Chapter 211 The first group failed

"There are grenades! Take cover!"

The commanding veteran yelled and immediately threw himself to one side to avoid it.

Otherwise, all the elites from each brigade came to participate in the East China Sea Feilong assessment.

The three veterans all had a few brushes, so they just found a bunker and hid.

At the same time, he also took this opportunity to raise his gun and kill an enemy.

However, after an enemy was killed on the opposite side, many more enemies appeared from nowhere.

With a number far exceeding their number, more than a dozen grenades were thrown towards them.

In an indoor environment, especially at such a close range, one grenade is usually enough.

This time, more than ten pieces were produced. How can we play with it?

The grenade was a training bomb, which glowed and made a sound. What exploded was not steel balls, but red paint.

The bodies of the three veterans were directly blasted with red paint everywhere.

"The first set of missions failed."

Instructor Cui's voice accurately reached the ears of the three veterans through the street radio.

"Fuck! There's no way a human can pass this!"

"We are just given a rifle, and there are no other throwing objects. What are we going to do? If we get stuck, a large group of people will rush over."

The veteran who took the command was so angry that he kicked the cabinet where he was hiding.

"Just practice more. You three are not very good at it. Go back and practice and try again next year."

A veteran of the Donghai Feilong Reserve Team 2 came out from behind the bunker and joked.

These words undoubtedly made matters worse. If there were obviously more people than the three of them, he would have gone up and beaten them up.

The three people in the first group could only walk out of the exit with their heads lowered.

The veterans who had been waiting outside immediately gathered around and asked curiously:

"What happened? Why did you lose? The time has not come yet?"

They wanted to know what was going on inside from the mouths of the three members of the first team, so that they would be prepared when it was their turn to play.

In fact, this first team had very bad luck, and it was a bit like being a guinea pig exploring the road.

"Don't mention it! We just touched the third building and encountered a counterattack from that group of enemies."

"They just threw more than ten fucking grenades over there. They threw more than ten grenades in such a small place. I really don't know what these people are thinking about. I'm going to be so angry."

The three veterans in the first group looked a little crazy.

Who knows the assessment can still be done like this.

In fact, they briefly summarized that it would be much better if three people acted together at the beginning.

You might be able to kill the enemy directly as soon as you encounter him.

But the problem is that there will definitely not be enough time.

This is a dead end!

"So are there any tips or anything you can tell us about?"

A veteran asked impatiently.


"Our suggestion is to go in a group and never go alone. Even if you don't have enough time in the end, don't go alone, otherwise you will be trapped."

The three veterans in the first group did not hide anything secretly, but said what they summarized.

The other 16 groups of veterans were thoughtful.

"Lao Wang, what should I say? It seems very challenging."

Qian Ze looked excited. His adaptability was excellent, and now he was slowly beginning to enjoy the excitement of being eliminated at any time during the assessment process.

The constant tension and sense of crisis fascinated him.

"What else can we do? Let's do it normally. Let's look at it. The third person in our group will take the field." Wang Chen shook his head indifferently.

CQB is what he is good at. Even if Qian Ze and another veteran are killed in battle, he can still complete the mission alone.

In other words, Qian Ze and another veteran choose themselves as teammates, and he can help them advance.

"Get ready for the next group!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, although we have recruited a little more people this year, there are twenty people."

"But! This does not mean that if you are eliminated, you will still choose you. If you are eliminated, you will be eliminated. Even if no one can pass the assessment, there will be no recruitment this year. So I advise you to put aside some unrealistic ideas. Concentrate on the assessment.”

Instructor Cui's voice reached the ears of every veteran present through the radio.

Originally, several groups of veterans who were ranked at the back of the assessment were still dreaming about being promoted directly if there were not enough people, but now they found that they were overthinking it.

The three people in the second team were quickly ready and came to the entrance waiting for instructor Cui to call start.

"Oh, these three are brothers from the second battalion. They seem to have very good military qualities."

The veteran of the first company in the team recognized these three people and whispered.

"You can tell from the camouflage uniforms that they are from our brigade."

Qian Ze also became interested and focused on the backs of the three of them.

"Start the assessment."

Instructor Cui's voice came over the radio.

The three men immediately moved forward in an orderly combat team.

Perhaps after listening to the failure summary of the previous group, the three of them did not disperse. Facing the open shops on both sides of the road, they also inspected one after another.

The inspection speed is very fast. Basically, it is to confirm whether there are any enemies inside. If not, go directly to the next building.

The whole process went smoothly. It was obviously not the first time that they had done this. I am afraid that the three of them should have had relevant training before taking the assessment.

The three of them checked into the shop where the previous group encountered the enemy.

After a brief check and finding that there were no enemies, he immediately moved to the next building.

As soon as he entered the next building, he was immediately greeted by enemy fire.

The three veterans also fired calmly and orderly to suppress fire and break through.

After a while, all the enemies in this building were successfully eliminated.

"Let's see how long the time is."

The leader of the veterans asked.

"Ten minutes left."

"Ten minutes? That should be enough time. There are still the last two buildings left. Let's search carefully. The hostages are likely to be hidden in the last two buildings."

The commanding veteran nodded.

Then the three of them headed to the next two buildings without stopping.

It took almost three minutes to clear out the enemies in the first building.

There were a lot of enemies in the last building and it took almost five minutes.

They had two minutes left to rescue the hostages.

"Okay, hurry up, find the hostage and take him away and we will pass."

"It seems like this test isn't too difficult. The previous team failed. It's just because they didn't practice enough. There's no way they can act separately."

The veteran in charge muttered.

Normally, if Sansan builds a combat team, there won't be any problems. Even if they encounter an enemy, they won't be in a frozen state. If the enemy reacts and throws grenades, they have already lost.

(End of this chapter)

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