My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 366: I Caught a Red-billed Porcupine

With just one sentence, Yilinfei was stunned.

Yi Chen's biological mother was not there, so no one present had the right to teach her a lesson.

Of course, in reality, her own mother is even less qualified.

As a mother-in-law, Zhao Suying can say a few words, but her daughter-in-law is her own family member and has given birth to two such lovely babies. She can't even protect her enough!

And grandma didn't say anything, but just watched with a smile.

It’s okay if my son suffers a little injustice, as long as my granddaughter is happy.

Finally, it was Gu Nan who came to the rescue of his father-in-law with a smile: "What nonsense are you talking about? When you were as young as Xiao Xixi, how could you know when your dad took care of you?"

Yi Chen curled her lips, snorted, and didn't refute anything.

Yi Linfei smiled bitterly. No matter how much he loved his daughters when they were young, he did neglect his eldest daughter after he started a new family.

As he gets older and has grandchildren, his temper isn't as rigid as before.

So I felt that I did owe my eldest daughter a little in the past few years.

To put it bluntly, the fact that my daughter occasionally criticizes me actually shows that she cares about me.

Just like her biological mother, she never mentioned her and never thought of telling her mother after the child was born. They are the real strangers.

"Hiss, this fish is awesome. Lin Fei, do you want to try it?" Gu Dacheng noticed that the atmosphere was silent, so he took the initiative to break the slightly worsening atmosphere.

"Okay!" Yilinfei had already caught the small fish on his side. When he heard him say that, he immediately went over to take over.

The attention of the people on the boat was also successfully diverted.

As soon as Yilinfei took the plunge, his eyes widened. The pulling force of a fish weighing dozens of kilograms is already incredible, not to mention one that may reach over a hundred kilograms.

In other words, sea fishing rods and fishing on boats have more advantages than using big fishing rods on the shore, which allowed him to successfully resist the force of the big fish by using the side of the boat.

Gu Dacheng, who had been substituted in, was breathing heavily. It was obvious that he had almost exhausted all his strength in just a short while.

After all, he is already middle-aged, and he used to be a skilled worker, so his physical strength is not that good.

If he hadn't opened a seafood store and hadn't moved goods frequently, his performance might have been even worse.

Seeing her husband's behavior, Zhao Suying said unhappily, "Go for a run every day when you get home. Look at you, you're panting like crazy."

Gu Dacheng ignored his wife and came to Gu Nan in surprise, patted his shoulder and touched the muscles on his arms.

"Good job, son. I saw you catching it effortlessly just now and thought the fish was just so-so. I didn't expect you to be in such good shape now. I didn't realize it before!"

Gu Nan was a little embarrassed when being touched, not knowing why his father suddenly went crazy. After listening, he was a little speechless: "It is common to encounter fish weighing dozens or hundreds of kilograms in the sea. I suffered a loss before, but later I exercised every day and strengthened my body."

Gu Dacheng nodded in understanding, thinking of the fact that his son's appetite had increased after coming to Yangjiang Port. If he exercises and consumes more energy, wouldn't he eat more?

Little Qianqian was in Gu Nan's arms, looking at her grandfather with big eyes, and suddenly laughed.

The attention of the group was attracted to her again, and Gu Dacheng felt like his heart was melting.

"Oh my little baby, come and hug grandpa!"

Little Qianqian was very well-behaved at this time and let Gu Dacheng pick her up.

This girl is quite interesting. Whenever she sees Gu Nan, she asks him to hug her.

But as long as he holds her for a short while, she will become very well-behaved and cute, and will accept anyone who knows her.

But if Gu Nan isn’t seen for a while and he shows up again, Xiao Qianqian will start pestering him again.

Gu Nan was not impatient at all. It was the nature of babies to be close to their mothers. Even if their father took care of their poop and pee every day, the baby would still prefer to sleep next to his mother at night.

Xiao Wenzhi has this characteristic, and luckily he has Xiao Xixi, so he made the decision.

From now on, I will raise my son in poverty and my daughter in wealth. My son was adopted, while my daughter is my own baby.

Gu Dacheng went to play with the children, and his father-in-law could only hold on for a short while. The fish were full of energy at that moment, rushing around in the water. His old waist was not much better than Gu Dacheng's.

These are the tears of middle-aged men!
"Ah Anan, take over quickly."

"Hey, it's coming!"

Gu Nan hurried over to take the fishing rod and let his cheap father-in-law take a rest.

Seeing that he could hold out even shorter, Qiao Xiuqin said angrily, "Go back and exercise with Lao Gu. Look at your body. You're either sitting or lying down every day. You're almost ruined!"

Yi Linfei panted and looked at Gu Dacheng. They both smiled bitterly. They didn't expect that fishing would bring them into big trouble.

