Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 271 Technology is not enough for martial arts

Chapter 271 Technology is not enough for martial arts
And even if it takes decades like the Voyager, what will happen if it leaves the solar system!
Once upon a time, astronomers believed that the Milky Way was the entire universe. However, through the research of Hubble and others, they discovered that there are rivers outside the river, and there are galaxies outside the system. The Milky Way where the Blue Star is located is just one of the thousands of galaxies in the universe.

The Milky Way will also "huddle together" to form galaxy groups or galaxy clusters. The former is small in scale, and the latter is large in scale. In layman's terms, they are small groups and large groups.

There are more than fifty galaxies in the Local Galaxy Group where the Milky Way is located. They belong to a small group. Each member has equal membership level, and the Milky Way is just one of the members.

Therefore, after leaving the Milky Way, the next destination is the Local Group of Galaxies.

Just like the revolution of the sun, the Milky Way cannot remain stationary forever. It also moves, but no matter how it moves, it cannot escape the local galaxy group.

Astronomers do not have a clear answer to what kind of force the galaxy group relies on to gather together. It may be a more massive galaxy or the legendary dark matter, but it is certain that they are moving. .

But no matter how they move, the major galaxies cannot leave the group they are in, as if they are each the group leader, so they cannot be kicked out of the group.

And if you want to escape from this group of rotating galaxies, the speed required is naturally faster than the speed of escaping from the Milky Way.

It's just that the speed of the fifth universe is more difficult to calculate than the speed of the fourth universe. It can only be estimated to be between about 1,500 and 2,200 kilometers per second. Obviously, this speed is already 100 times the speed of the universe reached by humans. More than times.

Even if it really reaches this speed, it will still be difficult to fly over the Local Group of Galaxies, because the diameter of the Local Group of Galaxies is much larger than the 100,000 light-years of the Milky Way. Preliminary estimates are at least 500 to 10 million light-years. between, so even if we leave at this speed, it will take more than a billion years to start.

The diameter of a supercluster is between 100 and 200 million light years, and the radius of the universe is 46 billion light years. It is obvious that many superclusters are crammed into the universe.

If you want to leave this system, the speed of the fifth universe is completely insufficient, and you need a higher and faster speed to leave the super galaxy cluster.

Superclusters are currently the largest celestial system in the universe. Leaving it basically means entering the empty space of the universe, that is, the gaps between superclusters.

Many astronomers believe that this cosmic speed does not necessarily exist because they cannot completely leave the local supergalactic group. Some even believe that humans will never catch up with the boundary of the universe.

However, although the speed of the fifth universe is already very fast, it is still far from the point where one can rely on this speed to fly out of the universe, because there are systems in the universe that are more advanced than the local galaxy group, such as at the basis of the galaxy group. On top of that, there are also superclusters of galaxies.

After all, this fifth universe exists more as a theory, used to explore the movement speed of galaxies, and to find and calculate the movement trajectories and speeds of galaxies.

The name of the supercluster where the blue star is located is called the Virgo Supercluster. Of course, it can also be called the Local Supercluster.

So obviously, this cannot be accomplished by the current Blue Star civilization, and we will not be able to reach this standard even by the end of this century.

The universe is expanding. This is the consensus of many Utopian scientists, but few scientists can accurately say the speed of its expansion.

If the expansion speed of the universe is faster than the speed of light, then even light cannot catch up with the boundary of the universe. Human beings mainly use electromagnetic waves to explore the universe, and light is also an electromagnetic wave.

Electromagnetic waves cannot reach the real universe, so the universe seen and received by Blue Star humans is all in the past tense. It is unknown how many years it took for the cosmic information it obtained to reach Blue Star. The celestial body that was launched may have long been gone.

This sounds very sad, as if people can never keep up with the heat. The information we get is all first-hand information, which may be true, but it is definitely not real-time.

From the third to the sixth speed, it seems that there are only three numbers in between, but in fact, there are at least three levels of civilizations separated, so the Blue Star humans who have already stepped out of the Blue Star are actually on the road. There is still a long way to go.

For example, the savior system in Liu Xiu's body may have been created by a civilization that can surpass the speed of the sixth universe.

But just when Liu Xiu was looking at the starry sky outside the window through the glass window of the space station and his thoughts were whirling, Wu Wanli's voice interrupted Liu Xiu's thinking.

Wu Wanli said to Liu Xiu:
"Captain, we have exceeded the second cosmic speed and entered the planned orbit to Mars. The pulse engines have been extinguished. Are we now entering hibernation as planned?"

After Liu Xiu heard Wu Wanli's words, he nodded and said to Wu Wanli:

"You arrange it according to the plan! I won't ask any more questions. Don't forget that you are also the deputy captain now, and you will be the leader of the Mars base when it is established! So you have to make your own decisions about many things in the future!"

Regarding Liu Xiu's words, Wu Wanli nodded and arranged for the personnel in the space station to go to sleep.

That's right, in order to reduce the food and oxygen consumption of the twenty team members who landed on Mars, Liu Xiu specially borrowed the tips of Turtle Breath Kung Fu to come up with a technique similar to the hibernation of bears and other animals. This breath control technique Although this method cannot increase attack power, it can make people fall into a deep sleep like hibernating animals.

Because he borrowed the Turtle Breath Kung Fu, Liu Xiu called it the Hibernating Turtle Breath Kung Fu.

Of course, this hibernating turtle breathing technique also has the effect of prolonging life, but the biggest advantage of this technique is that it can allow the practitioner to enter a state of hibernation like a bear and other animals. It only consumes its own fat and can make its body healthy. Life can last up to four or five months, or even six or seven months without death.

The heartbeat will also be reduced to one-tenth like a hibernating bear, only two to eight times per minute, as a minimum guarantee of life, and breathing will also be reduced from six to ten times per minute, directly to one minute. Once or twice.

It's just a pity that even though Liu Xiu has worked very hard to simplify the hibernation turtle breath technique created by Liu Xiu, only those who can successfully master such a technique and put themselves into hibernation can only reach the dark level. Only people with a high Jin level can master this technique.

There is no way this technique requires too much control over the body, so only masters of Anjin who have successfully mastered the closing of their own pores can meet this requirement.

The reason why Liu Xiu wanted to do this technique was because he had no choice but to do it. In fact, Liu Xiu originally wanted to learn the kind of sleep cabin in other interstellar movies to help astronauts enter a dormant state to reduce consumption.

However, it is a pity that a lot of investment was spent, but the effect was basically non-existent. The mice, monkeys and other animals used in the experiment died batch after batch, but the final result was that there was no progress at all. , and if you want to learn from it for free, it is a pity that Mizuo has not even established a project for research in this area at this time.

So in the end Liu Xiu had no choice but to find another way. Since technology was not good enough, he used martial arts to make up for it, and the final result was naturally the Hibernating Turtle Breathing Kung Fu. Although the learning requirements are demanding, it is better than nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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