Daming: The Sims, Lao Zhu’s mentality collapsed

Chapter 42 "Treaty of Mingwa"

Chapter 42 "Treaty of Mingwa"

[After saving Beijing, you did not slack off. Instead, you personally led the troops in the Northern Expedition, chasing from Juyongguan all the way to Hulanhu, Mobei! 】

[Grand Master Wala also never expected that not only did he fail to conquer the Ming Dynasty in this battle, but he was beaten and fled in embarrassment, and was hunted down to his hometown in Mobei. 】

[Seeing that the Ming army became more and more courageous in pursuit, driving the Wala to the point where Hulan suddenly became hypothermic, they were still chasing in the direction of Yuerhai, and they looked as if they would never give up until the Wala was destroyed. Anxious. 】

[This is almost the end of the fishing sea. If we retreat, we have no choice but to flee to Moscow, and we don’t want to raise horses in the snow first! 】

[Not only was Ye Xian unwilling to raise horses in the snow, but the captured Emperor Zhu Qizhen was also unwilling. After learning about Wala's current situation, Zhu Qizhen gave Wala a bad idea: "The Grand Master can use me as the Supreme Emperor as a threat to force the Ming Dynasty to withdraw its troops!"]

[I first thought that this was a good idea, and decisively sent an envoy to negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty. 】

[When meeting the Wala envoy, everyone in the Ming military camp was silent. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty took the lead in treason. What kind of thing is this? 】

[You ask the Oara envoy to send a message to Ye first, saying that Ming Dynasty can withdraw its troops, but the premise is that Oara needs to sign a treaty with Ming Dynasty. He was overjoyed after receiving the response first. At this time, let alone signing a treaty, he was willing to sign even 10,000 contracts! 】

[But when I first saw the treaty written by you personally, I couldn’t laugh anymore. 】

[Article 1 of the "Mingwa Treaty": Wala must surrender to the Ming Dynasty. From then on, it will become a subsidiary force of the Ming Dynasty and cannot establish a country. Wala must recognize the entire territory of Mobei as part of the Ming Dynasty's territory. In return, Ming Dynasty could confer the title of King of Oara County first. 】

[Article 2: Wala needs to offer 1,000 high-grade horses, 2,000 medium-grade horses, and 3,000 low-grade horses to the Ming Dynasty every year; 12,000 sheep, cattle, camels and other livestock are offered to the Ming Dynasty every year; Wala needs to offer tribute to the Ming Dynasty every year. Eight thousand pieces of cattle and sheep skins are offered to the public every year, and they are not allowed to be used indiscriminately...]

[Article 3: Wala can only retain an armed force of 3,000 people for self-defense, and may not possess more armor and equipment than specified...]

[Article 4: Wala is not allowed to obtain salt, iron, tea and other resources through any channels, and can only purchase them from Daming at a high price...]

[Article 5: Designate Hulanhuwenwen as the Ming Dynasty Ambassador’s Palace, allow the Ming Dynasty to station troops for protection, and prohibit the Oara people from living in the boundary...]

[Article 6: Demolish all defensive buildings in Oala from the Great Wall to Hanhai, and allow the Ming army to be stationed in Hanhai and other important places...]

[Article 7: Oara must ensure that tribesmen are strictly prohibited from making "dangerous speeches against the Ming Dynasty". Ye Xian and the future Oara County King must promote "Long Live the Ming Dynasty" and other remarks to maintain the good relationship between the Ming Dynasty and Oara during their term of office...]

[Article 8: The Ming Dynasty believes that any amendments to each trade charter or other trade matters that should be handled are allowed to be discussed...]

[Article 9: Oara needs to establish a diplomatic post, and the officials in the office should be officials from the Ming Dynasty. When the king of Oara is in power, he needs to consult the diplomatic office...]

[Article 10: Wala needs to compile a detailed list of government affairs and report to the Ming Dynasty every year, and must use the Ming Dynasty number...]

[Article 11: Officials and civilians in Ola are prohibited from using Mongolian and must use Chinese. Anyone found to have violated this regulation must be executed...]