The lazy days of the past are gone forever!
Gu Nan didn't have much time to pay attention to them at the moment. The fish at the bottom of the water was still very strong. It was obvious that the rotation between the two people just now did not consume much of its energy. It still kept drilling towards the bottom of the water.

This situation really consumes a lot of physical energy.

Fortunately, this was nothing to Gu Nan. He held the fishing rod steadily, and no matter how hard the fish tried, it was useless.

The fish at the bottom of the water were also wondering, they had clearly seen the cave at the bottom of the water just now, why did it feel like the distance was getting farther and farther away?

At the same time, it also felt a little tired, and felt that its physical strength was being consumed much faster than before.

With the intelligence of fish, they naturally don’t know what is going on.

But its instinct for survival still guides it to struggle continuously. If it cannot dig under the water, it will run far away.

As long as you run far enough, you will definitely be able to escape.

Gu Nan noticed the change in the fish's movement and changed his posture. He no longer used brute force to fight it, but instead played the fish happily and easily.

More than twenty minutes later, a big fish with thick lips appeared on the sea surface.

Gu Nan was not surprised to see that it was a big grouper. From the very beginning, he had guessed that it was most likely a grouper.

There is still a difference in the reaction of the sturgeon after taking the hook. It is more like the Spanish mackerel, but its speed is a little slower.

The grouper is about 1.23 meters tall, and judging from its size, it weighs at least 80 or 90 kilograms, if not 100 kilograms.

When I got closer, I found it was a seven-band grouper, which was pretty good.

This fish seemed ordinary to Gu Nan, but the others were very happy.

Yi Chen was fine, at least he had been out to sea and had seen bigger fish, but the others hadn't.

Gu Dacheng and Zhao Suying were also very interested. In their opinion, the fish in the store were all bought from others, which was completely different from the feeling of fishing by themselves.

It was the first time I saw a big fish being caught, so it was normal to be a little excited.

"This fish is good. How about making fish soup tomorrow?" Yi Chen discussed with Gu Nan as he stood beside him.

"That's fine, but forget about the head and internal organs." If you're not sure if there's ciguatera poison, then don't eat the head and internal organs. It's still okay to eat some meat. Yi Chen nodded to show that he understood.

As for the baby, he will definitely not be given any food.

These two little guys are mainly drinking milk powder now, and then they drink some rice paste, animal liver puree, egg yolk fruit puree, etc., not much, as complementary food.

I haven’t given him any seafood yet, I’m going to wait until he’s a little bigger.

Sisters Dongxue and Miaomiao took a lot of photos with their mobile phones. They will share them with their classmates after returning to school!
Gu Nan was actually a little regretful. He estimated that there were only one or two big fish at the bottom of the water. It was obviously difficult to catch a red-billed sturgeon weighing more than 50 kilograms here.

But it doesn’t matter, the focus these days is still to play with my family.

After catching a big grouper, the guys' interest in fishing did not decrease, but increased.

The women returned to the cabin, and Yi Chen stopped fishing.

She was going to go back and coax the baby to sleep, and then prepare some secret ingredients in the evening, planning to make two more grouper dishes tomorrow.

There were only three grown men left on the deck. Yi Linfei and Gu Dacheng had rested enough, so they continued fishing with their fishing rods.

They didn't expect to catch a big fish, but they hoped for a fish weighing ten or twenty kilograms. This weight was just right for them, as they could experience the thrill of pulling a big fish without getting a stitch in the side from being pulled by the fish.

Gu Nan is busy killing fish now. No matter whether the fish will be eaten tomorrow or not, they have to be bled and gutted first.

This is already the South China Sea, and there are more poisonous algae in the southern part, so the internal organs have to be taken out and thrown away.

If the sea fish is not bled properly and is frozen overnight, the fish skin, blood and meat will have a strong fishy smell when you eat them the next day, which will seriously affect the taste and flavor.

Gu Nan was busy for most of the day before he finished processing the fish.

Throw the internal organs directly into the water to make a nest. When they sink to the bottom of the water, they can gather the scattered fish again.

Gu Nan followed Yi Chen's request and cut a large piece of fish belly and a large piece of back meat and put them aside.

The rest will be put into the cold storage and frozen. There is no way the two families can finish eating it, so they will have to force their relatives and friends to eat it.

Then he took out a fish box, took out a piece of ice from the cold storage compartment, broke it and put it into the fish box, put the fish meat directly in, wrapped it with ice, covered it with a lid and set it aside.

This is the process of acid elimination, and acid elimination is not only for tuna. All large fish will produce lactic acid after strenuous exercise.

Since they will be eating it tomorrow, he has no choice but to use this rough method of removing acid, and leave the rest to the chef Yi Chen.

After finishing the work, my dad and father-in-law each caught a fish. My dad was luckier, as he caught a red grouper weighing about two kilograms.

