so I still have to scratch a little more."

"Within three hundred, your video revenue is fifteen thousand yuan a month, which is a pretty good income."

Gu Nan was slightly surprised, and then he thought about the fishing boat.

Logically speaking, although Xu Chengcheng had no friendship with him, since they were in the same club and she knew that Xu Chengcheng had a good relationship with Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao, she would not lie to him.

There is a high probability that there is no problem with the ship, so he will definitely take it.

When we first started doing activities, fishing tackle was free to use and boat fares were discounted.

In this case, you can take Li Shuai on board to experience it, and then ask him to help promote it and give him some benefits. I believe he will definitely like this opportunity to earn some pocket money and go fishing at sea.

However, seeing him playing the scratch card, Gu Nan felt a little itchy, so he bought fifty tickets and started scratching them.

"Can you lend me your knife?"

"Okay, but Brother Nan, how about I help you scratch twenty?"

"OK, no problem."

Gu Nan pushed the knife and said, "I have to say it, I have to say it, it feels good!"
People who like scratch cards probably don’t play for the sake of winning, but for the experience of holding them, right?

"Oh shit, it exploded!" Li Shuai, who was standing next to him, stretched his head to take a look, and immediately shouted with his eyes wide open.

"Damn! You scared me." Gu Nan patted his chest, then looked over and saw a lot of five hundred on the scratch ticket. "Occasionally, I get lucky. How much is this?"

"Twenty five hundred, that's a win of ten thousand." Li Shuai knew the winning amount at a glance and said enviously.

Even the counter owner came over and said with a smile: "Brother, you are lucky! I will redeem your prize first so that I can put it on the wall for display."

"Okay." Gu Nan nodded and returned the knife to Li Shuai: "You can scrape the rest. I'll claim the prize first."

This time, the lottery scratching made him feel that his luck might not only be in fishing.

But it’s hard to say whether it’s a coincidence or not. You can try going to a lottery store when you have time, or buy a few stones to play with.

After redeeming the prize, Gu Nan leaned over to look at Li Shuai’s scratch ticket.

The ones after that are all normal. Basically, if you scratch a few tickets, you will get twenty, thirty, fifty or one hundred.

He bought twenty-one scratch tickets, fifty of which is one thousand.

Except for the first one, I only won 560 yuan after scratching the rest, which is almost half of what I lost.

"By the way, I'm planning to buy a fishing boat soon. Do you want to go out to sea with me?"

Li Shuai, who was scratching a lottery ticket, looked up immediately when he heard this: "Really? I'm definitely interested!"

"Just come if you're willing. There will be fishing gear on the boat. Just bring some spare clothes, snacks and so on. You can sell the fish you catch to my fishing company and earn some pocket money. If you're lucky, you may get more from one trip than from your video."


"Well, I've been out to sea for a long time, and I know a lot of fishing spots. As long as you have decent fishing skills, you can expect to get pretty good catches."

"But when you come back, you have to help me promote it in the school. At the beginning, we will organize some activities. You only need to pay the boat fee, and the fishing tackle and bait are free to use."

Li Shuai patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me. I think there must be many students in the school who are interested in going fishing. What's more, it can make money."

The two men were talking in high voices, and the shop owner heard their exchange. Upon hearing what was going on, he came over and gave them some cigarettes.

Gu Nan smiled and waved his hands: "My wife is pregnant, I can't smoke."

The shop owner understood: "You can't smoke that!"

"Brother, when are you going to go out to sea? How can we contact you? I want to go and see you then."

"No problem, let's add each other's contact information and notify you when the time comes." Gu Nan took out his office mobile phone and said.

After the fishing company was established, he bought two mobile phones for work use.

Since I have a fishing boat, I can set up a special fishing group and invite customers who like to go fishing to join. This will also give me another place to share my catches. (End of this chapter)

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