[Article 12: Wala allowed the Jinyi Guards of the Ming Dynasty to station and set up a government office to supervise Wala's compliance with the treaty...]

[The Twelve Articles are only the limits for Xianxianxun, not the limits of the "Mingwa Treaty". In addition to the above content, there are also: "Wala needed to execute twenty-five senior officers involved in launching the anti-Ming war, and more than 100 generals below the commander of Wala were executed and dismissed...". 】

[Another article is that "Ola officials and generals must immediately suppress and punish anti-Ming incidents that occur within their jurisdiction, otherwise they will be dismissed from their posts and will never be used again. All punishment provisions must be conspicuously dealt with by all tribes within the jurisdiction of the Ola The notice was posted for two years..." ] ˆ ˆ ˆ [Not only that, Wala also needs to sincerely apologize to the Ming Dynasty. There is a rule: "Wala needs to stay in the Hanhai, Hulanhu, Langjuxu, Yuyuerhai, etc. The 'Monuments of One Hundred Sins of the Grassland' were built in sixteen places to allow the grassland peoples to repent for the sins they committed against the Ming Dynasty..."]

[The "Mingwa Treaty" contains numerous white clauses that are mind-numbing, and can be called the most demanding peace negotiation terms in history. Compared with this "Mingwa Treaty", the peace terms signed by the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Kingdom were not worth mentioning at all. 】

[Grand Master Wala also felt that if he really signed this treaty that was humiliating and humiliating his country, he would become the biggest sinner in the grassland in the past few years. Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan and other ancestors would have to jump out of the earth and strangle him to death. . 】

[Ye Xian would rather die than sign a treaty. He once again moved out to Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen to force Ming Dynasty to revise the treaty. 】

[But this time, you didn't care at all, saying: If Oala dares to touch the Emperor's hair, the Ming army will ruthlessly crush Oala to the ground. After the death of an emperor in the Ming Dynasty, there was still another emperor in the family, but if the Wala clan was exterminated, there would be nothing left. 】

[Seeing that Ming Dynasty had such a strong attitude, he signed the humiliating "Mingwa Treaty" with tears. 】

[After getting the perfect result you wanted, you led the army to retreat with satisfaction and spared Wala's life. 】

[As for the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen, he still stayed in Mobei. In the treaty signed by Wala, he bowed to the Ming Dynasty and responded to every request, and you did not humiliate the other party politely. Only the content about the Supreme Emperor, you did not mention a word. 】

[You have no intention of letting this beast go back at all. 】

[The Jingtai Emperor Zhu Qiyu who has just ascended the throne is really easy to use. He is respectful and honest to you. He is 10,000 times better than the evil beast Zhu Qizhen! 】

[As for Zhu Qizhen, just stay on the grassland and raise horses. It will be a disaster to take them back. 】

[In the first year of Jingtai, the class teacher returned to the court. 】

Lao Zhu couldn't help but reveal the kind smile of his ancestors.

To be able to come up with such strange things as the "Mingwa Treaty", it can only be said that Zhu Youyu is worthy of being Zhu Xi's son, and he has perfectly inherited his father's ruthlessness, suffocation and oppression towards his enemies.

Who else could make such a deformed treaty?

If the Southern Song Dynasty wanted to sign such a treaty with the Jin State, Yue Fei would have killed the Jin State even if he resisted, and then turned around and killed the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, an embarrassing and conspicuous bastard.

Such a treaty that is humiliating and humiliating the country is an outrage for both humans and gods, but as long as Ming Dynasty is not the victim but the perpetrator, then Lao Zhu will definitely support it with both hands.

What a cool plot this is, Lao Zhu was brought to climax even at his age!
  The emperor of Wu, Zhu Ji, and the regent of Zhou, Zhu Youyu, are the two simulated descendants and grandsons, Lao Zhu, who are becoming more and more pleasing to the eye.

This is my great son of Ming Dynasty!

As for what kind of shame Zhu Qizhen is, Lao Zhu has deleted it from the family tree by default.

(End of this chapter)

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