Chapter 71 Uninvited Guest


early morning.

Lex was sitting at his desk busying himself.

As the manager of a small town chemical plant, Lex is busy.

"Master Lex."

The old butler, in a neat suit, knocked on the door and walked into the desk after receiving permission.

"There is a woman outside the manor who calls herself Amanda Waller and wants to see you. She said she wants to consult you about the Luther Factory."

"Amanda?" Lex frowned, and his originally careless sitting posture became slightly straighter.

As a member of the upper class of free America, Lex had naturally heard of Amanda Waller's name.

"The fat mad dog", "the loyal dog of high officials", "the black glove of the government".

These are all labels on Amanda.

Simple, obedient, and easy to use, these are the reasons why Amanda can reach a high position. Of course, maybe there is a little bit of black skin "magic" added.

However, if you don't have strong strength, you won't even be qualified to be a dog for those officials.

Amanda is such a person. In addition to being loyal to her owners, she is also a good "biter".

And now, this difficult guy has come to the town, which undoubtedly makes Lex feel a little nervous.

Generally speaking, when Ziben wants a person to disappear, he can do it by paying some money and hiring some killers.

But this is not universally applicable to politicians. After all, beating a dog depends on the owner, and Amanda's owners are all in high positions. Eliminating Amanda on a physical level will only turn each other against each other.

Lex said no more and waved his hand to signal the butler to leave.

Not long after the man left, Victoria, wearing a nightgown, walked into the study with a faint smile on her face. She had been eavesdropping outside the house before. It seemed that her ex-boyfriend had hidden many secrets. She said: "You look like You are in trouble, do you need my help?"

Lex smiled at the woman: "Oh, dear, if you can, please help me call Gino down."

Victoria sneered in her heart, but she said with tea talk: "Maybe I can help you with such a small matter, so you don't need to trouble Jino, right?"

Victoria held a grudge against Kino's words that humiliated her in the evening. The woman finally found the opportunity and frantically applied Kino's eye drops in front of Lex.

"I know, but let's call him down."

Lex smiled and blocked what the woman wanted to say.

A shrewd woman knew better than to be in a hurry. She smiled, winked at Lex, then twisted her waist and walked towards her brother-in-law's room.

Watching Victoria leave, the smile on Lex's face disappeared immediately, so fast that even in the blink of an eye.

Lex stared at Victoria's back coldly, gestured with his fingers on the table, and slowly said a short word: "Idiot."

He knew what this woman's true purpose was.

But just as Gino guessed, Lex didn't mind playing with this stupid woman, just treating it as a pastime while building up strength.

But the other party's behavior of slandering Geno still made Lex angry.


It was rare that he slept in but was pulled up from the bed by the cheap guy. Gino played with the kryptonite in his hand and walked down the stairs. He complained dissatisfiedly: "Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Kino, we are in trouble." Lex put his chin on his hands and looked at Kino and said, "Amanda has come to the town and has set her sights on us."

Gino shrugged, sat down at the table opposite Lex, and glanced outside the door, where a black skirt was looming.

He lowered his voice: "Are you worried about the things we hide in the chemical plant?"

"That's right." Lex pursed his lips and said, "This woman is not greedy for money, she is only passionate about power. If she insists on investigating, our plans on this land will be ruined and divided up by the people in the White House."

"No, no one can take away our things." Gino interrupted Lex, holding the side of his face with one hand, looking at the serious Lex with amusement, stretched out his finger and tapped the cheap man: "Say it, Lex, what do you want me to do for you?"

He didn't believe that the scheming Lex would be helpless. Perhaps Lex had already found solutions to hundreds of problems when he learned of Amanda's arrival.

Lex was silent for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his dark green eyes: "Just wait and see what happens."

"If this woman insists on getting to the bottom of it."

He smiled, and the smile was quite strange and cruel: "Then, I will send a small gift to her neck."

on a black Lincoln sedan.

Smelling the incense in the car, Amanda quietly stared at the historic castle not far away through the car window.

As a dog in the White House, Amanda knows the importance of conglomerate giants like the Luther family in the United States.

There is an unspoken line between the chaebols and the powerful, that is, each other will exercise restraint, cooperate and fight with each other.

But the heir to such a behemoth is willing to live in a barren town.

Thinking about the strange murders in the town for a long time, Amanda felt that there was a thick layer of fog in front of her eyes and she couldn't see clearly.

She stretched out her thick tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, like a greedy big toad.

The more mysterious this existence is, the more it stimulates her research thoughts.

What is the secret hidden under the town by the Luther family?
  She couldn't wait to dig in.

She's very good at this.

Politicians are filthy from head to toe.


There was a knock on the car window and the driver lowered the window.

The white-haired old housekeeper of the Luther family was in a suit and leather suit: "Ms. Amanda, the Luther family welcomes you."

"Okay." Amanda smiled, but the gloomy smile also had a hint of scheming. She simply regained her composure, moved her chubby body out of the car, and followed the old housekeeper into the castle.

In the hall.

Several maids have prepared black tea for guests.

The ancestors of the Luther family crossed the ocean from England to the American continent, and the habit of drinking black tea continues to this day.

Looking at the fork and spoon made of gold, Amanda sneered in her heart, these luxurious vampires are really rich.

She struggled to bend her knees and sit on the luxurious sofa. Her bloated figure made the sofa groan in pain, but fortunately it could withstand Amanda's weight.

The fat black woman picked up the tea and took a sip.

Two young men walked out of the hall.

A bald young man with a serious expression and a calm face, and next to him was a young man with blond hair and an ordinary face, but with an air of indifference to everything.

"Ms. Amanda, welcome." Lex said like a qualified businessman, with a bright smile on his face.

But the blond young man beside him sat unceremoniously on the sofa at the other end, without even looking at Amanda.

"Mr. Luther." Amanda looked away and stood up to hold the palm handed to her by Lex: "Nice to meet you."

 Thank you to Mr. Mu Jiangyi for the 100-point reward. Thank you, Mr. Mu.

  PS: Chapter 68 has been modified and Amanda Waller has been introduced. I think the Kryptonite Flower chapter is very boring to write, so you can jump and read it.

  (End of this chapter)

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