Gu Dacheng held the fish and said proudly, "A Fei, I am still luckier! It's a pity that the baby can't eat fish yet, otherwise this one would have been given to the baby."

Yi Linfei had a dark face and took off his own stone nine-goat: "The sea red grouper is good, but the stone nine-goat should be given to the baby. The meat is more tender and the nutrition is not bad."

"Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right!"

(╬ ̄俣)=○

Gu Nan shook his head in amusement, what a pair of old kids!
He returned to his fishing spot, found another larger octopus, put a hook on it and threw it into the water.

The big fish may be gone, but we have to try it anyway. What if another one comes?

After a while, the fishing rod moved and it really caught something.

Gu Nan immediately stabbed the fish, then felt a little regretful. It was a little too small, and even a red-billed sturgeon would not be able to accomplish the task.

He felt the pull of the fish, which felt like about 20 to 30 kilograms, no more.

But now that I have caught it, I must catch it.

It is a bit difficult to pull a fish of this size by force, and the fish also exerts considerable strength at the beginning.

But Gu Nan pulled it up some by force, and after walking it for another four or five minutes, the fish ran out of strength.

The golden fishing rod absorbed energy too quickly, and a fish weighing twenty or thirty kilograms couldn't hold on for long.

As the fish was slowly pulled to the surface of the water, Gu Nan was stunned by the appearance of the fish. It was really a red-billed sturgeon. Whatever he thought came true?
"Oh, such a big sturgeon is rare. The fish maw is very valuable." This was Yilinfei's first reaction after seeing the fish.

Gu Dacheng calmed down a lot: "Not bad, this size, I can only get some on the distant sea fishing boats when the sea opens."

Gu Nan rolled his eyes: "Dad, this is a red-billed sturgeon!"

"What!!!" X2
The two people who were originally quite calm are now completely unsteady!
"Hiss~ Quick, quick, get it up quickly, don't let it run away!" Gu Dacheng stopped fishing, inserted the fishing rod into the fishing hole, and picked up the scoop net to scoop it up.

Gu Nan was immediately frightened and broke out in a cold sweat: "Dad! Don't move, let me do it!"

This red-billed sturgeon is over 80 centimeters long. How could he pick it up?

Gu Dacheng paused, and the next moment the scoop net in his hand was snatched away by Gu Nan.

Although the red-billed sturgeon had exhausted all its strength, it could still struggle one last time.

The struggle was quite strong, so Gu Nan didn't even need the scoop net himself. He snatched the net and put it aside, then picked up the hook.

He hooked the fish with the noose with one hand, then let go of the fishing rod and used both hands to pull the fish up.

It was not known whether this red-billed sturgeon was slow to react or not. It only reacted after being lifted onto the deck by Gu Nan. It jumped twice on the deck and used Magikarp's ultimate move to leap up!
Gu Dacheng looked resentful, feeling that his son did not trust him.

After all, I have run the seafood store for so long, how can I not be able to grab a fish steadily?
Yi Linfei squatted beside the fish and sighed: "Red-billed sturgeon, I heard that the fish maw of this thing is much more expensive than that of sturgeon."

Gu Nan nodded: "Not only is the fish maw expensive, the fish meat is also much more expensive. Unfortunately, this fish is only 20 to 30 kilograms. We can catch some here every year, so the price is not that high."

Yi Linfei: "Very good, better than nothing."

Gu Dacheng looked at the fish and urged, "Son, why don't you open the fish and see if the bubble gets bigger?"

Gu Nan thought about it and nodded. He basically wouldn't come here to fish, and redmouth guppy maw was relatively rare for him, so he simply kept the fish for himself.

So he took out the fish-killing knife, first brain-crushed the fish, drained the blood, and then used scissors to carefully cut open the fish's belly.

His fish-killing knife was too sharp, and he was afraid that he might accidentally break the isinglass if he used too much force.

If isinglass is broken, it will be worthless and its value will be much lower. I don’t know why.

Because it was caught in the deep sea, the fish's belly was swollen due to the water pressure. When it was opened, a large pure white fish bubble was immediately seen.

Gu Dacheng: "Okay, okay, this fish bubble is really big, it should be worth a lot of money!"

Gu Nan: "Well, I'll put the things up to dry later. I'll see if I can catch a few more in the next few days. When the fish are soaked and dried, I'll share some with grandma and mother-in-law so that they can also replenish their bodies."

Yi Linfei was happy to hear this. He didn't have any idea about isinglass, but he felt comfortable knowing that Gu Nan was thinking about his mother and wife.

Especially since Qiao Xiuqin is a stepmother, her status is already awkward.

Fortunately, Gu Nan did not treat her differently, which made Qiao Xiuqin feel more and more natural when getting along with him. She really regarded him as her son-in-law. (End of this chapter)

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