Daming: The Sims, Lao Zhu’s mentality collapsed

Chapter 19 The honeymoon period between Zhu Di and Zhu Ji

Chapter 19 The honeymoon period between Zhu Di and Zhu Ji

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Ah? Have I, as a father, been so derelict in my duties?"

So far in the simulation, Zhu Di seems to be a person without a childhood, or in other words, he might as well not have had a childhood at all.

This is too tragic.

There is no harm without comparison. They are both born to the same father. Zhu Biao and Zhu Di were treated very differently since childhood.

But in Lao Zhu's view, this is a matter of course.

Zhu Biao has been a direct descendant since ancient times, and Zhu Biao has taken advantage of both. Plus he is up to date, so he will naturally be the pride of heaven in the eyes of everyone. Zhu Di was even more miserable. He had nothing to do with his direct descendants or elders, and was at a disadvantage from the moment he was born.

It's no wonder that his ideas are more radical, but how did this boy and Lao Wu get together?

[One day in the second year of Hongwu, after you finished your homework at Baihu Hall, you suddenly wanted to take a walk around Xuanwu Lake. 】

[As far as you know, Lao Wu comes to Xuanwu Lake as often as he goes to the Qinhuai River to visit the brothels. This is his favorite place for fishing. 】

[You came to Xuanwu Lake for a walk, but you didn't find Lao Wu, which made you a little disappointed. Just when you were about to leave, you turned around and found a child standing behind you, it was Wu Wang Zhu Ru. 】

[This child is quite handsome, with a face as white as jade, red lips and white teeth, as delicate as a porcelain doll. He holds an apple in his hand and looks at you while chewing: "What are you looking at?"]

[You responded subconsciously: "Looking at you." But you regretted it after saying this. What you said was too provocative. If he annoys the other party and starts a fight with him, even if the trouble ends up with Lao Zhu, he will not be responsible for it. What's more, he is still the legitimate son, and his status is already much more noble than his own. 】

[But Zhu Xi was not angry, he just took a bite of the apple and muttered: "Just take a look, why are you shouting so loudly?" He picked up the fishing rod, turned around and ran away to fish. 】

[You froze in place for a while, hesitated for a long time, then walked over and asked arrogantly: "Do you know how to fish? Please ask me and I will teach you." Zhu Ru looked at you as if you were a fool, seriously I suspect you are mentally ill. 】

[You inexplicably got together with Lao Wu. From then on, there were two princes visiting the brothels on the Qinhuai River. There were always two empty seats in the classroom of Baihu Hall, and there was always a pair of brothers fishing side by side in Xuanwu Lake...]

[You feel that your empty heart has become very full after getting acquainted with Zhu Zhu. You have someone to rely on, and you are no longer lonely from now on. 】

[And as time went by, your relationship with Lao Wu became closer and closer. It was only then that you realized that you had underestimated this younger brother. 】

[His strategies and calculations are all above par. He predicts future changes in the situation in the DPRK and China. They will all happen one by one in a few years. There is nothing he cannot guess. However, in the eyes of others, he is a person who only knows The idle king who is dawdling around. This kind of hidden and almost predictable city makes you gradually admire Lao Wu more and more. 】

[After receiving the advice from Lao Wu, you are in a comfortable position in the court. You maintain a seemingly close but actually distant relationship with everyone. You take advantage of all the good things, but never get the bad things. 】

[Even Lao Zhu and the prince look upon you with special eyes, thinking that you are exceptionally talented. But only you know that your achievements today are purely due to Lao Wu. But you dare not tell the truth, because once you confess, other people's praise of you will immediately be transferred to King Wu. 】

[This also makes you feel guilty. You are living a good life, but Lao Wu is still not famous. Although you know that the other party doesn't care about this at all, you still feel that you are too selfish and owe Lao Wu too much. 】

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Is this happening?
  Lao Wu, tsk, this kid is really capable.

Zhu Yuanzhang scratched his head: "What a great old man, why didn't we realize that this kid is so noble before?"

[The appearance of Lao Wu will illuminate your previously gloomy life with sunshine. ]     【But the good times did not last long. 】

[You are getting married. Not only you, but also the fifth child is getting married. 】

[This was originally a very festive event, but you are not happy. 】

[You two brothers are marrying the sisters of the Duke of Wei. Seeing that you two brothers hang out together all day long, it’s like you are wearing the same pair of pants, so he decided to set the same day for you two to get married. 】

[On the wedding day, there were like a dragon of guests, but you didn’t see Lao Wu among the crowd. You didn’t need to think about it to know that the other party was also busy receiving guests. 】

[On the wedding night, you look at your lovely wife wearing a red hijab, but your heart becomes increasingly empty. When you were about to have sex, as the saying goes, a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, but you suddenly stopped. 】

[The bride, Mrs. Xu, was very puzzled by this. After much hesitation, you said, "I'm sorry, please stay alone in the room tonight. I'll go talk to Lao Wu for a while." After saying that, you picked up your pants and ran away. , leaving the bride alone and dumbfounded. 】

[How could someone not touch the bride on the night of the wedding, but go find another man to chat with! 】

[When you arrived at Prince Wu's Mansion, you called out Lao Wu who was also in the bridal chamber. Lao Wu came out and cursed at others without even wearing any trousers. You had never seen the always elegant and easy-going Lao Wu be so rude, and you couldn't help but giggle. 】

[On the night of your wedding, the two of you sat by Xuanwu Lake and fished all night. Although you didn't talk much, you could feel that your relationship with each other was so close that it was as if you were connected by blood. 】

[You feel very proud. Is there anyone in this world who has a better relationship with Lao Wu than you? 】

Zhu Yuanzhang raised his forehead and said: "Indeed, no one is like you. Instead of consummating the marriage with the bride on the big day, you go and get another groom out of the bridal chamber. You are so mean!"

The two brides were dumbfounded, probably doubting whether their husbands were as good as Long Yang, otherwise how could they "elope" with another man on the wedding day.

But it can be seen from this that the relationship between Zhu Di and Zhu Ji has surpassed the understanding of the world.

Although their identities don't seem to be very connected, one is the legitimate son and the other is the concubine. Since ancient times, the relationship between the legitimate son and the concubine has not been much better...

Zhu Di values ​​fame and fortune, but Zhu Chu is indifferent to fame and fortune.

Although the relationship between the two people was not good from any point of view, they hooked up together. Later, the two people even hooked up and rebelled together.

But when he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang sighed: "After the fourth son ascends the throne, can you two brothers maintain such a close relationship?"

Based on his understanding of human nature, when Zhu Di ascended the throne, the relationship between the two brothers was shattered.

When Zhu Di became emperor, he was no longer the heroic King of Yan. He had to be the ruthless, cruel and ruthless Emperor Yongle!
  And would he still be so reassured about Zhu Rui, who also had a bad record of rebellion and was even the first contributor to Jingnan?
  You know, Lao Wu is also named Zhu, and besides, he is still a vassal king.

Can Zhu Di, an emperor with a rebel background, trust another vassal?

Once suspicion arises, a crime is established.

From the emperor's point of view, all of Zhu Xi's resumes are heinous crimes!

(End of this chapter)

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