This black shadow gradually changes into the appearance of the person he loves. If he is not mentally determined, he may no longer have any attack ability under this effect. After all, the image transformed by this black shadow It's the elusive person buried deep in your heart.

At this moment, even Oscar, whose mind was gradually firming up, felt a little shaken when the changing image of the black shadow completely condensed.

If Ning Rongrong was really not dead, what would it be like now?

The two of them had already expressed their feelings to each other, and were just waiting for the last right moment to be completely together, but Lu Chen's appearance broke everything.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's appearance, how could they have fled to Poseidon Island so quickly? This was completely different from their original plan.

If Lu Chen hadn't suddenly appeared, I'm afraid the seven of them would still be living freely across the continent at this time. With the company of their relatives and friends, how could they have fallen into this situation?

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's image appeared in front of him again, how could he not be moved at all?

After all, this is the person you love deeply in your heart.

In an instant, a familiar figure quickly rushed towards Oscar, calling Oscar affectionately.

It was as if he was the real Ning Rongrong and had never left this world. They were still intimate, not lovers separated by yin and yang.

But Oscar kept his mind firm and was not fooled by the black shadow. But no matter what kind of attack Oscar made on the shadow, the shadow was Ning Rongrong's figure, and Ning Rongrong's face kept telling Oscar.

"Oscar, why did you hurt me?"

"Don't you like me anymore?"

"Why did you attack me as soon as I appeared? Do you really have someone else in your heart?"

"Oscar, look me in the eyes and tell me what you are really thinking?"

At this moment, Oscar was trapped between endless annoyance and self-blame, and did not look at the person opposite him carefully.

If Oscar looks up at this moment, he will find that the eyes of the figure opposite reveal a strange light, as if he can see through people's innermost thoughts, constantly bewitching their hearts, and gradually pulling them into hell. In the beautiful world In the fantasy, he gradually died.

Just at this moment, Oscar gradually condensed into a huge killing character in the sky, and quickly attacked Lu Chen. However, Lu Chen ignored this attack and just swung it back casually.

Then the attack gradually faded into nothingness, as if it had never appeared in the world again. However, at this moment, Oscar did not notice anything unusual, as if he had fallen into his own world.

But at this moment, Oscar didn't notice it at all, as if he was trapped in another space. But Oscar himself didn't think so. From Oscar's sight, the attack kept changing and attacked Lu Chen. Lu Chen Under repeated attacks, he gradually became exhausted and was seriously injured.

I saw Ning Rongrong constantly bewitching Oscar:

"Oscar, what's wrong with you? Why can't you recognize me?"

"Am I no longer the person you like?"

"You know? I was really in pain before! It hurt so much!"

"Oscar, I am trapped here and there is no way out. Can you come and save me?" "Oscar! Oscar! Are you going to give up on me? Why don't you look at me?"

"Can you just bear to let me suffer these injuries?"

As he finished speaking, Ning Rongrong was seen gradually taking off his clothes. There were bruises and dissatisfaction on his body. There was no intact place on his body, as if he had suffered terrible injuries.

As Ning Rongrong's words continued to spread, Oscar finally raised his lowered head and looked towards Ning Rongrong.

I saw that Ning Rongrong's originally snow-white skin was covered with countless scars at this moment. It no longer had the same feeling as before, and her elegant and noble temperament gradually became loose.

The originally flowing long hair gradually became shabby at this moment, as if it had not been taken care of in any way. She was no longer the little girl who loved cleanliness and valued her appearance very much.

The originally well-proportioned body gradually became thinner at this moment, as if it had been subjected to inhuman abuse, and the originally plump lips gradually became dry and cracked at this moment.

She originally looked like a highly educated aristocratic girl, but now she has turned into a poor beggar on the street.

The originally green and soft eyes gradually became relaxed at this moment, and no longer had the squeamishness before, as if the girl who had been raised by everyone had transformed into another person.

Seeing Ning Rongrong in this state, Oscar, who had been patient for the first time before, suddenly burst into tears from his eyes, like pearls with broken strings, pattering down to the ground.

Oscar couldn't imagine what kind of persecution his beloved girl had suffered to become like this.

At this moment, Oscar's heart felt like it was being cut continuously by a very blunt knife, which made people feel very painful, but there was no way to achieve happiness.

At this moment, Oscar had fallen into fantasy and no longer had any sense. Faced with Ning Rongrong's words of complaint to him, his heart was filled with anger.

He wanted to kill Lu Chen immediately, but then Lu Chen suddenly appeared in front of Oscar. At this time, Oscar saw the Lu Chen who had caused such harm to his lover and tortured all his other friends to death. , The anger in my heart kept surging, and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

At this time, Oscar's face gradually became distorted, his heart was filled with anger, and he no longer had any sense.

However, the next moment, Oscar's face suddenly became calm, and he said to Ning Rongrong with a smile:

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you and will never let you suffer such humiliation!"

"Rongrong, you should be this free woman standing between heaven and earth. You should not be a person trapped here and suffering all kinds of harm."

"Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you and avenge you with my own hands!"

As soon as the words fell, Oscar rushed towards Lu Chen quickly.

Suddenly, a golden blade appeared in Oscar's hand, and the golden profit gradually transformed into countless golden dragons. Suddenly, the sound of dragon roars filled the world.

These dragon roars seemed to be filled with endless anger and pain, as if they wanted to tear the person opposite them completely to pieces, and then dissipate between the heaven and the earth, without any existence anymore.

From now on, no one can be an obstacle to him! (End of chapter)

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